课时讲练通高中英语 Module 3 Violence ofNature Period 4 Integrating Skills(要点讲解课+情境互动课型)课件2 外研版必修3

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课时讲练通高中英语 Module 3 Violence ofNature Period 4 Integrating Skills(要点讲解课+情境互动课型)课件2 外研版必修3_第1页
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课时讲练通高中英语 Module 3 Violence ofNature Period 4 Integrating Skills(要点讲解课+情境互动课型)课件2 外研版必修3_第2页
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课时讲练通高中英语 Module 3 Violence ofNature Period 4 Integrating Skills(要点讲解课+情境互动课型)课件2 外研版必修3_第3页
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《课时讲练通高中英语 Module 3 Violence ofNature Period 4 Integrating Skills(要点讲解课+情境互动课型)课件2 外研版必修3》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《课时讲练通高中英语 Module 3 Violence ofNature Period 4 Integrating Skills(要点讲解课+情境互动课型)课件2 外研版必修3(36页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Module 3 The Violence of NatureListening & Speaking &Writing 1. Learn some important words and phrases;2. Train the students to listen to specific facts and details; 3. To learn to write about natural events.Learning aimsWhat can be produced in a volcanic eruption?lavaLeading-inashWhen the lava reac

2、hed the sea ,there was the possibility of a huge tidal wave which could flood half the island. A volcano is erupting and we can see the lava.熔岩流、火山灰、有毒气体熔岩流、火山灰、有毒气体酸雨、火焰、泥流、气温下降、呼吸困酸雨、火焰、泥流、气温下降、呼吸困难难死伤及经济损失死伤及经济损失熔岩流熔岩流volcanoeruptashlavatidalwave seaListening & Vocabulary 1.Read the passage at Ac

3、tivity 1, Page 25, then fill the map and explain the process of eruption.Once a _ erupts, _ can come up through the volcano. And when the _ reaches the sea, its very likely to see a huge _ which can cause a great damage.The process of eruptiontidal wavevolcanoash and lavalavaAnswers:1.a2.b3.b4.bList

4、ening & Vocabulary2. Finish the exercise at Activity 3, Page 25.【拓展拓展】1. set fire to sth. = set sth. on fire 放火烧放火烧2. catch fire 着火着火3. manage to do 设法做到设法做到4. put out 熄灭熄灭Listening &Vocabulary 3.Listen and answer the following questions at Activity 4,Page 25.Answers:1. In the center of Plymouth, ca

5、pital of Montserrat.2. A reporter and Frank Savage , Governor of the island.3. No, it isnt.4. About 6,000.5. None.6. They dont know.The reporter and Frank Savage, the _of the island Montserrat, are standing in the _of Plymouth, they were talking about the _ a week ago. The volcano _, and ash and _po

6、ured down the mountain towards the sea. _, the people there got plenty of _,so _of the population managed to go to another island before the eruption, that is, about Listen again and fill in the blanks: governor centervolcaniceruptioneruptedlavaLuckilywarning half_thousand people out of _ had left._

7、, hundreds of houses _when the lava reached them. _, the fire was _quite quickly. But the volcano could erupt again, so the_from the governor is that the people should not go back to their houses. _, it wont be long.sixeleven thousandSadlycaught fireFortunatelyput outmessageHopefullyLanguage points1

8、 1possibility n可能性;可能可能性;可能When the lava reached the sea,there was thepossibility of a huge tidal wave which could flood halfthe island. 当岩浆到达大海时,有可能引起巨大的潮当岩浆到达大海时,有可能引起巨大的潮汐,淹没半个岛屿。汐,淹没半个岛屿。Is there any possibility of your getting to London this week?本周你有可能去伦敦吗?本周你有可能去伦敦吗?【知识拓展知识拓展】There is the/no

9、possibility of (doing) sth.有有/ /没有没有的可能性的可能性There is a/ the/ no possibility that.“有有/ /没有可能没有可能”(that(that引导同位语从句引导同位语从句) )It is possible that I might be of some use in that partof work.在做工作的那一部分时,我可能帮得上忙。在做工作的那一部分时,我可能帮得上忙。possible adj. 可能的可能的It is possible to do sth./that.有可能做有可能做2set fire to sth.

10、/set sth. on fire 放火烧放火烧;使;使着火着火Ash and lava poured down the mountain,setting fireto hundreds of houses. 火山灰和岩浆从山上流下来,引燃了成百上千所房子。火山灰和岩浆从山上流下来,引燃了成百上千所房子。Who set fire to the house(Who set the house on fire)?是谁放火烧的那座房子?是谁放火烧的那座房子?【知识拓展知识拓展】3put out 熄灭;扑灭;生产;出版熄灭;扑灭;生产;出版We put all the fires out.我们扑灭了所

11、有的火。我们扑灭了所有的火。This magazine is put out every Friday.这份杂志每周五出版。这份杂志每周五出版。The factory puts out 300 new cars a week.这家工厂一周生产这家工厂一周生产300辆新汽车。辆新汽车。【知识拓展知识拓展】offdownout Student A: You are a reporter from CCTV-channel 9. You are reporting on a natural disaster. Make a list of questions to ask. Where were y

12、ou when it happened? What were you doing?1 SpeakingTalk about a natural disaster!Role play Other students: You are local residents in the area of the violent natural event. Describe which kind of violent natural event you saw. (hurricane, volcanic eruption, tornado, etc.) Think of things that happen

13、ed to you or things that you saw. Tell the reporter where you were and what you saw. Practise your interviews and then act them out for the rest of the class. 2Read the passage and answer the questions.1. Where did this happen? Near the beach.2. What happened to the trees? They began to move from si

14、de to side.3. Where did the person have to stay? In their rooms of the hotel.4. For how long? About two days.WritingHow to describe a violent natural event? Fill the blank first , then reorganize all information into a passage.Violent natural eventWhen WhereWhyHow strongDamage如何写自然灾害类说明文如何写自然灾害类说明文

15、本模块的写作文体是介绍自然灾害的说明文。本模块的写作文体是介绍自然灾害的说明文。描述自然灾害首先要说明该灾害的基本情况,然后根描述自然灾害首先要说明该灾害的基本情况,然后根据需要选择角度,简明扼要而又重点突出地介绍,力据需要选择角度,简明扼要而又重点突出地介绍,力求真实准确,恰如其分。写好自然灾害类文章的关键求真实准确,恰如其分。写好自然灾害类文章的关键是实事求是、简明扼要。是实事求是、简明扼要。 自然灾害类说明文一般包括以下几点:灾害发自然灾害类说明文一般包括以下几点:灾害发生的时间、地点等;灾害的危害性及其发生规律;补生的时间、地点等;灾害的危害性及其发生规律;补救措施;经验教训或建议。救

16、措施;经验教训或建议。自然灾害类说明文的特点:自然灾害类说明文的特点:1 1时态相对统一:多用一般现在时和一般过去时态相对统一:多用一般现在时和一般过去时,有时为了表达的需要会在个别地方采用其他时,有时为了表达的需要会在个别地方采用其他时态。时态。2.2.一般采用客观表述,避免主观色彩。一般采用客观表述,避免主观色彩。3 3叙述格式比较固定。通常为:事件叙述格式比较固定。通常为:事件描述灾描述灾害害提出建议等。提出建议等。【常用句型常用句型】1灾害的发生:灾害的发生:There was/ is.in.;A terrible.hit/struck;.happened/ took place/ b

17、roke out.2灾害的影响:灾害的影响:Everything was destroyed.Thousands of people were made homeless.The disaster caused.deaths/injuries.The disaster caused great damage to.3采取措施及建议:采取措施及建议:When you.,you should.If.,you had better.Measures have been taken to help.Luckily,the army has been sent to rescue. 1976年年7月月2

18、8日深夜,人们正在睡觉。随着一声巨日深夜,人们正在睡觉。随着一声巨响,成千上万的房屋倒塌,水电被切断,全城到处是响,成千上万的房屋倒塌,水电被切断,全城到处是大火和浓烟,几乎全城被毁,约大火和浓烟,几乎全城被毁,约24.2万人丧生,许多万人丧生,许多人受伤,许多人无家可归。人受伤,许多人无家可归。 全国各地的人们全力帮助唐山人民重建家园。今全国各地的人们全力帮助唐山人民重建家园。今日唐山比以前更美好。日唐山比以前更美好。题目:题目:An Earthquake in China 词数:词数:100词左右词左右【写作训练写作训练】 Write a Composition The Chinese p

19、eople will never forget the 1976 earthquake in Tangshan. On the late night of July 28, 1976, people were sleeping. With a terrible noise, houses and tall buildings fell down. Water and electricity were cut off. There were fires and smoke everywhere. The whole city was almost destroyed【参考范文参考范文】An Ea

20、rthquake in Chinaand about 242,000 people were killed in the earthquake. A large number of people were injured and many lost their homes. On hearing the news, people all over the country tried their best to help the people in Tangshan rebuild their homes. Tangshan has been made more beautiful than b

21、efore.bad newsgood newssadlyluckilyhopefullythankfullyfortunatelyunfortunatelyMatching 1. _, we had plentyof warning.2. _, there were several villages in its path.3. _, no one was killed.Fortunately/ Thankfully/ LuckilyUnfortunately/ SadlyHopefully/ Fortunately/ Thankfully/LuckilyFinish the exercise

22、s at Activity 2, Page 28.4. _, itwont be too long.5. _, hundreds of houses caught fire when the lava reached them.6. _, we put all the fires out quite quickly.Unfortunately/ SadlyHopefully/ Fortunately/ Thankfully/LuckilyFortunately/ Thankfully/ Luckily 用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。1. The place w

23、as visited recently as a result of a serious volcanic _ (erupt).2. The _ (tide) wave formed a terrifying wall of water.3. There is no _ (possible) that Bob can win the first prize in the match.4. Fear of danger is ten thousand times more _ (terrify) than danger itself.5. My repeated _ (warn) to her went in at one ear and out at the other.eruptiontidalClass exercisesterriblepossibilitywarningHomeworkWorking in groups, try to make a postcard about one of the natural disasters we have learnt this module. More photos are welcome.Where there is life, there is hope. 生命不息,希望常在。



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