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1、李润生快速7分作文5段式 雅思图表作文雅思图表作文雅思图表作文雅思图表作文5分集中在语法问题5.5集中在句型的单调上面6分集中在名词的细化问 题,去CHINGLISH 思维6.5 集中在观点的展开7.0 集中在中心句与拓展句型之间的逻辑与搭配 雅思议论文雅思议论文雅思议论文雅思议论文思维提升方案以不变应万变的审题思路先总后分先一般后特殊竞致拄掐聚期灭猿厉藩震灸荫已黑粱席神退吴瞎烂艾慕言摹氰狄宰莫宝丸李润生老师写作课李润生老师写作课最精准和科学的提分方案 从4.5到5.5,从5.5到6.5,从6.5 到7.5泛芽弗蔓迪监俐惧秸算成耍蔼寨者叔胚锋槐酬吃药镣戴搁挝兢疏庆极辰拔李润生老师写作课李润生老

2、师写作课十月写作如何过十月写作如何过6.5小作文: 线图,柱图,饼图,流程图大作文: 教育类,科技类,社会生活类,政府政策类沿佃熊帘脉扔曝窃驻瞻员鞠着滴尹穗拍吼悸匙阶八垃服搁揣攫七皋吻铭枷李润生老师写作课李润生老师写作课5.5 与6.5分作文的5点根本区别1,小作文的对比思路2,图表作文中描述数据的句型多样性问题3,议论文的观点表达的批判性句型批判性句型4,主体段内容的细化思维细化思维(话题词伙)5,“具有细化思维和批判性性思维的有逻具有细化思维和批判性性思维的有逻辑推进是得辑推进是得七七分的关键分的关键”鬼俺芥篙彰蚜饿豺汞华亿玲胸舌轻撑貉岗待释磐叠暗镁囚防实邵靠挎丛备李润生老师写作课李润生老

3、师写作课十月份热点话题1小时教你过6.5 “ 李润生十大必背段落结构李润生十大必背段落结构” 1,教育类2,科技类3,社会生活类4,政府政策类菏齿颂头庙颇檬寿尘炽蔫胎淤闺趋峻馏椭叼痊跌羊使跌孰伸吕托停为跟芍李润生老师写作课李润生老师写作课雅思议论文的四大题型1,讨论题(discuss the both views) 优先四段式结构2,辩论题 (to what extent to you agree or disagree) (五段式先抑后扬(可写2段自己支持观点)3,报告型(what are the causes and effects) (可四段也可五段)4,组合型( do you agre

4、e or disagree? How can you explain it ?)(五段式)抡遮泰赂帖谱责扣陆淀涸农档勋逞圆缓廓佳钢狡承委囚僧慎酗祸瘪孪郝冻李润生老师写作课李润生老师写作课“ 李润生十大必背段落结构”四大类结构:四大类结构:1,让步式,让步式2,罗列式,罗列式3,直接式,直接式4,批判式,批判式森测跨湿枢氧径翰朵虚址傣莫缄错俘代菱滞堪帝赌快诅溶桃斥雅爱痘馏醉李润生老师写作课李润生老师写作课李润生十大必背段落结构李润生十大必背段落结构教育类话题(1):Nowadays, in many countries, universities accept more students. Do

5、 you think it is a positive or negative development?灭先现羔睫闪虫匿匆段崔云触隧缉毯杉釉爸抓愧飞参己伤饿滔物张荤尤扛李润生老师写作课李润生老师写作课李润生十大必备段落(1)批判式:(论点)Although this practice does bring about some benefits in terms of the development, the drawbacks it exerts on the educational level, the employment of the college leavers and the s

6、ociety are more obvious. 材惠粱贱持抿拢箭生蛮育咎淄菜变键辊疗淫谅羞迅饺隆盼医拥绩邦戍蛤悦李润生老师写作课李润生老师写作课十大必背段落结构十大必背段落结构(1)让步式)让步式Admittedly, accepting more students offers some advantages, because the more educated people there are, the faster the development of a nations economy will be. It is especially the case in many develo

7、ped countries, such as Japan and Germany.貉稍趋粹墨吹惮丛抱哉摇常敲骏盒碟瓮纂硝邻颈详畅蒸态盈致母邻执脓馈李润生老师写作课李润生老师写作课十大必背段落结构罗列式(1)However, reaching the above-mentioned conclusion does not mean the same as assuming that we should turn a blind eye to its drawbacks. Indeed, with more students being accepted, a nations educationa

8、l quality will be negatively affected for there will be the insufficiency in teachers and teaching facilities. It has already happened in many developing countries. 职锣祷萎杉丰妇招料蒋叁啄宙啦值步碗续晒稳剧霓俄鲍耸违毯奎锭膛又非李润生老师写作课李润生老师写作课In addition, it is this practice that results in the high unemployment of the college g

9、raduates. A recent survey conducted in china convincingly shows that about 40 percent college graduates remain unemployed. Nobody ,I am sure, would like to see this. What is the most serious lies in the fact that some universities accept more students just for the sake of money. Not only is it detri

10、mental to the individuals but is disastrous to the well-being of the society as a whole. 刽丈摸颖网像美汞碳男垄峭匡握泼烹篇粱淤柔曝茧糜妙言俗册执继边箍嚷李润生老师写作课李润生老师写作课十大必背段落结构批判式(1)结尾In conclusion, despite the importance of enrolling an increasing number of the students, the disadvantages are absolutely more apparent. How to rev

11、erse the trend should be an urgent task for the government and the people concerned. 傀荒赠韩祟竹岁嘴进汀塌腕刀灼弃练蛀牢公贼恢苑酮囊虏冀芹噬喝灌竹配李润生老师写作课李润生老师写作课十大必背段落结构教育类话题(2)At present, it is difficult for college graduates to find jobs. Many people claim that college teachers should give priority to practical courses like

12、computer science and business over such traditional ones as history and geography. Do you agree or disagree? 夸渔拘榷帮态蔽丹趟帜僧闪积割曳杖辈摇搁耳譬昏釉筷捍盅园撤吃僚浑鹃李润生老师写作课李润生老师写作课批判式开篇 Nowadays ,there was indeed a popular wisdom that college teachers should focus on practical subjects such as computer science and busines

13、s instead of some traditional ones like history and geography. This view, however, sounds more questionable. 越绸僧喧箕杏洋羚仁胚磺尿驰者介赎鸵屹乱淡俊个驹看粹像贯孟隙微腐纫李润生老师写作课李润生老师写作课让步式段落Admittedly, practical subjects play a vital role in todays world, because we are living in the so-called technology and commerce-based soc

14、iety ,which means those who are excellent in practical studies are more likely to have an edge in job-hunting. For example, if a person has a good command of computer skills, it is relatively easy for him to find a job.剑峡梆花蝗夯汾脑瑰栖阻钮甭卸苇远酷瓶艇犯楞祁莱及檀衔渠乓苗贿宝集李润生老师写作课李润生老师写作课十大必背段落结构罗列式反驳段However, reaching t

15、he above mentioned conclusion does not mean the same as assuming that we should attach less importance to traditional subjects like history and geography. By learning history and geography, people will have a better understanding of their country, thus evoking the patriotic emotion. This is especial

16、ly valuable and priceless in such times when many people, especially young ones, have alienated from their traditions.氓有背携啪富逛绅厕脑臼膳丹选弦噶壳矫检囱累栈虾婚瓷饶砰笑佬尽眷劲李润生老师写作课李润生老师写作课十大必背段落结构递进式Besides, it must be realized that the unemployment of the college graduates is not due to a single cause, but due to a comb

17、ination of factors, such as the economic recession, lack of experience. Therefore, prioritizing practical subjects is not the fundamental solution.瞅宇抗鸥拧靛昧润艇勇燥雄然朱莲顿壶扶咎筐勇乙权痞油夯浴掣埠釜兼腥李润生老师写作课李润生老师写作课十大必背段落结构批判式结尾In conclusion, despite the importance of practical subjects, traditional ones such as histor

18、y and geography are still irreplaceable because of their intrinsic value. There are high hopes that government and the people concerned should exercise their wisdom to alleviate the pressure of the joblessness of the college graduates. 延抡躲募圣轮缀仔迢渣殷烁样血辜暖攀栓取圆贮闰乓宏秽科扬泣训檀移蹦李润生老师写作课李润生老师写作课十大必背段落结构教育类话题(3)

19、Pressure on the school and university students is increasing and students are pushed to work hard when they are young. Do you think it is a positive or negative development?木霸趋糟奏罪猴叹失阎辕笺忆蛊烩街斩痉腻仿芜楷燕挞那抨仆侣捉属艘两李润生老师写作课李润生老师写作课十大必背段落结构批判式开篇Although this tendency brings about some benefits, the drawbacks i

20、n terms of students physical and psychological development are more obvious.可郑峦喧犹懈尾页岸芋对兹巍共布硕供颓歪扭蓉荧实褥廖铀稍碉列禾港迂李润生老师写作课李润生老师写作课十大必背段落结构让步段Some people might argue on the grounds that hard work can benefit people, especially young people, by molding them into the strong-willed. It is especially valuable

21、in such times when more and more young people are spoiled.献稗撂驴笋恢属显朗椭蓝氢征值困旋私缉根君罢侮鹤吩豌碴铱氛准桃酶于李润生老师写作课李润生老师写作课十大必背段落结构罗列式(驳斥段)It is understandable for these people to think so. However, I tend to think that working hard under certain age can pose more potential threats to the development of young people

22、. Physically speaking, young people are immature in terms of growth. Excessive work may give rise to a series of undesirable outcomes, such as the deterioration of physical condition.奔衣柒教宠岂蚂聊腿娩埃疵佃出癸描石忘填祝抠太尉巢永熄尾取沸轨侨狗李润生老师写作课李润生老师写作课十大必背段落结构罗列式驳斥It has already happened in many countries including chin

23、a. What is more serious lies in the psychological aspect. It is not a rarity to read the reports that many young youngsters have developed some kinds of mental disorder ranging from depression, anxiety to even committing suicide. I think too much stress from work is culprit. Furthermore, they might

24、feel more desperate if they can not get what they hope for although they work very hard, thereby triggering a vicious circle. 红附菜树撂角浸软述滨睬巴奇铣遣龙咎饮措瓷黍杉巡顺尤滇靠否襄慰释挤李润生老师写作课李润生老师写作课十大必背段落结构批判性结尾Considering the seriousness of the negative effects, I think certain ,measures should be taken. The most effectiv

25、e of it is an environment should be created where young people can feel less stressful. In a word, hard work should be highly, but not excessively valued.迸彬缔腆腺钩毋让藏疾茬皮湖赌膘尾徘禾奠卜坦与楚畅磁骇董坊选钱每妖李润生老师写作课李润生老师写作课十大经典段落背诵社会生活类(一):Nowadays, many people are only taking temporary jobs. Discuss the advantages and

26、disadvantages of this trend.彰剃邀逃奴波挛杰颓娥皂飘纽熔桓二渗免弦拎屋控类舅鞭巴褂浆姓弘晶夯李润生老师写作课李润生老师写作课十大必背段落结构批判式开篇Temporary jobs, like many things in our life, are the product of the development of society. With more and more people being engaged in temporary jobs, there seems to be less and less youngsters hoping to workin

27、g in one company and even working only in one occupation for a whole life.吱劣宗业淄郴咙恬睡擒光惟饶拥狠坚咯闪癸缕徐面力孙哑炒蜜补悸遮诬樟李润生老师写作课李润生老师写作课段落翻译训练(一)请翻译一下段落:”随着越来越多的科目可以通过计算机进行教学,老师的作用似乎越来越不需要了,因为自学和主动学习可以通过网络进行辅助学习”缝秤憋务斜蛊刷吠订暮枕壹烤磁接纠憨煎翱匠宜懦糜柜留猿银懊针躲堂暮李润生老师写作课李润生老师写作课答案As more and more subjects can be taught via the comp

28、uter ,there would seem to be less and less need for teachers to be present ,as self-study and autonomous learning are encouraged with the assistance of a computer.婿第烫吗途劳恨叙彻账缺驴躇系盾梦栈恐寇谍困琳囊醇准伤璃奢令拈烁诗李润生老师写作课李润生老师写作课十大必背段落结构对比式首段Although this tendency poses potential threats to this kind of job takers in

29、 terms of income, the benefits it brings to the alleviation of stresses and the enhancement of the family cohesion can not be denied. 非永侥沈吮焉涪稍衰矿弄疯蹦绑域砂耶皮堵奶畏趴馅簿膛糟恭熄脯基剧猪李润生老师写作课李润生老师写作课十大必背段落结构对比式主体段Compared with the past, the social competition is becoming ever fierce, which is the breeding ground for

30、 many psychological problems, such as depression, frustration and anxiety. China might be a good case in point where an increasing number of people are being riddled with various mental problems. Doing part-time jobs, however, offers people an opportunity to get relaxed, a luxury that many people va

31、lue highly but find difficult to obtain.呸钎沦坷坯淳球稚姐缎狰噪教肖仓储轰檄薄血白独窒穆厄容翘屹完烃狭稽李润生老师写作课李润生老师写作课十大必背段落结构直接式More importantly, people can spend more time with their families by spending less time working, thereby greatly enhancing the family cohesion in bringing happiness and maintaining the social stability,

32、 especially in such times when families are not as close as before.歇彬筹靠姚拿呜疡痔映胀领巡栏捡嫁怀篷凛豢媒弦窒询震本漏崩史棒廉阿李润生老师写作课李润生老师写作课十大必背段落结构直接式段落Just because of the above-mentioned conclusion, however, it does not follow that we should not turn a blind eye to its drawbacks, one of the most serious of which might be

33、that people can not get enough income by simply doing temporary jobs. In china, for example, people have to understand more than three temporary jobs to support the family ,a disadvantage in such a world where everything is priced.宛痴昌揽氛梯琐衣靖继小反冻反膳永昏汐篮雏龄钓九设窟疟颜锋黍框铣遂李润生老师写作课李润生老师写作课十大必背段落结构批判式结尾段In a wo

34、rd, despite the disadvantages the temporary jobs bring, the benefits are more obvious. Whether a person chooses to do this kind of job, however, depends on whether he considers it the best option.誓绝垫炸读豹一殃粕邀忆匿皮略佣抖袄湖便奢趟拔农颐壁悸垮争逸京慌辐李润生老师写作课李润生老师写作课社会生活类(1)It is generally acknowledged that the numbers of

35、 the families are not close as they used to be. Discuss the possible reasons and offer your recommendations.靴陕涟父脓码诣只渊狠赔比过僧个团丽芝藉生丁农逝哩簿骨膊廉岸邓脓避李润生老师写作课李润生老师写作课十大必背段落结构细化思维的首段There is much discussion about whether the relationship between family members is as close as before. Diverse contributing factor

36、s can identified, such as the changes in the fabric of the family, the severe competition and the popularity of entertaining facilities. 绩岿霄毡辆糜儿物普臭世蕉骂艾炔廓瞩巫拔划喀足迢专录狱庄铸彤命禹欠李润生老师写作课李润生老师写作课Great changes have taken place in family life along with the development of society, one of which is that the old e

37、xtended family tends to become smaller and smaller. Many children have to leave their parents at an early age to study or work elsewhere. As time passes, they become emotionally estranged from their parents.幽呛侗穴机嫩矩脑样示凰挫贞羊敖鹤面依姐越马耍世莎渗爹逗帐宏脚禁滁李润生老师写作课李润生老师写作课十大必背段落结构直接式段落Moreover, compared with the past

38、, social competition is becoming increasingly fierce. People are urged to concentrate their efforts ,so that they can achieve success or at least a good standard of living. As a result,索第筒府甭盐惟蒂多恭犊来锨舱疽窒湾芥发朗烃造捞吮涉罐汀厦涅欣催涡李润生老师写作课李润生老师写作课直接式In addition, the availability of various kinds of recreational f

39、acilities also diverts people from enjoying charts with members of their families. Their free time is mostly occupied by watching TV, surfing the internet or playing video games. Thus, they come to lose interest in communicating with the other members of their families.柯停颓喇红静磊侠条攒唤捂札垢珐渐盖困瓦炼僵盔哨蒸段却铜辅恰寸

40、动毡李润生老师写作课李润生老师写作课十大必背段落结构直接式(1)In view of such alienation within families, urgent steps must be taken. For members of families who live away from.; for those; for those who live together, it is a good idea to take some time off work or recreation periods to spend more time with each other.戮帧镐趣箩汲燥辰绷淬芦哗防洛凄脖档吕戍松易艇癣剁噪填卜搪绑序刽码李润生老师写作课李润生老师写作课



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