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1、Lesson53 An interesting climateLesson54 What nationality are they?Listen to the tape for the first timen nHow is the climate in England?n nIts mild, but its not always pleasant.An interesting climateHANS: Where do you come from?Where do you come from? JIM: I come from England.I come from England.HAN

2、S: WhatWhat s the climate like in your country?s the climate like in your country? JIM: It It s mild, but its mild, but it s not always pleasant.s not always pleasant. The weather The weather s often cold in the North and windys often cold in the North and windy in the East . in the East . It It s o

3、ften wet in the West and sometimes warm s often wet in the West and sometimes warm in the South. in the South. HANS: Which seasons do you like best?Which seasons do you like best? JIM: I like spring and summer. The days are long I like spring and summer. The days are long and the nights are short. T

4、he sun rises early and sets and the nights are short. The sun rises early and sets late.late. JIM: I donI don t like autumn and winter. The days are t like autumn and winter. The days are short and the nights are long. The sun rises late and short and the nights are long. The sun rises late and sets

5、 early. Our climate is not very good, but itsets early. Our climate is not very good, but it s s certainly interesting. Itcertainly interesting. It s our favourite subject of s our favourite subject of conversation.conversation.mild adj.温和的,温暖的温和的,温暖的The weather is mild today.今天天气很温暖.Its mild, but i

6、ts not always pleasant.气候温和,但也不总是宜人的。Snow White is a mild princess.白雪公主是位温柔的公主。n ngentle : 指温柔、亲切、优雅。指温柔、亲切、优雅。 常含有节制的意味。常含有节制的意味。n nmild : 用于人时,指天性温顺,脾气好,用于人时,指天性温顺,脾气好,不放肆粗野;用于物时,主要指适度,程不放肆粗野;用于物时,主要指适度,程度上相当缓和给人以愉快感觉。度上相当缓和给人以愉快感觉。n nsoft : 侧重柔软或安稳、光滑,使人不感侧重柔软或安稳、光滑,使人不感到粗糙或严酷。到粗糙或严酷。always adv.总

7、是总是 n nsometimes 有时,偶尔 n nalways 与现在进行时、过去进行时连用时,表示“一直,总是”或经常反复的动作。 He is always talking big. 他总是吹牛。 There is always love in a family. 家里总是充满了爱。north n.北方北方 The weathers often cold in the North. 北部的天气常常寒冷。 England lies to the north of France. 英国在法国的北部。and windy in the East东部则常常刮风 east n.东方东方to the e

8、ast 在.之外的东部(不紧密相邻)on the east 和.相邻的东部 上海in the east 在.之内的东部n n Taiwan is the southeast of China. 台湾省位于中国的东南部。(在中国以内)n n Japan lies the east of China. 日本位于中国的东方。(在中国之外)n nNorth Korea is the east of China. 朝鲜紧邻中国的东部。(与中国相邻) intoonnortheast n. 东北方 northwest n. 西北方 wet adj.潮湿的潮湿的n nadj. 多雨的;雨天的 n n Its

9、often wet in the west. 西部的气候通常较潮湿。n nWhen it is wet the buses are crowded. 雨天公共汽车很挤。n ndry adj. 干燥的rise v.升起升起n nrise是“上升,上涨,起床,站立”的意思。该词含义较广,总的意思是指依次上升,如自然界的日、月、星、雾、云的上升,人体从睡、跪、坐、躺等姿势站立起来等。该词为不及物动词,n nraise v. 举起raise用作及物动词,其基本含义是“使升起来,举起”n n1.The sun rises in the east .日出于东方。n n2.His speech raised

10、 my interest.他的发言激起了我的兴趣。set v.(太阳太阳)落下去落下去n n v. 放;放置;n n n. 一组;一套n n1. The sun sets in the west. 太阳在西边落下。n n2. I set the pot on the fire. 我把锅放在火上。 n nset up n n set offn n a set of keys建立建立动身;起程动身;起程一串钥匙一串钥匙late adv.晚,迟晚,迟The sun rises early and sets late. 太阳升得早而落得晚。The train is 20 minutes late. 火

11、车晚点20分钟。interesting adj.有趣的,有意思的有趣的,有意思的n ninteresting interesting 意为意为“ “有趣的,引起兴趣的有趣的,引起兴趣的” ”, 其主语为事或物。其主语为事或物。n n interestedinterested意为意为“ “感兴趣的,对某事有兴趣的感兴趣的,对某事有兴趣的” ”, 其主语为人。其主语为人。The book is interesting. Many students are interested in it . 这本书很有趣,很多学生对它很感兴趣。conversation n.谈话谈话n n dialogue对话 n

12、 n talk 谈话 n nchat 谈话 Its our favourite subject of conversation.Its our favourite subject of conversation. 天气是我们最喜欢的话题。The dialogue between Mary and Tom is really funny.The dialogue between Mary and Tom is really funny. 玛丽和汤姆之间的对话真有意思。n ndialoguedialogue是对话,必须有两个人在互相说话,一般是对话,必须有两个人在互相说话,一般是书面语;是书面语;

13、n ntalktalk可以是任何形式的说话,一个人对一群人的讲可以是任何形式的说话,一个人对一群人的讲话也可以用话也可以用talktalk;n nconversationconversation是一个人以上的说话,一般是讨论一是一个人以上的说话,一般是讨论一个主题;个主题;n nchatchat是聊天,不一定有个主题,就是随便说话(比是聊天,不一定有个主题,就是随便说话(比如网上聊天)如网上聊天)Its _, but its not always _.气候温和,但也不总是宜人的。The sun _ in the east .日出于东方。The sun _ in the west.太阳在西边落下

14、。mildpleasantrisessetsAn interesting climateHANS: Where do you come from?Where do you come from? JIM: I come from England.I come from England.HANS: WhatWhat s the climate like in your country?s the climate like in your country? JIM: It It s mild, but its mild, but it s not always pleasant.s not alwa

15、ys pleasant. The weather The weather s often cold in the North and windys often cold in the North and windy in the East . in the East . It It s often wet in the West and sometimes warm s often wet in the West and sometimes warm in the South. in the South. 一般现在时(四)一般现在时(四)1. 1. 主系表主系表 (be be 句型)句型) W

16、ho is in the classroom Who is in the classroom? 谁在教室里?谁在教室里?2. 2. there bethere be句型句型 How many books are there on the desk? How many books are there on the desk? 桌上有多少本书?桌上有多少本书?3. 3. 主谓宾主谓宾 (do (do 句型)句型) Who can type this letter for the boss? Who can type this letter for the boss? (有情态动词)(有情态动词)

17、谁能为老板打这封信?谁能为老板打这封信? Which season Which season do do you you likelike best? best? (只有实义动词)(只有实义动词) 你最喜欢哪个季节?你最喜欢哪个季节?人或物的特征,位置或所处的状态人或物的特征,位置或所处的状态存在存在动作,实意动词,情态动词动作,实意动词,情态动词一般现在时(四)一般现在时(四) Where he come from?I from England.Which seasons she like best?She spring and summer. 第三人称单数在变特殊疑问句时需借助助动词does,即do的第三人称单数形式,动词形式在问句中还原成原形。doesdoescomecomedoesdoeslikeslikesThey come from Turkey. They are Turkish. She comes from America. She is American.Do you come from China? Does he come from Japan? Where do you come from?Where does he come from?



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