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1、英语词汇学课程课件课件名称:词义的演变课件名称:词义的演变制作人:孙红梅、张培成制作人:孙红梅、张培成单位:曲阜师范大学外国语学院单位:曲阜师范大学外国语学院Chapter 7 Changes in Word MeaningTeaching ObjectivesLet students understand and master types of changes in word meaning Get to know the causes of changes Teaching FocusCauses of changesTypes of changes: extension, narrowi

2、ng, degradation, elevation, transference of meaning, euphemism.Extra-linguistic factors: historical reason, class reason, psychological reasonLinguistic factors: shortening, redivision from borrowing, analogy7.1 Types of ChangeExtension of MeaningNarrowing of MeaningElevation of MeaningDegradation o

3、f MeaningTransference of MeaningEuphemismExtension of Meaning 词义的扩大词义的扩大lGeneralization of MeaninglIt is a process by which a word which originally had a specialized meaning has now become generalized or has extended to cover a broader and often less definite concept.l一个原本具有特殊意义的单词的词义被延伸,范围扩大,从而指代一种

4、普遍意义语义变化过程。Manuscriptl(original) Handwriting( writing by hand only) (手稿手稿)l(present) Any authors writing whether written by hand or typed with a type-writer or a word-processor (原稿)Salaryl(original) a sum of money given to Roman soldiers to enable them to buy salt (政府按时发给古罗马军人一些买盐的钱)l(present) fixed

5、 payment made by employer at regular intervals to employees (薪水)1)She is such a pretty little thing.2)I have to pack my things for the journey.3)There is another thing I want to ask you about.4)That only makes things worse.5)The thing is, can we finish the job in time?6)“Thing” which used to mean “a

6、 public assembly” or “a council” in Anglo-Saxon times, now has become an all-purpose word.1) A large proportion of polysemic words of modern English have their meanings extended sometime in the course of development. Some words are generalized to such a degree that they can mean almost everything.lG

7、eneralization of meaning is also found in many technical terms, which are confined to specialized use.allergic(original) too sensitive to medicine 患过敏症的 (present) averse or disinclined to 反感的;厌恶的alibi(original) a legal term signifying “the plea that the accused is not at the place when the crime is

8、committed” (被告人不在犯罪现场的证明被告人不在犯罪现场的证明)(present) excuse (借口)l3) Words commonized from proper names have experienced the same process.sandwichSandwiched between this door and a window is a giant refrigerator.More examples: lynch, vandallThe changes in meaning are gradual, and words are not changed in a

9、 day.lLady (the hostess - noblewoman - well-cultivated woman - woman)an old lady or elderly ladya sales ladya cleaning ladyladys rooma lady novelistlady guestsNarrowing of Meaning词义的缩小词义的缩小lIt is a process by which a word of wide meaning acquires a narrow or specialized sense. In other words, a word

10、 which used to have a more general sense becomes restricted in its application and conveys a special concept in present-day English.l把词义范围较广的词缩小,表示特指,即过去具有普遍意义的词变化后,现在仅仅表达特殊意义。ExampleOriginal MeaningMeaning after Narrowingmeatfood 食物flesh of animals 肉diseasediscomfort 不适illness 疾病wifewoman 妇女married

11、 woman 妻子accidentevent 事件unfortunate event 事故1.When a common word is turned into a proper noun, the meaning is narrowed accordingly.“the City” means “the business center of London”“the Prophet” stands for “Mohammed”2.For economy, some phrases are shortened and only one element of the original, usual

12、ly an adjective, is left to retain the meaning of the whole. Such adjectives have thus taken on specialized meanings.a general = a general officeran editorial = an editorial article3.Some material nouns are used to refer to objects made of them and thus have a more specific sense.silver silver dolla

13、rglass a cup-like container or a mirroriron device for smoothing clotheslBoth extension and narrowing of meaning are talking about the changes in conceptual meaning. Next we will talk about the changes in associative meaning.Elevation of Meaning 词义的升华词义的升华It is the process by which words rise from h

14、umble beginnings to positions of importance.Some words early in their history signify something quite low or humble, but change as time goes by to designate something agreeable or pleasant.词义的升华指词由贬义或中性转变为褒义。即,有些词在历史上表示“卑微、下贱”之义,随着时间的推移转为“惬意的,愉快的”。niceignorant - foolish - delightful, pleasantmarshal

15、a keeper of horses - a high ranking army officerconstablea keeper of horses - a policemanDegradation of Meaning 词义的降格词义的降格lIt is a process whereby words of good origin or affective neutrality fall into ill reputation or come to be used in a derogatory sense.l这是一个词由原先表示中性意义或褒义转为表示贬义的过程。lsillylblessed

16、 and happy- innocent-simple or simple-minded -foolishlsadlfull, satisfied, contented - calm - serious -sorrowfulTransference of MeaningTransference of Meaning词义的转移词义的转移词义的转移词义的转移lDefinitionSome words which were used to designate one thing but later changed to mean something else have experienced the

17、 process of semantic transfer, known as transference or transfer of meaning.有些词原指称某些事物,后来发生变化,转为指称另外的事物,就是词义的转移。lTypes of transferenceAssociated Transfer 联想转移Transfer Between Abstract and Concrete Meanings 抽象含义与具体意义间的转移Transfer Between Subjective and Objective Meanings 主观意义和客观意义间的转移Synesthesia 通感Ass

18、ociated Transfer 联想转移lThis is what is commonly known as figurative extension of meaning.le.g.lThe lip of a wound 伤口的边缘lThe tongues of firelThe foot of a mountainTransfer between Abstract and Concrete Meanings 抽象含义与具体意义间的转移lAbstract to concrete meaninglRoom formerly meant “space” as in “There is no r

19、oom in the car”. Now it has developed a concrete meaning as in “This flat has three rooms”.lMore example: aftermath, lConcrete to abstract meaninglGraspl(original)A firm hold with the hands and arms l(present)The power or ability to understandTransfer Between Subjective and Objective Meanings 主观意义和客

20、观意义间的转移lSome words were formerly used subjectively but later shifted to an objective use, and the subjective meaning was totally lost. WordSubjective meaningObjective meaningpitifulfull of pitydeserving pitydreadfulfull of dreadcausing dreadSynesthesia 通感通感lThis kind of transfer takes place between

21、words of sensation. That is, words usually associated with one sense are used to describe another sense. E.g lClear-sounding (from sight to hearing)lWarm colors (from touch to sight)lSweet voice/music (from taste to hearing)Euphemism 委婉语lWhen people use euphemisms there is a semantic change involved

22、 as the expressions used often have little to do with the referents.lRestroom, bathroom, lounge, John, convenience, comforts room and powder room are all euphemistic terms for “toilet” which itself is a euphemistic term.lEuphemistic terms are found used in every aspect of society.7.3 Causes of Chang

23、e变化的原因变化的原因1.Extra-linguistic factors 非语言语境非语言语境Historical reasonClass reasonPsychological reason2.Linguistic factors 语言语境语言语境Historical reasonlA word is retained for a name though the meaning has changed because the referent has changed. (e.g. pen )lIncreased scientific knowledge and discovery is a

24、lso an important factor that underlies the change of word meaning. (e.g. atom)Class reasonlLanguage records the speech and attitude of different social classes, so different social varieties of language have come into being.lThe attitude of classes have made inroads into lexical meaning, particularl

25、y in the case of elevation and degradation.lQuite a number of words that denote different sorts of working people or their occupations have deteriorated and now have taken on a pejorative sense. lE.g. Churl, hussy, wench, villain which were originally neutral in colour have been down-graded as “ill-

26、manned or bad people”.Psychological reasonlThe associated transfer of meaning and euphemistic use of words, etc. are often due to psychological factors.lPeople change word meaning owing to various psychological motives: love, respect, courtesy, suspicious, pessimism, sarcasm, irony, contempt, hatred

27、, etc.lThe fact that some low, humble and despised occupations often take on more appealing names is all due to psychological reasons.lReligious influence is another kind of psychological need.Linguistic factorslThe internal factors within the language system.1.One type of such change occurs when a

28、phrase is shortened to one word which retains the meaning of the whole.2.The influx of borrowings has caused some words to change in meaning.3.The competition of native words eventually yields the semantic division.4.The change of meaning is brought about by analogy.AssignmentlMaster all the main points of this chapter.lDo the exercises on Page 166-168The End



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