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1、大学英语大学英语A A考试大纲和教学指导考试大纲和教学指导主要内容主要内容考试大纲教学指导1 考试大纲考试大纲考试大纲考试大纲1 注重英语应用目的:发挥对日常英语教学的积极反拨作用目的:发挥对日常英语教学的积极反拨作用 2 全面考查读写能力2 教学指导教学指导教学指导教学指导熟悉考试大纲要求,了解考试范围熟悉考试大纲要求,了解考试范围熟悉试题结构熟悉试题结构针对考试题型进行相关辅导针对考试题型进行相关辅导大学英语大学英语A考试大纲考试大纲语法和词汇语法和词汇语法:语法:时态、从句、语态、非谓语动词、主谓一致、强调等词汇:词汇:认知5000个单词,熟练掌握2300个词及基本搭配 (见辅导用书第3

2、18页)阅读阅读-阅读:阅读:常见的文体,速度为80词/分钟。检测以下技能:-大意-细节-推断 (词义、观点、态度)-理解文章结构以及单句之间、段落之间的关系-区分论点与论据翻译翻译翻译:翻译:5句话/20分钟-核心词组和搭配-语法(动词时态等)-拼写、标点 ! 通顺、达意写作写作150字/30分钟文体:文体:常见的应用文、描述文、说明文和议论文要求:要求:-内容切题(基于提纲)-结构严谨、条理清楚(主题/段落)-文体格式-正确的语法、词汇、拼写、标点考试范围考试范围按照大纲界定的范围基于辅导用书 (6套考题)试题结构试题结构辅导方案辅导方案阅读阅读语法语法词汇词汇完型完型汉译英汉译英写作写作

3、阅读(阅读(1)长度:200-250字/250-350字取材:日常/社会生活/科普阅读(阅读(2)辅导对策:辅导对策:1 通读理解文章(改述paraphrase)2 审题(查阅文中相关信息)3 理解率=题目正确率4 广泛阅读。除教材以外,多读英文原版书, 如Readers Digest; 还有China Daily 以及其他网上相当难度的英语新闻 ,养成阅读英文的习惯阅读(阅读(3)细节题(Passage 1):After reading the short article we know that .A:all the women in the U.S. have jobsB:half of

4、 the women aged 18 to 64 in the U.S have jobsC:all the women in the U.S. like work very muchD:fifty percent of the American women have jobs outside their homes 标准答案:B 考生答案:D 题分:3 考生得分:0 分析:Among women who are eighteen to sixty-four years old, fifty percent have jobs. (第一段的第二句话)实例演示实例演示 1阅读(阅读(4)细节/推

5、断题(Passage 2)Why is color vision not important for dogs?A:They simply live in a colorless world.B:Their favorite foods are of similar colors.C:They have keen sense of hearing to compensate for this inability.D:Their highly sensitive smelling sense makes up for their colorblindness. 标准答案:D 考生答案:A 题分:

6、3考生得分:0 解析:His keen sense of smell compensates for his inability to see colors, (第一段最后一句话)D选项是这句话的paraphrase. A是文中的一句话,但不是回答该问题的。实例演示实例演示 2阅读(阅读(5)推断题(Passage 2) The testing on dogs mentioned in the passage is mainly designed to _ .A:find out why dogs are colorblindB:test how sensitive their smellin

7、g ability isC:prove that they do not have color visionD:analyze how they differentiate between one kind of food and others标准答案:C 考生答案:C 题分:3考生得分:3 解析:The first and the last sentence of paragraph 2 offered the answer.实例演示实例演示 3语法(语法(1)语法点语法点:从句(状语、定语、名词性从句);时态;非谓语动词;虚拟语气;语态 辅导方案:辅导方案:语法书以及练习册/辅导用书 中的

8、题语法(语法(2)Living here has its problem, _ catching buses to work is not the least.A.for which B.to which C.of whichD.in which 标准答案:C 考生答案:A 题分:2考生得分:0解析:解析: 介词+非限制性定语从句实例演示实例演示 1语法(语法(3)Its no use _ children to keep quiet. They cant help _ noise.A.to ask, to make B.asking, to make C.to ask, making D.a

9、sking, making标准答案:标准答案:D 考生答案:C 题分:2考生得分:0 解析解析:结构理解。It is no use doing sth; help doing sth.实例演示实例演示 2词汇(词汇(1)辅导方案辅导方案:-常见的约2300个词或词组(使用的教材中;辅导用书;当代大学英语系列1-4/新视野英语系列)- 辅导书后词表的单词词汇(词汇(2)Jacks university education gave him _ over boys who had not been to college.A:a benefitB:a profitC:a viewD:an advan

10、tage 标准答案:D 考生答案:A 题分:2考生得分:0 解析:give sb. an advantage over实例演示实例演示 1词汇(词汇(3)There was more than _ rain and snow last year, so some parts of the country have been flooded this spring.A:extra B:efficient C:generous D:adequate 标准答案:标准答案:D 考生答案:A 题分:2考生得分:0 解析:解析:adequate 意思是丰富的,足够的,意思符合题目。实例演示实例演示 2完完

11、型(型(1)考点:考点:主要从语篇的角度测试学生综合运用语言能力,具体考查阅读理解以及词汇/语法能力完型(完型(2)做题步骤:(1)速读短文,忽略空白,了解大意(2)利用篇首和篇末句,进行预测和推理(3)细读,并填空 (语法/词义/惯用语/逻辑搭配/上下文联系)(4)通读检查完型(完型(3)应试策略应试策略Writing in a diary, watching television, talking with friends, speaking on the telephone, and_ (read, reading, to read, having read) a menu - what

12、 do they have in common?答案与解析:reading, 平行结构,非谓语动词(1)语法题 (时态、语气、非谓语动词、替代词、词组/习语和惯用法等)完型(完型(4)(2) 词汇题(词义理解与辨析)To be a successful speaker, it is essential for you to know why you are speaking and what you wish to accomplish by your speech. The four most common _(targets, purposes, tasks, aspects) of sp

13、eech are to inform, to convince, to move to action, and to entertain. 解析:从前面一句话的意思,以及本句话后面4个to+verb结构,推断出此处应该填写purposes完型(完型(5)(3) 句间关系题 (-理清句间的逻辑关系)The language and the tone that you use must be appropriate for your purpose, for your audience and for the occasion. _(However, Furthermore, Even thoug

14、h,Therefore) , no matter how talented the speaker is, a talk without adequate preparation is usually a failure. 解析:这两句之间是递进关系,因此应该用Furthermore.汉译汉译英(英(1)辅导对策(1)仔细审题,找出核心词组(2)达意,通顺。样例样例1 1: 不论她如何说,我也不相信这个消息。 Despite what she said, I couldnt/didnt believe the news. OR No matter what she said/Whatever

15、she said, 汉译英(汉译英(2)样例样例2 2: 你知道谁负责公司的广告业务吗? Do you know who is in charge of the companys advertising? OR Do you know who is responsible for the companys advertising business? 写作(写作(1)做题步骤做题步骤(1)仔细审题(2)根据提纲来组织思想(3)语言通顺写作样例写作样例1Instructions:Your essay should be no less than 150 words.There exist some environmental problems in our country. Please illustrate your opinion on the topic “The Environmental Problems in Our Country”. You should base your essay on the outline below.1.列举存在的环境问题。2.分析形成这些问题的原因。3. 提出解决问题的建议。 样例样例1讨论讨论样例 1 1 优点?2 不足?3 其他?主要内容主要内容考试大纲教学指导谢谢!谢谢!



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