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2、名词前,一一般读作般读作n.41.首次提到某人或某物首次提到某人或某物,常起常起介绍作用介绍作用.He is a doctor.He is studying in a university.52.在单数普通名词前在单数普通名词前,指一类人或指一类人或事物事物,通常不必译出通常不必译出.An ear is an organ for listening.A fox is a cunning animal.=Foxes are cunning animals.=The fox is a cunning animal.63.说明某一事物说明某一事物,相当于相当于thesame,表示表示“相同相同”的意

3、思的意思.They are nearly of an age.The two shirts are of a size.Birds of a feather flock together.74.在表示时间或度量单位的名词在表示时间或度量单位的名词前前,具有具有”每一每一”的意思的意思.The train is running at 60 km an hour.He earns two thousand yuan a month.8The little girl is eating an ice-cream at the table.Its an honor to me to be given

4、such a good chance to make a further study at university.5.其他用法其他用法1).物质名词或抽象名词前用物质名词或抽象名词前用a/an表示具体意义表示具体意义制成品或种制成品或种类类.92)人名前用人名前用a / an 表示说话人对此人表示说话人对此人不认识不认识,相当于相当于”a certain” .Our music teacher is a Miss White.A Mr Chen came to see you this morning.也可指与某名人有类似性质的人或事物也可指与某名人有类似性质的人或事物. He wishes

5、to became a Newton.103).专有名词中的地名前用专有名词中的地名前用a / an 指某时期或某个样子的某地指某时期或某个样子的某地.She is now a different China from what she was twenty years ago.114).a / an 用于某些固定词组中用于某些固定词组中once upon a time / an hour or twohave a walk / many a timeturn a deaf ear to12IV.定冠词的用法定冠词的用法1.使用定冠词的场合使用定冠词的场合1).在单数普通名词前表示一类人或在单

6、数普通名词前表示一类人或事物事物,the 不必译出不必译出.The horse is a useful animal.=A horse is a useful animal.=Horses are useful animals.132).在重新提及的人或事物的名词前在重新提及的人或事物的名词前He bought a book yesterday. The book is on the desk.I received a letter a few days ago. The letter was from England.143).在谈话双方都知道的特定的人在谈话双方都知道的特定的人或事物的名词

7、前或事物的名词前.Pass me the book, please.Would you mind my opening the window?154).在有限制性定语修饰的名词前在有限制性定语修饰的名词前This is the place where I once lived.The plane to Shanghai has taken off.165).在序数词前在序数词前The first boy is his younger brother.I am the last to come.176).在表示世界上独一无二的事在表示世界上独一无二的事物的名词前物的名词前the world /

8、the sun / the moon / the sky / the earth187).在方向名词前在方向名词前on the right / leftin the east / west / south / north198).在形容词和副词的最高级前在形容词和副词的最高级前Winter is the coldest season of the year.Who sings (the) best in your class?副词的最高级经常省略副词的最高级经常省略the209).在某些形容词在某些形容词(或分词或分词)前表示前表示一类人或事物一类人或事物The young / the gro

9、wn-up / the blind / the wounded / the oppressed被压迫被压迫/虐待的人虐待的人2110).在姓氏复数形式前表示一家在姓氏复数形式前表示一家人人.The Greens are at table.The Chens will move to Naijing.2211).在逢十的复数数词前表示某在逢十的复数数词前表示某个年代个年代When he went to America in the seventies, he was already in his forties.In the 1870s, Marx began to learn Russian.

10、2312).在乐器的名称前在乐器的名称前The girl is playing the piano.He often plays the violin in the evening.2413).在表示单位的名词前在表示单位的名词前I have hired the car by the hour.Eggs are sold by the dozen.鸡蛋是按打卖的。鸡蛋是按打卖的。2514).在由普通名词或形容词构成在由普通名词或形容词构成的专有名词前的专有名词前the Great Wall the United States the Summer Palace2615).在由在由”普通名词普通

11、名词+专有名词专有名词”构成的专有名词前构成的专有名词前the Peoples Republic of China the New York Times the Readers Digest2716).表示全体国民的专有名词前表示全体国民的专有名词前the Chinese the French2817).江河湖海江河湖海运河运河海湾海湾海峡海峡山脉山脉群岛群岛森林森林平原平原盆地盆地沙漠等专有名沙漠等专有名词前词前the yellow river / the Pacific Ocean / the West lake / the Suez Canal / the Gulf of Mexico

12、/ the English Channel / the Himalayas2917).江河湖海江河湖海运河运河海湾海湾海峡海峡山脉山脉群岛群岛森林森林平原平原盆地盆地沙漠等专有名沙漠等专有名词前词前the British Isles / the Black forest / the North China Plain / the Tarim Basin / the Sahara Desert注注:Mount Fuji / Lake Baikal 无冠词无冠词不列颠群岛不列颠群岛3018)在发明物前在发明物前Who invented the telephone?It was Edison tha

13、t invented the lamp.3119)固定词组中固定词组中in the form of in the end 322.不常用冠词的场合不常用冠词的场合1).表示人名表示人名地名地名国名国名节日节日月份月份星期星期季节等专有名词前季节等专有名词前Marx / Guangxi / Europe / China / National Day / March / Sunday / spring332). 复数可数名词和不可数名词表复数可数名词和不可数名词表示泛指示泛指They are teachers, not students.People in the south like rice.

14、343).表示职位表示职位身份身份头衔的名词前头衔的名词前 Aunt Mary Professor Zhang President Lincoln354.物质名词或抽象名词前物质名词或抽象名词前Failure is the mother of success.Desks and chairs are usually made of wood.365.表示学科表示学科疾病疾病球类球类游戏游戏颜色颜色和感官名称的名词前和感官名称的名词前Economics is different from politics.Granny died of cancer two years ago.He likes

15、football.375.表示学科表示学科疾病疾病球类球类游戏游戏颜色颜色和感官名称的名词前和感官名称的名词前Do you play chess (bridge, cards)?Smell is one of the five senses.38*有些表示疾病的名词需要加冠有些表示疾病的名词需要加冠词词a / anhave a fever / cold / headache396.表示餐名的名词前表示餐名的名词前(breakfast / lunch / supper / dinner)Dinner is ready. She is at lunch. What do we have for s

16、upper?40*如果具体指某顿饭时要用如果具体指某顿饭时要用the,表表示类别时要用示类别时要用a/anThe breakfast I ordered still hasnt arrived.That was a very nice (good, hearty) supper. 417.称呼语或含感叹意义的名词前称呼语或含感叹意义的名词前Good morning, boys and girls.Where is Dad, Mum?Poor fellow! He broke his leg.428.与与by连用的表示交通工具的名连用的表示交通工具的名词前词前by bike / bus / tr

17、ain / tube / coach / land / sea(伦敦的)地铁;伦敦的)地铁;(美)(美)subway43*如果表示交通工具的名词前有如果表示交通工具的名词前有定语定语,不用不用byHe came here on his old bike.449).名词前有名词所有格名词前有名词所有格形容词性物形容词性物主代词主代词指示代词指示代词疑问词以及疑问词以及some, little, both, each, either, few, a few, a little, any, no, another, every, much, many等形容词作定语时等形容词作定语时Johns mot

18、her is a teacher.Whose purse is this?45These books / our research groupSome interesting stories.4610).以以and连接的两个相对的名连接的两个相对的名词并用时词并用时day and night / pen and ink / husband and wifefather and son / sun and mon / master and servant47*用某些介词连接相同或相对的名用某些介词连接相同或相对的名词时词时face to face / hand in hand / side by

19、 side / step by step / from top to bottom / from morning to night / from beginning to end48V.冠词的辩析和差异冠词的辩析和差异1.用冠词与不用冠词的差异用冠词与不用冠词的差异1).at table at the table进餐进餐在桌子旁在桌子旁492).in hospital in the hospital3).by sea by the sea住院住院在医院里在医院里乘船乘船(由海路由海路)在海边在海边504).go to sea go to the sea5).in future in the f

20、uture当水手当水手去海边去海边从今以后从今以后在将来在将来516).on earth on the earth7).go to school (church) go to the school (church)究竟究竟,到底到底在地球上在地球上上学上学(作礼拜作礼拜)去去学校学校(教堂教堂)528).in front of in the front of在在前面前面外部的外部的内部的内部的539).on horse back on the horse back10).two of us the two of us骑马骑马在马背上在马背上我们当中的两我们当中的两人人我们两人我们两人(共计两人

21、共计两人)5411).out of question out of the question毫无疑问毫无疑问不可能不可能552.用定冠词与不定冠词的差异用定冠词与不定冠词的差异1).as a whole =altogether 全部的,整体全部的,整体 on the whole =in general大体上,一般大体上,一般的的562).the most important meeting最重要的会议最重要的会议 a most important meeting一个一个重要的会议重要的会议3).the third time第三次第三次 a third time又一次又一次4).in the d

22、istance在远处在远处 at a distance在稍远处在稍远处573.两个或两个以上名词并列时用两个或两个以上名词并列时用冠词的差异冠词的差异a Chinese and English dictionary a Chinese and an English dictionary58Exercises:Fill in the blanks with a, an or the.1.What _ beautiful horse it is!a592.When does _ sun set in winter?3.I am going to _ Philippines next month.t

23、hethe604.Dont forget to buy me _ T-shirt.a615.Look, theres _ elephant walking down the street.6.Its cheaper to take _ bus than to take _ taxi.anaa621.7.John is staying at _ Dragon Hotel.2.8.Everyone knows Kitty is _ honest girl.thean639.I go to _ school by _ ferry.10.Which pen is longer, _ blue one

24、or _red one?/thethe乘渡轮乘渡轮6411.They have _ dinner early in the evening.12._ Christians usually go to _ church on Sundays./6513.Have you ever seen _ real dragon?a6614.They sent the parcel by _ air mail.15.Jack is staying with his aunt in _ United Kingdom./the6716.Everyone needs _ food.17._ Himalayas a

25、re _ highest mountain ranges on _ earth./Thethethe6819.That shop sells _ fruit and _ drinks.20.Father went to _ bed quite early last night.21.The dog ran into _ school/the6922.No one knows how deep _ Atlantic Ocean is.23.What sort of _ game do you like better, _ football or _ basketballthe/7024.We c

26、ant live without _ air.25.Peter is _ university student./a7126.The company gave us _ wonderful dinner.27.Selina goes to work by _ same bus every morning.athe7228.China is _ great country and is also _ ancient country,aan7329._woman in _ next room is one of _ most famous scientists in _ world.The thethethe7430.scientists in _ world.31.He couldnt go to _ school. He was in _ hospital./the7532.His daughter works in _ factory and studies at _ evening school33.Children often go swimming in _ summer.aan/7634.It was _ unusual day.an7778Thank you!79



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