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1、.单词聚焦1_ n少数民族2_ adj. 完全不同的;各不相同的3_ adj. 出生地的;土生土长的4_ v. 控制;管理5_ n. 风俗,习惯,传统minoritydiversenativeruncustom6_ n. 歌剧7_ n. 榔头,锤子8_ adj. 愚蠢的,傻的9_ adj. 瘸的,跛的10_ adj. 牢固的,稳固的11_ n. (一个)人12_ n. 项链13_ n. 珠宝,首饰operahammerfoolishlamefirmsoulnecklacejewellery14_ v. 系牢,缚紧15_ adj. 稀松的,疏松的16_ v. 折叠,对折17_ v. 适应,使适应

2、18_ adj. 赤裸的19_ n. 汽车修理厂20_ adj. 尴尬的,为难的fastenloosefoldadjustbaregarageawkward.短语扫描短语扫描1_ use 在使用在使用2come _ (偶然偶然)遇见遇见3put sb._ 为某人提供食宿为某人提供食宿4have _ population of 有有人口人口inacrossupa5_ the distance 在远处6set _出发;动身7adjust (oneself) _适应;调整8be furnished _用家具布置9pick _拾起;搭载客人;(偶然)得到/学会;接收;恢复10pull _拔出;(列车等

3、)驶出inofftowithupout.原句突破1The old town is on the side of a mountain and opposite it is the 5,500meter Yulong Xueshan Mountain,_ _ _ _ _(山峰被积雪所覆盖)【答案】its peak covered with snow2_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (无论起初我们看上去有多么不同),we are all the same,all equal.【答案】However different we may appear to be at first3They sit

4、in small circles in the square,with their babies on their backs,_ _ _ _ _(对游客丝毫不感兴趣)【答案】completely uninterested in the tourists4_ _ _ (从上面俯看),the old town is a maze of canals,little bridges and tiny cobbed streets that _ _ _ _(游人极易迷失其中)【答案】Seen from above;tourists get lost in5Today,Aborigines _ _ _

5、_ _(只占澳大利亚人口总数的1.5%多一点)of Australias population.【答案】make up just over 1.5% minority n少数;少数民族 They are supported by only a minority of voters.他们只得到少数选民的支持。The Chinese nation includes more than 50 national minorities besides the Han.中华民族,除汉族外,还有50多个少数民族。The nation wants peace;only a minority want(s) t

6、he war to continue.全国人民要和平,只有少数人希望继续打仗。Women were very much in the minority at the meeting.在这次会议上妇女占极少数。 majority n大多数The majority of people believe smoking is harmful to health.大多数人认为吸烟有害于健康。1.Most nurses are women,but in the higher ranks of the medical profession women are in a _.AscarcityBminorit

7、yCminimum Dshortage【解析】句意为:大多数护士是妇女,但是高层次医务工作者中,妇女只占少数。minority “少数”符合句意。scarcity 缺乏,不足,稀少;minimum 最小量;shortage 不足,缺少,均不合题意。【答案】B run 用法(1)vt.控制、管理;经营Stop trying to run my life for me.别老想操纵我的生活。He has no idea how to run a business.他不知道如何管理一个公司。For a while,she ran a restaurant in Boston.她在波士顿开了一段时间的餐

8、馆。(2)vi.运转My cars not running too smoothly at the moment.我的汽车现在开起来有点不正常。(3)vt.开动(机器)Could you run the engine for a moment?你来操作一会发动机好吗?(4)vi.褪色The color ran when I washed your red shirt,and now all your socks are pink!你的红衬衫洗的时候掉色了,现在你的袜子全都成了粉红色。(5)vi.(液体)流动The tears ran down her cheeks.泪水顺着她的脸颊淌下来。2.

9、Jack didnt want to depend on his father any longer,so he _ a camera store of his own.Aran BarrangedCworked Dinherited【解析】run经营,管理。arrange安排;work工作;inherit继承。据题意应该是“经营自己的相机店”。【答案】A custom n风俗,习惯,传统 It is our custom to send New Years cards to friends.送贺年卡给朋友是我们的习俗。It is difficult to get used to anothe

10、r countrys custom.要适应另一国家的风俗习惯是很困难的。Social customs vary greatly from country to country.国与国之间的社会习俗有很大的差异。 break a custom破坏习俗follow/keep up a custom遵守习俗customs n海关,关税customer n顾客,主顾It took us only a few minutes to get through the Customs.海关检查只花了我们几分钟。3.They hand down the _ from generation to generati

11、on to keep their way of life alive.Ainterest BhabitCcustom Daction【解析】句意为:他们一代一代地传承着令他们的生活具有生气的传统。custom 传统风俗、习俗,符合语境。【答案】C fasten vt.系牢,扣住 Fasten the ends of the rope together firmly.把那条绳子的两头紧紧绑在一起。Please fasten a lock to the door.请把门用锁锁好。He fastened up his coat and hurried out.他扣好大衣就匆匆出去了。 fasten

12、up/together 系牢;固定fasten down 固定;使牢固fasten on/upon 抓住;缠住;盯住fasten.to 把固定到Fasten up your coat.Its cold outside.把外套扣好,外面很冷。She fastened her attention on the swimming children.她双眼紧盯着正在游泳的几个孩子。He fastened a light to his bicycle.他在自行车上装了灯。4.While in a car which will run,please _ your seat belts.Atie Bstic

13、kCfasten Dmake【解析】fasten seat belts 系上安全带。【答案】C adjust v适应,使适应adjust (oneself) to.(使自己)适应Have you adjusted yourself to the school life?你适应学校生活了吗?He adjusted himself very quickly to the heat of the country.他使自己很快适应了这个国家炎热的气候。 调整,校准The brakes need adjusting.制动器需要调节了。There is no need for us to adjust t

14、he price.我们无需调整价格。5.My camera can be _ to take pictures in cloudy or sunny conditions.Aadapted BadjustedCadopted Dcorrected【解析】adjust 调节,调整。adjust a camera 表示“调节照相机的速度、距离或光圈”等。句意为:我的照相机可以进行调节,不管阴天还是晴天都可以照相。adapt 使适应;adopt 采取,采用;correct 纠正,它们与句意不符。【答案】B furnish vt.(给房子、房间)装置(家具等);供应,供给 furnish.with.用

15、装备furnish.to/for 为提供The apartment is well/badly furnished!那间公寓家具齐全/欠缺。It cost us a lot of money to furnish our new flat.买家具布置我们的新公寓花掉我们一大笔钱。This shop furnishes everything that is needed for camping.这家商店供应各种野营用品。The power plant furnishes the capital with electricity.这座发电厂供给电力到首都地区。furniture n. 家具(集合用

16、法,为不可数名词)a piece/an article of furniture 一件家具a suit of furniture 一套家具This old table is a very valuable piece of furniture.这张旧桌子是一件很有价值的家具。6.Reading _ the mind only with materials of knowledge;it is thinking that makes what we read ours.Afurnishes BinstructsCadmits Dquits【解析】句意为:阅读只是为我们提供知识材料,思考才能把我们

17、读的东西变成自己的。furnish “提供”符合句意。instruct 指导,admit 承认,quit 停止,都不符合句意。【答案】A put together组成;装配;把合在一起 At last we put a team together to attend the game.最后我们组成了一个队来参加比赛。Your department spent more last year than all the other departments put together.你们部门去年的花销比其他所有部门加起你们部门去年的花销比其他所有部门加起来的还多。来的还多。He took the ra

18、dio to pieces and then put it together again.他把收音机拆开后又组装起来了。他把收音机拆开后又组装起来了。 put aside放下;储蓄put away把收起来put through完成;接通电话put up举起;张贴;搭起put off推迟put forward提出(建议等)put out熄灭;发表;出版7.(2009年陕西卷)A notice was_in order to remind the students of the changed lecture time.Asent up Bgiven upCset up Dput up【解析】句意

19、为:张贴通知是为了提醒同学们演讲时间的变动。本题考查动词短语辨析。put up张贴,建立,提高;send up发出,发射;give up停止,放弃;set up创立;建立。【答案】D8(2010年太原模拟)Do you know that the meeting _ this afternoon has been put _ till next week?No.Thanks for telling me.Ato be held;off Bto be held;forwardCheld;off Dheld;forward【解析】第一空应该用非谓语动词作后置定语,表示将来的动作,且与所修饰名词之间

20、为被动关系,故用不定式的被动语态;put off 推迟、延误,put forward 提出,推举出。【答案】A in use 被使用,在使用中come into use 开始被使用make use of sb./sth.利用或使用某人/某物make the best use of sth.充分利用某物put sth.to good use 从某事物中获益Its no use doing 做没用Seriously damaged,the bridge is no longer in use.因受到严重损坏,这座桥不再使用了。Its a good opportunity to put her me

21、dical training to good use.这是将她所受的医学培训很好地付诸实践的好机会。Its no use complaining.抱怨是没有用的。used to do sth.过去经常干某事be used to doing sth.习惯,适应use sth.up 用尽,耗尽Hes used up all his savings.他把所有的积蓄都花光了。9.The school life she was used to_her a lot in the past three years.Achanges Bhas changedCchanging Dchanged【答案】B in

22、 the distance 在远处keep ones distance from 与保持一定距离;疏远keep sb.at a distance 不与某人太亲近at a distance 隔一段距离at a distance of 5 metres/2 miles 相隔5米/2英里within walking/driving distance 走路/开车去就可以The beach is within walking distance of my house.海滩距我家不远,步行就到了。at a distance,from a distance与in the distance用法比较:(1)at

23、 a distance 隔开一段距离The picture looks better at a distance.这幅画离远点看更好看了。(2)from a distance从远处/方I see two dogs running this way from a distance.我看见两条狗从远处跑过来了。(3)in the distance 在远处Can you see the mountain in the distance?Thats my hometown.你看到远处的山了吗?那儿是我的家乡。At a distance of six miles you cant see much.距离

24、六英里以外的东西很难看清。Thats Long Island in the distance over there.那边远处是长岛。10.Can you see the man_?Yes,I can.He is my neighbor Mr Smith,who is difficult to get along with because he always keeps everyone_.Ain the distance;from a distanceBat the distance;at a distanceCin the distance;at a distanceDat a distan

25、ce;in the distance【答案】C The old town is on the side of a mountain and opposite it is the 5,500metre Yulong Xueshan Mountain,its peak covered with snow. 古城依山而建,对面是海拔五千五百米的玉龙雪山,山峰被积雪覆盖。The Bai have an agricultural economy,their main crops being rice,wheat,beans and cotton.白族人以农业经济为主,主要农作物是水稻、小麦、豆类和棉花。

26、“its peak covered with snow”和“their main crops being rice,wheat,beans and cotton”是独立主格结构。独立主格结构大体有以下几种结构:这种结构在句中一般作状语,表示时间、条件、原因、伴随状况等。Time permitting,well go for an outing tomorrow.如果时间允许的话,我们明天去效游。Summer over,students returned to school.夏天过去了,学生们回到了学校。The problems solved,the quality has been impro

27、ved.随着问题的解决,质量已经提高了。11.(用括号中所给词的适当形式填空)(1)My sister left for Beijing this morning,her boss to_her there this Friday.(join)(2)_a hospital nearby,the man was saved.(there be)(3)More time_,we could have done it better.(give)(4)He was lying on the grass,his hands_under his head.(cross)【答案】(1)join(2)Ther

28、e being(3)given(4)crossed The sky is clear blue and I dont think Ive ever seen anything else so beautiful in my life.这里的天空碧蓝如洗,我想我一生从未见过这么美的景色。 句中“否定词现在完成时so beautiful.”结构表示最高级的意思。下列结构均表示最高级意义:(1)否定词比较级最高级I have never seen such a glorious sunrise.我从没见过这样壮观的日出。He is cleverer than any other student in

29、 his class.他比班里的其他学生都聪明。He has never spent a more worrying day.他度过了忧心忡忡的一天。12.Are you satisfied with what she has done?Not at all.It couldnt be_.Aso bad Bany worseCmuch better Dthe best【答案】B.单词拼写1Most of the nations want peace,only a m_ want the war to continue.【答案】minority2He lives in a room f_ wit

30、h a desk and several chairs.【答案】furnished3Have you f_ all the doors and windows?【答案】fastened4He tried to a_ himself to the new life there.【答案】adjust5Her English accent is so good that you would think she was a n_ speaker.【答案】native6She _ (继承) a little money from her grandfather.【答案】inherited7At the

31、airport,the _ (海关) officers searched his case.【答案】customs8In the army camp the quilts are usually _ (折叠) in this manner.【答案】folded9The more she tried to get out of the situation,the more _(尴尬的;为难的) it became.【答案】awkward10It was _ (愚蠢的) of them to expect the economy to recover so quickly.【答案】foolish.

32、短语运用set off,in pain,have a population of,adjust to,green with envy,reckon on,agree with,make use of,come across,wake up11Astronauts in flight must_weightlessness.【答案】adjust to12If you want to catch that train youd better_for the station immediately.【答案】set off13Although_,she bravely blinked back her

33、 tears.【答案】in pain14As we all know,China_1.3 billion.【答案】has a population of15The other boys were_when Joe bought a secondhand car!【答案】green with envy16I didnt_having to pay that bill this week.【答案】reckon on17The witnesses statements just dont_each other.【答案】agree with18She_people she meets as raw m

34、aterial for her fiction.【答案】makes use of19I _an old school friend in Oxford Street this morning.【答案】came across20I didnt_until I heard the alarm clock.【答案】wake up.完成句子21这座教堂建于12世纪,今天仍在使用。The church was built in the 12th century and _ _ _ _ _.【答案】is still in use today22你能看到远处的山吗?那儿就是我的家乡。Can you _ _

35、_ _ _ _?That is my hometown.【答案】see the mountain in the distance23尽管警告他有危险,他仍然在薄冰上溜冰。_ _ _ _ _,he still went skating on the thin ice.【答案】Though warned of the danger24无论将来中国取得多么大的成就,许多成就有可能在西部诞生。_ _ _ _ _ _in the future,it is likely that many of them will be born in western China.【答案】Whatever great achievements China may have25在房前有一棵大树,其树顶比其他树的树顶要高许多。In front of the house there is a big tree,_ _ _ _ the tops of other trees.【答案】its top well above



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