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1、Section BSection BPut all eggs in one basket.比喻风险很大比喻风险很大。Enjoy the songWhats he doing? He is .What do you think of smoking?smokingIs smoking good or bad for our health?Its bad for our health.Smoking is bad for our lungs.It can even cause cancer.So everyone should give up smoking.放弃放弃What is Wang Ju

2、nfeng doing? Why does Marias father like smoking ? Why does Maria want to ask her father to give up smoking? He is reading an article about smoking in the newspaper.Because he thinks smoking can help him relax.Because smoking is bad for our lungs and it even may cause cancer.1bListen to 1a and answe

3、r the following questions. 1cWatch the flash and fill in the blanks. Wang Junfeng is reading an _ about smoking in the newspaper . Marias father _ because he thinks smoking can help him _. But the article says smoking is _ for our lungs and it can even _ cancer. Marias going to ask her father to _ _

4、 smoking.articlesmokesrelaxcause give up视频视频1a-P37badI must ask him to give up smoking. ask sb. to do sth. 要求某人做某事要求某人做某事Eg: 我妈妈叫我晚上不要外出我妈妈叫我晚上不要外出。 My mother asks me not to go out at night.“要求某人不要做某事要求某人不要做某事” 该怎样表达?该怎样表达?ask sb. not to do sth类似用法的词有类似用法的词有 get/ want/ tell / ordervMay I borrow your

5、 newspaper and show it to my father?vMay “可以” 表示允许或征求对方的许可v我可以进来吗?vMay I come in?v- May I play computer, mom?v- Yes, you may.v-No, you_ .You must wash your clothes first. A. must B. can C. mustnt D. cant在回答may引导的疑问句中,肯定回答用_否定回答用_Yes, you may.No, you cant./ No, you mustntC or D give up sth./doing sth

6、. 放弃某事放弃某事/做某事做某事vEg: 我不会放弃我的计划我不会放弃我的计划。v I wont give up my plan.v你应该戒烟。你应该戒烟。vYou should give up smoking.总结已学过的只能加doing 的动词或动词短语practice/ finish/ mind/ give up / enjoy/ feel likeWhen you want to give up, please remember this saying “ Where there is a will, there is a way.”2 Complete the passage wi

7、th the correct words. Some people think that smoking _ ( must/can) help him relax. In fact, smoking is really _ (healthy/unhealthy). Do you know that there _ (is/are) over 4000 chemicals in cigarettes? These chemicals are _ (good/bad) for our bodies. They _ (must/can) cause cancer and other diseases

8、. The smoke from cigarettes harms _ (only/ not only) smokers but also other people. Its called “second-hand smoke” and it _ (can/cant) be more dangerous and has higher risks. Smokers shouldnt use smoking to help them relax. They _ (must/mustnt) give up smoking as soon as possible.canunhealthyarebadc

9、annot onlycanmustThey must give up smoking as soon as possible.vas soon as possible 尽快vas as possible=asas one canv=They must give up smoking as soon as they can.Make a survey to find out your classmates bad habits and then give some advice to them.NameBad habitAdvice1. 晚饭后你应该出去散步。晚饭后你应该出去散步。2. 阳光对于

10、我们的生活来说是必不可少的。阳光对于我们的生活来说是必不可少的。3. 她够年龄上学了。她够年龄上学了。You should go out for a walk after supper.Sunshine is necessary for our life.She is old enough to go to school.Translate these sentences:4. 吸烟可能导致肺癌。吸烟可能导致肺癌。5. 医生叫我爸爸戒烟。医生叫我爸爸戒烟。6. 我们禁止乱扔垃圾。我们禁止乱扔垃圾。7. 我们每天有必要喝足够的水。我们每天有必要喝足够的水。Smoking may cause lu

11、ng cancer.The doctor asks my father to give up smoking.We mustnt throw rubbish/litter about.Its necessary for us to drink enough water.Read the pairs of words and pay attention to the difference among / /, / a: / and / D /. Then think of more words for each group./ /- / A:/ fun - farm cut - card com

12、e - calm 录音录音3a-P383a/ /- / D / fund - fond duck - dock luck - lock Listen to the chant and write the key phrase for each picture. 录音录音3b-P383b wash hands have a bath open the windowearly to riseListen again and repeat, paying attention to the liaison. Wash your hands, have a bath.Open the window, t

13、ake a fresh breath.Early to bed, early to rise.Having good habits,makes a man healthy,Wealthy and wise.Liaison makes our English sounds smooth, and one type of it is to link consonant with vowel.录音录音3b-P383b1.How to use should, shouldnt, must, mustnt.2. Go on talking about how to cultivate good habits to keep healthy.1. Discuss with your partner and write some class regulations. Eg: We must keep the classroom clean every day.2. Finish the exercises in Section B.



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