高中英语 Module2 Grammar课件 外研版选修6.ppt

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1、分词主要是指现在分词和过去分词两种。分词分词主要是指现在分词和过去分词两种。分词做状语主要有以下几种形式:做状语主要有以下几种形式: 1.如果分词和句中的主语是主动的关系,则用如果分词和句中的主语是主动的关系,则用现在分词形式现在分词形式 A.如果现在分词表示的动作和谓语表示的动作如果现在分词表示的动作和谓语表示的动作或状态是同时发生的或几乎同时发生:或状态是同时发生的或几乎同时发生:Doing sth, sb/sth. Walking down the street, she saw a big building. B. 如果分词所表示的动作完成之后,谓如果分词所表示的动作完成之后,谓语动词

2、所表示的动作才发生,则现在分语动词所表示的动作才发生,则现在分词需用完成形式词需用完成形式 :Having done sth, sb/sth Having already seen the film twice, she did not want to go to the cinema. C. 否定形式,在分词前加否定形式,在分词前加NOT:Not doing sth, sb/sth Not knowing her address, we could not get in touch with her. Not having done sth, sb/sth Not having receiv

3、ed an answer, he decided to write another letter to them.2.如果分词和句中的主语是被动的关系,如果分词和句中的主语是被动的关系,则用过去分词形式则用过去分词形式.A. Done, sb/sth Encouraged by these successes, they decided to work even harder.B. Having been done, sb/sth Having been given enough attention, the trees grow very well C. Not done, sb/sth N

4、ot followed by any spies, 007 felt relieved. Not having been done, sb/sth Not having been told when to start, he came late 分分词词做做状状语语,要要特特别别注注意意,分分词词所所表表示示的的必必须须是是主主语语的的一一个个动动作作或或状状态态,也也就就是是说说,分分词词的的意意义义上上的的主主语语必必须须和和谓谓语语动动词词的的主主语语是是一一致致的的。试试比比较下面的句子:较下面的句子:1Walking through the park, we saw a lot of

5、 pigeons.2. Walking through the park, the pigeons looked very beautiful. 3. Seen from the top of the mountain, the village looks like a small box4. Seen from the top of the mountain, we find the village look like a small box. 现在分词做状语现在分词做状语: The ing form used as an adverbial, which is used to talk a

6、bout actions that happen around the same time as the main verb. A. Indicating TIME Flying over the Channel, Allen saw the waves below.(When he was flying ) Entering my house, I found a lot of books lying on the floor.(As soon as I entered the house) Note :If you have already done sth before the main

7、 verb, the present perfect has to be used.Having made full preparations, we are ready for the coming exams.(After we have made,)Having bought three tickets, I invited my students to the play.(After I had bought)B. Indicating REASONBeing ill seriously last week, he stayed in hospital for a week.(Sinc

8、e he was ill last week,)Not knowing where to go, he wandered along the streets.( Since he didnt know ,)She sent a letter to her father, hoping to get his support.( because she hoped to get his support.) C. Indicating ATTENDANT CIRCUMATANCE(伴随)(伴随)1. The rooster pecked at the glittering stone, thinki

9、ng that it might be useful to someone else.2. Blackie ran over to the window, barking and wagging his tail.3. The children walked along the West Lake, talking and laughing. D. Indicating MANNER(方式)(方式)1. Three times the villagers came running to the shepherd boy.2. On hearing the news, he rushed out

10、 in a hurry, falling flat on the ground.3. The boy played truant (逃逃学学),hitchhiking 1000 miles from England to France.E. Indicating PURPOSE1. I talked to John for three hours, trying to persuade him to give up his plan. (in order to)2. We asked some scientists and looked up the dictionaries, searchi

11、ng for a correct answer to our question.(in order to) F. Indicating CONDIION1. Going straight down the road, you will find the post office. You cant miss it. (if)2. Working hard, youll succeed. (if) 以以上上状状语语结结构构的的否否定定形形式式都都在在-ing 分分词词前前加加not。1. Not hearing the bell, the naughty boy dashed out of the

12、 classroom.2. Not realizing what happened, the mother burst out crying. Conj.+-ing (present participle) as an adverbialwhen, while, before, after, since +-ing as an adverbial to express time1. When meeting foreign guests, he always feels uneasy .= (When he meets,)2. While eating supper, I often watc

13、h English news.= (When I eat ,)3. After doing his homework, Tom went out to play football with his friends. =(After he did,)4. Since leaving school, Ive never seen some of my university classmates.= (Since I left ,) Complete the sentences from the passage with the words below.putting pushing keeping

14、 watching1. Still _. Will saw the cat behave strangely.2. _ down his shopping bag will held out his hand.3. He crossed the road. _ his eyes on the place where the cat had vanished.4. _ his shopping bag through, he climbed through the hole.Pushing watchingPuttingKeeping Match the two parts of the sen

15、tences. 1. Leaping into the air.2. Shouting angrily.3. The boy walked through the silent streets.4. Picking up the knife.5. The bear came out of the bushes.A. making a loud noise and showing its teethB. the man waved his sword at the stranger.C. the boy looked at it carefullyD. listening for the sou

16、nd of human voicesE. the witch vanished Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs below. put look see turn hold1. The cat leapt back, _ its tail high.2. _ out a paw, the cat patted the air in front of her.3. _ away, the cat approached him.4. The cat stopped, _ at something invisible

17、to Will.looking holdingPuttingTurning Complete the passage. Last weekend I walked into our local bookshop, (1)_ to find a copy of Philip Pullmans His Dark Materials. All my friends (2)_ read it and I wanted to know (3)_ found it (4)_ easily. (5)_ a No. 88 bus coming along the road, I decided to take

18、 it, (6)_ it was quite a long walk home.hopinghadwhysoSeeingas(7)_ on the bus, I was surprised to see an old friend of (8)_. We started talking and I (9)_ realized that we had arrived at my stop. (10)_ up, I cried, “Please wait! This is my stop!” I (11)_ off the bus in time and smiled happily. Then,

19、 suddenly (12)_ I had left my books behind on the bus, I (13)_, “Stop, please!” But it was (14)_ late. The bus had gone away, (15)_ my books with it.RidingminesuddenlyJumpinggotrealizingshoutedtootakingComplete these sentences with the correct form of the verbs below. think know sit see leave1. On _

20、 her, the king immediately falls in love with her.2. He marries her, not _ who she really is. 3. Before _ his kingdom, he calls his son to him.4. After _ about the situation, he decides to kill the witch himself.5. While _ by a pool, Ferdinand sees a frog.sitting seeingknowingleavingthinking Rewrite

21、 the sentences with the ing form of the verbs. When he returns to the palace, the king marries the woman. On returning to the palace, the king marries the woman. 1. When he saw the witch, the boy ran away.On _.2. Before he starts the war, the king speaks to the prince.Before _.seeing the witch, the

22、boy ran away starting the war, the king speaks to the prince 3. While he was fighting in the war, the prince learnt many things.While_.4. After he had spoken to his son, the king went to war.After _.5. Because he doesnt know what to do, Ferdinand follows the frogs advice.Not _.fighting in the war, t

23、he prince learnt many things speaking to his son, the king went to war knowing what to do, Ferdinand follows the frogs advice Complete the passage. (1)_ entering the palace, the witch (2)_ immediately given her own rooms, (3)_ looked out onto a beautiful garden. The king took her into (4)_ garden, a

24、nd (5)_ walking around it, he said, “All this is yours now.” On (6)_ these words, the witch turned away (7)_ smiled, (8)_ that she had won the kings heart, “(9)_ you be my wife?” Will Afterwaswhichtheafterhearingandknowingasked the king, (10)_ into the witchs beautiful green eyes. The witch turned (

25、11)_ from him. “I will,” she said, (12)_ looking at him, but looking down at the ground. Then she opened her (13)_ green eyes wide and said, “I am (14)_ happiest woman in the world.” (15)_ leaving the witch, the king went to tell his people the good news. But the witch sat alone, with a wicked smile on her face.After lookingawaywithoutbigthe



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