组胚学课件:connective tissue

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《组胚学课件:connective tissue》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《组胚学课件:connective tissue(37页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Connective tissue20140408 General featureslsmall number of cells and large amount of extracellular ground substancelno polaritylvascularizedloriginate from mesenchyme(间充质)(间充质)-embryonic CTlFunction: connection, supporting, protecting, nutrition, defence and repairing Mesenchyme(间充质)(间充质)-mesenchyma

2、l cell: Structure:ustellate in shaped with processesua large nucleus,with clear nucleolususlight basophilic cytoplasm Function:u undifferentiated cellu multiple developmental potential CT cell, SM and endothelial cell-matrix Classification -CT in narrow sense means connetive tissue proper (固固有有结结缔缔组

3、组织织)which include loose CT, dense CT, adipose T and reticular tissue -CT in wide sense includes cartilage(软骨), bone and bloodcartilage boneblood uFeatures: more types of cells, less fibersuFunctions: connection, supporting, defence and repairinguconsists of cells, fiber and ground substanceLoose con

4、nective tissue (疏松结缔组织)(疏松结缔组织) (areolar tissue) Fibers1. Collagenous fibers(胶原纤维)2. Elastic fibers(弹性纤维)3. Reticular fibers(网状纤维) LM: u1-20 um in diameteruBelt-liked wave and branch to form a networkuEosinophilicCollagenous fiber(胶原纤维)(胶原纤维) (white fiber)EM: parallel-arranged fibrilsFibril(原纤维): l2

5、0-200nm in diameterlHave periodic cross striation at 64-70nm intervalLM: lthinner and less, 0.2-1.0 umlSlight red (HE) branch and form a network EM: lcore: elastin-low electron densitylPeripheral: microfibril (微原纤维微原纤维)10-12 nm, electron dense fibrillin(原纤维蛋白原纤维蛋白)Elastic fiber (弹性纤维)(弹性纤维)(yellow f

6、iber)LM: lthin and less,0.2-1.0 um in diameter, branch to form networklArgyrophilic fiber (silver impregnation method)EM: ltype III collagenl64nm cross striationDistribution: lreticular tissuelconnecting portion, e.g.reticular laminaReticular fiber(网状纤维)(网状纤维)Ground substance(基质)(基质)-amorphous collo

7、idal substance-consists of proteoglycan(蛋白多糖), glycoprotein(糖蛋白) and tissue fluidProteoglycan(蛋蛋白白多多糖糖)-large molecular complex-glycosaminoglycans(糖胺多糖)(糖胺多糖)lchondroitin sulfate(硫酸软骨素)(硫酸软骨素)lkeratin sulfate(硫酸角质素)(硫酸角质素)lheparan sulfate(硫酸乙酰肝素)(硫酸乙酰肝素)lhyaluronic acid(透透明明质质酸酸): 2.5um long-protein

8、 *molecular sieve (分子筛) Glycoprotein(糖蛋白)(糖蛋白): proteins-fibronectin (纤维粘连蛋白纤维粘连蛋白)-laminin (层粘连蛋白层粘连蛋白)-chondronectin (软骨粘连蛋白软骨粘连蛋白)-Function: uConnectionuaffect the differentiation and movement of cells tissue fluid (组织液) tissue artery Tissue fluid vein (lymphatic vessel) cellslDehydration(脱水)lEde

9、ma(水肿)Molecular sieve (分子筛)Function:1.Provides mechanical and structural support for metabolism2.Influences extracellular communication3.Limitation of inflammationCells ResidentFibroblasts (Fibrocytes)(成纤维细胞)(成纤维细胞) Macrophages (Histiocytes)(巨噬细胞)(巨噬细胞)Plasma cells(浆细胞)(浆细胞)Mast cells(肥大细胞)(肥大细胞) Ad

10、ipocytes(脂肪细胞)Stem Cells(干细胞) (committed but not differentiated)TransientNucleated Blood Cells (Lymphocytes, Plasma Cells, Eosinophils- others occasionally) -Structure: LM: uLarge,flattened cell with processes- stellate in shapeduLarge ovoid pale nucleus-contain more fine chromatin, with clear one-t

11、wo nucleoliuWeakly basophilic cytoplasm-homogeneous Fibroblast(成纤维细胞)(成纤维细胞)EM:urich in RER, Golgi apparatus and free ribosomeFunction: synthesize fibers and ground substance Three steps: a.synthesis of procollagen (RER) process(Golgi) out of cell b.procollagen tropocollagen fibril c.fibril collagen

12、ous fiberSynthesis of collagenous fiber(前胶原蛋白)(原胶原蛋白)(胶原原纤维)Fibrocyte (纤维细胞纤维细胞): inactive fibroblast-Structure: lspindle-shaped, smalllN:small,dark stained lAcidophilic cytoplasmalEM: less organelles-Function: become into fibroblast for repairingFrom monocytes-Structure:LM:lround or ovoid-irregular

13、 in shape, short blunt processes pseudopodium(伪足)lSmall and dark nucleuslAcidophilic cytoplasm Macrophage (巨噬细胞巨噬细胞) EM: rich in lLysosome (primary, secondary)lPhagosome(吞噬体吞噬体) phagocytosis and pinosome (吞饮小泡吞饮小泡)pinocytosislRemnantlMicrofilament and microtubulelMitochondria-Function:u Chemotaxis:

14、chemotactic factoru Phagocytosis:1) Special phagocytosis: recognize bacterium, virus and foreign cell2) non special: carbon particles, dust and dead cellsu Secretion: lysozyme, complement and interleukin-I (IL-1)and interferon(IFN)u Antigen presenting function Mature B lymphocyte-structure: LM:lroun

15、d or ovoidlRound eccentrically-located nucleus with more spot-liked heterochromatinlBasophilic cytoplasm Plasma cell(浆细胞)(浆细胞)EM: RER, free ribosome and Golgi complexFunction:u synthesize and secrete immunoglobulin, Ig-antibody-structure: LM:lround and large celllSmall dark-stained nucleuslBasophili

16、c secreting granules Metachromatic 异染性Mast cell(肥大细胞)(肥大细胞)Basophilic secreting granules: uheparin: an anticoagulant uHistamine: cause cap. permeability, cap. leakage to form edema and contraction of SMuEosinophil chemotactic factorCytoplasm contain:lslow reaction substance-Function: involved in all

17、ergic reactionFat cell-structure:ularge, round or polygonaluflattened ovoid nucleus located on one side of celluthin layer of cytoplasm ua large lipid droplet -function: synthesize and store fatMesenchymal cellusimilar to fibrocyteumultidifferentiating potentialLeukocytes: neutrophil, acidophil and

18、lymphocyte Dense connective tissue(致密结缔组织)(致密结缔组织)-more fiber-connection and supporting1) Regular DCT: u parallelly-arranged collagenous fibersuspecial fibroblast wing-liked processes-Distribution: tendons, ligament, cornea2) Irregular DCT: uFiber arranged in bundles, running in different directionu

19、Fibroblastuless ground substance-Distribution: dermis, sclera,capsule of some organs Adipose tissue(脂肪组织)(脂肪组织)-LCT+fat cells-White fat T: lsingle fat celllDistribution: subcutaneous tissue, mesenterium-Brown fat T: lfat cell contain many small lipid droplets,lrich in large mitochondrialcentrally-lo

20、cated nucleuslrich in cap.lDistribution: newborn baby Reticular tissue(网状组织)(网状组织)-Reticular cells + Reticular fiber + Stroma -Reticular cells: uIrregular with processes-form networkuround, ovoid and pale nucleus with 1-2 nucleoliuEM: rich in RER-Reticular fiber: connect to form network-Distribution: hemopoietic tissue and lymphatic tissueTHE END!



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