陕西省2019中考英语复习 知识梳理 课时11 八下 Units 1-2课件.ppt

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1、课时11 八年级(下) Units 12【原句再现】 Whats the matter?怎么了?(Unit 1 P1)【考点归纳】1.常考询问病情或偶遇麻烦时的句型有:陕西考点解读考点一考点一 询问病情或偶遇麻烦时的句型及其答语询问病情或偶遇麻烦时的句型及其答语2.常考回答病情或偶遇麻烦时的句型有:sb. + have/has+a+cold/fever/某人感冒/发烧/了。sb.+ have/has+a+身体部位ache.某人疼。sb.+have/has+a+sore+身体部位. 某人酸疼。sb.+hurt/hurts+my/his/her +身体部位. 某人伤了我/他/她的sb.s+身体部位

2、+hurts.某人的受伤了。There is something wrong with +ones +身体部位. 某人的有问题。【特别提示】在听到某人身体不好时,通常要回答“Im sorry to hear that.”或其省略形式“Sorry to hear that.”。陕西考点解读陕西考点解读1. ?I have a sore throat. ( )A.Whats the matter B.Whats the wrongC.Whats trouble D.How are you【解析】句意:“ ?我嗓子痛。”询问“怎么了?”可以用“Whats the matter/trouble?”或“

3、Whats wrong?”。故选A。2.Whats the matter with Jim? . ( )A.He is tall B.He is kindC.He has a headache D.He is cool 【解析】由问句句意“吉姆怎么了?”可知是询问病情或者麻烦,所以选C(他头疼)。AC【原句再现】 This means being in a difficult situation that you cannot seem to get out of.这意味着处于一个你似乎无法摆脱的困境中。(Unit 1 P6)【考点归纳】1.与mean相关的搭配和用法:例句例句 I mean

4、to go shopping with my mother tomorrow.我打算明天和我妈妈一起去购物。 This new rule will mean working overtime.这一新规定意味着(我们要)加班。陕西考点解读考点二考点二 mean的用法的用法2.后接不定式或动名词时意义不同的短语有: 例句例句 Remember to turn off the light when you leave the room. 当你离开房间的时候记得关灯。 I remember turning off the light when I left the room. 我记得我离开房间的时候关

5、灯了。陕西考点解读陕西考点解读3.Whats the of the word “sorrow”?It “sadness”. ( )A.meaning; meaningB.means; meaningC.mean; meanD.meaning; means【解析】mean作动词,意为“意味着;意思是”;meaning作名词,意为“含义”;第一个设空处缺少名词,构成短语the meaning of,第二个设空处缺少动词作谓语,故答案为D。D陕西考点解读4.I meant the book to you, but I forgot. Ill give it to you another day. (

6、 )A.to return B.returnC.Returning D.returned【解析】根据句意“我打算还书给你,可是我忘了,我改天再给你”可知选A。mean to do sth.意为“打算做某事”,为固定搭配。5.According to the traffic rules, the green light means you can cross the road safely. ( )A.When B.whichC.That D.it【解析】分析句子结构可知空后为mean的宾语,所以应选that,“mean+that从句”结构意为“表示”。故选C。AC【原句再现】 Or imagi

7、ne you cant walk or use your hands easily.或者想象一下你不能行走或是灵活地使用你的双手。(Unit 2 P14)【考点归纳】例句例句 The house was just as she had imagined it.这房子正是她所想象的。 I had imagined her to be older than that.我本来以为她的年龄还要大一些。 She imagined walking into the office and handing in her resignation.她想象着自己 走进办公室,递上辞呈。陕西考点解读考点三考点三 im

8、agine的用法的用法陕西考点解读6.I cant imagine in front of the whole school students.( )A.giving a speechB.to give a speechC.give a speechD.gave a speech【解析】imagine doing sth.意为“想象做某事”,为固定搭配,故选A。B 例句例句 He used to come to school early.他过去常常到校很早。 Grapes are often used to make wine.葡萄常常被用来做葡萄酒。 My brother was used

9、to going to school by himself.我的弟弟习惯独自去上学。陕西考点解读考点四考点四 used to do sth., be used to do sth.和和be used to doing sth.的辨析的辨析陕西考点解读7.My mother used to a bus to work, but now she is used to to work. ( )A.take; driveB.taking; driveC.taking; drivingD.take; driving 【解析】used to do sth.意为“过去常常做某事”;be used to do

10、ing sth.意为“习惯于做某事”。根据句子结构及语境可知D项正确。D 例句例句 The boys are lying on the ground. 男孩们正躺在地上。 Im sorry I lied to you. 抱歉我骗了你。 He laid his work by during the holidays. 在休假期间,他把他的工作放到了一边。陕西考点解读考点五考点五 lie和和lay的辨析的辨析8.I found a letter on the floor when I came into the classroom. ( )A.Lying B.layC.Lie D.lies 【解析

11、】句意:当我走进教室的时候,我发现地上有一封信。find后接动名词,意为“发现处于某种状态”,故选A。 9.In order not to hurt my little brother, I have to tell a white ( )A.Order B.jokeC.Lie D.suggestion 【解析】tell a white lie意为“讲一个善意的谎言”,符合句意,故选C。陕西考点解读AC例句例句 The old man lives alone, but he doesnt feel lonely. 这位老人独自居住,但他并不感到孤独。 He likes being alone

12、in the house. 他喜欢自己一个人待在家里。 She decided to climb the mountain alone. 她决定独自去爬那座山。陕西考点解读考点六考点六 lonely和和alone的辨析的辨析10.I dont have any close friends here. I feel from time to time.( )A.Alone B.happy C.lonely D.proud【解析】alone意为“单独的,独自的”,侧重于说明独自一人,没有同伴或助手,指的是客观情况;happy意为“高兴的”;lonely意为“孤单的;寂寞的”,有浓厚的感情色彩;pr

13、oud意为“自豪的”。根据上句句意“我在这里没有一个亲近的朋友”可知下句表达的是“我有时会感到孤独”,有一定的感情色彩,故选C。陕西考点解读C11.I know Old Joe lives .We are supposed to visit him from time to time. Then he wont feel . ( )A.alone; aloneB.lonely; lonelyC.lonely; aloneD.alone; lonely【解析】live alone意为“独自一人生活”;feel lonely意为“感到孤独”。根据句子结构可知第一空需填副词,第二空需填形容词,故选D。陕西考点解读D例句例句 raise money 筹资 raise ones hand 举手 raise pets 饲养宠物 the sun rises太阳升起 the price rises 物价上涨陕西考点解读考点七考点七 raise和和rise的辨析的辨析12.The speaker his voice so that everyone could hear him. ( )A.roseB.showedC.raisedD. put 【解析】句意:演讲者提高了自己的声音以便每个人都能听见他。主语为speaker,指人,所以应用raise。陕西考点解读C



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