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1、Translation Techniques (4)Division and CombinationUnit Eight 一、分译法一、分译法 (一)单词的分译(一)单词的分译 (二)短语的分译(二)短语的分译 (三)句子的分译(三)句子的分译二、合译法二、合译法 (一)单句的合译(一)单句的合译 (二)主从复合句的合译(二)主从复合句的合译 (三)并列复合句的合译(三)并列复合句的合译Teaching Contents:分译法和合译法分译法和合译法v英译汉中,一般是把一个英语句子译成一个汉英译汉中,一般是把一个英语句子译成一个汉语句子。但是,由于英汉两种语言的句子结构语句子。但是,由于英汉两


3、增减句量的翻译方法称为分译法和合译法。增减句量的翻译方法称为分译法和合译法。增减句量的翻译方法称为分译法和合译法。增减句量的翻译方法称为分译法和合译法。 分译法分译法v由于汉语习惯上一般不使用长句,因此在英译由于汉语习惯上一般不使用长句,因此在英译汉时,往往要把原句中较长的句子成分或不易汉时,往往要把原句中较长的句子成分或不易安排的句子成分拆开来,译成汉语的分句或从安排的句子成分拆开来,译成汉语的分句或从句,以使译文通顺流畅,层次分明,更加合乎句,以使译文通顺流畅,层次分明,更加合乎汉语的习惯。汉语的习惯。一一. .单词的分译单词的分译v有的英文句子虽不长,但照译时译文很别扭,有的英文句子虽不

4、长,但照译时译文很别扭,尤其是原文中个别单词很难处置,不拆开来译尤其是原文中个别单词很难处置,不拆开来译便不通顺或容易发生误解,这时往往可把这种便不通顺或容易发生误解,这时往往可把这种单词译成一个分句或单句。单词译成一个分句或单句。(一)副词的分译(一)副词的分译1. The Chinese seemed justifiably proud of their economic achievements. 中国人似乎为他们经济建设上取得的巨大成就感到自豪,这是合乎情理的。 2. Jerry quickly ordered everyone to put on life jackets, and

5、tried unsuccessfully to put out the fire. 杰里立即叫大家穿上救生衣,并且奋力灭火,但却没有成功(无济于事)。 3. The time could have been more profitably spent in making a detailed investigation. 如果当初把时间花在细致的调查研究上,好处就更大了(益处就更多了)。(二)形容词的分译(二)形容词的分译1. Buckley was in a clear minority. 巴克利属于少数派,这是明摆着的事实。 2. That region was the most iden

6、tifiable trouble place. 那地区是个麻烦的地方,这是大家很容易看出来的。 3. He has been pursued, day by day, year by year, by a most phenomenal and astonishing luckiness. 日复一日,年复一年,他始终幸运常伴(吉星高照),这的确令人惊叹不已。4. He spoke with understandable pride of the invention of the instrument.他自豪地谈到那种仪器的发明,这是可以理解的。(三)动词的分译(三)动词的分译1. Radio

7、waves have been considered radiant energy. 人们已经认识到,无线电波是一种辐射能。2. The maximum demand for electricity today is expected to double within a decade. 可以预料,目前对电的最大需求量在十年内可望增加一倍。 (四)名词的分译(四)名词的分译1. The price limits its production.它价钱昂贵,限制了批量生产。2. The dust, the uproar and the growing dark threw everything i

8、nto chaos. 烟尘滚滚,人声嘈杂,夜色渐深,一切都陷入混乱之中。二二. .短语的分译短语的分译v短语的分译是指把原文中一个短语译成句子短语的分译是指把原文中一个短语译成句子, ,使使原文的一个句子分译成两个或两个以上的句子原文的一个句子分译成两个或两个以上的句子. .这种现象在英译汉中比单词的分译更为常见这种现象在英译汉中比单词的分译更为常见. .v英语中能提出来分译的短语英语中能提出来分译的短语, ,通常有分词短语、通常有分词短语、介词短语、动词不定式短语和名词短语介词短语、动词不定式短语和名词短语. . (一一)分词短语分词短语(包括分词独立结构包括分词独立结构)的分译的分译 由于

9、使用了电子计算机,复杂问题迅速而精确地得到了解决。1. Electronic computer being used, the complicated problem was solved quickly and accurately.2. Known to man for thousands of years, metals are the backbone of our modern world. 金属是现代世界的支柱; 人类了解金属已有数千年的历史了。(一一)分词短语分词短语(包括分词独立结构包括分词独立结构)的分译的分译 科学技术现代化了,工农业就会迅速发展。3. Science an

10、d technology modernized, industry and agriculture will develop rapidly.4. Fossils are early plants or animals once buried in earth, now hardened like rock. 化石是早期的植物或动物,过去埋在地下,现在坚如岩石。(二二)介词短语的分译介词短语的分译 别人劝说也好,恳求也好,他都不为所动(无动于衷)。1. He was not to be moved either by advice or entreaties.2. The factory wa

11、s already spreading a fame for its products. 这个工厂的产品质量优良,这点已远近闻名了。(二二)介词短语的分译介词短语的分译 尽管有种种惊人的差别,地球上的生命不过是在单一的化学基干上进行着富有想象力的变化。3. For all its wonderful differences, life on earth is merely an imaginative variation on a single chemical theme.4. Copper is an important conductor, both because of its hig

12、h conductivity and because of its abundance and low cost. 铜是一种重要导体,因为它的导电率高,而且资源丰富,价格低廉。(三三)动词不定式短语的分译动词不定式短语的分译 为了解决这些问题,需要就不同货币之间的相对比值达成一项国际协议。1. To solve these problems, an international agreement was needed concerning the relative values of the different currencies.2. Einsteins theory of relativ

13、ity is too difficult for the average mind to understand. 爱因斯坦的相对论太难,一般人无法理解。(三三)动词不定式短语的分译动词不定式短语的分译 要使之具有科学性,我们必须用实验来验证这些公式和结论。 3. To be scientific, we must test the formulas and the conclusions by experiments. 4. The weight of an object has been found to vary from place to place on the earth. 已经发现

14、,一个物体的重量在地球上因地而异。(四四)名词短语的分译名词短语的分译 如果把电源接错,就会损坏电动机。 1. The wrong power-line connections will damage the motor. 2. He pointed out the growing tension. 他指出,紧张局势日益加剧。3. But the exigency of the case admitted of no alternatives. 但情况紧急,别无他法(别无其他良策)。(四四)名词短语的分译名词短语的分译 他感到疲倦,而且天气愈来愈热。这使他决定一遇到合适的荫凉处,就坐下来休息。

15、 4. His weariness and the increasing heat determined him to sit down in the first convenient shade.5. These pure verbal artifices do not change the essence of the matter. 这些纯粹是文词上的花样,并不能改变问题的实质。三三. .句子的分译句子的分译v所谓句子的分译,指的是把原文的从句译成分句,所谓句子的分译,指的是把原文的从句译成分句,或把一个简单句拆开,译成两个或两个以上的句或把一个简单句拆开,译成两个或两个以上的句子,以及

16、在翻译复句过程中增加分句或句子的数子,以及在翻译复句过程中增加分句或句子的数量。量。(一一)定语从句的分译定语从句的分译v把定语从句与主句分开,译成后置的并列分句把定语从句与主句分开,译成后置的并列分句或独立句,这是定语从句汉译时的一种重要方或独立句,这是定语从句汉译时的一种重要方法。法。 1. In the future, robots which can do almost all of our hard work will be seen working everywhere. 在将来,到处都会看到机器人在工作,它们将能替我们担负起几乎全部的繁重工作。(一一)定语从句的分译定语从句的分译

17、 我访问过一些地方,遇到不少人,要谈起来,奇妙的事可多着呢。 2. There are many wonderful stories to tell about the places I visited and the people I met. 3. This book treats besides other subjects, which are undoubtedly equally important, of the working principles of a transistor. 除其他问题外,本书讨论晶体管的工作原理。其他问题当然也一样重要。(二二)单句的分译单句的分译捷报

18、传来,举国欢腾。 1. The good tidings filled the whole nation with joy. 2. Poor acoustics spoilt the performance. 音响效果不好,演出大为逊色。 3.The fame of Washington stands apart from every other in history shining with a truer luster and a more benignant glory. 华盛顿在历史人物中独树一帜。他的声望放射出更为纯正的异彩和更为慈祥的光辉。 (三三)复句的分译复句的分译 因为光速是

19、已知的,所以只要能将一束光束送上月球并使它返回地球接收站,就有可能测定从地球到月球的距离。 1. The light speed being known, it would be possible to decide the distance from the earth to the moon provided that a single light beam could be sent to the moon and made to return to the earths receiving station. 合译法合译法v合译法是把两个或两个以上单句合译成一个单合译法是把两个或两个以上

20、单句合译成一个单句,或把主从复合句及并列复合句合译成一个句,或把主从复合句及并列复合句合译成一个单句。单句。v合译法可省掉一些重复的词语或句子成分,使合译法可省掉一些重复的词语或句子成分,使译文更加紧凑译文更加紧凑、明确,更加符合汉语习惯。明确,更加符合汉语习惯。v但合译时可能会失去原文的强调意义,容易发但合译时可能会失去原文的强调意义,容易发生漏译,因此,翻译时必须仔细推敲,从译文生漏译,因此,翻译时必须仔细推敲,从译文的整体上加以考虑,灵活处理。的整体上加以考虑,灵活处理。(一一)单句的合译单句的合译 1989年4月2日清晨,飞机驾驶员在待命室接受飞行任务。 1. It was on th

21、e early morning of April 2, 1989. The pilots were briefed in the ready room. 2. His eyes were triumphantly cold. There was no light in them, no feeling, no interest. 他的目光傲慢冷酷,呆滞无光,淡漠无情。 (一一)单句的合译单句的合译 空气中总是有尘埃,染红了夕阳,也污染了城市的空气(会使夕阳染上红色,也使城市空气受到污染)。 3. There are always particles of dust in the air. Du

22、st tints sunsets and pollutes city air. (二二)主从复合句的合译主从复合句的合译液态水受热而变成蒸汽。 1. The liquid water is heated so that it becomes steam. 钢的结构和形成的性质,将视其加热程度和冷却快慢而定。 2. The structure of the steel and the resulting properties will depend on how hot the steel gets and how quickly or slowly it is cooled. (二二)主从复合

23、句的合译主从复合句的合译在那种情况下,北极的油矿将永远沉睡在原地。 3. It is necessary that those machines should be lubricated regularly. 那些机器必须经常上润滑油。 4. In that case the deposits at the North Pole may rest where they are forever. (二二)主从复合句的合译主从复合句的合译在那种情况下,北极的油矿将永远沉睡在原地。 3. It is necessary that those machines should be lubricated

24、 regularly. 那些机器必须经常上润滑油。 4. In that case the deposits at the North Pole may rest where they are forever. (三三)并列复合句的合译并列复合句的合译 在英国邮局的帮助下,马可尼于1896年6月申请了世界上第一项无线电专利。 1. It was in mid-August, and the repair section operated under the blazing sun.八月中旬,修理组人员在骄阳下工作。2. The Post Office was helpful, and Marc

25、oni applied in June 1896 for the worlds first radio patent.(三三)并列复合句的合译并列复合句的合译 3. Sulphuric acid enters into the manufacture of explosives, dyestuffs and drugs; it is used in sugar refining and in the preparation of fertilizers. 硫酸被用来制造炸药、染料、药物、食糖和化肥等。Exercises1. They tried vainly to blame us for t

26、he damage of the machine.2. They, not surprisingly, did not respond.3. Sunrays filtered in wherever they could, driving out darkness and choking the shadows.4. For all its size, the machine moves noiselessly.5. Strange enough they were the same age to the day.6. One problem in trying to discuss the

27、report is its sheer volume. Exercises7. The four men huddled there and said nothing. They dare not smoke. They would not move.8. His father had a small business in the city of Pisa. This city is in the north of Italy near the sea.9. Up to now, it is only the rocket which can propel a space vehicle.1

28、0. Up to now, there is no fuel or chemical reaction known that could produce the suns heat and light. Exercises11. In 1844 Engels met Marx, and they became friends.12. Bees and dolphins communicate, but they do not have language. Exercises他们没有答复,这是不足为奇的。 1. They tried vainly to blame us for the dama

29、ge of the machine. 他们企图把机器损坏的过失加在我们头上,但没有成功。 2. They, not surprisingly, did not respond.3. Sunrays filtered in wherever they could, driving out darkness and choking the shadows. 阳光射入了它所能透过的所有地方,赶走了黑暗,驱散了阴影。 Exercises说来也真巧,他俩同龄,而且是同日生的。 4. For all its size, the machine moves noiselessly.尽管这台机器体积大,但运转

30、却没有杂音。 5. Strange enough they were the same age to the day.6. One problem in trying to discuss the report is its sheer volume. 那份报告的篇幅特别长,若要讨论该报告,这就成了一个问题。 Exercises他的父亲在意大利北部沿海的比萨有个小商行。 7. The four men huddled there and said nothing. They dare not smoke. They would not move. 这四个人在那儿挤作一团,默不作声,不敢抽烟,也

31、不敢挪动。 8. His father had a small business in the city of Pisa. This city is in the north of Italy near the sea.Exercises 至今,尚无已知的燃料或化学反应能产生太阳的热和光。 9. Up to now, it is only the rocket which can propel a space vehicle.至今,只有火箭才能推进宇宙飞行器。 10. Up to now, there is no fuel or chemical reaction known that could produce the suns heat and light.Exercises蜜蜂和海豚能传递信息,但没有语言。 11. In 1844 Engels met Marx, and they became friends.1844年恩格斯与马克思相遇并成了朋友。 12. Bees and dolphins communicate, but they do not have language.樟子松 http:/ 怛捒暾



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