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1、Elusive Eden: A New History of California, fourth edition CHAPTER FOUR: ESTANISLAOS REBELLION, 18291Estanislaos ChallengeFebruary 1829 neophytes Macario and Benigno tending Mission San Jose cattleTaken hostage by 7 mission renegadesLeader former mission Indian, EstanislaoTook neophytes horses, cloth

2、esSent Macario back with challenge to Father Narciso DurnThreatened missions, towns, ranchos2Estanislaos WorldEstanislao born around 1800, a Lakisami, tribelet of Northern Valley Yokuts Yokuts lived throughout valley, San Joaquin riverbanks Hunted, gathered, fishedValley crisscrossed by rivers, stre

3、ams, marshes3Riverbanks covered in oak, poplar, willowPlant, wildlife abundantPopulation density: 10 persons/square mile, rivaled Chumash Traded with interior tribes, coastal groups4Spanish IncursionsPedro Fages explored Valley in 1772Spanish slow to explore interior valleysSpanish settled missions,

4、 presidios, pueblos along coastMission most important colonial institutionSpaniards intended to assimilate Natives to Spanish culture, religion51776 Franciscans founded mission at San Francisco -Protected by handful of Spanish soldiers-Settlement located just over coast range from Yokuts territory17

5、77 pueblo established at San Jose-Mission founded 1779 6Contact between Spaniards, Yokuts, interior tribes increased after 1800-Deserting soldiers attacked villages-Assaulted Native women-Runaway neophytes escaped to live with interior tribes-Authorizes decided to establish new missions among interi

6、or tribes7Mission San Jos Mission well situated at southern tip of San Francisco Baylarge population of Costanoans nearby to perform mission laborfirst 30 years baptized 5600 neophytesby 1820 Mission San Jos one of Californias most productive missionscommanded labor of 1,700 neophytes tending grain

7、crops, gardens, orchards8Indian vaqueros tended thousands of sheep, cattle, horses Mission compound included flour mill, tannery, soap factory, winery, shops for weaving, blacksmith, tailor, harness, pottery, candle-makingNeophytes built large church, rectory, shops, tannery, warehouses, schoolrooms

8、, guesthouses, Indian barracks9Missionaries traded with American, English merchant ships in San Francisco bay-Located thirty miles north-Traded mission cattle hides, tallow, beaver pelts, olive oil, wheat, barley, beans, honey, figs, wool, cotton, tobacco10Mission Problems 1000s neophytes maintained

9、 native languages, religious practices-Durn blamed Natives extreme and notorious stupidity -Missionaries forced Natives to participate in worship servicesProblems with drought, runaways created labor shortages 11Political problems: Mexico declared independence from Spain 1811-Revolution 1811-1821 -M

10、exico ignored California, withheld funds, supplies-Local Mexicans diverted majority of mission crops-Missionaries forced to ration food for Natives12Missionaries ambivalent towards Indians-Narciso Durn replaced Serra as father-presidente-devoted to Christianizing Natives-defended native interests ag

11、ainst soldiers, townspeople-assumed Natives morally, culturally inferior to Spaniards-considered them perpetual children-used stocks, shackles, flogging to punish disobedience-Locked up single women and girls at night 131820s, 1830s Durn opposed settler demands to close the missions, release Indians

12、Neophytes died in droves-Poor nutrition and sanitation, overcrowding-Exposure to European diseases: venereal disease, cholera, dysentery, tuberculosis, influenza, measles 14-Epidemics: 1/3 of mission Indians might die-Non-epidemic years, 10% San Jose Indians died-Of 5600 Indians baptized, only 1700

13、at Mission San Jose in 1826-By 1820s, local Costanoans virtually extinct-Those who could ran away15Fugitivism1820s alone, 1000+ neophytes fled to interiorUsually individuals ranSometimes coordinated: May 25 and 26, 1827, 400 ran away, about of Mission San Jose Indians 16Soldiers exacerbated problems

14、-Hunted runaways to punish, return to missions-Raided villages to capture new neophytes-Natives resisted, battled with soldiers-Survivors delivered to missions against their will-Interior campaigns brought Estanislao, other San Joaquin Valley Indians into Mission San Jose17Horses1800 Spanish horses

15、introduced in Valley Grazed on Native landsNatives raided ranches, missions for horsesIncreased soldier campaigns into interior, looking for horse thieves181805, Yokuts on Stanislaus River attacked Father Pedro de la Cueva, soldiers-Authorities retaliated, attacked Native villages -Yokuts retaliated

16、 with more raiding, attacks on missionaries, soldiers1813, 1816, 1819, 1823, 1826 major battles between Natives, SpanishBy 1828, Indians around Mission San Jos ripe for revolution 19Estanislaos RebellionFall 1828 Estanislao, other mission Indians allowed to visit familiesLakisamni villages about 60

17、mi east of Mission San Jos, near junction of San Joaquin, Stanislaus riversEstanislao, several hundred refused to return to mission20several hundred runaways joined Estanislao from missions Santa Clara, San Juan Bautista, and Santa CruzDurn wrote to San Francisco presidio for soldiers to round up, p

18、unish, return fugitives21Commandante Martinez sent 15-20 soldiers to Lakisamni villages-Commander Sergeant Antonio Soto, experienced Indian fighter-Soldier Antonio Mara Osio described campaign 50 years later -Villages barricaded in willow thicket, river-Yokuts lured soldiers into thicket then attack

19、ed-shot arrows into heads, killed two-Soto, other survivors fled for San Jose with arrows in heads22Victory attracted more Indians to Estanislaos camp-By spring 1829 had combined army of 500 to 1,000 neophyte and gentile warriors-one of largest Native forces to date-February 1829 Estanislao captured

20、 Macario and Benigno-Macarios message led Durn to demand another expedition23May 1829 San Francisco presidio raised second expedition-Commander Jos Antonio Sanchez, experienced Indian fighter-Total of 28 soldiers, six militiamen, 70 Indian auxiliaries, one cannon24Stronghold located in bend of Stani

21、slaus River-Native soldiers protected by river, thick brush, log palisades-Sanchez divided troops into three squads-One guarded horses-another forded river, surrounded village-third group made frontal assault with cannon-cannon quickly disabled-Spaniards fired for hours with no result25May 8 Sanchez

22、 launched another frontal attack -Still couldnt get through Native barricades-Spaniards ran out of ammunition-Retreated again to Mission San Jos26Second debacle forced full-out Spanish effortMonterey presidio ensign Mariano Guadalupe Vallejo joined soldiers from San Francisco-21 years old-Little bat

23、tle, command experience -Monterey soldiers hadnt been paid in 2 years-Had recently mutinied-Rivalry between Monterey, San Francisco presidios-Running low on ammunition, armaments defective27May 26, 1829 expedition set out-107 soldiers, 50 Native auxiliaries-cannon, ammunition, and 3,500 musket cartr

24、idges-largest army yet raised against Native California28Vallejo took offensive-ordered troops to surround stronghold, burn woods, launch infantry assault from several directions-pounded palisade with cannonballs -got through first wall, threatened by own fire29Vallejo withdrew, returned following d

25、ay-Fortifications empty-Natives had escaped in the nightFound Indians next day near Tuolumne River-Hidden by even better fortifications-Battled for hours, couldnt dislodge Indians30-Mexicans retreated, Indians trapped-Several Indians killed trying to escape-3 Native women captured-Majority of Indian

26、s escaped during night-Mexican soldiers tortured, killed some captives: women, elderly men31Returned to Mission San Jos with 2-3 female captives, 18 horses-Minimum gains for maximum cost-Rebellion continuedReports of atrocities embarrassed Mexican officials-Father Durn demanded Vallejo be punished-i

27、nvestigation confirmed Mexicans hanged two old men and three women, shot another captive32Nothing changed-Neophytes still ran away-horse stealing increasedEstanislao went back to Mission San Jos -Durn secured pardon-Died in late 1830s disease outbreak33Left few traces-River, county named for him-195

28、0s state put up memorial at Caswell Memorial Park -Plaque imagined Estanislao as Great Plains warrior34Old Mission Santa BarbaraDamaged by earthquake in 1925, the beautifully restored Mission Church at Santa Barbara recalls Spains eighteenth- century attempt to transplant European civilization to th

29、e Pacific Coast. Photograph by Richard Orsi.35Mission San Jos in 1853The great California photographer Carleton E. Watkins made one of the first photographic images, a daguerreotype, of Mission San Jos in 1853. By this time, the imposing buildings that had impressed foreign visitors had fallen into

30、disrepair. The large church to the right was demolished in the great 1868 earthquake, one of the states most violent, along the Hayward Fault. Not until 1985 did a combined church and civic effort succeed in restoring the historic building. Courtesy of The Bancroft Library, University of California,

31、 Berkeley.36Father Narciso Durn and an Indian ChildPublished in a travel account by a foreign visitor to the California missions, this likeness of Narciso Durn suggests the paternalistic relationship of missionary to Native. From Eugene Duflodt de Mofras, Exploring du territoire de lOregon (1844). T

32、his item is reproduced by permission of The Huntington Library, San Marino, California.37Narciso Durns Map of Mission San Jos, 1824Narciso Durns topographical map of Mission San Joss territory shows San Francisco Bay at the lower left and the complex of rivers in the San Joaquin Valley, beyond the C

33、oast Range, at the upper right. This was the home of the Yokuts. Christianized Native villages are marked with a +, gentile villages with a 0. The mission appears along the vertical center line in the lower part of the map. Courtesy of The Bancroft Library, University of California, Berkeley.38Estan

34、islao as a Great Plains WarriorThis plaque, at Caswell Memorial State Park along the Stanislaus River, depicts Estanislao as a Great Plains warrior, complete with eagle feathers, pigtails, and choke collar. The drama of the Plains Indian wars of the late nineteenth century made a great impression on

35、 the American popular mind, and all Natives began to be seen in terms of Plains Indian imagery. Reflecting common ignorance about the states original inhabitants, some early California local histories described Indians as roaming the landscape on horses, hunting the buffalo, and living in tepees. Photograph by Richard J. Orsi.39



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