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1、专项四四词汇辨析辨析 外研版八年级外研版八年级下下习题链接习题链接1212提示:点击 进入习题12答案呈现anysomea bita bit ofsoundssounds like一一二二三三121212the otherotherexcitedexcitinghas gone tohave been in四四五五六六3another3has been to习题链接习题链接121212答案呈现How longHow farsent; tosent; forlaterlatest七七八八九九121212alreadyyetlefthas been away fromThats becauseTh

2、ats why十十十一十一十二十二习题链接习题链接121212答案呈现verymuchfive hundredHundreds ofNo oneNone十三十三十四十四十五十五121212alonelonelysincefortoo manytoo much十六十六十七十七十八十八3much too习题链接习题链接121212答案呈现sleptsleepyHow aboutWhy dont weheard fromheard of十九十九二十二十二十一二十一121212arrive atarrived incostspendspleasurepleased二十二二十二二十三二十三二十四二十四3

3、asleep习题链接习题链接121212答案呈现takes upTidy upsuch asfor exampleweighsweight二十五二十五二十六二十六二十七二十七121212take part injoinedon the wayBy the wayprefers; toprefers; rather than二十八二十八二十九二十九三十三十习题链接习题链接121212答案呈现provides; forprovides; withjoin injoinwhetherif/whether三十一三十一三十二三十二三十三三十三121212passedpastsuggestionsadvi

4、cetrustbelieve三十四三十四三十五三十五三十六三十六词汇辨析词汇辨析(一一)some/any。1. There isnt _ water in the bottle. 2. Can I ask you _ questions?anysome词汇辨析词汇辨析(二二)a bit/a bit of。1. The cheese is _ sour. 2. Would you like to try _ soup? a bita bit of词汇辨析词汇辨析(三三)sound/sound like。1. The advice _ great!2. Her voice is beautiful

5、 and it _ a bird singing!soundssounds like词汇辨析词汇辨析(四四)other/another/the other。1. I have a pair of gloves. One is red and _ is yellow. 2. Some students are playing tennis and _ students are playing basketball. 3. I have asked you three questions. Can I ask you _ one?the otherotheranother词汇辨析词汇辨析(五五)e

6、xcited/exciting。1. Hearing the good news, she was very _. 2. This is an _ film and everyone likes it very much.excitedexciting词汇辨析词汇辨析(六六)have been to/have gone to/have been in。1. Lucy isnt here. She _ the library to look for some important books. 2. We _ China for three months and we believe this i

7、s a great country. 3. Julie _ Germany for 3 times. has gone tohave been inhas been to词汇辨析词汇辨析(七七)how long/how far。1. _ have you had a cold?2. _ is it from your school to your home?How longHow far词汇辨析词汇辨析(八八)send. . . to. . . /send. . . for. . . 。1. My mother _ me _ buy some milk last night. 2. The v

8、illagers _ him _ a doctor just now. sent tosent for词汇辨析词汇辨析(九九)latest/later。1. See you _. 2. What is the _ news about?laterlatest词汇辨析词汇辨析(十十)already/yet。1. I have _ finished reading 10 books this year. 2. Have we sent any spaceships to Mars _?alreadyyet词汇辨析词汇辨析(十一十一)be away from/leave。1. She _ for B

9、eijing an hour ago. 2. She _ the city for ten years and never comes back. lefthas been away from词汇辨析词汇辨析(十二十二)thats why/thats because。1. You look tired. _ I stayed up last night. 2. My clock didnt work this morning. _ I was late.Thats becauseThats why词汇辨析词汇辨析(十三十三)very/much。1. She looks _ beautiful

10、today. 2. It is _ colder in Hefei than in Beijing.verymuch词汇辨析词汇辨析(十四十四)hundreds of/five hundred。1. There are more than _ bears in this reserve. 2. _ sheep were on the field, eating grass happily. five hundredHundreds of词汇辨析词汇辨析(十五十五)no one/none。1. Who was in this classroom?_. 2. How many birds are

11、there in this tree?_. No oneNone词汇辨析词汇辨析(十六十六)alone/lonely。1. I am afraid that I cant spend the night _ at home. I dont like darkness. 2. She felt _ without any friends around her. alonelonely词汇辨析词汇辨析(十七十七)since/for。1. She has lived here _ she moved to Shanghai ten years ago. 2. This famous person h

12、as been dead _ over 20 years. sincefor词汇辨析词汇辨析(十八十八)too much/too many/much too。1. Dont play _ computer games. It is not good for your eyes. 2. Dont eat _ fast food. It makes you fatter and fatter. 3. I am _ tired because I have done too much work.too manytoo muchmuch too词汇辨析词汇辨析(十九十九)sleep/sleepy/as

13、leep。1. She _ for only 5 hours last night. 2. I stayed up last night and I feel very _ today. 3. She was tired and she fell _ very soon. sleptsleepyasleep词汇辨析词汇辨析(二十二十)why dont we/how about。1. _ going for a walk together?2. _ finish our homework first and then play outside?How aboutWhy dont we词汇辨析词汇

14、辨析(二十一二十一)hear from/hear of。1. I hadnt _ Jim for a long time but luckily I received his letter yesterday. 2. Have you _ him before? He is a stranger for me. heard fromheard of词汇辨析词汇辨析(二十二二十二)arrive at/arrive in。1. We will _ Beijing International Airport in an hour. 2. Lily _ this city a month ago. a

15、rrive atarrived in词汇辨析词汇辨析(二十三二十三)cost/spend。1. The present didnt _ me too much. Its not expensive. 2. Nick always _ his weekends playing computer games.costspends词汇辨析词汇辨析(二十四二十四)pleased/pleasure。1. We came back from the park with much _ yesterday. 2. Your mum was very _ with your test result.pleasu

16、repleased词汇辨析词汇辨析(二十五二十五)take up/tidy up。1. The heavy box _ too much room here. We should move it away. 2. What a mess! _ right away!OK, Mum. I will. takes upTidy up词汇辨析词汇辨析(二十六二十六)such as/for example。1. Daming likes reading anything, _ newspapers, magazines, novels and so on. 2. Some of my classmat

17、es, _, Alice, like growing vegetables at home. such asfor example词汇辨析词汇辨析(二十七二十七)weigh/weight。1. The tiger _ 300 kilos. 2. The _ of the tiger is 300 kilos. weighsweight词汇辨析词汇辨析(二十八二十八)take part in/join。1. Are you going to _ the party? 2. His brother _ the army last year. take part injoined词汇辨析词汇辨析(二

18、十九二十九) by the way/on the way。1. I met my old friend _ to school this morning. 2. _, how long havent you seen each other?on the wayBy the way词汇辨析词汇辨析(三十三十) prefer. . . to. . . /prefer. . . rather than. . . 。1. My sister _ reading _ going out. 2. My sister _ to read novels _ go out. prefers to prefers

19、 rather than 词汇辨析词汇辨析(三十一三十一) provide. . . with. . . /provide. . . for. . . 。1. The government _ free education _ students. 2. The government _ students _ free education. provides for provides with 词汇辨析词汇辨析(三十二三十二)join in/join。1. It is a good idea for children to _ many activities after school. 2. W

20、ould you like to_our club?join injoin词汇辨析词汇辨析(三十三三十三)whether/if。1. We dont know _ our head teacher will come or not. 2. We all want to know _ there will be a magic show in ten minutes. whetherif/whether词汇辨析词汇辨析(三十四三十四)pass/past。1. The girl is always hardworking and she has _ all the exams. 2. The li

21、ttle boy walked _ us and made a face.passedpast词汇辨析词汇辨析(三十五三十五) suggestion/advice。1. Here are some _ on how to control your feelings. 2. We can get good _ on the Internet if you need help.suggestionsadvice词汇辨析词汇辨析(三十六三十六) trust/believe。1. Day by day, the man learnt to _ people around him. 2. We _ that the dream we have will come true one day. trustbelieve



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