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1、第四章:制定营销策略课程内容营销策略的策略的选择是决定市是决定市场成成败的关的关键, 成功的成功的营销等于成功的市等于成功的市场。精准营销第四章:制定营销策略课程内容市场定位精准客户选择精准DM传单精准营销精准短信营销精准精准精准营销了解市场,细分市场,进而集中培育市场,锁定优秀学校,深度培育与巩固市场,聚焦核心市场,放弃边缘市场,而不是追求全部的市场,最终达到细分市场的营销目的。锁定优质社会阶层(机关单位)和优质生源群体(三好生与优秀学生干部),通过有效的招生手段,实施精准招生。精准锁定目标客户、精准选择受众对象、精准策划价值诉求、精准设定传递渠道、精心设计DM传单,最大化、最优化传播产品信

2、息,吸引客户成交。营销的对象都是精准的目标客户,营销能够正面直接传递学校信息和课程价值,营销永远是最后发起冲刺拿单最有效的武器。短信内容精心设计,循序渐进,层层助推,严格执行发送要求,专人负责定时发送。短信作为辅助空袭手段需要配合到项目作战进程中去。第四章:制定营销策略课程内容营销策略的策略的选择是决定市是决定市场成成败的关的关键, 成功的成功的营销等于成功的市等于成功的市场。团队营销国无兵不稳,民无兵不安,市场无兵不强。市场有战区,招生有阵地,个人有根据地。“选、育、养、传、帮、带”是市场营销团队存续发展的恒久法则。专业的招生团队永远是支撑学校市场地位的中流砥柱。第四章:制定营销策略课程内容

3、营销策略的策略的选择是决定市是决定市场成成败的关的关键, 成功的成功的营销等于成功的市等于成功的市场。合围营销招生活动,一定不是单对单、各顾各的战斗,而是团队对个人的协作作战。团队联手作战永远胜于个人单打独斗,打群架永远是最有效的战术,展示团队的力量更容易征服家长。要发扬“我为人人,人人为我”的合作精神,要有合围作战的意识,绝不打一个人单挑的战争。好汉难敌双拳,只要有两个战友在,就应该立刻进行协同作战。第四章:制定营销策略课程内容营销策略的策略的选择是决定市是决定市场成成败的关的关键, 成功的成功的营销等于成功的市等于成功的市场。公关营销市场即人脉,关系即财富。“朝廷有人好做官”,市场手段并不

4、排斥资源关系。在关系网深重的中国社会,丰富的人脉关系构建了财富链条。持久的关系网构建是市场开拓的重要营销手段。对于公关目标要找准对象敢于下注、舍得下注、提前下注、重点下注,不搞提成交易,不搞平均主义,不搞盲目下注,要发展持久内应关系。关系靠拉,关系要养,关系必须可控。第四章:制定营销策略课程内容营销策略的策略的选择是决定市是决定市场成成败的关的关键, 成功的成功的营销等于成功的市等于成功的市场。体验营销客户的价值体验感是影响客户成交的核心因素。课程产品的价值是隐性的,很难直观呈现给家长。客户的价值体验需要被直观的感知。真正的好不是说出来的,是可以直接感知的。第四章:制定营销策略课程内容环境价值

5、体验服务价值体验讲座价值体验课程价值体验体体验营销高品质的环境体验会让客户产生价值联想与价值迁移。专业的、标准化的、高品质的服务会让客户产生价值认同。教育思想与课程理念的传播离不开专家讲座。优秀的讲座能够很好的引领家长的教育理念,传导课程的价值,影响家长的理性选择。听到的不如看到的,看到的不如感知到的,一堂精彩的体验课、一次快乐的体验活动都能直接的传递课程的价值。第四章:制定营销策略课程内容营销策略的策略的选择是决定市是决定市场成成败的关的关键, 成功的成功的营销等于成功的市等于成功的市场。竞赛选拔营销谁有权制定规则,谁就拥有市场主导权。最好的招生手段就是成为选拔者,竞赛恰恰可以满足这一需求。

6、在精心设计的竞赛体系下引导客户参与并接受我们设定的选拔规则,招到我们需要的优质生源。第四章:制定营销策略课程内容营销策略的策略的选择是决定市是决定市场成成败的关的关键, 成功的成功的营销等于成功的市等于成功的市场。礼券营销礼券营销作为一种有效的渠道拓展手段,在其他行业已经得到普遍运用。礼券营销既迎合了东方传统的送礼文化,又满足了单位的福利发放需求。通过单位合作的方式,向政府机关、事业单位、优质企业限额有偿(或免费)提供教育基金券与有条件领油券,作为节日福利由合作单位发放。教育基金券作为一种高端的福利礼券发放,既能保护客户源的优质性,又能提升学校的品牌价值。第四章:制定营销策略课程内容营销策略的

7、策略的选择是决定市是决定市场成成败的关的关键, 成功的成功的营销等于成功的市等于成功的市场。促销营销赠品促销团购促销通过提供给家长正常报名外的附加利益来直接刺激家长的选择需求。通过短期单一产品大幅度让利容易激发客户的从众心理,制造冲动购买。团购多用于淡季,让利取势,抢占市场份额。第四章:制定营销策略课程内容营销策略的策略的选择是决定市是决定市场成成败的关的关键, 成功的成功的营销等于成功的市等于成功的市场。蓄势营销连续开展活动,储蓄意向客户,少量投放招生计划,制造供求差额,集中限时报名,持续制造紧俏热报。第四章:制定营销策略课程内容营销策略的策略的选择是决定市是决定市场成成败的关的关键, 成功

8、的成功的营销等于成功的市等于成功的市场。分段营销招生项目分段、招生时间分段、招生市场分段。采用“小步快走,步步为赢”的分段营销策略,全面分割市场。化整为零、化大为小、循序渐进、步步推进、集中兵力、扎深打透、逐个击破。通过制造局部优势来换取全局胜利。第四章:制定营销策略课程内容本章小结 兵无定兵无定势 水无常形水无常形 成交是一个系成交是一个系统的的过程,而不程,而不仅是一招一式!是一招一式!LOGOCompany SystemADD SUB TITLE Click To Add TextClick To Add TextOur company respects everybody is doi

9、ng a best. Thinks the customer first of all. Loves the customer. Will increase in the customer and thanks. Will become the Our company respects everybody is doing a best. Thinks the customer first of all. Loves the customer. Will increase in the customer and thanks. Will become the company which end

10、eavors always. Thanks. company which endeavors always. Thanks. NoticeNoticeOur company Our company respects everybody respects everybody is doing a best. is doing a best. Thinks the Thinks the customer first of customer first of all. all. 学校战略选择与市场定位锁定目标客户匹配产品需求暑期培训市场观察策划项目招生方案赢在执行课程大纲第五章:策划项目招生方案制定

11、营销策略LOGOCompany SystemADD SUB TITLE Click To Add TextClick To Add TextOur company respects everybody is doing a best. Thinks the customer first of all. Loves the customer. Will increase in the customer and thanks. Will become the Our company respects everybody is doing a best. Thinks the customer fi

12、rst of all. Loves the customer. Will increase in the customer and thanks. Will become the company which endeavors always. Thanks. company which endeavors always. Thanks. NoticeNoticeOur company Our company respects everybody respects everybody is doing a best. is doing a best. Thinks the Thinks the

13、customer first of customer first of all. all. 课程内容项目招生策划与执行方案的构成1暑期集训营招生策划与执行方案2礼券营销招生策划与执行方案3尖子生实验班招生策划与执行方案4第五章:策划项目招生方案LOGOCompany SystemADD SUB TITLE Click To Add TextClick To Add TextOur company respects everybody is doing a best. Thinks the customer first of all. Loves the customer. Will incre

14、ase in the customer and thanks. Will become the Our company respects everybody is doing a best. Thinks the customer first of all. Loves the customer. Will increase in the customer and thanks. Will become the company which endeavors always. Thanks. company which endeavors always. Thanks. NoticeNotice

15、Our company Our company respects everybody respects everybody is doing a best. is doing a best. Thinks the Thinks the customer first of customer first of all. all. 课程内容第五章:策划项目招生方案要把一个人的思想变成团队共同的目标、共同的指令、共同的任务,不能依靠简单的任务安排,必须以完整的执行方案为前提,以有效的宣讲为支撑、以高效的执行为保证。江山不是一个人能打下来的江山不是一个人能打下来的LOGOCompany SystemAD

16、D SUB TITLE Click To Add TextClick To Add TextOur company respects everybody is doing a best. Thinks the customer first of all. Loves the customer. Will increase in the customer and thanks. Will become the Our company respects everybody is doing a best. Thinks the customer first of all. Loves the cu

17、stomer. Will increase in the customer and thanks. Will become the company which endeavors always. Thanks. company which endeavors always. Thanks. 课程内容第五章:策划项目招生方案项目招生策划与执行方案的构成1预则立不立不预则废,定而后定而后动!LOGOCompany SystemADD SUB TITLE Click To Add TextClick To Add TextOur company respects everybody is doing

18、 a best. Thinks the customer first of all. Loves the customer. Will increase in the customer and thanks. Will become the Our company respects everybody is doing a best. Thinks the customer first of all. Loves the customer. Will increase in the customer and thanks. Will become the company which endea

19、vors always. Thanks. company which endeavors always. Thanks. NoticeNoticeOur company Our company respects everybody respects everybody is doing a best. is doing a best. Thinks the Thinks the customer first of customer first of all. all. 课程大纲第五章:策划项目招生方案项目名称策划背景活动目的招生目标招生对象项目时间招生范围市场区划营销策略阻碍分析应对策略组织分

20、工激励政策实施流程财务预算道具准备一个完整的招生项目执行方案由一个主方案和若干子方案构成,构成一个运营方案包。包含16个模块:LOGOCompany SystemADD SUB TITLE Click To Add TextClick To Add TextOur company respects everybody is doing a best. Thinks the customer first of all. Loves the customer. Will increase in the customer and thanks. Will become the Our company

21、 respects everybody is doing a best. Thinks the customer first of all. Loves the customer. Will increase in the customer and thanks. Will become the company which endeavors always. Thanks. company which endeavors always. Thanks. 课程内容第五章:策划项目招生方案项目招生策划与执行方案的构成1形成作战计划的过程思维重建的过程战术设计的过程作战部署的过程撰写方案的撰写方案的

22、过程程形成作战计划的过程思维重建的过程战术设计的过程作战部署的过程LOGOCompany SystemADD SUB TITLE Click To Add TextClick To Add TextOur company respects everybody is doing a best. Thinks the customer first of all. Loves the customer. Will increase in the customer and thanks. Will become the Our company respects everybody is doing a

23、 best. Thinks the customer first of all. Loves the customer. Will increase in the customer and thanks. Will become the company which endeavors always. Thanks. company which endeavors always. Thanks. 课程内容第五章:策划项目招生方案暑期集训营招生策划与执行方案2LOGOCompany SystemADD SUB TITLE Click To Add TextClick To Add TextOur

24、company respects everybody is doing a best. Thinks the customer first of all. Loves the customer. Will increase in the customer and thanks. Will become the Our company respects everybody is doing a best. Thinks the customer first of all. Loves the customer. Will increase in the customer and thanks.

25、Will become the company which endeavors always. Thanks. company which endeavors always. Thanks. 课程内容第五章:策划项目招生方案礼券营销招生策划与执行方案3LOGOCompany SystemADD SUB TITLE Click To Add TextClick To Add TextOur company respects everybody is doing a best. Thinks the customer first of all. Loves the customer. Will i

26、ncrease in the customer and thanks. Will become the Our company respects everybody is doing a best. Thinks the customer first of all. Loves the customer. Will increase in the customer and thanks. Will become the company which endeavors always. Thanks. company which endeavors always. Thanks. 课程内容第五章:

27、策划项目招生方案尖子生实验班招生策划与执行方案4LOGOCompany SystemADD SUB TITLE Click To Add TextClick To Add TextOur company respects everybody is doing a best. Thinks the customer first of all. Loves the customer. Will increase in the customer and thanks. Will become the Our company respects everybody is doing a best. Th

28、inks the customer first of all. Loves the customer. Will increase in the customer and thanks. Will become the company which endeavors always. Thanks. company which endeavors always. Thanks. NoticeNoticeOur company Our company respects everybody respects everybody is doing a best. is doing a best. Th

29、inks the Thinks the customer first of customer first of all. all. 学校战略选择与市场定位锁定目标客户匹配产品需求暑期培训市场观察策划项目招生方案赢在执行课程大纲第六章:赢在执行制定营销策略LOGOCompany SystemADD SUB TITLE Click To Add TextClick To Add TextOur company respects everybody is doing a best. Thinks the customer first of all. Loves the customer. Will

30、increase in the customer and thanks. Will become the Our company respects everybody is doing a best. Thinks the customer first of all. Loves the customer. Will increase in the customer and thanks. Will become the company which endeavors always. Thanks. company which endeavors always. Thanks. NoticeN

31、oticeOur company Our company respects everybody respects everybody is doing a best. is doing a best. Thinks the Thinks the customer first of customer first of all. all. 课程内容第六章:赢在执行营造价值体验环境1打造钢铁战队2提供高品质服务3构建标准化的工作流程4LOGOCompany SystemADD SUB TITLE Click To Add TextClick To Add TextOur company respec

32、ts everybody is doing a best. Thinks the customer first of all. Loves the customer. Will increase in the customer and thanks. Will become the Our company respects everybody is doing a best. Thinks the customer first of all. Loves the customer. Will increase in the customer and thanks. Will become th

33、e company which endeavors always. Thanks. company which endeavors always. Thanks. NoticeNoticeOur company Our company respects everybody respects everybody is doing a best. is doing a best. Thinks the Thinks the customer first of customer first of all. all. 课程内容第六章:赢在执行三分策划,七分三分策划,七分执行!行!LOGOCompany

34、 SystemADD SUB TITLE Click To Add TextClick To Add TextOur company respects everybody is doing a best. Thinks the customer first of all. Loves the customer. Will increase in the customer and thanks. Will become the Our company respects everybody is doing a best. Thinks the customer first of all. Lov

35、es the customer. Will increase in the customer and thanks. Will become the company which endeavors always. Thanks. company which endeavors always. Thanks. NoticeNoticeOur company Our company respects everybody respects everybody is doing a best. is doing a best. Thinks the Thinks the customer first

36、of customer first of all. all. 课程内容第六章:赢在执行华尔街金宝贝气势营造越好,现场报名成功率就越大!营造价值体验环境1新东方环境造势能影响客户情绪,左右客户决策,LOGOCompany SystemADD SUB TITLE Click To Add TextClick To Add TextOur company respects everybody is doing a best. Thinks the customer first of all. Loves the customer. Will increase in the customer and

37、thanks. Will become the Our company respects everybody is doing a best. Thinks the customer first of all. Loves the customer. Will increase in the customer and thanks. Will become the company which endeavors always. Thanks. company which endeavors always. Thanks. NoticeNoticeOur company Our company

38、respects everybody respects everybody is doing a best. is doing a best. Thinks the Thinks the customer first of customer first of all. all. 课程内容第六章:赢在执行1、外部环境体验-先入为主彩旗猎猎迎风横幅从天而降海报鳞次栉比红地毯映入眼帘良好的印象是成交的前提!营造价值体验环境1LOGOCompany SystemADD SUB TITLE Click To Add TextClick To Add TextOur company respects ev

39、erybody is doing a best. Thinks the customer first of all. Loves the customer. Will increase in the customer and thanks. Will become the Our company respects everybody is doing a best. Thinks the customer first of all. Loves the customer. Will increase in the customer and thanks. Will become the com

40、pany which endeavors always. Thanks. company which endeavors always. Thanks. NoticeNoticeOur company Our company respects everybody respects everybody is doing a best. is doing a best. Thinks the Thinks the customer first of customer first of all. all. 课程内容第六章:赢在执行2、内部形象体、内部形象体验-核心冲核心冲击品牌形象彰品牌形象彰显个性

41、个性宣宣传海海报满堂堂结彩彩促促销礼品精美礼品精美诱人人布布艺沙沙发温馨舒适温馨舒适作作为服服务业,我,我们销售的不是教材、不是售的不是教材、不是课程、不是效程、不是效果,而是任何果,而是任何单一的表述都无法完全呈一的表述都无法完全呈现的整体服的整体服务产品。因此,全方位展示就是最有力的成交利器!品。因此,全方位展示就是最有力的成交利器!鲜花盆景点花盆景点缀装装饰背景音背景音乐清新怡人清新怡人ppt展播交替不断展播交替不断咖啡花茶精心准咖啡花茶精心准备专业茶具提升档次茶具提升档次LOGOCompany SystemADD SUB TITLE Click To Add TextClick To

42、Add TextOur company respects everybody is doing a best. Thinks the customer first of all. Loves the customer. Will increase in the customer and thanks. Will become the Our company respects everybody is doing a best. Thinks the customer first of all. Loves the customer. Will increase in the customer

43、and thanks. Will become the company which endeavors always. Thanks. company which endeavors always. Thanks. NoticeNoticeOur company Our company respects everybody respects everybody is doing a best. is doing a best. Thinks the Thinks the customer first of customer first of all. all. 课程内容第六章:赢在执行3、专业

44、服服务体体验-附加附加值冲冲击形象力就是形象力就是销售力,提高形象就是提高档次,提高家售力,提高形象就是提高档次,提高家长的心情愉悦,从而提升的心情愉悦,从而提升报名成功率。名成功率。形象形象专业热情接待情接待耐心耐心倾听听专注注记录善于善于认同同巧妙巧妙问询激激发需求需求展示价展示价值设计方案方案目的只有一个目的只有一个让家家长在体在体验式式环境中境中选到自己到自己称心如意的服称心如意的服务。LOGOCompany SystemADD SUB TITLE Click To Add TextClick To Add TextOur company respects everybody is d

45、oing a best. Thinks the customer first of all. Loves the customer. Will increase in the customer and thanks. Will become the Our company respects everybody is doing a best. Thinks the customer first of all. Loves the customer. Will increase in the customer and thanks. Will become the company which e

46、ndeavors always. Thanks. company which endeavors always. Thanks. NoticeNoticeOur company Our company respects everybody respects everybody is doing a best. is doing a best. Thinks the Thinks the customer first of customer first of all. all. 课程内容第六章:赢在执行心态阳光学校品牌不仅依靠学校口碑,更需要打造学校的课程产品品牌。在招生中遇到困难和阻力是正常的

47、。招生失败的几率远远大于成功的机会。打造钢铁战队2LOGOCompany SystemADD SUB TITLE Click To Add TextClick To Add TextOur company respects everybody is doing a best. Thinks the customer first of all. Loves the customer. Will increase in the customer and thanks. Will become the Our company respects everybody is doing a best. T

48、hinks the customer first of all. Loves the customer. Will increase in the customer and thanks. Will become the company which endeavors always. Thanks. company which endeavors always. Thanks. NoticeNoticeOur company Our company respects everybody respects everybody is doing a best. is doing a best. T

49、hinks the Thinks the customer first of customer first of all. all. 课程内容第六章:赢在执行时刻提醒:抱怨始于庸者,止于智者。课程咨询师要心态阳光、激情似火,烧到哪里,都能燃起一片火焰。课程咨询师的激情魅力充满神奇的感染力,容易感染家长,促成成交,对拉动招生起着至关重要的地位。LOGOCompany SystemADD SUB TITLE Click To Add TextClick To Add TextOur company respects everybody is doing a best. Thinks the cus

50、tomer first of all. Loves the customer. Will increase in the customer and thanks. Will become the Our company respects everybody is doing a best. Thinks the customer first of all. Loves the customer. Will increase in the customer and thanks. Will become the company which endeavors always. Thanks. co

51、mpany which endeavors always. Thanks. NoticeNoticeOur company Our company respects everybody respects everybody is doing a best. is doing a best. Thinks the Thinks the customer first of customer first of all. all. 课程内容第六章:赢在执行心态阳光敢于行动学校品牌不仅依靠学校口碑,更需要打造学校的课程产品品牌。在招生中遇到困难和阻力是正常的。招生失败的几率远远大于成功的机会。在战场交锋

52、时不是我们牵制对手,就是被对手牵制,此时我们需要的是一种霸气,一股杀气,心存畏惧会让我们失去行动力。招生就是一场战火纷飞的战争。最优秀的特种兵都是在战场厮杀中炼出来的。打造钢铁战队2LOGOCompany SystemADD SUB TITLE Click To Add TextClick To Add TextOur company respects everybody is doing a best. Thinks the customer first of all. Loves the customer. Will increase in the customer and thanks.

53、 Will become the Our company respects everybody is doing a best. Thinks the customer first of all. Loves the customer. Will increase in the customer and thanks. Will become the company which endeavors always. Thanks. company which endeavors always. Thanks. NoticeNoticeOur company Our company respect

54、s everybody respects everybody is doing a best. is doing a best. Thinks the Thinks the customer first of customer first of all. all. 课程内容第六章:赢在执行时刻牢记:行动,瞄准!机会只给那些准备好的人。LOGOCompany SystemADD SUB TITLE Click To Add TextClick To Add TextOur company respects everybody is doing a best. Thinks the custome

55、r first of all. Loves the customer. Will increase in the customer and thanks. Will become the Our company respects everybody is doing a best. Thinks the customer first of all. Loves the customer. Will increase in the customer and thanks. Will become the company which endeavors always. Thanks. compan

56、y which endeavors always. Thanks. NoticeNoticeOur company Our company respects everybody respects everybody is doing a best. is doing a best. Thinks the Thinks the customer first of customer first of all. all. 课程内容第六章:赢在执行心态阳光敢于行动战术制胜学校品牌不仅依靠学校口碑,更需要打造学校的课程产品品牌。在招生中遇到困难和阻力是正常的。招生失败的几率远远大于成功的机会。在战场交锋

57、时不是我们牵制对手,就是被对手牵制,此时我们需要的是一种霸气,一股杀气,心存畏惧会让我们失去行动力。招生就是一场战火纷飞的战争。最优秀的特种兵都是在战场厮杀中炼出来的。敢打还要会打,战术的巧妙运用,才能招招制胜。没有一杆打完的高尔夫。只有大面积撒网,才能不断提升网鱼机会。打造钢铁战队2LOGOCompany SystemADD SUB TITLE Click To Add TextClick To Add TextOur company respects everybody is doing a best. Thinks the customer first of all. Loves the

58、 customer. Will increase in the customer and thanks. Will become the Our company respects everybody is doing a best. Thinks the customer first of all. Loves the customer. Will increase in the customer and thanks. Will become the company which endeavors always. Thanks. company which endeavors always.

59、 Thanks. NoticeNotice课程内容第六章:赢在执行战术制胜第一招:信息轰炸短信、传单、面谈、演示、礼品、体验、十八般武艺全用上,要布下天罗地网,对家长进行信息包围,将信息不对称进行到底!第二招:团队围猎团队联手作战永远胜于单打独斗。要发扬“我为人人,人人为我”的合作精神,全员参与到团队协作作战中去。家长来校咨询,一定不是单对单、各顾各的战斗,而是团队对个人的协作作战。所有战友都要有合围作战的意识,绝不打一个人单挑的战争。只要有两个战友在,就应该立刻进行协同作战。展示团队的力量一定更容易征服家长。第三招:穷追猛打作战中要有钉子般锲而不舍的精神。报单期不如报整班,明天报不如今天报,

60、下午交费不如马上交费,关键一步,一条短信、一个、再追一步:家长,我又帮你申请了一个礼品,你报,还是不报?第四招:层层拦截作战中特别强调现场拦截,迅速锁定目标,进行分析判断,然后找出适合课程,进行拦截,能在一次中搞定的,不要放到第二次;能在咨询面谈时当场搞定的,千万不要等到下一次;要主动帮助犹豫的家长拿主意、下结论,回家商量不如现在商量,和孩子商量不如和我们商量。实在不行,留个活话,明天再战。LOGOCompany SystemADD SUB TITLE Click To Add TextClick To Add TextOur company respects everybody is doi

61、ng a best. Thinks the customer first of all. Loves the customer. Will increase in the customer and thanks. Will become the Our company respects everybody is doing a best. Thinks the customer first of all. Loves the customer. Will increase in the customer and thanks. Will become the company which end

62、eavors always. Thanks. company which endeavors always. Thanks. NoticeNoticeOur company Our company respects everybody respects everybody is doing a best. is doing a best. Thinks the Thinks the customer first of customer first of all. all. 课程内容第六章:赢在执行心态阳光敢于行动战术制胜总结分析学校品牌不仅依靠学校口碑,更需要打造学校的课程产品品牌。在招生中遇

63、到困难和阻力是正常的。招生失败的几率远远大于成功的机会。在战场交锋时不是我们牵制对手,就是被对手牵制,此时我们需要的是一种霸气,一股杀气,心存畏惧会让我们失去行动力。招生就是一场战火纷飞的战争。最优秀的特种兵都是在战场厮杀中炼出来的。没有一杆打完的高尔夫。只有大面积撒网,才能不断提升网鱼机会。打造钢铁战队2LOGOCompany SystemADD SUB TITLE Click To Add TextClick To Add TextOur company respects everybody is doing a best. Thinks the customer first of all

64、. Loves the customer. Will increase in the customer and thanks. Will become the Our company respects everybody is doing a best. Thinks the customer first of all. Loves the customer. Will increase in the customer and thanks. Will become the company which endeavors always. Thanks. company which endeav

65、ors always. Thanks. NoticeNoticeOur company Our company respects everybody respects everybody is doing a best. is doing a best. Thinks the Thinks the customer first of customer first of all. all. 课程内容第六章:赢在执行对招生中出现的动态数据要坚持每日组织日清会进行分析:进展分析、目标客户分析、生员信息分析、学校热度分析、年级趋势分析、班级趋势分析、热报时段分析、家长诉求点分析、家长抗拒点分析等等,这

66、些数字就是这个行业的生存参数,因此一定要坚持分析,在分析中找准脉搏,控制战局。每次招生项目运营结束,参战团队必须人人总结,及时分享,发现优点、排查不足、商讨改进、互补有无,在战斗中成长自我。总结分析LOGOCompany SystemADD SUB TITLE Click To Add TextClick To Add TextOur company respects everybody is doing a best. Thinks the customer first of all. Loves the customer. Will increase in the customer and

67、 thanks. Will become the Our company respects everybody is doing a best. Thinks the customer first of all. Loves the customer. Will increase in the customer and thanks. Will become the company which endeavors always. Thanks. company which endeavors always. Thanks. NoticeNoticeOur company Our company

68、 respects everybody respects everybody is doing a best. is doing a best. Thinks the Thinks the customer first of customer first of all. all. 课程内容第六章:赢在执行时机机步步骤使用使用语言言配合配合动作作客客户进入大入大厅微笑示礼微笑示礼您好!您好!欢迎光迎光临!面向面向顾客微笑,身体呈客微笑,身体呈15度鞠躬示礼。如度鞠躬示礼。如课程程顾问正在工作,正在工作,则面向面向顾客微笑示礼(招呼)后,再客微笑示礼(招呼)后,再继续工作,同工作,同时用余光关注用




72、三步后,微笑送行礼,离去,距离自己三步后,微笑送行礼,并并视情况使用礼貌情况使用礼貌语言。言。1、制定、制定课程咨程咨询师服服务礼礼仪标准准提供高品质服务3LOGOCompany SystemADD SUB TITLE Click To Add TextClick To Add TextOur company respects everybody is doing a best. Thinks the customer first of all. Loves the customer. Will increase in the customer and thanks. Will become

73、the Our company respects everybody is doing a best. Thinks the customer first of all. Loves the customer. Will increase in the customer and thanks. Will become the company which endeavors always. Thanks. company which endeavors always. Thanks. NoticeNoticeOur company Our company respects everybody r

74、espects everybody is doing a best. is doing a best. Thinks the Thinks the customer first of customer first of all. all. 课程内容第六章:赢在执行2、制定课程咨询师工作礼仪标准n欢迎参观教学区!n是否需要我介绍一下?n需要课程资料吗?n好的!n请您稍候!n让您久等了!n谢谢!n请家人带孩子再来看看吧!n欢迎再来!n我觉得这个课程挺适合您的孩子n请问现在就给孩子办理报名交费手续,行吗?n时时保障咨询中心的茶水、茶具准备n时时留心咨询中心的整齐及整洁等待n在固定的位置上(前台,咨询


76、送客收款及送客提供高品质服务3LOGOCompany SystemADD SUB TITLE Click To Add TextClick To Add TextOur company respects everybody is doing a best. Thinks the customer first of all. Loves the customer. Will increase in the customer and thanks. Will become the Our company respects everybody is doing a best. Thinks the

77、customer first of all. Loves the customer. Will increase in the customer and thanks. Will become the company which endeavors always. Thanks. company which endeavors always. Thanks. NoticeNoticeOur company Our company respects everybody respects everybody is doing a best. is doing a best. Thinks the

78、Thinks the customer first of customer first of all. all. 课程内容第六章:赢在执行送客送客至大门外整理报名信息询问是否初次是否初次登登门否,引否,引导至上至上次接待人次接待人员迎客携带文件夹主动拉门问候拉近距离倾听观察咨询区引导至咨询区注意业务动作增强亲和力推报成功填写报名表与入学协议咨询区控制气势锁定需求安排测试尝试推荐做出判断教学区参观准备迎合客户了解需求办理收理收费提供票据提供票据报名区登录系统注册班级课程咨程咨询师接待咨接待咨询工作流程工作流程构建标准化的工作流程4LOGOCompany SystemADD SUB TITLE C

79、lick To Add TextClick To Add TextOur company respects everybody is doing a best. Thinks the customer first of all. Loves the customer. Will increase in the customer and thanks. Will become the Our company respects everybody is doing a best. Thinks the customer first of all. Loves the customer. Will

80、increase in the customer and thanks. Will become the company which endeavors always. Thanks. company which endeavors always. Thanks. NoticeNoticeOur company Our company respects everybody respects everybody is doing a best. is doing a best. Thinks the Thinks the customer first of customer first of all. all. 课程内容第六章:赢在执行THANKS FOR YOUR TIME



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