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1、Unit8Lesson4Journey-Unit8Lesson4Journey-to-the-Antarcticto-the-AntarcticHello, would you like to take on a journey to the Antarctic?Mm, let me thinkCommon sense Quiz1. In which polar season should you go?2. Which equipment should you take?Summer.sledgemotorbikehorsedogfirewaterfoodRadio 无线电发射器无线电发射器

2、down jacket 羽绒服羽绒服Jeans 牛仔裤牛仔裤swimsuittentCompass 指南针指南针Common sense Quiz3. What will you see there?penguinpolar beartreesflowerswhalesealicebergskyscraperEskimo爱斯基摩人爱斯基摩人Common sense Quiz4. What difficulties will you face?stormcoldnessrun out of foodequipment break downsand stormfire break outfrost

3、bite冻伤冻伤The Race to the PoleA competition to see who is the fastest.Roald Amundsen and his menCaptain Scott and his menThecaptainofeachexpeditionRoaldAmundsenCaptainScottEnglishNorwegian2. Now read the text quickly to check your guesses.1)Which Pole did they race to?2) When did they go?3) Who reache

4、d the Pole first?Part IFast-readingThe South Pole.1910 1911.Amundsen.Scan the passage to get detailed informationRead the text carefully. Are these statements true (T) or false (F).Careful reading1. Scott and Amundsen started their journeys in the polar spring. 2. Scotts use of motor sledges and pon

5、ies was a success.3. Amundsen travelled more quickly than Scott.TFTRead the text carefully. Are these statements true (T) or false (F)Careful reading4. When they got to the Pole, Scotts expedition had a celebration.5. Captain Oates went for a walk and died in a snow storm.6. Scotts last letter was t

6、o his wife.FTT1.WhydidAmundsensucceedandScottfail?2.WhatdidScottsteamachieve?3.Whywasthereturnjourneyoneoftheworstinthehistoryofexploration?4.WhatmadeScottsteamintoheroes?1.Why did Amundsen succeed while Scott failed?A.Because Amundsen reached the Pole first.B.Because Scotts companions died half way

7、.C.Because it was too cold in Antarctica.D.Because Scotts sledges broke down.Reading Comprehension 2. What did Scotts team achieve?A.They became rich for the trip.B. They got nothing but pity.C. They became the first to reach the Pole.D. They collected rocks that proved Antarctica had once been cove

8、red by plants.3.Whywasthereturnjourneyoneoftheworstinthehistoryofexploration?A.Allteammemberswereexhaustedandwererunningoutoffood.B.Theweatherconditionsbecameterrible.C.Twooftheteamhadterriblediseaseandtherestmetwithaterriblestormandcouldntleavethetenttilltheydied.D.Alloftheabove.4. WhatmadeScottste

9、amintoheroes? A. Their braveness, perseverance and the extraordinary courage moved the world. B. They collected valuable rocks. C. They died for the expedition. D. They made great contribution to the world.perseverance,p:svrnsn.坚持不懈;不屈不挠坚持不懈;不屈不挠FurtherunderstandingOutlineFind the relative informati

10、on from the passageRoaldAmundsenCaptainScottNationalityDeparturetimeArrivaltimeMethodsoftravelResultsofexplorationOct.15,1911Dec.14,1911Teamsofdogspullingthesledges;allmenwereonskis.Succeeded;putaNorwegianflagthereEnglishNov.1,1911Jan.17,1912Motorsledges;allmenonhorsesNorwegianNorwegianAlldied;carri

11、ed20kilosofrocksback.In your opinion, what made Scotts team fail to win the race to the Pole?RoaldAmundsenTeamsofdogspullingthesledges;allmenwereonskisCaptainScottMotorsledges;allmenonhorsesLinkingwords:Inmyopinion,differentmethods.ononehand,breakdown,pushthesledges;ontheotherhand,beusedtodoing,allo

12、fwhichresultedin(exhausted,runoutof)Asaresult,failedto Inmyopinion,Scottsteamchosethewrongmethodoftravelattheverybeginning.Amundsensteamhadteamsofdogspullingthesledgesandallmenwereonskis,whileScottsteamusedmotorsledges.Whentheyhadsometroublewiththesledges,theyhadtopushthesledgesthemselves.Besides,th

13、ehorsestheychosewerentusedtowalkingonthesoftsnows,allofwhichledtotheirbeingexhaustedandrunningoutoffoodintheend.Andalso,theyhadtospendquitealongtimeonthePoleandbecameweakerandweaker.in preparation for 为为作准备作准备为准备下周的足球比赛,为准备下周的足球比赛,Joe 正在训练正在训练Joe is training in preparation for the football match of

14、the next week.in preparation 在准备中在准备中Plans for selling the new product are now in preparation.make preparations for 为为 . 作准备作准备1., both teams organized food bases in 2. preparation for their journeys the Word Bank2. First, his two sledges broke down, break down 打破,停止运转,崩溃打破,停止运转,崩溃Firemen had to bre

15、ak the door down to reach the people trapped inside.Our car broke down on the motorway.The telephone system has broken down.Her health broke down under the pressure of work. break in 蹩脚英语蹩脚英语 break through 非法进入非法进入,强行进入强行进入break out 使人心碎使人心碎break ones heart 爆发爆发,突然讲出突然讲出broken English 突破,突围突破,突围 拓展

16、break up 粉碎;结束break out 爆发;(坏事)突然发生break into 强行闯入即时演练(1) They havent seen each other for years since their marriage _.(2) Someone _ their house while they were on holidays.(3) My bike _ on my way to school this morning.(4) A forest fire _ last night.broke upbroke intobroke downbroke out3. Well, we

17、have now lost the goal of our ambition goal n. 目标,终点,球门,得分目标,终点,球门,得分 He has achieved his goal. Youd better set a goal before you start the drill.They reached the goal of their journey. The ball missed the goal by a few inches. Thats the twentieth goal hes kicked this season.4. The men were soon exh

18、austed and were running out of food. 点拨 run out of 表示“用完;耗尽”,一般是人作主语,不用于被动语态;如果是物作主语,要去掉of。如:The oil will run out soon.汽油很快就要用完了。Young people often run out of money by the end of the month.即时演练按照提示完成句子:1) 她已经失去了耐心。 a. She has _ her patience. b. Her patience has _.2) 我们的车很快就没汽油了,要马上就近找个加油站。The oil of

19、 our car _. Try to find an oil station as near as possible.run out ofrun outis running out5. and got within eleven miles of one of their food bases. within prep. 在在 . 里面;在里面;在之内之内He kept within doors all day yesterday. Several cars are available within this price range. Ill be coming within an hour.

20、 ReadingStrategies: Dealing With Difficult Words Read the sentence the word is in and decide what kind of word it is (e.g. adjective, noun etc.). Read the paragraph the word is in and try to work out the meaning from the context. Check the context to see if the meaning fits, e.g. “sledge” is possibl

21、y a kind of equipment on snow. (This meaning fits the context of the sentences.) Now use a dictionary to check the exact meaning of the word.4. Find these words in the text and decide what kind of words they are.Example: sledge noun break down phrasal verbrun out of ambition hopeless cheerful distan

22、t carry on within shocked phrasal verbnounadjectiveadjectiveadjectivephrasal verbprepositionadjectiveUse the Reading Strategies to work out the meaning of the words. Match the words with their definitions.1) stop functioning2) without hope3) inside4) continuesledge, break down, run out of, ambition,

23、 hopeless, cheerful, distant , carry on, within, shockedbreak downhopelesswithincarry on5) equipment used for moving on snow 6) extremely surprised7) happy8) far away9) something you want to achieve10) having nothing leftsledgeshockedcheerfuldistantambitionrun out ofPart VVocabularyWordbuilding6. Co

24、mplete the sentences. Make nouns or adjectives from the words in brackets.1) They had done so much _ (prepare) that the actual task was easy for them.2) Without food, water, or a map, their situation was _ (hope).preparationhopeless3) Even with all her problems, she is still _ (cheer) every day.4) H

25、e wanted to get away from everything so he moved to a _ (distance) land.5) Everyone experienced _ (sad) at the terrible news.6) All the exams have different levels of _ (difficult).cheerfuldistantsadnessdifficulty7. Make adjectives, verbs or adverbs from these nouns.nounadjectiveverbadverbexplorerpo

26、leorganisationpatienceexploredexplorepolarorganisedpatientorganisepatientlynounadjectiveverbadverbpreparationambitioncouragesuccesspreparedprepareambitiousambitiouslycourageouscourageouslysuccessfulsucceedsuccessfullyRead and find the following expressionsPara1-Para3收到收到的短信的短信receiveamessagefrom向向进发

27、的竞赛开始了进发的竞赛开始了theracetoison食物储备食物储备foodbases为为做准备做准备inpreparationfor极地冬夜极地冬夜polarwinter第一个做第一个做thefirstto拉雪橇拉雪橇pullthesledges前进速度很快前进速度很快makerapidprogress遇到遇到的麻烦的麻烦haveseriousdifficultieswith.Para 4- Para 5准备回程准备回程 prepare for the return journey感到震惊感到震惊 be shocked雄伟目标雄伟目标 goal of ambition探险史探险史 hist

28、ory of exploration很快就筋疲力尽很快就筋疲力尽 be soon exhausted食物短缺食物短缺 run out of food天气状况天气状况 weather conditions绝望境地绝望境地 hopeless situation 感到愉快感到愉快 be cheerfulPara 6Para 6 在返程途中在返程途中 on one on ones way backs way back一路带回了一路带回了 carry carryall the way with sb.all the way with sb.证实证实 prove that prove that在遥远的过去

29、在遥远的过去 in the distant past in the distant past曾经一度曾经一度 at one time at one time接下来接下来 the next to the next to 行走艰难行走艰难 have great difficulty walking have great difficulty walking走向死亡走向死亡 walk to one walk to ones deaths death的举动的举动 it is the act of it is the act of希望做希望做 hope to hope to Para 7 Para 8继续向前 carry on用最后的时间做 spend some of ones last hours doing充满悲伤的信 a letter full of sadness付出了多大的代价啊付出了多大的代价啊! ! What a price to pay!震惊了世界 shock the world输掉了向南极进发的比赛 fail to win the race to the Pole使成为英雄 makeinto heroes 结束语结束语谢谢大家聆听!谢谢大家聆听!43



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