八年级英语上册 Unit 23教材分析和教法建议课件 北师大版

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1、第二、三单元教材分析和教法建议My dog is in the garden. He is wagging his tail, his mouth is open and he is looking at me. What is he trying to tell me? Jane Roberts reports.1. 1. 生词生词wagwag怎么处理?怎么处理?2. 2. 作者写这段的目的?作者写这段的目的?做法一:What does “wagging his tail” mean?/ wag什么意思?做法二:My dog is wagging his tail. Is he waggin

2、g his tail?What is he doing?学生已有生活经历新的语言表达方式帮助建立联系帮助建立联系People have always been interested in animal communication and scientists have done a lot of research on this subject. Most animals communicate by smell. Dogs are famous for this. When a dog walks outside, it learns about other dogs by smelling

3、 things. Dogs have helped the police for a long time, too. They can find missing people by using their fantastic sense of smell. Mice have an excellent sense of smell too. Scientists have even trained them to find landmines. Scientists have discovered that even ants use smell. They use smell to tell

4、 other ants where the food is.理解句子间逻辑关系理解句子间逻辑关系Most animals communicate by smell. _ When a dog walks outside, it learns about other dogs by smelling things. _ They can find missing people by using their fantastic sense of smell. _ Scientists have even trained them to find landmines. Scientists have

5、 discovered that even ants use smell. _A.Dogs are famous for this.B.Dogs have helped the police for a long time, too.C.Mice have an excellent sense of smell too. D.They use smell to tell other ants where the food is.Ways of communi-cationKinds of animalsWhy do they communicate?by smelldogsmiceantsby

6、 soundby body languageEveryone has heard birds singing. Research has shown that many other animals use sound to communicate. Frogs and insects communicate with sounds. Usually the “gentlemen” make sounds to invite the “ladies”. Whales and elephants also use sound to communicate. These sounds can tra

7、vel very far through water or the ground. However, it is not possible for humans to hear some of the sounds. They are either too low or too high for us.Animals have always used body language to communicate as well. When a cat puts its ears back, it is a bit mad. When it sits with its tail around its

8、elf, it is happy. When a dog puts its tail under its body, it is scared. When it wags its tail and opens its mouth, it is happy. So I think my dog is happy right now.教学目标本节课结束时,学生能够1.通过阅读获取动物交流的三种方式及相应例子;2.区分结构较清晰文段中句子之间的逻辑关系;3.使用获取的信息阐述人与动物交流方式的区别。PRE-READING1 Ss get to know the topic “Communicatio

9、n” and its meaning with the help of the picture from Page 17. 2 Ss talk about how people communicate and learn about new methods for communication. 3 Ss talk about what they know about animal communication and learn about some new animals and communication methods. WHILE-READING1 Predict before read

10、ing and then read fast to check prediction.2 Read for three main methods of animal communication.3 Read for detailed information(structure, supplementary information, summarizing).WHILE-READING4 Why do people want to study animal communication? 5 Read aloud with the recording.POST-READING1 How do di

11、fferent animals communicate?2 How is human communication different from animal communication? These days, it seems everybody is texting although young people are texting the most. In 2010, American teenage girls sent and received about 80 text messages a day. Boys sent and received about 30. Adults

12、sent five to fifteen messages a day.Since the first text message in 1992, texting has become very popular. Texting did not become common until about 1998. Later, text messages increased rapidly. From 2006 to 2007 in the US, the number of monthly texts grew 335%. In early 2006, people sent about 65 m

13、essages per month. At the end of 2007, they sent about 218. Now, some people send more than 1500 text messages a month.Jan,2006Dec,200705010015020025020062007050100150200250335%335%Why is texting so popular? The main reason is that it is not expensive. It has other values, too. Texting is quieter an

14、d more private than a phone call. It is also more convenient, as people can reply when they have time. “Text language” such as “thx” for “thanks” and “cul8ter” for “see you later” makes texting even quicker and easier.However, texting has led to some problems. Some people text while they are driving

15、 or riding a bike. This is very dangerous. It is also against the law in many places. In one city in the US, you cannot text while walking. Police can make you pay $85. People often text during conversations as well. It is not polite. Many people do not like this. Can you find an example?If you text

16、 while walking, you _.What bad result will it lead to?Love it or hate it, texting is certainly here to stay. 教学目标本节课结束时,学生能够1.通过阅读获取有关发短信行为的信息(流行程度及其原因,导致的问题);2.根据上下文猜测increase rapidly, lead to, against the law的意思,体验猜词策略;3.使用获取的信息阐述发短信对我们生活带来的影响,批判性地看待该技术的影响。PRE-READING1 Ss talk about what people do

17、 with mobile phones.2 Ss talk about their texting, how much they text every week/month and what they think of texting.WHILE-READING1 Predict the passage is about according to the picture and then read fast to check prediction.2 Read and summarize Para. 1 under Ts guidance.3 Practice summarizing para

18、graphs 24.WHILE-READING4 Read and answer the questions in Ex. 4. Practice guessing the meaning of new words from the context.5 Read aloud with the recording.POST-READING1 Whats your attitude towards texting?2 How has texting changed our life? 培养学习策略有效的学习策略有利于提高学习效率和发展自主学习能力。整合信息整合信息:能根据语言材料所提供的语境、篇章


20、 OK class. The students from England are coming tomorrow. So what can we do to welcome them? Hands up! Li Hong?Boy: We should smile and say hello.Teacher: Yes, be friendly. Good. Wang Wei?Girl: I think we should shake hands with them. (断续下划线表示该做法视情况而定)Teacher: Well, young people from England dont us

21、ually shake hands when they introduce themselves. Its a bit too formal. Perhaps theyll shake hands with me. Do you have any more ideas? Anybody? Boy: Just say, “Hi” or “Hello. Nice to meet you,” and tell them your name.Teacher: Yes.Girl: I feel shy to speak English to a student from England.Teacher:

22、 Relax and dont worry about making mistakes. And they can only say a few things in Chinese so dont laugh at their mistakes either. What else?Girl: We could talk about food or find out what kind of music they like.Teacher: Thats correct.Boy: How about asking about the trip or sports or the weather?Te

23、acher: Those are good ideas.Boy: Can we ask how old they are? Teacher: Well, most of them are about your age and yes, you can. But dont ask their teacher or any adults though. Its not very polite. OK, any other ideas? Girl: We can help them find their classroom, and show them the library.Boy: We cou

24、ld play basketball with them too.Teacher: Yes. So I hope you remember these things and treat our guests well.教学目标本节课结束时,学生能够1.通过听录音获取该班学生接待外国学生时想做的事情;2.通过听录音获取老师建议的接待过程中需要注意的事项;3.使用获取的信息谈论自己接待外宾时要做的事情;4.与外宾交往时有意识地避免不恰当的言行,尊重文化差异。PRE-LISTENING1 Ss brainstorm what they will do to welcome a group of fo

25、reign students.2 Ss learn about the Action Plan and get to know more ways to welcome foreign students.WHILE-LISTENING1 Listen and tick the ideas the students have. 1) Go through the ideas. 2) Predict what ideas the students may have. 3) Listen and put ticks in the boxes. 4) Listen and find out if th

26、ose ideas are good.WHILE-LISTENING2 Listen and circle the teachers suggestions. 1) Go through the suggestions. 2) Predict what suggestions the teacher may give. 3) Listen and circle the suggestions. 4) Listen and find out why the teacher gives those suggestions.WHILE-READING3 Read the tapescripts al

27、oud with the recording.POST-LISTENING1 How would you welcome foreign guests? What should you do? What shouldnt you do?LESSON 8(2)Leaving a messageTaking a messagePlease tell themIll tell them this when they come home.Can you tell them? All right. Anything else?Yes. I can do that.OK. Thanks a lot.Ive

28、 written it down.PRE-SPEAKING1 Ss summarize the key expressions used when taking or leaving a message.WHILE-SPEAKING1 Role-play talking to your friends parents about the school picnic. 1) Ss try to convey the first message. 2) Ss practice conveying the rest three messages. 3) Ss role-play the whole

29、conversation.WHILE-SPEAKING2 Choose one of the situations in Ex. 7 and role-play with a partner. 1) Ss try to convey the message. 2) Ss practice conveying the message on the phone. 3) Ss role-play the whole conversation.POST-SPEAKING1 Ss evaluate their own performance. 2 Ss write down their dialogue they role-played in Ex. 7.我能够清楚传递信息。 我能恰当使用电话留言功能句。我能在交谈中注意使用礼貌用语。



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