高中英语 Unit 4 Sharing period 2 vocabulary课件 新人教版选修7.ppt

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1、1. 学生能够了解本单元单词的基本用法。2. 学生能够辨析易混淆词的用法,并能熟练运用。3. 学生能够掌握重点难点词的拓展及其用法。4. 学生能够用所学单词翻译或造出句子,提升自己的句子表达和写作水平。 本节课为unit4 的单词和短语教学,单词本来是零散的,易混的,但是本节课运用了从点到线,从线到面的词汇教学方法,使重点难点单词成了容易掌握的单词块,单词串,从而实现了知识即词汇的重新组合,这一点也符合新的英语教学大纲的要求。 首先,用听本单元的单词录音进行导入,让学生从整体上感知下单词。然后,对重点单词进行讲解,既有对单词用法的拓展,又有对短语释义的延伸。讲解和巩固练习结合,让学生加深理解词

2、汇用法并当堂掌握。1. the other day 不久前一天不久前一天 all day long =all day 整天整天, , 终日终日, , 一天到晚一天到晚 dog days 三伏天三伏天, , 闷热天闷热天 every other day 每隔一天每隔一天, , 每两天每两天 have a day off 休假一天休假一天 one day /some day 有一天有一天, , 某一天某一天, , 总有一天总有一天 day after day 一天又一天地一天又一天地, , 日复一日地日复一日地 day and night 日日夜夜地日日夜夜地 day by day 逐日地逐日地,

3、 , 一天天地一天天地 2. relevant (adj) relevantly (adv) “ “有关的有关的 ,有实际价值,有实际价值(重要性重要性)的的”反义词反义词 :irrelevant 这种工作与经验无关这种工作与经验无关 。The work of this kind is not relevant to experience.这类课程与当今的社会问题的关系这类课程与当今的社会问题的关系 而论已毫无实际价值。而论已毫无实际价值。The type of the course is no longer relevant to todays social problem. be rele

4、vant to= have sth. to do with 与与有关有关relevance n. 关联;相关性关联;相关性 have relevance to 与与有关有关have no relevance to=have nothing to do with与与无关无关 Topics for compositions should be _ to the experiences and interests of the students.A. concerned B. DependentC. concerning D. relevant【解析】选D。句意为:作文的题目应与学生的经历和兴趣有关

5、。be relevant to与有关。 而concerning 是介词,相当于about,后面不加to。D 3. remote a remote relative 远亲远亲 a question remote from the subject 与本主题不相干与本主题不相干 的问题的问题 be remote and cold in ones manner 态度冷淡态度冷淡 a remote possibility 极小的可能性极小的可能性4. adjust小屋内很黑,因此,眼睛要过好一阵才能适应过来。小屋内很黑,因此,眼睛要过好一阵才能适应过来。adjust vt&vi. 调整;(使)适合调整;

6、(使)适合adjust to sth./doing sth. 适应适应(做做)某事某事adjust oneself to sth. 使某人(自己)适应某事使某人(自己)适应某事adjustable adj. 可调整的;可调节的可调整的;可调节的adjustment n. 调整;调解;(思想、行为的)调整,适应调整;调解;(思想、行为的)调整,适应make adjustments to 对对作出调整作出调整 5. participate vi. 参加参加 参与参与1) participate in sth. a. 他没有参加讨论他没有参加讨论。He didnt participate in th

7、e discussion.b. Adults develop the confidence to participate in the social, economic and political lives of their communities.成年人在他们的社会生活中增强参与社会、经济和政治的成年人在他们的社会生活中增强参与社会、经济和政治的自信心。自信心。c. 希望全班同学参与这项活动。希望全班同学参与这项活动。All the students _ _ _are expected to_in the activity.in our classparticipate2) partici

8、pation n. 参加参加 参与参与This is a show with lots of audience participation.这是一次观众热烈参与的演出。3) compare“参加参加”: participate in, attend, join, take part in与与join in?participate in 正正式式用用语语,表表参参加加,参参与与。强强调调与与他他人人共共同同参参 加加某某一一活活动动,暗暗示示以以一一种种积积极的态度参加。极的态度参加。attend 正正式式用用语语,一一般般用用于于指指参参加加会会议议,出出席席典典礼礼或或招招待待会会等等,也也

9、可可以以指指上上学学,听听课,听演讲或讲座等。课,听演讲或讲座等。join 常常用用词词,作作及及物物动动词词;通通常常指指参参加加某某组组织织或或团团体体,并并成成为为其其中中的的一一员员,其其宾宾语往往是语往往是the army/party/team/club 或或sb.等。等。take part in 指指参参加加群群众众性性的的活活动动,侧侧重重说说明明主主语语参参加加该该项项活活动动并并在在其其中中发发挥挥一一定定的的作作用用。part 前前 若若 有有 修修 饰饰 语语 , 要要 用用 不不 定定 冠冠 词词 。 如如 take (an active) part in school

10、/activities。join in 参参加加正正在在进进行行的的活活动动,其其宾宾语语一一般般是是竞竞赛赛、娱娱乐乐、谈谈话话、讨讨论论、聚聚会会、游游戏戏等名词,可以用于等名词,可以用于join in (doing) sth./join sb. in (doing) sth. 结构中。结构中。选用所给单词或短语的适当形式填空选用所给单词或短语的适当形式填空join; join in; take part in; attend; participate inThey all _ the plot.At the age of eight, he _ a group of child danc

11、ers.The children _ the English Evening and had a good time.He didnt _ school yesterday because of his illness.Zhou Enlai _ the student movements actively when he was at school.participated injoinedjoined inattendtook part in He told me that the can was heated to_ (2)Water the plant regularly, never

12、letting_(让土壤干枯让土壤干枯) 6.dry out (使使)变干变干;干透干透(1)他告诉我加热罐子是为了使剩余的食物变干。他告诉我加热罐子是为了使剩余的食物变干。dry out the leftover food.the soil dry out 7. dry up (河流,湖泊等河流,湖泊等)干枯;弄干、晒干、变干干枯;弄干、晒干、变干; (供应、思路供应、思路) 枯竭枯竭 (1) During the drought, the river dried up. (2) The writers long separation from social dried up his ima

13、gination.(3)太阳很快就会把马路晒干的。 _The sun will soon dry up the roads.8. otherwise (adv. conj.) “用别的方法用别的方法,其他方面其他方面; 否则否则,不然不然 (or)”He is slow , but otherwise he is a good worker .Seize the chance , otherwise (or) you will regret it . 祈使句祈使句 , and (or ,otherwise ) + 简单句简单句 (简单句常用将来时简单句常用将来时) 1) Hurry up ,

14、_ you will be late. A. and B. otherwise C. if D. unless2) Study hard , _ you will pass the exam . A. and B. or C. if D. unless 3) Study hard , _ you will not pass the exam . A. and B. otherwise C. if D. unlessBAB9. donatedonate v. 捐赠,赠送捐赠,赠送 donate sth. to sb. 向某物捐赠某人向某物捐赠某人donation n. 捐赠;捐赠物;捐款捐赠;捐

15、赠物;捐款donator n. 捐赠者捐赠者make/give/present a donation to sb. 捐赠给某人捐赠给某人send a donation to 把捐款寄至把捐款寄至promise a donation 应允捐赠应允捐赠He _ _ _ _ (捐捐赠赠)a million to the school. The rest of the money we get is _ _ (来来自自捐赠捐赠)made a donation offrom donations10. in need 在困难中在困难中,在危急中在危急中句意理解:Afriendinneedisafriend

16、indeed.患难朋友才是真朋友.(1)我们应该帮助有困难的人.Weshouldhelpthoseinneed.(2)他现在很需要一大笔钱.Henowisingreatneedofmuchmoney.11. purchase 1) vt. 购买购买 采购;采购; 努力取得努力取得a. 他把两年前买的那幢房子卖了。He sold the house he had purchased two years before.b. They purchased life at the expense of honour.他们以牺牲名誉为代价换得了生命。2) n. 购买购买 购得物购得物 如果你对所购之物不

17、满意,我们将全额退款。If you are not satisfied with your purchase, well give you a full refund. make a purchase 买东西 return ones purchase 退货 a good purchase 便宜货 acquire sth by purchase 买得某物提示:提示:purchase要比要比buy正式正式12. security n. 安全安全 保障保障 1) the Security Council(联合国)安全理事会(联合国)安全理事会2)出于安全的考虑须对旅客进行搜身。For _ reaso

18、ns the passengers have to_ _.security be searched13. operate (vtvi) vi 工作,运转工作,运转, 动手术(动手术(on) Some people can only operate well under pressure. The famous doctor has operated on many important people. vt 操作操作 What skills are needed to operate this machine. operation n. 操纵,经营,手术操纵,经营,手术 operator n.

19、接线员,接线员, 操作人员,操作人员, 手术员手术员 operate on 给给动手术动手术 perform an operation on 给给实施手术实施手术 In operation 工作中,工作中, 使用中,使用中, 有效有效 come into operation 开始工作,开始工作, 开始有效开始有效 put sth into operation 实施,启用使实施,启用使运转运转 She will have to _ on for her cancer . He and the other doctors didnt leave until the _ was over . He will perform an operation _her for a diseased lung .be operated operation on



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