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1、Unit 5 China and the WorldTopic 3 Section B教学目标1、学学习习并并能能说说出出、写写出出P1920页页的的生生词词,并并能能进进行行英英汉汉互互译译2掌掌握握并并会会使使用用定定语语从从句句,并并列列连连词词的的用用法法3、能能够够熟熟读读1a,理理解解其其中中的的内内容容,把把握握里里面面的的知知识识点点。自学指导11.自学内容:课本P1920页的生词。2.自学方法:先根据音标试读,同桌互相正音,提问。3.自学时间:5分钟4.自学要求:会读,知道其汉语意思,并能英汉互译。自学检测11.镭 radium2.奖 prize3.一生 lifetime4.

2、电报 telegraph5.摄影的 photographic6.责任 duty7.两者都不 neither8.也不 nor 自学指导2自学内容:课本19页1a自学方法:听录音和扫读。自学时间:10分钟自学要求:听1a,完成1b自学检测2完成课本1b自学指导3自学内容:课本17页1a自学方法:精读自学时间:8分钟自学要求:找出1a 中的重点短语和句子。自学检测31.放弃做某事 give up doing sth2.不但 而且 not only but also3.在某人的一生中 in ones lifetime4.因 羡慕某人 admire sb for sth5.向 学习 learn from

3、 自学指导4自学内容:练习1c自学方法:同桌互相纠正自学时间:3分钟自学要求:完成1c内容自学检测4完成课本1c自学指导5自学内容:课本20页2自学方法:听录音自学时间:5分钟自学要求:听2,同学先做,老师后纠正答案 自学检测5自学指导6自学内容:复习课本并列连词的用法 自学方法:思考与讨论自学时间:5分钟自学要求:通过复习能够说出并列连词的用法;并完成课本3自学检测6完成课本3要点归纳1 n no ot t o on nl ly y. . . .b bu ut t a al ls so o. . . . 表表示示“ “不不仅仅而而且且” ”“ “既既又又” ”,用用于于连连接接两两个个性性质

4、质相相同同的的词词或或短短语语 N No ot t o on nl ly y mme en n b bu ut t a al ls so o w wo omme en n w we er re e c ch ho os se en n WWe e w we er re e n no ot t o on nl ly y h hu un ng gr ry y, , b bu ut t a al ls so o t ti ir re ed d当当n no ot t o on nl ly yb bu ut t a al ls so o连连接接两两个个主主语语时时,谓谓语语动动词词的的数数原原则则上上与

5、与其其相相近近的的主主语语保保持持一一致致 S Sh he e l li ik ke es s n no ot t o on nl ly y mmu us si ic c b bu ut t a al ls so o s sp po or rt t 在在使使用用n no ot t o on nl ly yb bu ut t a al ls so o时时还还应应注注意意以以下下几几点点 当当n no ot t o on nl ly yb bu ut t a al ls so o连连接接两两个个主主语语时时,谓谓语语动动词词的的数数原原则则上上与与其其相相近近的的主主语语保保持持一一致致 N No

6、 ot t o on nl ly y t th he e s st tu ud de en nt ts s b bu ut t a al ls so o t th he ei ir r t te ea ac ch he er r i is s e en nj jo oy yi in ng g t th he e f fi il lmm 为为了了强强调调,可可将将n no ot t o on nl ly y置置于于句句首首,此此时时其其后后的的句句子子通通常常要要用用部部分分倒倒装装的的形形式式 N No ot t o on nl ly y h ha as s s sh he e b be ee

7、 en n l la at te e t th hr re ee e t ti imme es s, , s sh he e h ha as s a al ls so o d do on ne e n no o w wo or rk k. . N No ot t o on nl ly y d do o t th he ey y n ne ee ed d c cl lo ot th hi in ng g, , b bu ut t t th he ey y a ar re e a al ls so o s sh ho or rt t要点归纳2Although 相当于though 用来引导让步状语从

8、句,它所引导的从句不能与but ,and so 连用,但可以和yet ,still 等连用。Athough the book is old, we decided to buy it .There is air all around us, although we cannot see it. Although Princeton has a world-famous university, it is still a small quiet town . A Al lt th ho ou ug gh h 相相当当于于t th ho ou ug gh h 用用来来引引导导让让步步状状语语从从句

9、句,它它所所引引导导的的从从句句不不能能与与b bu ut t , ,a an nd d s so o 连连用用,但但可可以以和和y ye et t , ,s st ti il ll l 等等连连用用。A At th ho ou ug gh h t th he e b bo oo ok k i is s o ol ld d, , w we e d de ec ci id de ed d t to o b bu uy y i it t . .T Th he er re e i is s a ai ir r a al ll l a ar ro ou un nd d u us s, , a al l

10、t th ho ou ug gh h w we e c ca an nn no ot t s se ee e i it t. . A Al lt th ho ou ug gh h P Pr ri in nc ce et to on n h ha as s a a w wo or rl ld d- -f fa ammo ou us s u un ni iv ve er rs si it ty y, , i it t i is s s st ti il ll l a a s smma al ll l q qu ui ie et t t to ow wn n . . not only.but als

11、o. not only.but also. 表示表示“ “不仅不仅而且而且”“”“既既又又” ”,用于连接两个性质,用于连接两个性质相同的词或短语相同的词或短语 Not only men but also women were chosen Not only men but also women were chosen We were not only hungry, but also tiredWe were not only hungry, but also tired当当not onlybut alsonot onlybut also连接两个主语时,连接两个主语时,谓语动词的数原则上与其

12、相近的主语保持一致谓语动词的数原则上与其相近的主语保持一致 She likes not only music but also sport She likes not only music but also sport 在使用在使用not onlybut alsonot onlybut also时还应注意以下几点时还应注意以下几点 当当not onlybut alsonot onlybut also连接两个主语时,谓语动词的数原则上与其相近的主语保连接两个主语时,谓语动词的数原则上与其相近的主语保持一致持一致 Not only the students but also their teach

13、er is enjoying the film Not only the students but also their teacher is enjoying the film 为了强调,可将为了强调,可将not onlynot only置于句首,此时其后的句子通常要用部分倒装的形式置于句首,此时其后的句子通常要用部分倒装的形式 Not only has she been late three times, she has also done no work. Not only has she been late three times, she has also done no work.

14、 Not only do they need clothing, but they are also short of water Not only do they need clothing, but they are also short of water Not only do they need clothing, but they are also short of water 当堂训练1 1. .N No ot t o on nl ly y L Li i MMi in ng g b bu ut t a al ls so o I I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _( (b be e)

15、 ) s st tu ud de en nt ts s. .2 2. . N No ot t o on nl ly y s sh he e b bu ut t a al ls so o h he e _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _( (l le ea ar rn n) ) E En ng gl li is sh h. .3 3. . n no ot t o on nl ly y t te ea ac ch he er rs s b bu ut t a al ls so o s st tu ud de en nt ts s _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _( (b be e) ) n no o

16、t t a al ll lo ow we ed d t to o s smmo ok ke e. . 4. Not only _ run his machine, but _ repair it.A.can he; he can B. he can; can he C. can he ; can he5. Not only _ polluted but _ crowded.A. was the city ; were the streetsB. was the city; the streets wereC. the city was; the streets were6. Not only

17、_ me to a meal , but also he bought me a present.A. did he invite B. he invited C. do he invite作业:用although ,not only but also 句型写一篇关于 佛罗伦斯 南丁格尔 的小文章。Summary单词:单词:radium prize lifetime telegraph photographic duty neither nor Neithernor短语短语:give up doing sth not onlybut also in ones lifetime Admire sb for doing sth more than learn from 语法:并列连词的用法语法:并列连词的用法 Thanks for listening.



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