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1、1.announcement (n.) 宣告,通知,声明宣告,通知,声明make/ issue an announcement 发表声明发表声明announce (vt.)宣告,通知,声明宣告,通知,声明-to make known publicly.announce sth. to sb. (不能用不能用announce sb. sth.)He announced for governor.他宣布竞选州长。他宣布竞选州长。 announce/ declare announce 指对公众或特定的一群关心的人进行宣布;指对公众或特定的一群关心的人进行宣布;declare指官方的正式宣告指官方的正

2、式宣告Everyone was silent as he announced the winner of the competition.This powerful country declared war on that small country.2. on (the) one handon the other (hand)一方面一方面另一方面另一方面(单独使用(单独使用on the other hand时,时,hand不能省略,但与不能省略,但与on the one hand连用时,可省略连用时,可省略) On one hand, rapid development of the eco

3、nomy will improve the living conditions of the people. On the other hand, it will speed up environmental destruction. at hand 在手边,在附近在手边,在附近 by hand 亲手,手亲手,手工工 in hand 手头现有的,正在进行,在处理中手头现有的,正在进行,在处理中 hand in hand手拉手手拉手 Hands up! 举起手来举起手来! Hands off! 请勿动手!不许干涉请勿动手!不许干涉3.point out 指出指出 He pointed out m

4、y mistake. 他指出我的错误。他指出我的错误。 point at/point to 指着,指向某人或某物(两个词组指着,指向某人或某物(两个词组可互换使用)可互换使用)He pointed at/ to a picture.point at 对准,瞄准对准,瞄准(某人用枪对准某人某物等某人用枪对准某人某物等) They pointed at her head but she was not afraid. point to 表明,指向表明,指向(主语为证据、时针以及宾语为主语为证据、时针以及宾语为某一方向时某一方向时) The evidence points to him as the

5、 criminal.The hands of the clock pointed to half past three.The compass needle points to the north. 3. in general 一般说来,从总体上看,大体上一般说来,从总体上看,大体上In general, red is the most popular color this season. in a general way 一般,通常一般,通常 as a general rule 在一般情况下在一般情况下 generally known.普遍知道普遍知道 generally speaking一

6、般地说一般地说 It is generally believed that . 普遍认为普遍认为. He generally keeps silent at a meeting .他通常在会上保持沉默。他通常在会上保持沉默。4.praise (vi.&vt.&n.)表扬,赞扬,表彰表扬,赞扬,表彰 win high praise 受到高度赞扬受到高度赞扬 in praise of 赞扬(某人)赞扬(某人) beyond all praises 赞美不尽的,赞不绝口的赞美不尽的,赞不绝口的 be loud in sb.s praise 对某人极力称赞对某人极力称赞 praise sb. for

7、sth. 因某事而赞美因某事而赞美/称赞某人称赞某人He gave a speech _ _ _school life. 他做了一个赞美学校生活的演讲。他做了一个赞美学校生活的演讲。 He _ _ _ _his research on genes. 他的基因研究受到了高度赞扬。他的基因研究受到了高度赞扬。 in praise ofis highly praised for5. intention -an aim intention (n.) 目的,打算,意图 with the intention of 为了,以为了,以为目的或意图为目的或意图 He has decided to go abro

8、ad to study with the intention of improving his English and finding a better job when he returns. without intention 无意地无意地 make ones intention clear 说清楚自己的目的说清楚自己的目的 state/ announce ones intention 声明自己的意图声明自己的意图 I began reading with the _ of finishing the book, but I never did. a. interview b. inten

9、tion c. help d. considerationintend vt 想要想要, 打算打算intend to do sth. 打算做某事打算做某事 intend sb to do 打算打算让某人做某事某人做某事 be intended to do sth. be intended for sb/sth. 为计划,划,设计6.adopt 7. a. to take into ones family through legal means and raise as ones own child收养,领养;采用,收养,领养;采用, b. take and follow 采纳采纳( (议案、意

10、见等议案、意见等) ) Can you adopt my new idea? They adopted a neighbours boy. adopt measures/ new methods/ an idea 采取措施采取措施/ / 采用新办法采用新办法/ / 采纳意见采纳意见 adopt a resolution 通过一项议案通过一项议案 an adopted son 养子养子 adopted words 外来词外来词(比较比较) adopt/adapt adopt 收养,领养;采用,采纳(议案、意见等);收养,领养;采用,采纳(议案、意见等);adapt使适合,使适应使适合,使适应 a

11、daptto;adaptfor改编改编 She had to adapt herself to local conditions. 她她必须使自己适应当地的情况。必须使自己适应当地的情况。 This English novel was adapted for the stage. 这部小说被改编成了剧本。这部小说被改编成了剧本。 The couple decided to _a boy because they had three girls. a. adapt b. adopt c. receive b. keep 7.push ahead with 推进,推行,毅然继续做某事推进,推行,毅

12、然继续做某事 It is hard to push ahead with such an unpopular policy. 这样一个不得人心的政策很难推行下去的。这样一个不得人心的政策很难推行下去的。 push ahead/ forward/ on with sth. 毅然继续做某事毅然继续做某事 push sth. forward 提出某事,提出某事, 迫使他人考虑或注意某事迫使他人考虑或注意某事 push sb./ sth. over 使某人使某人/ /某物倒下;推倒某人某物倒下;推倒某人/ /某物某物push ones plan大力实施自己的计划大力实施自己的计划push ones w

13、ay through a crowd从人群中挤出从人群中挤出push ones nose into other peoples affairs干涉别人的事情干涉别人的事情push ones claims坚持要求坚持要求push a campaign大力推进一场运动大力推进一场运动be pushed for time感到时间紧迫感到时间紧迫push a person推荐人推荐人8.deliver “接生,使分娩接生,使分娩”之意之意 “投递,传送,释放,表达,解救投递,传送,释放,表达,解救”等意等意 deliver sb. from danger 救某人脱险救某人脱险 deliver sth.

14、 to sb. 把某物交付给某人把某物交付给某人 deliver a message/ a letter 传话传话/ 送信送信 deliver a speech 发表演说发表演说 be delivered of 生下孩子生下孩子8.succeed in doing sth. 成功地做某事成功地做某事 (反义词组反义词组)fail to do sth. After practicing more, he succeeded in passing the driving test. success (n.) successful (adj.) successfully (adv.) 9.benef

15、it (n.) 利益,好处;利益,好处;(pl.)救济金救济金 be of benefit to 对对有裨益有裨益 for the benefit of为了为了的利益的利益 It is said Yoga is of great benefit to human health. (vt.& vi.) 有益于有益于 benefit sb./sth. 有益于某人有益于某人/某物某物 benefit from/by 从从中获益中获益Such foolish behavior will not benefit you.We all benefited from her success. 9.end u

16、p 以以而告终,后接现在分词而告终,后接现在分词;end up with/in/as 后接名词后接名词At first he refused to accept any responsibility but he ended up apologizing.The party ended up with a song.If you continue to steal, you will end up in prison. 10.for sale 待售,出售的待售,出售的 The land is now for sale at that price to anyone.on sale (英)出售,

17、(美)廉价出售(英)出售,(美)廉价出售 Tomato soup that is usually sold at twelve cents a bowl is now on sale for ten cents.11. comment (n.& vi.) 评论,评注评论,评注 make (a comment) comments on sb./sth. comment on/ upon/ about sb./sth.评论(事)评论(事)He made several comments on the book.We would like the audience to comment on our

18、 new play.12.They want to advance technology.advance1) 推进,促进推进,促进advaance the movement to a new stage把运动推到一个新阶段把运动推到一个新阶段advance the growth of wheat促进小麦生长促进小麦生长2) :put forward 提出提出(建议等建议等)He advanced his point of view in the meeting.3) 提前提前The date of the meeting has been advanced from Friday to adv

19、anced adj. 高级的,先进的高级的,先进的13. figurefigure1) n.身材身材The girl has a good figure.2) Cn. 画像,数字,图表画像,数字,图表He has an income of six figure.他有六位数的收入他有六位数的收入The figure on Page 22 shows a political map of Africa.第第22页的插图是非洲的政区图页的插图是非洲的政区图.3) 认为,考虑,计算认为,考虑,计算I figure it like this.figure outcome to understand, c

20、alculateIve never been able to figure him out.Have you figured out how much the holiday will cost?13. the other daythe other dayall the dayday after dayday and night不久前某天不久前某天整天整天日复一日日复一日日日夜夜日日夜夜day by day逐日逐日by the day 按日计算按日计算every few days 每隔几天每隔几天every other day 每隔一天每隔一天两天两天every third day 每隔一天每

21、隔一天两天两天14. behavebehave1) vi. 举动,举止,表现举动,举止,表现 The new fighters behaved bravely under fire.新战士在炮火下表现得很勇敢新战士在炮火下表现得很勇敢.2) vt. 使举止规矩使举止规矩Behave yourself! 规矩点!规矩点!behavior n. 举止,行为举止,行为be on ones good behavior举动规矩,行为检点举动规矩,行为检点15. cautiouscautious adj. 细心的,谨慎的细心的,谨慎的The students are cautious not to mak

22、e any mistakes in spelling.学生们在拼写时非常小心,以避免发生错误学生们在拼写时非常小心,以避免发生错误be cautious of:look out for 留心,谨防留心,谨防15. alternativealternative1) adj. 两者两者(或两者以上或两者以上)挑一的挑一的alternative ways2) n. 两者取一,取舍两者取一,取舍the alternative of going or staying3) n. 选择对象,可供选择的办法选择对象,可供选择的办法Thats the only alternative.可供选择的两种方法可供选择

23、的两种方法去留之间的抉择去留之间的抉择那是唯一可供选择的那是唯一可供选择的.16. involveinvolve1) vt.使卷入,使陷入使卷入,使陷入be involved in trouble卷入纠纷卷入纠纷2) vt. 使专注使专注He was involved in working out a plan.他专心一意地订计划他专心一意地订计划3) vt. 包含,含有包含,含有a task which involves much difficulty带有许多困难的任务带有许多困难的任务involvement n. 卷入,牵连,包含卷入,牵连,包含17. costcost1) n. 成本,费

24、用成本,费用reduce the production cost降低生产成本降低生产成本the cost of living生活费用生活费用2) n. 代价代价at all costs不惜任何代价不惜任何代价at the cost of以以为代价为代价3) vt. 使失去使失去(生命生命,健康等健康等)His carelessness cost him his life.18. on ones parton ones part = on the part of sb.对某人来说对某人来说The agreement has been kept on our part.我们这方面遵守了协议我们这方

25、面遵守了协议1) bear a part in2) for ones part3) for the most part在在中有一份,参与中有一份,参与至于某人,对某人来说至于某人,对某人来说就绝大部分而言,多半就绝大部分而言,多半13. definitely 确切地,肯定地确切地,肯定地definite1) adj. 明确的,确切的明确的,确切的a definite answer明确的答复明确的答复2) adj. 一定的,肯定的一定的,肯定的Its definite that hell come.他肯定会来他肯定会来.19. majority n. 多数,多半多数,多半a / the majo

26、rity of + cn. / un.in the majority 占大多数占大多数 The majority of his books are kept upstairs.他的大部分藏书在楼上。他的大部分藏书在楼上。The proposal was passed by a majority of 66. 提议以超过提议以超过66票通过票通过minority 反义词反义词 :少数:少数minima-minimum, maximamaximummaximizemaximization , minimize -minimization: v.催促,主张,要求;催促,主张,要求;n.冲动冲动 ur

27、gent adj. 紧急的,紧迫的紧急的,紧迫的 urge sb. to do sth. 力劝某人做某事力劝某人做某事urge sb. into doing sth.力劝某人做力劝某人做urge that sb. (should) do要求某人做要求某人做urge sth. on / upon sb.对人主张对人主张have an urge to do sth.渴望做某事渴望做某事urge against 极力反对极力反对: v. 表演,履行,执行表演,履行,执行performer n. performance n.perform a part in 在在中扮演角色中扮演角色perform d

28、uty 尽职责尽职责perform an experiment 做实验做实验put on a performance 演出演出: adj. 抵抗的,反抗的抵抗的,反抗的resist v.抵制,抵抗抵制,抵抗 resistance n. 反抗,抵抗力反抗,抵抗力resister n. 抵抗者抵抗者resistible adj. 可抵抗的可抵抗的This metal resists rust. 这金属防锈。这金属防锈。 The seedlings are resistant to cold weather. 这些秧苗有抗寒力。这些秧苗有抗寒力。: v. 限制,限定;限制,限定;n.限制,界限限制,

29、界限within limits 适度地,节制地适度地,节制地within the limits of 在在的范围之内的范围之内the limit of ones patience 忍耐的限度忍耐的限度set a limit to sth. 确定限度确定限度limit sb. to (doing) sth.限制某人做某事限制某人做某事Theres a limit to what one can do.一个人的能力是有限的。一个人的能力是有限的。25.construct: v. 建造,建设,构造建造,建设,构造construction n. 建造,建设建造,建设constructive adj.

30、有建设性的,有帮助的有建设性的,有帮助的under construction 正在修建正在修建The story is skillfully constructed.故事的构思相当巧妙。故事的构思相当巧妙。26. in favor ofin favor of1) 赞同赞同,支持,支持be in favor of sbs suggestion2) 有利于有利于The score was 2 to 1 in favor of the guest team.比分为二比一,客队获胜比分为二比一,客队获胜.:agree with, supportfavor1) n. 好感,欢心好感,欢心win sbs

31、favor赢得某人的欢心赢得某人的欢心2) n. 恩惠恩惠do sb. a favor= do a favor for sb.帮某人一个忙帮某人一个忙May I ask a favor of you?请您帮个忙行吗请您帮个忙行吗?afavorable adj. 赞成的,有利的赞成的,有利的He is favorable to our plan.a favorable situation他赞成我们的计划他赞成我们的计划有利的形势有利的形势: v. 争辩,辩论,主张争辩,辩论,主张argue with sb. about /over sth.因某事同某人争论因某事同某人争论argue for /

32、against sth. 为赞成或反对某事而为赞成或反对某事而争辩争辩argue that 主张主张argue sb. Into / out of doing sth.说服某人做说服某人做/停止做某事停止做某事 : n. 比率,速度,地方税,价格比率,速度,地方税,价格 v. 对对评价,认为评价,认为the rate of finished products 成品率成品率be sold at a high rate 以高价出售以高价出售postal rates 邮费邮费 rates and taxes 地方税和国家税地方税和国家税 He works at a high rate.他工作效率很高

33、。他工作效率很高。: adj. 发达的,成熟的发达的,成熟的developing adj. 发展中的发展中的 development n. 发展,生长,进化发展,生长,进化 develop v. 发展,培育,制订,成长发展,培育,制订,成长 develop ones mind 开发心智开发心智develop into 发展成为发展成为 develop from sth. 从从发展而来发展而来30.turn out: 结果证明结果证明The rumor turns out to be true.传闻后来证明是真的。传闻后来证明是真的。turn其他词组:其他词组:turn over 翻转,思考翻转,思考 turn down 调小音量,拒绝调小音量,拒绝turn against 反对,背叛反对,背叛turn away 转过脸去,把转过脸去,把打发走打发走turn up 调大音量,露面调大音量,露面



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