【病毒外文文献】2017 Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Nonstructural Protein 16 Is Necessary for Interferon Resistance and Vi

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1、Middle East Respiratory SyndromeCoronavirus Nonstructural Protein 16 IsNecessary for Interferon Resistance andViral PathogenesisVineet D. Menachery,a,bLisa E. Gralinski,bHugh D. Mitchell,dKenneth H. Dinnon III,bSarah R. Leist,bBoyd L. Yount, Jr.,bRachel L. Graham,bEileen T. McAnarney,a,bKelly G. Str

2、atton,dAdam S. Cockrell,bKari Debbink,eAmy C. Sims,bKatrina M. Waters,dRalph S. Baricb,cDepartment of Microbiology and Immunology, University of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston, Texas,USAa; Department of Epidemiology, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NorthCarolina, USAb; Dep

3、artment of Microbiology and Immunology, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill,Chapel Hill, North Carolina, USAc; Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, Washington, USAd;Department of Natural Sciences, Bowie State University, Bowie, Maryland, USAeABSTRACTCoronaviruses (CoVs) encode a

4、mixture of highly conserved and novelgenes, as well as genetic elements necessary for infection and pathogenesis, raisingthe possibility of common targets for attenuation and therapeutic design. In thisstudy, we focused on highly conserved nonstructural protein 16 (NSP16), a viral 2=O-methyltransfer

5、ase (2=O-MTase) that encodes critical functions in immune modulationand infection. Using reverse genetics, we disrupted a key motif in the conservedKDKE motif of Middle East respiratory syndrome CoV (MERS-CoV) NSP16 (D130A) andevaluated the effect on viral infection and pathogenesis. While the absen

6、ce of 2=O-MTase activity had only a marginal impact on propagation and replication in Verocells, dNSP16 mutant MERS-CoV demonstrated significant attenuation relative to thecontrol both in primary human airway cell cultures and in vivo. Further examinationindicated that dNSP16 mutant MERS-CoV had a t

7、ype I interferon (IFN)-based attenu-ation and was partially restored in the absence of molecules of IFN-induced proteinswith tetratricopeptide repeats. Importantly, the robust attenuation permitted the useof dNSP16 mutant MERS-CoV as a live attenuated vaccine platform protecting froma challenge with

8、 a mouse-adapted MERS-CoV strain. These studies demonstrate theimportance of the conserved 2=O-MTase activity for CoV pathogenesis and highlightNSP16 as a conserved universal target for rapid live attenuated vaccine design in anexpanding CoV outbreak setting.IMPORTANCECoronavirus (CoV) emergence in

9、both humans and livestock repre-sents a significant threat to global public health, as evidenced by the sudden emer-gence of severe acute respiratory syndrome CoV (SARS-CoV), MERS-CoV, porcine epi-demic diarrhea virus, and swine delta CoV in the 21st century. These studiesdescribe an approach that e

10、ffectively targets the highly conserved 2=O-MTase activ-ity of CoVs for attenuation. With clear understanding of the IFN/IFIT (IFN-inducedproteins with tetratricopeptide repeats)-based mechanism, NSP16 mutants provide asuitable target for a live attenuated vaccine platform, as well as therapeutic de

11、velop-ment for both current and future emergent CoV strains. Importantly, other ap-proaches targeting other conserved pan-CoV functions have not yet proven effectiveagainst MERS-CoV, illustrating the broad applicability of targeting viral 2=O-MTasefunction across CoVs.KEYWORDSIFIT, MERS-CoV, SARS-Co

12、V, coronavirus, emerging virus, live attenuated,methyltransferase, vaccineReceived 8 August 2017 Accepted 26October 2017 Published 15 November 2017Citation Menachery VD, Gralinski LE, MitchellHD, Dinnon KH, III, Leist SR, Yount BL, Jr,Graham RL, McAnarney ET, Stratton KG,Cockrell AS, Debbink K, Sims

13、 AC, Waters KM,Baric RS. 2017. Middle East respiratorysyndrome coronavirus nonstructural protein 16is necessary for interferon resistance and viralpathogenesis. mSphere 2:e00346-17. https:/doi.org/10.1128/mSphere.00346-17.Editor Ana Fernandez-Sesma, Icahn School ofMedicine at Mount SinaiCopyright 20

14、17 Menachery et al. This is anopen-access article distributed under the termsof the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0International license.Address correspondence to Ralph S. Baric,Rbaricemail.unc.edu.Targeting 2O-methyltransferase offersuniversal approach for live attenuated CoVvaccine generation in

15、outbreakRESEARCH ARTICLEHost-Microbe BiologycrossmNovember/December 2017Volume 2Issue 6e00346-17msphere.asm.org1 on December 16, 2017 by guesthttp:/msphere.asm.org/Downloaded from The emergence of Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV) in 2012represents the second severe CoV to stri

16、ke the human population since thebeginning of the 21st century (1). Similar to its predecessor, severe acute respiratorysyndrome CoV (SARS-CoV), MERS-CoV is characterized by severe lung infection andhigh mortality rates (2). Associated with elderly patients and nosocomial spread,MERS-CoV is likely h

17、arbored in camel populations with periodic reintroductions intohumans, followed by periodic nosocomial outbreaks in hospital settings (3). Impor-tantly, with the continued rate of globalization, MERS-CoV remains an ongoing threatfor future outbreaks both in and outside the Middle East, as evidenced

18、by the largeoutbreak in South Korea (4). Together, these factors highlight the importance ofexamining CoV pathogenesis and developing conserved therapeutic targets for thetreatment of current and future emergent strains.Like all members of the CoV family, MERS-CoV maintains a balance of conserved an

19、dnovel viral proteins within its genome (5). It is a member of the group 2C CoV family,and a wealth of distinct accessory open reading frames and nonstructural proteins(NSPs) have already been established to have important roles in modulation of the hostimmune response (6). Similarly, a number of vi

20、ral proteins highly conserved in structure,replication, and fidelity are also maintained in the CoV backbone (7). Among these,MERS-CoV NSP16 provides a potent target for therapeutic development. A 2=O-methyltransferase (2=O-MTase), CoV NSP16 has been implicated in the capping of viralRNA and prevent

21、ion of its recognition by the intracellular sensor MDA5 and antiviraleffectors, including members of the IFIT (interferon IFN-induced proteins with tetratri-copeptide repeats) family (8). Generation of mutants with changes in the NSP16 KDKEactive site resulted in IFN-mediated in vitro and in vivo at

22、tenuation of both mousehepatitis virus (MHV) and SARS-CoV (9, 10). Therefore, an approach targeting MERS-CoVNSP16 might be anticipated to result in attenuation and potentially provide a universalplatform for CoV vaccines against future emergent strains.Using reverse genetics to target residues in th

23、e highly conserved active site, weevaluated MERS-CoV infection outcomes in the context of inactive NSP16 (dNSP16).Consistent with previous studies of SARS-CoV (10), the dNSP16 MERS-CoV mutantmaintained no significant attenuation in terms of replication or the initial host immuneresponse. However, bo

24、th primary human airway epithelial (HAE) cells and in vivo studiesin a MERS-CoV mouse model demonstrated robust attenuation of dNSP16 mutantgrowth and pathogenesis. Notably, attenuation was both IFN and IFIT1 dependent,providing a clear mechanism for attenuation. Importantly, the dNSP16 mutant alsop

25、rovided robust protection against a lethal MERS-CoV challenge and maintainedattenuation in the mouse-adapted backbone. Together, the results illustrate the broadconservation and necessity of NSP16 in CoV pathogenesis and highlight the targetingof this protein as a rapid-response platform for future

26、emergent CoV strains.RESULTSA combination of structural and biochemical approaches has established a criticalrole for CoV NSP16 in 2=O-MTase activity (Fig. 1A). Stabilized by interactions with NSP10(orange), NSP16 has been identified as a structurally conserved AdoMet-dependentmethyltransferase (11)

27、; despite divergence in protein sequence across organisms, aninvariant KDKE motif (red) within the methyltransferase core is required to mediate itsactivity (12). This KDKE motif is highly conserved within all of the NSP16 sequencesexamined in the CoV family (Fig. 1B). Importantly, mutation of any o

28、f the KDKE residueshas been shown to ablate 2=O-MTase activity (11). In addition, previous alteration of thismotif in both group 2b SARS-CoV (10) and group 2a MHV (9) disrupted 2=O-MTaseactivity and attenuated various aspects of infection. On the basis of high conservationin the CoV family, we hypot

29、hesized that disruption of the KDKE motif would alsoattenuate other emerging CoV families, including group 2c MERS-CoV. Utilizing aMERS-CoV reversed genetic system (13), we disrupted the KDKE motif by mutating twonucleotides to produce a D130A change (Fig. 1A). The resulting disrupted-NSP16(dNSP16)

30、mutant had no significant defect noted in stock titer generation (not shown);Menachery et al.November/December 2017Volume 2Issue 6e00346-17msphere.asm.org2 on December 16, 2017 by guesthttp:/msphere.asm.org/Downloaded from similarly, infection of both Vero cells and Calu-3 2B4 cells, a respiratory e

31、pithelial cellline, at a low multiplicity of infection (MOI) demonstrated only modest attenuation atlate time points (Fig. 1C and D). Together, these results indicate that NSP16 activity isnot required for replication.Similar in vitro host responses of SARS-CoV and MERS-CoV dNSP16 mutants.Having est

32、ablished replication competence in both Vero and Calu-3 2B4 cells, we nextevaluated the induction of host pathways following infection. Calu-3 2B4 cells infectedat an MOI of 5 demonstrated no differences in replication (not shown) and only modestdifferences in host induction (zero genes with a log2c

33、hange in expression of ?1.5-fold),similar to observations with NSP16 mutant SARS-CoV compared with wild-type (WT)SARS-CoV (10). However, unlike in studies with SARS-CoV, a rapid cytopathic effect(CPE) by 24 h limited the analysis to early time points with WT and dNSP16 mutantFIG 1 NSP16 is highly co

34、nserved in the CoV family. (A) MERS-CoV NSP16-NSP10 complex. Shown is NSP16 (gray) highlightingthe conserved KDKE motif (red) required for 2=O-MTase activity. Also shown is the NSP10 scaffold required for MERS-CoV(orange). The inset displays conserved KDKE (left) and the D130A mutation (right) that

35、disrupts function. Homology modelswere created with Modeler in the Max-Planck Institute Bioinformatics Toolkit. The known crystal structure of the NSP16-NSP10complex (3R24 in the RCSB Protein Data Bank) was used as the template structure (38). Homology models were thenmanipulated with MacPyMol. (B)

36、Heat maps were constructed from a set of representative CoVs from all four genogroups byusing alignment data paired with neighbor-joining phylogenetic trees built in Geneious (v.9.1.5) and visualized in EvolView(http:/evolgenius.info/). Trees show the degree of genetic similarity of NSP16 across CoV

37、 families. (C and D) Viral replicationof dNSP16 mutant MERS-CoV (red) relative to WT MERS-CoV (black) in Vero (C) and Calu-3 2B4 (D) cells following infection atan MOI of 0.01. *, P ? 0.001 (Student t test).MERS-CoV NSP16 Is Necessary for PathogenesisNovember/December 2017Volume 2Issue 6e00346-17msp

38、here.asm.org3 on December 16, 2017 by guesthttp:/msphere.asm.org/Downloaded from MERS-CoV. Further David-based analysis compared the network host responses tothe MERS-CoV and SARS-CoV dNSP16 mutants (Fig. 2). Over the first 24 h of infection,both MERS-CoV and SARS-CoV dNSP16 mutant infections showed

39、 no significant func-tional enrichment of any categories relative to corresponding WT infections, consistentwith the lack of replication attenuation. However, at late times (?24 h postinfection),SARS-CoV produced robust changes in several host pathways, including cytokineresponses, inflammation, and

40、 extracellular activity. Similarly, changes in apoptosis,transcription repression, and regulation of phosphorylation indicated a host responsemore hostile to viral infection. While a more rapid CPE following both WT and dNSP16mutant MERS-CoV infections precluded an equivalent finding at late time po

41、ints, theSARS-CoV results suggest that the absence of NSP16 activity eventually initiates hostresponse changes that contribute to attenuation at late time points.MERS-CoV dNSP16 mutant attenuated in primary and in vivo models. To furtherexamine the replicative capacity of the dNSP16 mutant, we infec

42、ted both HAE cellsand mice expressing human dipeptidyl peptidase 4, the receptor for MERS-CoV. PrimaryHAE cell cultures were challenged with WT and dNSP16 MERS-CoV at a low MOI(Fig. 3A). While robust replication was observed following WT infection, dNSP16MERS-CoV had significant attenuation that cor

43、responded well to previous resultsobtained with dNSP16 mutant SARS-CoV (10). We next examined dNSP16 mutantMERS-CoV replication phenotypes in the context of in vivo infection by using anadenovirus BALB/c mouse transduction model (14). While neither infection producedweight loss (not shown), WT MERS-

44、CoV replicated efficiently at both days 2 and 4postinfection (Fig. 3B); in contrast, no detectable replication was seen following infec-tion with dNSP16 mutant MERS-CoV. The lack of replication may be due to residual IFNFIG 2 dNSP16 mutant MERS-CoV infection produces minimal changes in early host re

45、sponses. Changes in functional host gene clusters on the basis of RNAexpression following infection at an MOI of 5 of Calu-3 2B4 cells with dNSP16 mutant MERS-CoV (left) or SARS-CoV (right) relative to the WT control virus. Theheat map plots significant enrichment of clustered functional categories

46、(as determined by David analysis) for each mutant over time. Only marginal changeswere noted during the first 24 h for both SARS-CoV and MERS-CoV dNSP16 mutants. After 24 h (right), significant changes due to SARS-CoV were noted;MERS-CoV had a significant CPE after 24 h postinfection, precluding ana

47、lysis.Menachery et al.November/December 2017Volume 2Issue 6e00346-17msphere.asm.org4 on December 16, 2017 by guesthttp:/msphere.asm.org/Downloaded from responses associated with initial adenovirus infection. For greater clarity, we nextinfected CRISPR-Cas9-targeted mice that include mutations in Dpp

48、4 at positions 288and 330 (288-330?/?) conferring efficient WT MERS-CoV infection and growth in micebut no clinical disease (15). Following infection, no changes were observed in weightloss in either group of mice, consistent with previous findings (data not shown).However, absence of NSP16 activity

49、 severely attenuated dNSP16 mutant virus replica-tion at both days 2 and 4 postinfection (Fig. 3C). Coupled with data from HAE cellcultures and the adenovirus model, the results demonstrate clear attenuation ofdNSP16 mutant MERS-CoV relative to the control.dNSP16 mutant MERS-CoV attenuation is media

50、ted by IFN and IFIT1. Havingestablished a deficit in dNSP16 mutant MERS-CoV replication in relevant in vitro and invivo models, we next sought to evaluate the mechanism of attenuation. Previous workby our lab and others had established increased susceptibility of dNSP16 mutants totype I IFN (9, 10);

51、 however, dNSP16 mutant SARS-CoV had not shown augmented typeI IFN stimulation following infection (10). Consistent with this finding, infection withdNSP16 mutant MERS-CoV produced stimulation of type I IFN transcript similar to thatseen following in vivo infection of Dpp4 mutant (288-330?/?) CRISPR

52、 mice with the WTvirus (Fig. 4A). In contrast, while both the WT and mutant viruses were sensitive to IFNtreatment, dNSP16 mutant MERS-CoV had a significant reduction in replication relativeto the control virus (Fig. 4B). These attenuation results are consistent with reports ofNSP16 mutants of other

53、 CoVs and are in contrast to the equivalent replication observedwithout pretreatment (Fig. 1C) (8). Extending this analysis further, we examined the roleof IFIT1 and IFIT2 gene expression in this attenuation phenotype in previously con-FIG 3 dNSP16 mutant MERS-CoV is attenuated in primary cultures a

54、nd in vivo. (A) Primary HAE cellsinfected with WT (black) or dNSP16 mutant (red) MERS-CoV at an MOI of 0.01 and monitored over a timecourse. (B) Day 2 and 4 lung titers of adenovirus-transduced mice expressing human Dpp4 infected withWT (black) or dNSP16 mutant (red) MERS-CoV. (C) Day 2 and 4 lung t

55、iters of 288-330?/?CRISPR-Cas9-targeted mice infected with WT (black) or dNSP16 mutant (red) MERS-CoV. *, P ? 0.05; *, P ? 0.01; *,P ? 0.001. (Student t test). n ? ?4 for each experimental group at each time point over multipleexperiments.MERS-CoV NSP16 Is Necessary for PathogenesisNovember/December

56、 2017Volume 2Issue 6e00346-17msphere.asm.org5 on December 16, 2017 by guesthttp:/msphere.asm.org/Downloaded from structed stable short hairpin RNA (shRNA) knockdown cell lines (10). Similar to SARS-CoV, knockdown of IFIT1 augmented replication of dNSP16 mutant MERS-CoV in thecontext of type I IFN pr

57、etreatment (Fig. 4C). In addition, knockdown augmented WTMERS-CoV infection, suggesting sensitivity to IFIT1 activity despite the presence ofNSP16. Notably, IFIT2 knockdown had only a modest, nonsignificant impact on repli-cation, contrasting with results obtained with SARS-CoV. Overall, the data in

58、dicate thatdNSP16 mutant MERS-CoV attenuation is driven by sensitivity to type I IFN mediated bythe activity of IFIT1 rather than augmented IFN responses.NSP16 mutant vaccination protects from a lethal MERS-CoV challenge. On thebasis of IFN and IFIT1 attenuation phenotypes, targeting of NSP16 offers

59、 a potentialplatform strategy for live attenuated vaccine generation. While previous work by ourgroup had shown that the dNSP16 mutant SARS-CoV conferred protection from a lethalchallenge, similar phenotypes in other more distant CoVs are essential for establishinguniversal principles of attenuation

60、 across a virus family. To test this hypothesis, Dpp4288-330?/?mutant mice were vaccinated with dNSP16 mutant MERS-CoV and subse-quently challenged with a mouse-adapted MERS-CoV strain (Fig. 5) (15). Following thechallenge, dNSP16 mutant-vaccinated mice showed only modest weight loss, in sig-nifican

61、t contrast to the severe disease seen in the control group (Fig. 5A). In addition,both viral replication and lung hemorrhage were significantly reduced in the context ofthe dNSP16 mutant vaccine (Fig. 5B and C). Importantly, serum analysis revealed robustvirus neutralization with values similar to t

62、hose seen in serum from WT virus-infectedmice (Fig. 5D). Together, the results indicate that dNSP16 mutant MERS-CoV canfunction as a vaccine platform that not only induces high levels of neutralizingantibodies but provides compete protection from a lethal MERS-CoV challenge.NSP16 mutation attenuates

63、 mouse-adapted MERS-CoV. Despite conferring pro-tection in the WT MERS-CoV backbone, it was unclear if the NSP16 mutant would besufficiently attenuated in a virulent MERS-CoV backbone. To address this question, weinserted the dNSP16 mutation (D130A) into the mouse-adapted MERS-CoV backbone(15). Foll

64、owing infection, mouse-adapted MERS-CoV produced rapid weight loss anddeath (Fig. 6A). In contrast, the mouse-adapted dNSP16 mutant produced only modestweight loss and 100% survival following infection. In addition, the replication of thedNSP16 mutant was significantly attenuated relative to that of

65、 the WT at days 2 and 4postinfection (Fig. 6B). Finally, hemorrhage scoring of the lung revealed minimaldisease in dNSP16 mutant-immunized mice relative to control mice at day 4 postin-fection (Fig. 6C). Overall, the results demonstrate robust attenuation of MERS-CoVpathogenesis in the context an NS

66、P16 mutation.FIG 4 dNSP16 mutant MERS-CoV attenuated by type I IFN treatment via IFIT1. (A) IFN-?, IFN-?4, and IFN-?7 RNA expression in the lungsof 288-330?/?CRISPR-Cas9-targeted mice at 2 days postinfection with WT (black) or dNSP16 mutant (red) MERS-CoV. Values arerepresentative of log2fold expres

67、sion relative to mock-infected lungs as measured by real-time reverse transcription-PCR. (B) Vero cellswere treated with type I IFN (1,000 U) 16 h prior to infection with either WT (black) or dNSP16 mutant (red) MERS-CoV. (C) Vero cellsexpressing shRNA targeting IFIT1 (blue) or IFIT2 (green) or a no

68、-shRNA control cells (black) were pretreated with IFN-?(PBL Laboratories)and infected with WT (left) or dNSP16 mutant (right) MERS-CoV. *, P ? 0.05; *, P ? 0.01; *, P ? 0.001 (Student t test).Menachery et al.November/December 2017Volume 2Issue 6e00346-17msphere.asm.org6 on December 16, 2017 by guest

69、http:/msphere.asm.org/Downloaded from DISCUSSIONIn the context of the ongoing MERS-CoV outbreak, the development of universalplatform strategies to attenuate emerging and contemporary CoVs is a significantpriority. In this study, we demonstrate the critical importance of NSP16 function toMERS-CoV pa

70、thogenesis in vitro and in vivo. Similar to MHV and SARS-CoV (9, 10), thedisruption of 2=O-MTase activity in MERS-CoV had no significant impact on replicationor early host response patterns in vitro. However, dNSP16 mutant MERS-CoV demon-strated attenuated replication and growth in primary HAE cell

71、cultures, as well asFIG 5 dNSP16 mutant MERS-CoV protects from a lethal challenge. Graphs show weight losses (A), day4 viral titers (B), and hemorrhage scores (C) following a challenge of 288-330?/?CRISPR-Cas9-targetedmice vaccinated with dNSP16 mutant MERS-CoV (red) or mock vaccinated (black) with

72、106PFU ofpassaged mouse-adapted MERS-CoV (15). (D) Plaque reduction neutralization with serum from WT (black)or dNSP16 mutant (red) MERS-CoV-vaccinated mice. *, P ? 0.05; *, P ? 0.01; *, P ? 0.001 (Studentt test). n ? ?4 for each experimental group at each time point in multiple experiments.MERS-CoV

73、 NSP16 Is Necessary for PathogenesisNovember/December 2017Volume 2Issue 6e00346-17msphere.asm.org7 on December 16, 2017 by guesthttp:/msphere.asm.org/Downloaded from reduced disease in vivo, relative to the WT virus. Further examination revealed in-creased sensitivity to type I IFN in an IFIT-depend

74、ent manner. Notably, this IFN/IFIT-based attenuation phenotype provided robust protection from a lethal challengefollowing vaccination with the dNSP16 mutant. Importantly, the NSP16 mutant also wasfully attenuated in a highly virulent mouse-adapted MERS-CoV backbone. These results,coupled with previ

75、ous work with other CoVs, highlight the viral 2=O-MTase activity asa potential universal platform for therapeutic treatment and vaccine development forcurrent and future emergent human and animal CoVs.Similar to previously viral methyltransferase mutants of both flaviviruses and CoVs,substitution wi

76、th the highly conserved KDKE motif alters the pathogenicity of MERS-CoV. Like SARS-CoV mutants (10), dNSP16 mutant MERS-CoV had normal replicationbut was attenuated in the context of type I IFN and IFIT activity. Notably, the absenceof 2=O-MTase activity did not result in an increased type I IFN res

77、ponse, suggesting thatloss of NSP16 produces a sensitivity to IFIT activity not seen in the WT virus. While themutant RNA should induce greater IFN activation through MDA5, multiple other CoVproteins have been shown to disrupt immune recognition (16). Similarly, viral processesincluding replication

78、within double membrane vesicles may also limit IFN stimulation.Together, the results indicate that even without NSP16, CoVs are able to control IFNstimulation and replicate as efficiently as the WT virus. However, NSP16 is needed toprotect the viruses once the IFN-stimulated gene (ISG) effector resp

79、onse is initiated.The attenuation of the MERS-CoV NSP16 mutant also provides evidence supportingthe targeting of viral 2=O-MTase as a global therapeutic strategy against emergent RNAviruses. Previous work with both flaviviruses and CoVs has demonstrated robustattenuation by targeting the conserved K

80、DKE motif of the viral 2=O-MTase (8, 17, 18).FIG 6 dNSP16 mutation attenuates the virulence of a mouse-adapted MERS-CoV strain. Graphs showweight losses (A), day 4 viral titers (B), and hemorrhage scores (C) following infection of 288-330?/?CRISPR-Cas9-targeted mice infected with 106PFU of MERS-CoV

81、MA1 (black) or dNSP16 MA1 (red) at days2 and 4. *, P ? 0.05; *, P ? 0.01; *, P ? 0.001 (Student t test). n ? ?3 for each group at each time pointin two experiments.Menachery et al.November/December 2017Volume 2Issue 6e00346-17msphere.asm.org8 on December 16, 2017 by guesthttp:/msphere.asm.org/Downlo

82、aded from Importantly, 2=O-MTase activity is the only known function for NSP16 and it appearscompletely dispensable for CoV replication in the absence of a strong IFN response (8).In contrast, flaviviruses without nsp5-encoded methyltransferase activity are muchmore sensitive to innate immune respon

83、ses (19); mutants of West Nile virus, denguevirus, and Japanese encephalitis virus are highly replication attenuated at early timepoints (20, 21). While diminished virus yields likely reduce flavivirus vaccine utility invivo, robust propagation of both MERS-CoV and SARS-CoV dNSP16 mutants provides a

84、useful parameter for vaccine generation. For both viral families, drugs targeting 2=O-MTase activity may have great efficacy if paired with stimulation of the IFN-responsivegenes, including that for IFIT1 (8, 17). Overall, the results indicate that viral 2=O-MTaseactivity is a critical determinant o

85、f pathogenesis and can be leveraged to developtherapeutic treatments.NSP16 also represents the third highly conserved CoV protein targeted as the basisof a vaccine platform. Previous work by our group demonstrated the importance of CoVfidelity for infection and pathogenesis (22); disruption of the e

86、xonuclease activity ofNSP14 rendered attenuated, reversion-proof versions of both MHV and SARS-CoV(2224). For SARS-CoV, the disruption served as the basis of a successful live attenuatedvaccine (22). Similarly, groups have targeted the envelope protein of SARS-CoV anddefined a key inflammatory role

87、for E protein in pathogenesis. SARS mutants targetingE function also conferred protection from a lethal challenge (25, 26). For both NSP14and E mutants, fidelity and inflammation induction are partially responsible for atten-uation. However, both viral mutants also maintain replication attenuated in

88、 terms ofkinetics and yields, potentially complicating their use as vaccine platforms, especially inoutbred populations (22, 26). Importantly, the NSP14 mutant has not yet been recov-ered within the context of MERS-CoV and failure has been reported in group I CoVs (27).Similarly, disruption of the E

89、 protein renders MERS-CoV, transmissible gastroenteritisvirus, and MHV replication deficient without exogenous complementation (2830); thisbroad attenuation of the delta E mutant potentially limits its use as a live attenuatedvaccine. In contrast, dNSP16 mutant MERS-CoV maintains robust propagation,

90、 as wellas IFN/IFIT-based attenuation phenotypes. Together, these results suggest that target-ing ofNSP16 may be the most broadly applicable platform for CoV attenuation.Despite the success of NSP16 mutants in protection studies with SARS-CoV andMERS-CoV, several additional parameters must be consid

91、ered in the context of CoVvaccination. Previous work by our group has demonstrated failures of CoV subunitvaccines in aged animals and in the context of a heterologous challenge (31). With theaged representing a population with high mortality rates and marginal vaccinationsuccess, the efficacy of th

92、e NSP16 mutant in this population is paramount in its pursuitas a platform. Similarly, the existence of numerous CoVs in animal populations raisesconcerns about heterologous challenges from emergent viruses (32, 33). Prior reportshad also demonstrated vaccine-induced disease following heterologous c

93、hallengeswith related SARS-like viruses (31, 34). With this in mind, NSP16-vaccinated mice willneed to be examined in the context of a heterologous challenge to determine ifvaccine-induced pathology occurs. Together, these two factors represent importantcheckpoints in the pursuit of NSP16 as a unive

94、rsal CoV vaccine platform.In addition to aging and heterologous challenges, reversion and baseline patho-genesis also represent important risks that must be evaluated in the context of anNSP16 vaccine. While the NSP14 SARS vaccine was absent sterilizing immunity inimmunodeficient mice, the lack of r

95、eversion over time in vivo indicates safety in theapproach (22). In contrast, passage of the E mutant rendered a novel mutant thattransplanted a critical ion channel function from another viral protein and thus restoredpartial virulence (35). Studies examining the reversion potential of NSP16 are cr

96、iticalprior to its use as a vaccine; these concerns are especially important considering thatboth the SARS-CoV and MERS-CoV dNSP16 mutants have robust replication, permittingadditional opportunities for reversion (10). In addition, equivalent host immune re-sponses during early infection may produce

97、 substantial damage prior to IFN/IFIT-basedattenuations, most notably in aged and immunocompromised mice. Therefore, despiteMERS-CoV NSP16 Is Necessary for PathogenesisNovember/December 2017Volume 2Issue 6e00346-17msphere.asm.org9 on December 16, 2017 by guesthttp:/msphere.asm.org/Downloaded from th

98、e promise of successful attenuation in multiple CoV backbones, several additionalmetrics must be examined prior to the use of NSP16 mutants as a universal CoV vaccineplatform.Overall, the present study demonstrates that targeting of 2=O-MTase activity is arobust strategy to attenuate MERS-CoV and ot

99、her emergent CoVs. In the absence ofNSP16 activity, the MERS-CoV mutant is sensitive to type I IFN in an IFIT-dependentmanner, providing a clear attenuation mechanism. Importantly, unlike other conservedCoV platforms, the NSP16 mutant is both viable and robust enough to be used as aneffective live a

100、ttenuated vaccine. While further vaccine characterization is required, theresults indicate that disruption of CoV NSP16 activity can be the basis of therapeuticstrategies for both current and future emergent CoV infections in both human andanimal populations.MATERIALS AND METHODSCells and viruses. T

101、he WT, mutant, and mouse-adapted versions of MERS-CoV used in this studywere previously described (13, 15) and were cultured on Vero 81 cells grown in Dulbecco s modifiedEagle s medium or Opti-MEM (Gibco, Carlsbad, CA) and 5% fetal bovine serum (HyClone, South Logan,UT) along with antibiotic/antimyc

102、otic (Gibco, Carlsbad, CA). Growth curves in Vero, Calu-3 2B4, and HAEcells were performed as previously described, with examination of multiple samples (n ?3) at each timepoint (9, 31). Briefly, cells were washed with phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) and inoculated with virusor mock diluted in PBS f

103、or 40 min at 37C. Following inoculation, cells were washed three times and freshmedium was added to signify time zero. Samples were harvested at the time points described. For IFNpretreatments, 100 U/ml recombinant human IFN-?(PBL Laboratories) was added to cells 16 h prior toinoculation, and the ce

104、lls were infected as described above. Stable shRNA knockdown Vero cell lines forboth IFIT1 and IFIT2 were previously described for previous CoV studies and had phenotypic validation(10). All virus cultivation was performed in a biosafety level 3 laboratory with redundant fans in biosafetycabinets as

105、 described previously by our group (32, 33). All personnel wore powdered air purifyingrespirators (3M Breathe Easy) with Tyvek suits, aprons, and booties and were double gloved.Construction of WT and NSP16 mutant viruses. Both WT and mutant viruses were derived fromeither MERS-CoV EMC or a correspon

106、ding mouse-adapted (MA1) infectious clone as previously described(13). For NSP16 mutant construction, the D130A mutation changed the sequence from the MERS-CoV Efragment, which was cloned into the pSMART vector (Lucigen) and used for alanine scanning mutagen-esis of conserved residues in nsp16. For

107、the D130A change, a product was generated by PCR with primersagainst MERS-CoV NSP16 fragment 1, EMC:E#2(?) (TGAACTACCTGTAGCTGTAG) and EMC:EmuC(?)(NNNNNNGCTCTTCTCGCGGAAATAACAAGATCCACTTG); fragment 2, EMC:EmuC(?) (NNNNNNGCTCTTCCGCGATGTATGATCCTACTACTAAG) and EMC:E#6(?) (CAACCTCAATACAAGCAGAC). The two r

108、esultingproducts were digested with SapI (in boldface) and ligated overnight with T4 DNA ligase. This productwas then digested with PpuMI and NsiI and used to replace the region of the EMC E plasmid (puc57) thathad been similarly digested. Thereafter, plasmids containing WT and mutant MERS-CoV genom

109、e frag-ments were amplified, excised, ligated, and purified. In vitro transcription reactions were then performedto synthesize full-length genomic RNA, which was transfected into Vero E6 cells. The medium fromtransfected cells was harvested and used as seed stock for subsequent experiments. Viral mu

110、tants wereconfirmed by sequence analysis prior to use. Synthetic construction of NSP16 mutants was approved bythe University of North Carolina Institutional Biosafety Committee.RNA isolation, microarray processing, and identification of DE. RNA isolation and microarrayprocessing, quality control, an

111、d normalization from Calu-3 2B4 cells were carried out as previouslydescribed (36). Differential expression (DE) was determined by comparing virus-infected replicates withtime-matched mock-treated replicates. Criteria for DE in determining the consensus ISG list were anabsolute log2change of ?1.5-fo

112、ld and a false-discovery rate-adjusted P value of ?0.05 for a given timepoint.Clustering and functional enrichment. Genes identified as differentially expressed were used togenerate clustered expression heat maps. Hierarchical clustering (using Euclidean distance and completelinkage clustering) was

113、used to cluster gene expression according to behavior across experimentalconditions. The David online resource (https:/david.ncifcrf.gov/) was used to acquire functional enrich-ment results for the genes in each cluster. David output was manually summarized for each cluster. Plotswere generated with

114、 R.Ethics statement. This study was carried out in accordance with the recommendations for the careand use of laboratory animals of the Office of Laboratory Animal Welfare (OLAW), National Institutes ofHealth. The Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) of the University of North Carolin

115、a atChapel Hill (UNC; permit A-3410-01) approved the animal study protocols used in this study (IACUCprotocols 15-009 and 13-072).Mouse infections and vaccinations. Ten- to 20-week-old BALB/c (Envigo/Harlan) or CRISPR-Cas9-targeted 288-330?/?C57BL/6 mice were anesthetized with ketamine and xylazine

116、(in accordance withUNC IACUC guidelines) and intranasally inoculated with a 50-?l volume containing 106PFU of WTMERS-CoV, dNSP16 mutant MERS-CoV, mouse-adapted variants, or PBS (mock inoculation) as indicatedin the figure legends. Infected animals were monitored for weight loss, morbidity, and clini

117、cal signs ofdisease, and lung virus titers were determined as described previously (37). In vivo adenovirus transduc-Menachery et al.November/December 2017Volume 2Issue 6e00346-17msphere.asm.org10 on December 16, 2017 by guesthttp:/msphere.asm.org/Downloaded from tion with Dpp4 were performed as pre

118、viously described (14). For vaccination experiments, 10- to20-week-old 288-330?/?mice were infected with 106PFU of dNSP16 mutant MERS-CoV as describedabove, monitored for clinical symptoms for 7 days, and then challenged 4 weeks postvaccination with106PFU of mouse-passaged MERS-CoV MA1. Animal housi

119、ng, care, and experimental protocols were inaccordance with UNC IACUC guidelines.Data availability. Raw microarray data for these studies were deposited in publicly availabledatabases at the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) Gene Expression Omnibus (37)and are accessible through G

120、EO series GSE65574.ACKNOWLEDGMENTSThis research was supported by grants from the NIAID of the NIH (U19AI100625to R.S.B., U19AI106772 to R.S.B., HHSN272201000019I-HHSN27200003 to R.S.B., andK99AG049092 to V.D.M.). Support for primary HAE cell cultures was obtained from theNIH through the UNC Cystic F

121、ibrosis Research and Translation Core Center Cell ModelsCore (NIH P30DK065988). The content of this report is solely the responsibility of theauthors and does not necessarily represent the official views of the NIH. The PacificNorthwest National Laboratory is operated by the Battelle Memorial Instit

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