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1、第四章 论文的开题报告及文献综述本章内容:1. 论文开题报告概述2. 开题报告的结构和内容3. 论文的文献综述4. 西语系论文开题报告的填写一、论文开题报告概述开题报告(research proposal, thesis proposal)?旨在向论文指导老师或论文指导小组表明:第一、你有一个好的选题;第二、你有能力完成论文;第三、你有一个切实可行的研究计划。开题报告通常要回答“做什么?”、“为什么要做?”以及“怎样做?”三个问题。二、开题报告的结构和内容1. 开题报告的基本要素:题名(title)引言(introduction)文献综述(literature review)研究方法(meth

2、od)结果(result)讨论(discussion)前期参考文献(preliminary bibliography)引言:围绕以下四个问题来思考:1. What is the subject you have discovered?2. What methods do you intend to adopt?3. Why do you take interest in this subject?4. How are the source materials you have read or mean to read related to the subject?引言要涉及:研究问题 (res

3、earch question)研究动机 (rationale)研究假设 (hypothesis)研究方法 (method)主要发现 (findings)研究方法:也称研究视角,指论文的设计方案(design)、研究步骤(procedures)、样本(sample)和工具(instruments)等。主要思考以下三个方面的问题:1. How do you plan to do the research?2. What methods do you intend to adopt?3. What are the procedures you mean to follow?讨论:主要思考问题:1.

4、What is the relationship between your anticipated results and the previous achievements of others?2. What practical and/or theoretical value do you think your research might have?3. What are the limitations of your methods and materials, and the difficulties you may possibly encounter?4. How do you

5、plan to overcome these difficulties?三、论文的文献综述文献综述(literature review)旨在表明论文作者了解背景、熟悉问题、有评估和综合文献的初步能力,运用或提出一些基本的理论框架。建议:1. 挑选出与课题密切相关的研究成果。2. 规整糅合这些研究结果以凸显其明显的相关性,切忌将各自之间毫无联系的研究摘要分段列出。3. 文献综述应该让人看后感到该领域的研究尚不完整,有待扩展。4. 一方面,要给参考文献列出来源;另一方面,不宜把评述写成一串引语。5. 不可把文献按时间顺序排列,而应按其与课题的相关性组成一个有机的整体。6. 结尾时略加一些概括与评论

6、,起到画龙点睛的作用。参考例句研究表明:Studies show that据(已经)发现:It is (has been) found that/ sb. Found that据报道:It is (has been) reported that有人指出:It has been pointed out that业已证明: It has been proved / showed that一般认为:It is generally recognized / agreed / accepted that有人认为:It is thought / regarded / considered that已观察到

7、:It has been observed that必须指出:It must be pointed out that还得指出:It should be added that必须承认:It must be admitted that不用说:It need not be said that必须强调:It must be emphasized / stressed that应当讲明:It should be made clear that一项有趣的发现是:An interesting finding is that最重要的事实是: Nothing is more important than the

8、 fact that更重要的事实是:A more important fact is that我认为: I am of the opinion that有人声称:It is asserted that多数人一致认为:Most researchers agree that(21)可以有把握地说:It may be safely said that(22)由此可见:It can be seen from this that(23)有(不)可能:It is (not) possible / probable / likely that(24)是合乎情理的: It stands to reason that(25)毫无疑问: There is no doubt that(26)显然: It is obvious / clear / apparent / evident that(27)目前尚无证据说明: There is no proof of 四、西语系论文开题报告的填写作业:1. 针对自己论文的具体内容,完成开题报告的填写。2. 针对自己的论文内容,撰写一份500字左右的文献综述



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