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1、湖南水利水电学院语言教研室湖南水利水电学院语言教研室 第一册第一册普通高等教育“十一五”规划教材 Beyond Oxford Practical College English Course 湖南水利水电学院语言教研室湖南水利水电学院语言教研室 BackNext Travel Reservations 旅游预定旅游预定 Places of Interest 名胜古迹名胜古迹Unit 1FourTable of ContentsOn Vacation 度假度假2湖南水利水电学院语言教研室湖南水利水电学院语言教研室 Focus1 contentBackNextS: Getting travel i

2、nformation L: Giving travel information L: Booking a tour S: An all-inclusive package vacation R: A couples travel agreement W: Writing a confirmation letter Travel Reservation 旅游预定旅游预定Focus虚词重读虚词重读3湖南水利水电学院语言教研室湖南水利水电学院语言教研室 focus1starter1. Starter Getting travel information BackNextA client has as

3、ked to book a tour via your travel service. What information do you need from the client? Work with a partner to complete the word spider. _male/femalenumber of peopletelephone numberaddressnametour type4湖南水利水电学院语言教研室湖南水利水电学院语言教研室 2. Giving travel information A travel agent is answering questions fr

4、om a client who asks about traveling in Japan.Listen to the tape or CD. Then decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F). 2. Im homesickBackNext5湖南水利水电学院语言教研室湖南水利水电学院语言教研室 2. Giving travel information 2. Im homesickBackNext( ) 1. The couple have decided to go to Japan in July.

5、( ) 2. Money is something to consider when the couple are deciding when to go to Japan. ( ) 3. The air fare in April is lower than that in May. ( ) 4. In July the air fare to Tokyo is 450 yuan.FTTF6湖南水利水电学院语言教研室湖南水利水电学院语言教研室 BackNextAgent:Good morning. How may I help you?Client:Good morning. Id like

6、 some information, please. My wife and I want to go to Japan.Agent:Well, when do you want to go?Client:We really dont know. June, or maybe July. But Id like to know the air fare to Tokyo first.Agent:Lets see. In May and June the fare is 3,200 yuan. But its less in March and April. Its only 2,800 yua

7、n.Client:What about July?Agent:Its more, 4,500 yuan. Because July is the holiday season in Japan.Client:Oh Can you give me a brochure, please? Well think about it. Its my wife who has the final say. Agent:Of course. Here you are.2. Giving travel information 7湖南水利水电学院语言教研室湖南水利水电学院语言教研室 2. Giving trav

8、el information 2. Im homesickBackNextLanguage for taking travel reservations When are you planning to travel?Could you travel on the 15th?What kind of tour do you have in mind?For how many nights/people?Do you need a tour guide?May I have your name/phone/fax number/address, sir/madam?What about a 3-

9、day-2-night package tour?The price for such a tour is 1,880 yuan. And all prices are on a per person basis.Its 2,200 yuan for this package, including airline tickets, tour guides, hotels and food.Yes, we can give you 20% off.We can arrange hotels for you.Please sign up here and pay a deposit.Please

10、fill out this form. Learning 8湖南水利水电学院语言教研室湖南水利水电学院语言教研室 BackNext Notes 1. Id like some information, please. 我想了解一些情况。 Id like = I would like,后接名词(短语)或不定式,意 思与I want相同但比后者礼貌,最后再加please会更加委 婉。 e.g.Id like some more salad, please. Id like to talk to your manager. 2. Giving travel information 9湖南水利水电学院

11、语言教研室湖南水利水电学院语言教研室 2. But Id like to know the air fare to Tokyo 但我想先了解一下去东京的机票价格。 *fare n. 票价;车费;船费 e.g. Sometimes air fares can be lower than train fares. Let me share the taxi fare with you. 3. Because July is the holiday season in Japan. 因为七月份是日本的旅游旺季。 holiday season 旅游旺季 e.g. It will cost you mu

12、ch more to travel during holiday season. 同义词组:peak season, high season; 反义词组:off-peak season, low season, valley seasonBackNext2. Giving travel information 10湖南水利水电学院语言教研室湖南水利水电学院语言教研室 BackNext4. Can you give me a brochure, please? 可以给我一份宣传册吗? brochure n. 小册子,宣传册 e.g. The computers features are deta

13、iled in our brochure. They brought home heaps of travel brochures. 注意该词来自法语,“ch”发/的音,不要误发成/t/。 e.g. chef /f/ n. 厨师;cache /k/ n. 隐藏所; avalanche /vln/ n. 雪崩2. Giving travel information 11湖南水利水电学院语言教研室湖南水利水电学院语言教研室 BackNext5. Its my wife who has the final say. 我妻子才有最后决定权。 该句是一个强调句型,被强调的部分是my wife,表明有决定

14、 权的是他妻子。 final say 最后决定权 e.g. The manager has the final say in the restructuring of the company. His mother has the final say in the running of the family business.2. Giving travel information 12湖南水利水电学院语言教研室湖南水利水电学院语言教研室 3. Booking a tour After reading the tour brochure, the client calls the travel

15、 agency to book a tour. Listen to the tape or CD and fill in the blanks. BackNextFocus 1 3Celine: Hello! Celine speaking. How may I help you? Client: I visited your agency last week and we talked about the (1) _. Celine: Oh, yes. I remember. Can you tell me (2) _ you want to leave on? Client: The th

16、irteenth of July. Celine: Fine. So may I (3) _, please? Client: Its for my wife and me Mr. White Morgan. Celine: Thank you, and Ill need your (4) _ and your address.tour in Japan what datehave your nametelephone number 13湖南水利水电学院语言教研室湖南水利水电学院语言教研室 3. Booking a tour BackNextFocus 1 3Client: Certainly

17、. My phone number is 23232323. My (5) _ is 22 Huaihai Street, Shanghai. Celine: Right. Do you mind if I check the details? . Now, the (6) _. The premium is 200 yuan per person. Client: OK. Celine: Ill also (7) _, which is 8,000 yuan per head. Client: Right. Ill drop by at the beginning of next week

18、and make you out a check then. Celine: Good. Ill send you the (8) _ after that. Thank you for calling. Goodbye. addressinsurance policy need your deposit confirmation letter 14湖南水利水电学院语言教研室湖南水利水电学院语言教研室 Notes 1. Hello! Celine speaking. How may I help you? 您好!我是赛琳,请问可以为您做什么? 当拿起话筒用英语打电话时,开头打招呼的第一个词便是

19、 Hello,也可视情况说 Good morning (afternoon, evening)。很 多英语国家的人(特别是美国人)接电话时一开始就自报姓 名或自己的电话号码。如:Hello (Good morning, ),This is 2856123或This is Marys phone or This is Mary speaking或直接 用Mary speaking(我是玛丽)。在商务中,经常会报上公司 名及部门名。BackNext3. Booking a tour 15湖南水利水电学院语言教研室湖南水利水电学院语言教研室 2. Can you tell me what date

20、you want to leave on? 能告诉我您想哪天启程吗? 此句更常见语序为:Can you tell me on what date you want to leave? 表示具体确切的日期往往用介词on。 e.g. My birthdays on the 30th of May. Im free on Saturday morning. 3. Do you mind if I check the details? 我现在核实一下细节好吗? mind 表示“介意;反对”,通常用于疑问句、否定句或条件句 中,后接名词、动名词或从句。 e.g. I dont mind a joke,

21、but this is going too far. Do you mind my opening the window? (= Do you mind if I open the window?)BackNext3. Booking a tour 16湖南水利水电学院语言教研室湖南水利水电学院语言教研室 4. Now, the insurance policy. The premium is 200 yuan per person. 现在来谈谈保险单吧。保险费每人200元。 *policy n. 保险单 e.g. You should check your policy to see if

22、youre covered in the case of flooding. Insurance companies blame rising medical bills for high policy costs. policy最常用含义为“政策,方针,策略”。 e.g. The White House says that there will be no change in foreign policy. premium n. 保险费 e.g. Car insurance premiums have increased this year. The premiums for healthc

23、are plans are high. premium还可表示“奖金,津贴”等含义。 e.g. The company is willing to pay a premium in order to get the right person for the job. BackNext3. Booking a tour 17湖南水利水电学院语言教研室湖南水利水电学院语言教研室 5. Ill also need your deposit, which is 8,000 yuan per head. 你们每人还需缴纳8000元的押金。 deposit n. 定钱,押金 e.g. Some libra

24、ries require deposits from borrowers. We wont be getting married until weve saved enough for the deposit on a house. deposit当名词用还可表示“存款;存放”等含义。 e.g. She has a large deposit in the bank. deposit当动词用表示“储蓄;存放;付定金”等含义。 e.g. He deposited his money in the bank. head在此处表示“人数,(牲口)头数”。 e.g. The dinner cost20

25、 per head. I did a quick head count. BackNext3. Booking a tour 18湖南水利水电学院语言教研室湖南水利水电学院语言教研室 6. Ill drop by at the beginning of next week and make you out a check then. 下周初我顺便过来给您开支票。 drop by 顺便走访 e.g. Do drop by the next time youre in town. Mr. Evans dropped by my office yesterday to talk with me ab

26、out the book he is writing. BackNext3. Booking a tour 19湖南水利水电学院语言教研室湖南水利水电学院语言教研室 4. An all-inclusive package vacation Read the situation and the benefits of an all-inclusive vacation. Then role-play the situation with a partner. BackNextFor Reference AnswerClick HereStudent AStudent BYou are a cle

27、rk at a travel agency. Look at the picture below. You offer the all-inclusive package to your client and explain the items the package includes. You are a client, Linda. You are at a travel agency. You wish to book a tour in Xinjiang to spend your holidays. You want to know what the all-inclusive pa

28、ckage includes and want to know the benefits. 20湖南水利水电学院语言教研室湖南水利水电学院语言教研室 BackNextClerk: Welcome, madam! What can I do for you?Linda: I want to go to Xinjiang to spend my holidays.Clerk: No problem, madam. We offer a Silk Road tour. Linda: Very good. Is there any tour group that I can go with?Clerk

29、: Yes, theres one this month. It lasts 11 days. Linda: Fine. I have 20 holiday days. Where will we stay for the night? Will we stay with the locals?Clerk: Im afraid not. We can arrange hotels for you.4. An all-inclusive package vacation 21湖南水利水电学院语言教研室湖南水利水电学院语言教研室 BackNextLinda: Whats the price for

30、 this travel package?Clerk: Well, right now, its 2,200 yuan, including everything, such as airline tickets, local tour guide, hotels and meals.Linda: Does it include admission tickets? Clerk: Yes. Its the all-inclusive package. Linda: Id like a reservation for this tour. What should I do?Clerk: Plea

31、se sign up here and pay a deposit. Linda: Well, okay. Thanks for your help.Clerk: Its our pleasure to help you. 4. An all-inclusive package vacation 22湖南水利水电学院语言教研室湖南水利水电学院语言教研室 4. An all-inclusive package vacation BackNext Note accommodation n. 住处;膳宿 e.g. Hotel accommodation was scarce during the O

32、lympic Games. Theres a shortage of cheap accommodation. accommodation的动词形式为accommodate,表示“供给 住宿;容纳”。 e.g.This hotel can accommodate up to 500 guests. 23湖南水利水电学院语言教研室湖南水利水电学院语言教研室 Text Lead-inWatch the cartoon and comment on it.BackNext24湖南水利水电学院语言教研室湖南水利水电学院语言教研室 on ones own 单独地,凭自己的力量e.g.Why are yo

33、u sitting all on your own? The student can struggle with the problem on his own. reach an agreement 签订协议e.g.After one hours discussion, they reached an agreement. 表示达成协议的短语还有:arrive at an agreement,come to an agreement, sign an agreement, make an agreement等。5. A Couples Travel Agreement Focus 1 5Bac

34、kNextRead the passage and do the exercises. Planning a vacation can often be a headache when one member of a couple prefers luxuries like toilets, baths, and cable TV and the other likes it to be less expensive. So what is a couple to do? They can each take trips on their own. Or they can reach an a

35、greement: 夫妻旅游协议夫妻旅游协议 若夫妻一方偏爱享受,度假时要有卫生间、浴室和有线电视,而另一方却想少花点钱,制定度假计划往往让人头疼。那他们该怎么办呢?他们要么各自单独旅游,要么进行协商,并签订协议:Translation 25湖南水利水电学院语言教研室湖南水利水电学院语言教研室 *ideal a. 理想的,完美的e.g.You should follow your doctors advice on how to reach an ideal weight. At first he seemed to be an ideal husband. ideal也可以做名词,表示“理想

36、”。e.g.She died without realizing her ideal. hike v. 去远足e.g.However hard it rained, they went on hiking. He prefers to hike to get closer to nature. hike还可以作名词,意为“徒步旅行”。e.g.He always brings a canteen with him on a hike. hiker意思是“徒步旅行者”。five-star 五星级星级宾馆/酒店/饭店通常划分为五个级别:1-star hotel, 2-star hotel, 3-st

37、ar hotel, 4-star hotel, 5-star hotel。另外还有super-5-star hotel(超五星级酒店)和platinum hotel(铂金酒店)。此外,阿拉伯联合酋长国迪拜的帆船酒店号称七星级酒店,外观形如船帆。resort n. 度假胜地e.g.This place has become a famous summer resort. Hawaii is an excellent tourist resort. 常 与 resort搭 配 的 短 语 :summer resort避 暑 胜 地 ;tourist resort旅游胜地;resort hotel度

38、假饭店5. A Couples Travel Agreement Focus 1 5BackNextWHEREAS, Husbands ideal vacation must include hiking shoes, compasses, sleeping bags, and doesnt cost a cent; WHEREAS, Wifes preferred vacation must include a five-star resort hotel; WHEREAS, Husband is the kind of guy who chooses his trips by tossin

39、g a coin; 鉴鉴于于丈夫理想的度假需要有旅游鞋、指南针和睡袋,且不花分文;鉴鉴于于妻子理想的度假场所必须有五星级度假酒店;鉴鉴于于丈夫属于那种愿意通过掷硬币决定旅行的人;Translation whereas conj. (公文用语)鉴于 e.g.Whereas the following incidents have occurred, they agree to discuss the matter. whereas还常用表示转折。e.g.Some people like fatty meat, whereas others hate it. They want a house,

40、whereas we would rather live in a flat. 26湖南水利水电学院语言教研室湖南水利水电学院语言教研室 5. A Couples Travel Agreement Focus 1 5BackNextWHEREAS, Wife is a planning kind of girl who makes reservations a year in advance after six months research; and WHEREAS, Husband and Wife havent taken a vacation in years and believe

41、it might be time to meet halfway. 鉴鉴于于妻子是个按计划行事的人,要先调查半年再提前一年预定;又又鉴鉴于于夫妻双方很长时间都没出去度假,彼此都认为应该做出让步。Translation *research n. 研究,调查e.g.The mission of a university is teaching and research. They are doing some interesting research into the language of dolphins. research也可作动词用,表示“研究,探究”。e.g.Shes researchi

42、ng possible cures of AIDS. meet (sb.) halfway 妥 协 , ( 向)让步e.g.The roommates have to meet halfway in order to live at peace. Youll have to be prepared to meet each other halfway if youre ever to reach an agreement. halfway可以作副词或形容词,意思是“半路地(的),在中途(的)”。e.g.You cant go halfway when youre painting the wa

43、lls. Halfway measures wont solve the problem. 27湖南水利水电学院语言教研室湖南水利水电学院语言教研室 5. A Couples Travel Agreement Focus 1 5BackNextNOW, THEREFORE, Husband and Wife agree to the following weekend trip terms: 1. Husband and Wife shall drive to one of Wifes favorite inns. Accommodation shall be chosen by the lu

44、ck of the draw. 2. Wife may, if she so chooses, call for reservations. 夫妻双方特特此此同同意意以下周末度假条款: 1.夫妻双方须驾车前往妻子最中意的某家酒店,具体酒店可通过抽签决定。2.如果妻子愿意的话,她可打电话预订。Translation agree to 同意注意agree to后接名词(短语)或动名词时,to是介词,后接动词时,to则是不定式标志。 shall在法律文本中,表示的是命令、义务、职责、权利、特权和许诺,而并非只是一种时态。所以,“shall”在法律条文中,一般译成“须”或“应”,不能译成“将”。 dr

45、aw当名词用,在此处意为“抽奖”。e.g.She won a radio in the grand draw at the school fete. luck of the draw 抽签,运气 e.g.Is the best way to decide on something important to trust the luck of the draw? if she so chooses是插在句子中间的条件状语从句,其中的so有替代 功 能 , 该 句 相 当 于 if she chooses to call for reservations。so作代词,替代的是to call for

46、 reservations,这样可以使句子简练。e.g. Do you think we can get there in time? I think / hope so. Shes promised to help us get out of trouble and I believe that she will do so. if she so chooses是插在句子中间的条件状语从句,其中的so有替代 功 能 , 该 句 相 当 于 if she chooses to call for reservations。so作代词,替代的是to call for reservations,这样

47、可以使句子简练。e.g. Do you think we can get there in time? I think / hope so. Shes promised to help us get out of trouble and I believe that she will do so. 28湖南水利水电学院语言教研室湖南水利水电学院语言教研室 5. A Couples Travel Agreement BackNext以下是以下是agree的常见短语用法:的常见短语用法:用法用法例子例子a. 跟介词to连用,表示“应允,答应,同意(提议、安排、计划等)”I agree to the

48、 proposal (plan). Do you agree to this arrangement?b. 与介词on连用,表示“对取得一致意见”The date for the next meeting was agreed on. They agreed on going there the following day. 29湖南水利水电学院语言教研室湖南水利水电学院语言教研室 5. A Couples Travel Agreement BackNextc. 跟介词with连用表示“同意,赞成”;“与一致”;“(气候,食物)适合”I couldnt agree with you more.

49、 I dont quite agree with their methods (opinions, ideas). Onions do not agree with me. d. 跟不定式作宾语,表示“同意做某事”He agreed to get someone to help us. She agreed to get everything ready before I came. e. 跟从句,表示“一致认为”Most scientists agreed that computers cannot completely take the place of human beings. 30湖

50、南水利水电学院语言教研室湖南水利水电学院语言教研室 5. A Couples Travel Agreement Focus 1 5BackNext3. Once a destination has been chosen, Husband and Wife shall mark their route on the map. Husband agrees to follow the map at all times, though only if Wife limits bathroom stops to one per hour. 4. Packing shall be done by Wi

51、fe, who agrees not to bring more than one weeks supply of clothing. 3. 一旦选定目的地,夫妻双方须在地图上标出旅游路线。丈夫同意只要妻子将中途停车上卫生间的次数限制在一小时一次,他就会按地图标出的旅游路线开车。4. 妻子同意所带服装只需够一周穿戴即可,并负责收拾行李。Translation route n. 路线e.g.This is the shortest route from Boston to New York. The route we had planned took us right across the co

52、untry. only if是对if的强调和限制,表示“只有当/只有在情况下”。e.g.Only if I get a job will I have enough money to go to school. I can buy the house only if a mortgage for 20,000 dollars is available. *limit vt. 限制e.g.The teacher limited his students to 500 words for their compositions. Ive been asked to limit my speech t

53、o ten minutes maximum. limit后常跟介词to (limitto)表示“把限制在之内”。e.g.Concerned about her weight, shed limited herself to two meals a day. 31湖南水利水电学院语言教研室湖南水利水电学院语言教研室 5. A Couples Travel Agreement BackNext注意注意only if与与if only(要是(要是就好了)的区别:就好了)的区别:e.g. I am so tired. If only I could take the day off tomorrow!

54、 If only I had another chance! I dread the coming exams. If only I had time to review my lessons! 32湖南水利水电学院语言教研室湖南水利水电学院语言教研室 5. A Couples Travel Agreement Focus 1 5BackNext5. Husband agrees that he can ask a girl gas station attendant for directions without looking her in the eyes. 6. Wife shall h

55、ave one luxurious meal per day. 7. Wife agrees to go with Husband on one hike. Said hike shall be less than two hours and shall be called off if there is more than a 30% chance of rain. 5.丈夫同意他只能向加油站姑娘问问路,而不能一直盯着她看。6.妻子每天可享用一顿大餐。7.妻子同意和丈夫做一次徒步旅行,但必须短于2小时,且下雨概率若超过30%,将予以取消。Translation attendant n. 服务

56、员;侍从e.g.If you need anything, just ring for the attendant. 该词是由动词attend加-ant后缀构成的。与之有关的常用短语有:flight attendant飞机务员;train attendant 列车乘务员;ambulance attendant 救护车随员;cargo attendant 物押运员 *direction n. 方向;指令,说明e.g.Tom went off in the direction of the post office. He gave clear directions for baking a cak

57、e. look sb. in the eye(s) 直视,正视某人e.g.He likes very much to look beautiful girls in the eyes. 此处looking her in the eyes,其中 her是 指 the girl gas station attendant。注意该条款的幽默或讥讽:旅游协议居然煞有介事地列出这样的条款,似乎表明,要么妻子是个醋坛子(a jealous woman),要么丈夫是个好色之徒(a lecher)。 said为法律文件等专用语,意为“上述的,该”。e.g.Said Joseph Brown was seen

58、breaking into the car on the night of January 15th. Said witness was called in. call off 取消;命令停止e.g.The game was called off on account of rain. The commander called his men off when he realized the search was hopeless. 30% chance of rain的意思是“下雨概率达到30%”。西方气象预报常常用百分比来表示出现某种天气的概率,现今中国气象预报也逐渐出现这种趋势。e.g.

59、Monday: A 20% chance of showers and thunderstorms. 33湖南水利水电学院语言教研室湖南水利水电学院语言教研室 5. A Couples Travel Agreement Focus 1 5BackNext8. In return for the hike, Husband agrees to attend an art show. Wife promises not to buy any of the paintings, and Husband need not pretend to like them. SIGNATURES: _ (HUS

60、BAND) _ (WIFE) Translation in return for 作为的回报,交换e.g.I wish I could do something in return for the kindness I have received from him. In return for your cooperation we will give you a free gift. 8.作为徒步旅游的补偿,丈夫同意去看一次艺术展。妻子答应不购买任何画作,丈夫也不必附庸风雅,违心赞美。签名:签名:_ (夫) _ (妻)34湖南水利水电学院语言教研室湖南水利水电学院语言教研室 BackNext

61、A. Choose the best answer to each question according to the passage. 5. A Couples Travel Agreement 1. Which of the following suggests that the wife loves luxury? A. She has a map. B. She packs one weeks supply of clothing. C. She shall have one luxurious meal per day D. She attends the art show. C.

62、She shall have one luxurious meal per day35湖南水利水电学院语言教研室湖南水利水电学院语言教研室 BackNext5. A Couples Travel Agreement 2. Which of the following is NOT supposed to be done by the husband? A. Hiking. B. Asking for directions. C. Attending an art show. D. Making reservations. D. Making reservations. 36湖南水利水电学院语言

63、教研室湖南水利水电学院语言教研室 BackNext5. A Couples Travel Agreement 3. What is the wifes attitude towards hiking? A. She is unwilling to go hiking. B. She respects her husbands decision. C. She refuses to go hiking under any conditions. D. She likes hiking.4. Which term suggests that the wife is jealous? A. The

64、first. B. The third. C. The fifth. D. The last.A. She is unwilling to go hiking.C. The fifth.37湖南水利水电学院语言教研室湖南水利水电学院语言教研室 BackNextB. Find words from the passage with similar meanings. 5. A Couples Travel Agreement 1. preferred _2. inn _3. holiday _4. toilet _5. promise _favorite hotel vacation bathr

65、oom agree 38湖南水利水电学院语言教研室湖南水利水电学院语言教研室 6. Writing a confirmation letter Focus 1 6Here is a letter confirming a clients reservations for flights and accommodations. Complete the letter according to the Chinese given in the brackets. Reservations DepartmentWorld Travel Service101 East Huaihai RoadShan

66、ghai 200034February 20, 20xxMary Johnson, Secretary Roberts Import Corporation221 Huamu RoadShanghai 200010BackNext39湖南水利水电学院语言教研室湖南水利水电学院语言教研室 6. Writing a confirmation letter Focus 1 6Dear _,_ (兹确认您的预订) Flight 523 to Shanghai at 10:30 a.m. on March 4, and return from Shanghai to Los Angeles on Fli

67、ght 716 at 3:45 p.m. on March 11. _ (我们保证) that the tickets _ (您会在出发前一周拿到票).BackNextMiss Johnson This letter is to confirm your reservation for We can ensure will be available to you a week before departure 40湖南水利水电学院语言教研室湖南水利水电学院语言教研室 6. Writing a confirmation letter Focus 1 6We will also be happy

68、to _ (为劳森先生安排酒店住宿) for said dates. As a rule, a deposit of RMB 30,000 is required for the accommodation and the transportation.If there is anything additional we can do for you and Mr. Lawson, _ (请一定告知). _ (能有机会为劳森先生安排此行,我们感到十分荣幸). Sincerely yours,Carlos SantosCarlos SantosBackNext arrange Mr. Lawso

69、ns hotelaccommodation We are honored to have the opportunity to plan this trip for Mr. Lawson please do let me know 41湖南水利水电学院语言教研室湖南水利水电学院语言教研室 7. Read me!BackNextFocus 1 7Stress and intonation. Listen and repeat. Pay attention to the sentence stress.Because in the past the death rate was very high

70、, If you wish, Ill visit you.When he comes, Ill tell him.Even though beer is a big part of the culture, 42湖南水利水电学院语言教研室湖南水利水电学院语言教研室 Focus 2 contentNext L: Visiting the Grand Canyon L: Explaining a tour itinerary S: A trip to Mount Huang R: A business tour plan W: Writing a tour itinerary R: A seven

71、-night cruise S: World-famous attractions Places of Interest 名胜古迹名胜古迹FocusGrammar Exercises 语法综合练习语法综合练习Back43湖南水利水电学院语言教研室湖南水利水电学院语言教研室 1. Starter World-famous attractions A. Match the pictures with the names. 12345BackNext44湖南水利水电学院语言教研室湖南水利水电学院语言教研室 1. Starter World-famous attractions BackNext( )

72、 The Guest-greeting Pine (Mount Huang)( ) The Great Wall( ) The Oriental Pearl Radio & Television Tower( ) Terracotta Warriors Museum( ) Beijing Opera3215445湖南水利水电学院语言教研室湖南水利水电学院语言教研室 1. Starter World-famous attractions B. Choose one attraction and say something about it in English. You should keep

73、the following in mind: BackNext What is it? Why is it interesting? Its history, etc.For Reference AnswerClick Here46湖南水利水电学院语言教研室湖南水利水电学院语言教研室 1. Starter World-famous attractions 1. The Oriental Pearl Radio & Television Tower one of the landmarks of Shanghai. 2. The Great Wall one of the Seven Wonde

74、rs of the World. It runs across northern China. 3. The Guest-greeting Pine one of the four best attractions on Mount Huang, Anhui Province. It is more than 800 years old. 4. Beijing Opera a form of Chinese art which was developed in Beijing more than 100 years ago. Its known as the national opera of

75、 China. 5. Terracotta Warriors Museum a museum in Shaanxi Province housing unearthed Terracotta Warriors made in the ancient Chinese Qin Dynasty. BackNext47湖南水利水电学院语言教研室湖南水利水电学院语言教研室 Focus2 2 Back Next 2. Visiting the Grand Canyon Jack has just returned from Arizona. Hes sharing his experiences with

76、 Susan. Listen to the tape or CD and choose the best answer to fill in each blank. Susan: Nice to see you back. How was your trip to Arizona? Did you see the Grand Canyon?Jack: Yes, it was wonderful. Here, want to see (1)_ (A. the picture as I took B. the pictures I took C. the picture is I took)?Su

77、san: Oh, what a view! Its even bigger than I thought. I remember reading about the Grand Canyon. (2) _ (A. Its sad B. It was seen C. It is said) that the Canyon came into being suddenly thanks to an earthquake.BC48湖南水利水电学院语言教研室湖南水利水电学院语言教研室 Focus2 2 Back Next 2. Visiting the Grand Canyon Jack:Well,

78、not that quickly. Look at the picture of the Colorado River. Its down at the bottom of the Canyon. That river has been (3) _ (A. eating away B. eating a way C. eat in a way) the floor for 10 million years.Susan:The Grand Canyon is full of wonders. Jack:(4) _ (A. We wouldnt you like B. Why dont you l

79、ike C. Wouldnt you like) to go to Arizona some day?Susan:You bet I would! AC49湖南水利水电学院语言教研室湖南水利水电学院语言教研室 Notes 1.Yes, it was wonderful. 是啊,非常壮观。 注意在表达事物的奇妙、宏伟、壮观或与众不同时,除了用 great, wonderful, magnificent等,还可以说terrific,gorgeous, fabulous,incredible等。 Back Next 2. Visiting the Grand Canyon 50湖南水利水电学院语言教

80、研室湖南水利水电学院语言教研室 2. Here, want to see the pictures I took? 瞧,想看看我拍的照片吗? want to前省略了“Do you”。 英语口语中的语法结构不像书面语那样要求严谨,在语境清 楚的前提下可省略某些成分, 如疑问句中的助动词和主语可 以省略,语序可以颠倒等等。 e.g. Hate to see her? (=Do you hate to see her?) Relaxed at home? (=Are you relaxed at home?) Came to visit who? (=Who did you/he/she/they

81、come to visit?) 2. Visiting the Grand Canyon Back Next51湖南水利水电学院语言教研室湖南水利水电学院语言教研室 3. I remember reading about the Grand Canyon. 我记得看到过有关大峡谷的介绍。 read about与read之间有区别,前者相当于read something (news, magazines or information ) about;后者用作及物动词时 ,其宾语应是阅读的对象,而非通过阅读想要了解的对象。 因此当我们说read Shakespeare时,其实是在表达read th

82、e works by Shakespeare。 比较:know sb. 认识某人; know about sb. 知道或了解(但未必认识)某人 2. Visiting the Grand Canyon Back Next52湖南水利水电学院语言教研室湖南水利水电学院语言教研室 4. It is said that the Canyon came into being suddenly thanks to an earthquake. 据说大峡谷是因为地震而突然形成的。 come into being开始存在,形成 e.g. The earth came into being in seven

83、days according to the Bible. No one knows when this custom first came into being. thanks to 由于,多亏 e.g. Thanks to his efforts, the garden is a great success. Thanks to a good teacher, John passed the examination. Click for synonyms for the word “thanks to”. 2. Visiting the Grand Canyon Back Next53湖南水

84、利水电学院语言教研室湖南水利水电学院语言教研室 Back Next 2. Visiting the Grand Canyon 注意,thanks to的同义词有owing to, because of和due to。due to和owing to常用在正式场合,如政府的公告和文件里,而because of常用在非正式场合的口语中。e.g. Owing/Due to bad weather, this mornings flight will be delayed. All my clothes got wet because of the storm. 而thanks to则通常用来表示成功的

85、原因。e.g. Thanks to Sandy, I heard about the job. 54湖南水利水电学院语言教研室湖南水利水电学院语言教研室 5. That river has been eating away the floor for 10 million years. 那条河流侵蚀河床有一千万年了。 click for more information about the present perfect tense. eat away 侵蚀,逐渐破坏 e.g. In the course of centuries, the wind has eaten the rocks a

86、way. The rats have eaten the woodwork away. 与eat搭配的既可以有副词,也可以有介词(带宾语),但需 注意意义上的区别:eat in 在家吃饭;eat out 下馆子;eat up (the cake) 吃光(蛋糕) Back Next 2. Visiting the Grand Canyon 55湖南水利水电学院语言教研室湖南水利水电学院语言教研室 Back Next 2. Visiting the Grand Canyon 现在完成进行时可表示动作从过去某一时间开始一直延续到现在或离现在不远的过去时间。这个时态多用于无限延续动词,如:live,

87、learn, lie, stay, sit, wait, stand, rest, study等,并常和all this time, this week, this month, all night, all the morning, recently等状语以及since和for所引导的状语短语或从句连用。有时现在完成进行时所表示的动作并不是一直在不停地进行,而是在断断续续地重复,在这种情况下,现在完成进行时亦可用于非无限动词。e.g.I have been bidding goodbye to some places today. 56湖南水利水电学院语言教研室湖南水利水电学院语言教研室 6

88、.You bet I would! 当然想去呀! you bet 当然,的确,可以肯定 该短语常用于口语,表示赞成或肯定。 e.g. Do you want to come and play outside? You bet (I do)! 当然想! Back Next 2. Visiting the Grand Canyon 57湖南水利水电学院语言教研室湖南水利水电学院语言教研室 Focus2 3 Back Next3. Explaining a tour itinerary A local tour guide is with an American travel group. She

89、starts the one-day tour in Beijing by telling the group the days itinerary. Listen to the tape or CD and fill in the blanks. Hello! Welcome to Beijing, the (1) _ of your tour in China. After breakfast, well visit Tiananmen Square. It is (2) _ of its kind in the center of Beijing. Then you will enter

90、 the Forbidden City, the home of Chinese emperors for (3) _. It is the place to go if you want to see (4) _ and best-kept groups of old buildings in China. The highlight today is a hike on the Great Wall at Badaling. As the Chinese saying goes, “No one is a (5) _ unless he has climbed onto the Great

91、 Wall.” You can enjoy the dramatic (6) _ of the Wall. first stopthe largest over 500 years the most complete real man views58湖南水利水电学院语言教研室湖南水利水电学院语言教研室 Focus2 3 Back Next3. Explaining a tour itinerary After lunch, well visit an (7) _ school. There you can learn about Beijing Opera and try on the cos

92、tumes. In the evening, lets (8) _ Beijing Opera at Laoshe Tea Room. I hope you have a wonderful trip today. opera enjoy 59湖南水利水电学院语言教研室湖南水利水电学院语言教研室 Focus2 3 Notes 1. It is the largest of its kind in the center of Beijing. 它是北京市中心同类广场中最大的一个。 of its kind 同类之中 e.g. This car was the first of its kind i

93、n the world. This new building is no doubt one of the best of its kind. Back Next3. Explaining a tour itinerary 60湖南水利水电学院语言教研室湖南水利水电学院语言教研室 Focus2 32. Then you will enter the Forbidden City, the home of Chinese emperors for over 500 years. 然后你们将进入紫 禁城,这里是500多年以来中国历代皇帝的所在地。 the home of Chinese emper

94、ors for over 500 years为Forbidden City的同位语。同位语用以解释说明前面某一名词的内容, 也就是将这一名词的含义具体化,其地位和此名词等同。 forbidden a. 被禁止的,法律不允许的 e.g. Sport is a forbidden subject when Marcus is here he hates it. It is not allowed to approach the forbidden area. Back Next3. Explaining a tour itinerary 61湖南水利水电学院语言教研室湖南水利水电学院语言教研室 F

95、ocus2 33. It is the place to go if you want to see the most complete and best-kept groups of old buildings in China. 如果你想看最 完整、保存最完好的中国古建筑群,一定要去这个地方。 best-kept为复合形容词,其构词法为“副词+过去分词”,再 如:well-paid,highly-praised,poorly-dressed等。 Back Next3. Explaining a tour itinerary 62湖南水利水电学院语言教研室湖南水利水电学院语言教研室 Focu

96、s2 34. The highlight today is a hike to the Great Wall at Badaling. 今天行程中最精彩的部分是去八达岭长城。 highlight n. 最精彩的部分 e.g. The highlight of our trip to New York was going to the top of the Empire State Building. Youll be able to see the highlights of the TV series on Christmas Day. highlight当动词用时,表示“使引起注意,强调”

97、。 e.g. Could you read this through for me and highlight the important points? 5. As the Chinese saying goes, “No one is a real man unless he has climbed onto the Great Wall.” 正如中国俗话所说:不到长城非好汉。 Back Next3. Explaining a tour itinerary 63湖南水利水电学院语言教研室湖南水利水电学院语言教研室 Focus2 36. You can enjoy the dramatic

98、views of the Wall. 你可以欣赏到长城迷人的风景。 dramatic a. 激动人心的,引人注目的,给人深刻印象的 e.g. They watched dramatic pictures of the police raid on TV. dramatic还可表示“剧本的,戏剧的”。 e.g. She bought me the complete dramatic works of Brecht for my birthday. dramatic派生自名词drama,表示“戏剧”。7. There you can learn about Beijing Opera and tr

99、y on the costumes. costume n. 戏装,服装 e.g. The actors were still in costume and make-up. Back Next3. Explaining a tour itinerary 64湖南水利水电学院语言教研室湖南水利水电学院语言教研室 Back Next4. A trip to Mount Huang Work in pairs and role-play the situation below. Student A Ask Student B about his/her trip to Mount Huang (Or

100、 you may choose other places of interest) Ask more about the trip Ask whether Student B saw the sunrise Show your surprise that Student B climbed the mountain the whole nightStudent B Say that it was wonderful Say that it was beautiful and steep Say that you started to climb at 10:00 p.m. and arrive

101、d at the peak just in time to see the sunrise Recall your feelings when at the peakFor Reference AnswerClick Here65湖南水利水电学院语言教研室湖南水利水电学院语言教研室 Back Next4. A trip to Mount Huang A:Hi! Happy to see you again. How was your trip to Mount Huang?B:Wonderful. I wish you had been with us.A:Wow! Tell me more

102、about it.B:Its very beautiful, but rather steep. I had to be very careful when I climbed it.A:So it must have been very exciting. Anyway, did you see the sunrise?B:Yes, of course. We started climbing at 10:00 p.m. and arrived at the top just in time to enjoy the sunrise.A:You mean you climbed the wh

103、ole night?B:Yes, but it was really nice to stand on the highest peak and enjoy the first morning light.66湖南水利水电学院语言教研室湖南水利水电学院语言教研室 Text Lead-inWatch the video clip and tell what happened to the Italian business traveler. BackNext67湖南水利水电学院语言教研室湖南水利水电学院语言教研室 企业度假计划企业度假计划鉴于目前的财务状况,需修订企业旅游计划。从下周起,下述修订

104、的规则开始生效:Focus2 5Next Due to the present financial situation, changes will be made to the companys tour plan. Effective Monday, the following changed rules apply: Translation5. A Business Tour Plan Read the passage about a vacation plan and do the exercises. Back due to由于,因为,归咎于e.g.He is retiring due

105、 to ill health. The restaurants success was due largely to its new manager. *situation n. 形势,局面e.g.Ill deal with it if the situation arises. There are organizations which can help people in your situation. *effective a. 生效的;有效的 e.g.A bill passed by Congress becomes effective as soon as the President

106、 signs it. This medicine is effective against lung cancer. 试比较effective与efficient高效率的;经济的;能胜任的 e.g.He is an efficient manager. Scientists are trying to find more efficient ways of utilizing solar energy. 68湖南水利水电学院语言教研室湖南水利水电学院语言教研室 住宿:住宿:度假期间,所有员工应在亲戚或朋友处借住。若天气允许,如公园等户外场所可作为过夜之处。若天气寒冷潮湿,汽车站或火车站可作为住

107、宿处。Focus2 5Next Accommodation: All employees should stay with relatives or friends while on vacation. If weather permits, open spaces such as parks should be used as places for the night. Bus stations or train stations may be used in very cold wet weather. Translation5. A Business Tour Plan Back *re

108、lative n. 亲戚,亲属e.g.All her close relatives came to the wedding. I havent got many relatives. relative当形容词用表示“与有关的;相比较而言的”。e.g.We weighed up the relative advantages of driving there or going by train. while on vacation,连词while后省略了they are。注意当主句和从句主语相同时,从句后的主语和助动词可以省略。e.g.They kept talking while watch

109、ing TV. The patient was getting better after taking the new medicine. 69湖南水利水电学院语言教研室湖南水利水电学院语言教研室 交通交通: :应优先考虑搭便车,而不是搭乘公共汽车、火车或飞机。度假旅行之前,所有员工可领取会发出柔和光线的安全服。Focus2 5NextTransportation:Hitch-hiking is the preferred mode of travel instead of taking a bus, train or flight. Safety clothes which reflect

110、a soft shiny light will be given to all employees before their departure on vacation. Translation5. A Business Tour Plan Back mode n. 方式e.g.People need to get out of their cars and use other modes of transportation. Youll have to change your mode of life now that youre having a baby. mode还可表“风尚,流行”。

111、e.g.Mini-skirts were the mode in the 60s. instead of 代替,而不 e.g.He was told to use a pencil instead of his pen. If I hadnt caught a cold, Id be working instead of lying here in bed. *safety n. 安全,平安e.g.For your safety, we recommend keeping your seat belt fastened during the flight. Many people are wo

112、rried about the safety of the nuclear industry. safety常见搭配:safety belt安全带;safety curtain(剧场的)防火幕;safety glass钢化玻璃;safety glasses护 目 镜 ; safety lamp(矿工用的)安全灯;safety valve安全阀 定语从句通常出现在先行词之后,由关系词(关系代词或关系副词)引出。e.g.Is he the man who/that wanted to see you? (who / that在从句中作主语)They rushed over to help the

113、man whose car had broken down. (whose表限定,从属关系)A prosperity which / that had never been seen before appeared in the countryside. (which / that在句中作宾语)70湖南水利水电学院语言教研室湖南水利水电学院语言教研室 就餐:就餐:就餐费用要降到最低。有些商店,如好市多量贩店和山姆会员店等常提供免费促销样品,一日三餐均可以此种方式解决。若必须去餐馆,应去自助式色拉吧。Focus2 5Next Meals:Costs of meals will be cut to

114、 the minimum. Certain stores, such as Costco and Sams Club, often offer free promotion samples. All meals can be taken in this way. If restaurants must be used, travelers should use “all you can eat” salad bars. Translation5. A Business Tour Plan Back cut cost(s) 削减支出,降低成本e.g.We need to cut our adve

115、rtising costs. They have cut the cost of cleaning the hospital by lowering standards. cut cost(s) 削减支出,降低成本e.g.We need to cut our advertising costs. They have cut the cost of cleaning the hospital by lowering standards. promotion n. 商品的推销,推广e.g.There is a promotion in the supermarket and they are gi

116、ving away free glasses of wine. They worked for the promotion of world peace. *sample n. 样品;标本 e.g.Please bring some samples of your work to the interview. There was a free sample of shampoo attached to the front of the magazine. sample当动词用表示“抽样试验,抽样调查”。e.g.So youre going to sample the delights of t

117、he new restaurant? must有时可以表示固执,通常指令人不快的事。此处可以看出公司不希望员工去餐馆就餐,如果员工去餐馆就餐会令公司感到不快。 should通常用来表示现在或将来的责任或义务,此处用should表明公司希望员工把为公司节省开支作为自己的责任和义务。 71湖南水利水电学院语言教研室湖南水利水电学院语言教研室 员工也应自带食物。罐头食品可解决准备饭菜的费时费钱问题。Focus2 5NextEmployees should also bring their own food. Canned food can save the trouble of expensive

118、preparation. Translation5. A Business Tour Plan Back72湖南水利水电学院语言教研室湖南水利水电学院语言教研室 其它:其它: 为给公司省钱,所有员工须动脑筋出新招。有位聪明的员工已建议在火车站筹款付旅费。Focus2 5Next Others: All employees should think of new working ideas in order to save company dollars. One clever employee has already suggested that money should be raised

119、at the railway stations, which could be used to cover travel costs. (to be continued)Translation5. A Business Tour Plan Back73湖南水利水电学院语言教研室湖南水利水电学院语言教研室 此处so that引导一个表示目的的状语从句,可与 in order that 换用。从句谓语中常用情态动词 may/might, can/could,should,would等。主从句间连接紧凑,没有逗号相隔。e.g.I spend more time learning English ev

120、ery day so that (= in order that) I can make greater progress this year. Focus2 5NextIn support of this idea, red caps will be given to all employees so that they may receive tips by helping others with their luggage. Small paper roses and ball point pens will also be given to employees so that sale

121、s may be made at scenic sites. Translation5. A Business Tour Plan Back in support of 支持,鼓励e.g.We had to send a doctors report in support of our claim to the insurance company. I would like to say a word or two in support of his proposal. make a sale销售,做一桩买卖e.g.I havent made a sale all week. I didnt

122、sell a single car yesterday, but Ive made a sale this morning. make a sale销售,做一桩买卖e.g.I havent made a sale all week. I didnt sell a single car yesterday, but Ive made a sale this morning. 为了表示支持,员工每人发一顶红帽子,以便可以通过帮助别人搬运行李赚取小费。员工还须领取一些纸制玫瑰花和圆珠笔,以便在旅游景点出售。74湖南水利水电学院语言教研室湖南水利水电学院语言教研室 我们欢迎任何能够进一步减少开支的建议

123、。Focus2 5Next We welcome any suggestions for further cost cutting. Translation5. A Business Tour Plan Back75湖南水利水电学院语言教研室湖南水利水电学院语言教研室 Focus2 5 A. Decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F) according to the passage. 5. A Business Tour Plan ( ) 1. Changes to the companys tour p

124、lan will be made on Tuesday. ( ) 2. All employees are encouraged to find free accommodation.( ) 3. All employees can get everything free in places such as Costco and Sams Club. ( ) 4. Hitch-hiking, which is the cheapest way of travel, is preferred by employees. ( ) 5. Employees are required to work

125、out all kinds of ideas to help the company save dollars. BackNextFF TFT76湖南水利水电学院语言教研室湖南水利水电学院语言教研室 BackNext B. Turn the following into passive sentences. 5. A Business Tour Plan 1. to raise funds to help people in need 2. to cut the costs to the minimum 3. to make changes to a plan 4. to use open s

126、paces as places for the night Funds are raised to help people in need. Costs are cut to the minimum. Changes are made to a plan. Open spaces are used as places for the night. 77湖南水利水电学院语言教研室湖南水利水电学院语言教研室 BackNext5. A Business Tour Plan 5. to make sales at the airport 6. to offer customers promotion

127、samples 7. to give tips to the employees 8. to use the money to cover travel costs Sales are made at the airport. Customers are offered promotion samples. The employees are given tips. /Tips are given to the employees. The money is used to cover travel costs. 78湖南水利水电学院语言教研室湖南水利水电学院语言教研室 Focus2 66.

128、Writing a tour itinerary Read the following travel experience. Then write an itinerary of the one-day tour in London. BackNext Today, I had a one-day visit to London, the capital of Great Britain. In the morning, I went to Buckingham Palace. Because its near my hotel, I just walked there. There were

129、 big crowds of people outside the Palace, from all over the world. It was a magnificent sight. I was fortunate enough to also see the Changing of the Guard.79湖南水利水电学院语言教研室湖南水利水电学院语言教研室 Focus2 66. Writing a tour itinerary In the afternoon, I took a taxi to the British Museum, where I enjoyed a good c

130、ollection of traditional European art. When I walked out of the museum, it was already evening. I was just in time to take a bus to a theater on Shaftesbury Avenue. I watched an opera. It was very beautiful, though a bit difficult to understand. One day is a bit too short for such a nice city. I rea

131、lly hope I will have another chance to come to this attractive city.BackNext80湖南水利水电学院语言教研室湖南水利水电学院语言教研室 6. Writing a tour itinerary The Tour Itinerary: In the morning: In the afternoon: In the evening: Buckingham Palace, the Changing of the Guard the British Museum; a collection of traditional Euro

132、pean art an opera at a theater on Shaftesbury Avenue BackNext81湖南水利水电学院语言教研室湖南水利水电学院语言教研室 Focus 2 77. Read me!Read the passage and choose the best answer to each question. A Seven-night Cruise Book your family on an exotic cruise (航游) this holiday. Picture this: Seven nights on a beautiful cruise sh

133、ip, going to the eastern Caribbean, enjoying tropical drinks, lying out by the pool, or even having fun out and about the ship with their climbing rock wall, running on green basketball courts or maybe enjoying some fine art. Whatever your pursuit, a cruise is right for you. BackNext82湖南水利水电学院语言教研室湖

134、南水利水电学院语言教研室 Focus 2 77. Read me! Sail on November 22, over Thanksgiving, with prices starting as low as $390 per person. Thats right, its more affordable than you think. Dont spend an arm and a leg on vacations for the family. Relax, enjoy, and have fun with your family this Thanksgiving, leave the

135、 cooking to the cruise line, and enjoy yourself for a change. Please check out my website or e-mail me for a complimentary no-obligation price quote (报价) today, and see just how affordable a vacation can be, especially during the holidays. BackNext83湖南水利水电学院语言教研室湖南水利水电学院语言教研室 Focus 2 77. Read me! My

136、 policy is if you find somebody who is offering a cheaper rate than I am, I will do my best to match or beat that price, to make sure my clients are happy and taken care of. Also, book with me and you will receive amenities based on your personal preferences, whether its an on-board credit, a bottle

137、 of wine, casino/spa credit, flowers the list goes on and on. You will receive one amenity personally from me for every cabin that you book. So please do not delay: visit my website or e-mail me today, and you can be on your way to a fantastic voyage over your Thanksgiving holiday. BackNext84湖南水利水电学

138、院语言教研室湖南水利水电学院语言教研室 7. Read me!BackNext1. The word “picture” in the first line is similar in meaning to “_”. A. draw a pictureB. imagine C. write D. think about2. “Dont spend an arm and a leg” in Para. 3, Line 2 means “_”. A. dont work too hard B. dont be too serious C. dont keep busy all the time D

139、. dont spend a lot of moneyB. imagine D. dont spend a lot of money85湖南水利水电学院语言教研室湖南水利水电学院语言教研室 7. Read me!BackNext3. It is implied that, normally, during holidays the price quote is _. A. lower than usualB. higher than usual C. the sameD. Changeable4. Which of the following statements is NOT true ac

140、cording to the passage? A. Higher price surely means better service. B. Better choice offers you better experience. C. People usually think a cruise travel must cost a lot. D. Low cost can also bring you fun.B. higher than usual A. Higher price surely means better service.86湖南水利水电学院语言教研室湖南水利水电学院语言教研

141、室 7. Read me!BackNext5. Two attractive points described and emphasized throughout the ad are _. A. price and service B. experience and price C. service and booking D. experience and contact A. price and service87湖南水利水电学院语言教研室湖南水利水电学院语言教研室 Focus2 Grammar GrammarExercise IChoose the best answer to com

142、plete each sentence.1. Bens car stopped on the motorway. It _ out of gas. A. ought to runB. might have run C. could run D. should run2. Those who have applied for the position _ interviewed in the conference room at this moment. A. are beingB. have been C. are to be D. will be BackNextB. might have

143、run A. are being 88湖南水利水电学院语言教研室湖南水利水电学院语言教研室 Focus2 GrammarBackNext Grammar3. I _ in the bathroom when you called. A. must beB. must have been C. should be D. need have been4. Her hair wants _. Shed better have it _ tomorrow. A. cuttingto be doneB. being cutdone C. cuttingdoneD. to be cutto be done

144、B. must have been C. cuttingdone 89湖南水利水电学院语言教研室湖南水利水电学院语言教研室 Focus2 GrammarBackNext Grammar5. Every man and woman _ invited to the party held at her home. A. was B. were C. is D. Are6. Huge oil tankers, if sunk in an accident, _ pollute the sea for many miles around. A. canB. should C. needD. must

145、A. was A. can90湖南水利水电学院语言教研室湖南水利水电学院语言教研室 Focus2 GrammarBackNext Grammar7. Im on my way to Los Angeles for a meeting _ this Thursday. A. heldB. to hold C. holding D. to be held8. Every possible means _ tried since then. A. isB. are C. has been D. have beenD. to be held C. has been91湖南水利水电学院语言教研室湖南水利

146、水电学院语言教研室 Focus2 GrammarBackNext Grammar9. He rushed to the hospital, _ that his wife might be in danger. A. thinkingB. thought C. was thinking D. had thought10. I told her how to get there on foot. Perhaps I _ her a map. A. could have givenB. ought to have given C. should give D. could giveA. think

147、ingB. ought to have given 92湖南水利水电学院语言教研室湖南水利水电学院语言教研室 Focus2 GrammarBackNext Grammar11. _ in thought, he nearly crashed into a big tree on the side of the street. A. LosingB. Having lost C. To be lost D. Lost12. 95% of the airport workers _ on strike since last Wednesday. A. isB. are C. has been D.

148、 have beenD. LostD. have been 93湖南水利水电学院语言教研室湖南水利水电学院语言教研室 Focus2 GrammarBackNext Grammar13. More than 70% of the surface of the earth _ covered by water. A. areB. is C. have beenD. has been14. Be sure to avoid using words or expressions _ only to specialists. A. knownB. to be known C. being known D

149、. having been knownB. isA. known 94湖南水利水电学院语言教研室湖南水利水电学院语言教研室 Focus2 Grammar Grammar15. As it turned out to only be a small house party, we _ up so formally. A. neednt dress B. didnt need have dressed C. neednt have dressed D. didnt need dress16. _ in 1626, Harvard is one of the most famous universi

150、ties in the United States. A. Being founded B. Founded C. Founding D. It was foundedBackNextC. neednt have dressed B. Founded95湖南水利水电学院语言教研室湖南水利水电学院语言教研室 Focus2 GrammarBackNext Grammar17. “Id like to buy a Sony camera, please.” “Well, we have several models _.” A. to chooseB. being chosenC. for choo

151、singD. to choose from18. The doctor and scientist _ in charge of the cancer research. A. areB. to be C. isD. have beenD. to choose from C. is96湖南水利水电学院语言教研室湖南水利水电学院语言教研室 Focus2 GrammarBackNext Grammar19. _ from the moon, the earth looks like a blue ball. A. SeeingB. To see C. Having seenD. Seen20. T

152、here _ no electricity, we had to put off the experiment till the next day. A. beingB. wasC. be D. isD. Seen A. being 97湖南水利水电学院语言教研室湖南水利水电学院语言教研室 Focus2 Grammar GrammarExercise IIFill in each blank with the proper form of the word given in the brackets. 1. The important thing (note) _ is that applie

153、d science depends mainly on pure science.2. When (compare) _ with many other stars, the sun is not so big.3. Half of the audience at the New Year celebration (be) _ foreigners.4. Jimmy did so well in his speech today because he (practice) _ it many times this past week.BackNextto be noted/to note co

154、mpared weremust have practiced 98湖南水利水电学院语言教研室湖南水利水电学院语言教研室 Focus2 Grammar Grammar5. He told us that his wife (fire) _ due to her poor health later in the year.6. Doctor Richard, together with his wife and three children, (be) _ to arrive in Beijing this afternoon.7. Judging by the noise that is com

155、ing from their dorm, I guess that they (have) _ a party.8. Shortly afterwards, I noticed to my satisfaction that their work (improve) _.9. Another two months (be) _ necessary for us to finish the work.BackNextwould be fired ismust be having was being improved/had been improved is99湖南水利水电学院语言教研室湖南水利水

156、电学院语言教研室 Focus2 GrammarBackNext Grammar10. To become a club member, one (not need) _ to pay a large sum of money.11. All the time the manager listened to the customer (complain) _ about the waiters bad service.12. It was you, not I, who (be) _ responsible for the accident.13. Harry, you shouldnt hav

157、e run across the street without looking around. You (knock) _ down by a car.doesnt need complaining weremight have been knocked 100湖南水利水电学院语言教研室湖南水利水电学院语言教研室 Focus2 GrammarBackNext Grammar14. By signing the form, I asked that an account (open) _ for me and a credit card issued as I requested.15. Not

158、 only I but also Jack and Tommy (be) _ fond of bungee jumping.16. Why (pay) _ more at other shops? We have the lowest prices in town.17. The demonstration is said to (cause) _ by some officials misuse of their power.be opened arepayhave been caused 101湖南水利水电学院语言教研室湖南水利水电学院语言教研室 Focus2 GrammarBackNext Grammar18. I havent seen my neighbors for a week. They (go) _ on a trip.19. She did nothing but (complain) _ the whole time she was there.20. The impatient visitor (keep) _ waiting for two hours before she was received.may have gone complain had been kept 102Thank you!普通高等教育普通高等教育“十一十一五五”规划教材规划教材



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