高中英语 Unit 1 Advertising Period Two Word Part Ⅱ Grammar课件 牛津译林版必修4.ppt

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1、Period Two Word power & Grammar and usagePart Part GrammarGrammar直接引语和间接引语一、直接引语和间接引语的区别一、直接引语和间接引语的区别直直接接引引用用别别人人的的原原话话,放放在在引引号号内内,称称为为直直接接引引语语(The Direct Speech)。间接地引述别人的话,称为间接引语间接地引述别人的话,称为间接引语(The Indirect Speech)。He said,“I will realize my dream with my efforts.”他说:他说:“通过努力我将实现自己的梦想。通过努力我将实现自己的

2、梦想。”He said that he would realize his dream with his efforts.他说通过自己的努力,他将会实现自己的梦想。他说通过自己的努力,他将会实现自己的梦想。n语法精析二、由直接引语变为间接引语时,通常发生以下几个方面的变化二、由直接引语变为间接引语时,通常发生以下几个方面的变化1.句型的变化句型的变化(1)直直接接引引语语是是陈陈述述句句,变变为为间间接接引引语语时时,在在多多数数情情况况下下都都构构成成了了一一个个由由that引导的宾语从句引导的宾语从句(that在口语中常省略在口语中常省略)。(2)直直接接引引语语是是一一般般疑疑问问句句、

3、反反意意疑疑问问句句或或选选择择疑疑问问句句,变变为为间间接接引引语语时时,常将它变成由常将它变成由whether 或或if 引导的宾语从句,其主句谓语动词常用引导的宾语从句,其主句谓语动词常用ask。I asked her,“Will you go shopping with me?”I asked her whether/if she would go shopping with me.我问她是否愿意和我一起逛街。我问她是否愿意和我一起逛街。(3)直直接接引引语语为为特特殊殊疑疑问问句句,变变为为间间接接引引语语时时,就就将将它它变变成成由由原原来来的的疑疑问问词词引引导导的的宾宾语从句。

4、语从句。“When will you come to China?” I asked the foreigner.I asked the foreigner when he would come to China.我问这个外国人什么时候来中国。我问这个外国人什么时候来中国。(4)转转换换祈祈使使句句时时,通通常常采采用用“动动词词sb.动动词词不不定定式式”结结构构。常常见见的的引引述述动动词词有有ask,tell,warn,order等;转述否定祈使句时,在动词不定式前加等;转述否定祈使句时,在动词不定式前加not。The manager said to him,“Dont be late

5、next time.”The manager asked him not to be late the next time.经理对他说下次不要迟到了。经理对他说下次不要迟到了。(5)转述感叹句时,仍以原来的转述感叹句时,仍以原来的what 或或 how 为引导词。为引导词。Ian said,“What fascinating scenery it is!”Ian said what fascinating scenery it was.伊恩说多么迷人的景色啊!伊恩说多么迷人的景色啊!2.人称代词的变化:口诀人称代词的变化:口诀“一随主、二随宾、三不变一随主、二随宾、三不变”(1)一一随随主主(

6、把把直直接接引引语语中中第第一一人人称称变变为为与与主主句句主主语语相一致的人称相一致的人称)。Tom said,“I have finished watching the film.” Tom said that he had finished watching the film.(2)二二随随宾宾(把把直直接接引引语语中中第第二二人人称称变变为为与与主主句句宾宾语语相一致的人称相一致的人称)。Tom said to Kate,“You speak Chinese better than me.” Tom told Kate that she spoke Chinese better tha

7、n him.(3)三三不不变变(直直接接引引语语中中第第三三人人称称变变为为间间接接引引语语时时,人称不变人称不变)。Tom asked Mike,“Does she often make foolish mistakes?” Tom asked Mike if/whether she often made foolish mistakes.3.时态的变化时态的变化(1)如果主句中的谓语如果主句中的谓语动词是一般现在时态,动词是一般现在时态,间接引语中的动词时态间接引语中的动词时态保持不变。保持不变。He says,“I live in London.”He says that he live

8、s in London.He says,“I have lived in London for years.”He says that he has lived in London for years.(2)如如果果主主句句中中的的谓谓语语动动词词是是过过去去时时态态,间间接接引引语语中中的的动动词时态作如下变化:词时态作如下变化:一般现在时一般现在时一般过去时一般过去时一般将来时一般将来时过去将来时过去将来时现在完成时现在完成时过去完成时过去完成时现在进行时现在进行时过去进行时过去进行时一般过去时一般过去时过去完成时过去完成时He said,“I live in London.” He sa

9、id that he lived in London.He said,“I will live in London next year.”He said that he would live in London the next year.He said,“I have lived in London for years.”He said that he had lived in London for years.He said,“I am living in London now.”He said that he was living in London then.He said,“I li

10、ved in London for years.”He said that he had lived in London for years.(3)过过去去进进行行时时、过过去去完完成成时时、过过去去将将来来时时保持不变。保持不变。He said,“When I saw her,she was living in London.” He said that when he saw her she was living in London. He said,“When I got to London,she had lived there for years.”He said that when

11、 he got to London,she had lived there for years.(4)有有表表示示过过去去具具体体年年份的状语时态不变。份的状语时态不变。He said,“I was born in 1956.”He said that he was born in 1956.(5)表表示示真真理理、格格言言、谚谚语语等等不不受受时时间间限限制制的的句句子子时态不变。时态不变。He said,“The earth turns around the sun.”He said that the earth turns around the sun.(6)强强调调所所谈谈情情况况仍仍

12、然然存存在,时态不变。在,时态不变。She said that the bus leaves at 5:40.(公公交交车车尚尚未未开开走走)He told me that he works as a teacher.(现现在在仍仍是是教教师师)(7)could,would,should,neednt,had better,ought to,used to等等情情态态动词不变。动词不变。He said,“I would like to live in London.”He said that he would like to live in London.He said,“I used to

13、live in London.”He said that he used to live in London.4.指示代词、地点副词、动词、时间状语的变化指示代词、地点副词、动词、时间状语的变化 (1)指示代词的变化指示代词的变化thisthatthesethoseHe said to me,“Ive known you since you came to this place.”He told me that he had known me since I went to that place.He said to me,“Will you come here today or tomorr

14、ow?”He asked me if I would go there that day or the next day.(2)地点状语的变化地点状语的变化herethere(3)动词的变化动词的变化comegobringtake(4)时间状语的变化时间状语的变化nowthentodaythat daytonightthat nightyesterdaythe day beforeyesterday morningthe morning beforelast weekthe week beforenext weekthe next weektomorrowthe next daytomorro

15、w morningthe next morning3 days ago3 days beforethe day after tomorrowin 2 days time/two days laterHe said to me, “Did you come yesterday,a few days ago or last Sunday?”He asked me if I had gone the day before, a few days before or the Sunday before.She said,“He will come here again tonight.”She sai

16、d that he would go there again that night.He asked me, “Did you leave London yesterday morning or the day before yesterday?”He asked me if I had left London the morning before or two days before.注注意意:如如果果转转述述时时是是在在原原来来的的地地方方或或说说话话的的当当天天,就就不不必必改改变变指指示示代代词词、时间状语、地点状语等。时间状语、地点状语等。5.语序的变化语序的变化直接引语如果是疑问句

17、,变为间接引语时,要把疑问语序变为陈述语序。直接引语如果是疑问句,变为间接引语时,要把疑问语序变为陈述语序。He said to me,“Do you like travelling?”He asked me if/whether I liked travelling.他问我是否喜欢旅行。他问我是否喜欢旅行。即时跟踪即时跟踪.将下列句子变为间接引语将下列句子变为间接引语1.“Light goes faster than sound.” the teacher told me._2.She said,“I have lost a pen.”_3.Jack said,“John,where wer

18、e you going when I met you in the street?”_答案The teacher told me light goes faster than sound.She said she had lost a pen.Jack asked John where he was going when he met him in the street.答案4.Xiao Wang said,“I was born on April 21,1980.”_5.Peter said,“You had better come here today.”_6.Tom asked,“Wil

19、l you go to the concert with me this evening?”Tom asked me .whether I would go to the concert with him that eveningXiao Wang said he was born on April 21,1980.Peter said I had better go there that day.答案.将下列句子变为直接引语将下列句子变为直接引语1.I asked her where she was going and what she was going to do the next da

20、y._2.The stranger asked me what my name was._3.She said that she would finish her work the next day._The stranger asked,“Whats your name?”“Ill finish my work tomorrow,” she said. I asked her,“Where are you going and what are you going to do tomorrow?”答案4.The teacher asked if we could do it._5.My tea

21、cher asked whether he was coming._6.He said those books were his._The teacher asked,“Can you do it?”My teacher asked,“Is he coming?”He said,“These books are mine.”答案.用所给动词的适当形式填空用所给动词的适当形式填空1.My father said practice (make) perfect.2.She said he demanded that the girl (leave) at once.3.Miss Yang said

22、 that she (buy) a new dress the next week.4.He said that he (lose) a key there the day before.5.He said that he (go) to Beijing the next morning.was goingmakesleavewould buyhad lost1.Albert Einstein was born in 1879.As a child,few people guessed that he_a famous scientist whose theories would change

23、 the world.(2015浙江,浙江,8)A.has been B.had beenC.was going to be D.wasn高考链接解析答案C解解析析考考查查动动词词的的时时态态。句句意意为为:阿阿尔尔伯伯特特爱爱因因斯斯坦坦出出生生于于1879年年。孩孩提提时时,很很少少有有人人会会猜猜想想到到他他能能成成为为其其理理论论会会改改变变世世界界的的著著名名科科学学家家。由由语语境境可可知知,此此处处指指在在爱爱因因斯斯坦坦小小时时候候人人们们所所猜猜想想的的,表表示示“从从过过去去看看将将来来”,要要用用过过去去将将来来时时态态,用用would/should do,was/wer

24、e to do或者或者was/were going to do表示,故表示,故C项正确。项正确。123456782.At college,Barack Obama didnt know that he the first black president of the United States of America.(2015陕西,陕西,24)A.was to become B.becomesC.is to become D.became解析答案A解解析析考考查查动动词词的的时时态态。句句意意为为:在在大大学学时时,贝贝拉拉克克奥奥巴巴马马不不知知道道他他会会成成为为美美国国的的第第一一任任黑

25、黑人人总总统统。由由didnt know可可知知,此此处处表表示示从从过过去去(上上大大学学 时时 )看看 将将 来来 要要 发发 生生 的的 动动 作作 , 要要 用用 过过 去去 将将 来来 时时 , 即即 谓谓 语语 动动 词词 用用would/should do,也可以用,也可以用was/were to do表示,故选表示,故选A项。项。123456783.I truly believe beauty comes from within.(2015北京,北京,33)A.that B.where C.what D.why解析答案A解解析析考考查查宾宾语语从从句句。句句意意为为:我我真真的

26、的相相信信美美来来自自人人的的内内心心。宾宾语语从从句句意思完整,只缺连接词,故选意思完整,只缺连接词,故选A。123456784.The exhibition tells us we should do something to stop air pollution.(2015四川,四川,8)A.where B.why C.what D.which解析答案B解解析析考考查查宾宾语语从从句句。句句意意为为:这这个个展展览览告告诉诉我我们们为为什什么么要要阻阻止止空空气气污污染。宾语从句缺少状语,故选项染。宾语从句缺少状语,故选项C、D错误;错误;where引导地点状语从句,不符合题意。引导地点

27、状语从句,不符合题意。故选故选B,表示,表示“的原因的原因”。123456785.We must find out Karl is coming,so we can book a room for him.(2015重庆,重庆,8)A.when B.how C.where D.whyA解解析析考考查查宾宾语语从从句句。句句意意为为:我我们们一一定定要要搞搞清清楚楚Karl什什么么时时候候来来,以以便便我我们们给给他他订订房房间间。由由句句意意可可知知,要要给给Karl订订房房间间,那那么么就就要要清清楚楚他他来来这里的时间,故选这里的时间,故选when。解析答案123456786.Just a

28、s I got to the school gate,I realized I my book in the cafe.(2015安徽,安徽,24)A.have left B.had leftC.would leave D.was leavingB解解析析考考查查动动词词的的时时态态。 句句意意为为:我我刚刚一一到到学学校校门门口口,就就意意识识到到我我把把书书落落在在咖咖啡啡馆馆了了。realized后后省省略略了了that,这这里里是是一一个个宾宾语语从从句句,从从句句时时态态与与主主句句保保持持一一致致,“落落下下”的的动动作作发发生生在在“意意识识到到”之之前前,应应该该用用过过去去完

29、成时,故选完成时,故选B。解析答案123456787.You have to know youre going if you are to plan the best way of getting there.(2015湖南,湖南,26)A.what B.that C.where D.whoC解解析析考考查查名名词词性性从从句句引引导导词词的的选选择择。句句意意为为:你你如如果果要要计计划划到到达达那那里里的的最最好好方方法法,就就得得知知道道自自己己要要往往哪哪里里去去。分分析析句句子子结结构构可可知知,know后后的的 youre going是宾语从句,从句中缺少地点状语,故用是宾语从句,

30、从句中缺少地点状语,故用where。解析答案123456788.He must have sensed that I him.He suddenly glanced at me and said quietly,“Why are you staring at me like that?”(2015湖南,湖南,28)A.would look at B.looked atC.was looking at D.am looking atC解解析析考考查查动动词词的的时时态态。句句意意为为:他他一一定定感感觉觉到到了了我我正正在在看看他他。他他突突然然瞥瞥了了我我一一眼眼,轻轻轻轻地地说说:“你你为为什什么么那那样样盯盯着着我我看看?”must have done是是对对过过去去发发生生的的情情况况的的推推测测,因因此此“我我正正在在看看他他”也也是是发发生生在在过过去去,而而且且是正在进行,故用过去进行时。是正在进行,故用过去进行时。12345678返回解析答案



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