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1、 Proverbs About Animals a wolf in sheeps clothing 披着羊皮的狼披着羊皮的狼a black sheep 害群之马害群之马a lost sheep 迷途羔羊迷途羔羊A cat in gloves catches no mice.带手套的猫捉不到耗子带手套的猫捉不到耗子copy cat 盲目的模仿盲目的模仿make a horse laugh 极其可笑极其可笑 让人笑掉大牙让人笑掉大牙make a cat speak 令人惊讶令人惊讶 事情太出奇事情太出奇It rains cats and dogs. 瓢泼大雨瓢泼大雨let the cat out

2、of the bag 泄露秘密泄露秘密The cat shuts its eyes when stealing cream 掩耳盗铃掩耳盗铃see how the cat jumps 看风使舵看风使舵, 随机应变随机应变- wait for the cat to jump When the cats away, the mice will play .山中无老虎山中无老虎 猴子称霸王猴子称霸王 eat like a bird吃东西像鸟一样地少吃东西像鸟一样地少as strong as an ox壮得像公牛一样壮得像公牛一样drink like a fish酒鬼酒鬼make a pig of o

3、neself at dinner晚饭吃的很多晚饭吃的很多Hes a carbon copy of his twin brother.他和孪生兄弟长得他和孪生兄弟长得_。 一模一样一模一样Men who stay fit can lower their risk of dying from a heart condition by 30 percent as compared withthose who are out of shape.与与_的男性的男性相比,身体素质好的男相比,身体素质好的男性死于心脏病的机率低性死于心脏病的机率低30%。身体状态不佳身体状态不佳He founded the

4、company with a group of like-minded people.他在与一群他在与一群_的人共同的人共同创办了这个公司。创办了这个公司。志向相同志向相同Its not good news - our profits took a real_in the last couple of months. In fact theyre down about 50 percent from the same time last year.这可不是什么好消息。这几个月来我们的盈利这可不是什么好消息。这几个月来我们的盈利确实和去年同期相比确实和去年同期相比_了几乎百分之五了几乎百分之五十。十。nose dive 直线下降直线下降Taking the exam is one thing but passing it is a horse of a different color.考试是一回事,而通过考试又是考试是一回事,而通过考试又是_。另一回事另一回事Im not used to hanging out with the big shots. It made me feel like a fish out of water.我不习惯跟大人物混在一起,我不习惯跟大人物混在一起,_。感觉格格不入感觉格格不入



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