大学英语教学课件:after-class reading (5)

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1、 In-Class ReadingPost-ReadingCompleting the PassageMatchingFilling in BlanksTranslationIn-Class ReadingDirections: Fill in each of the blanks with an appropriate word from the box. Change the form if necessary.1. Filling in Blanksevidence forbid relate appropriate require sufficiently common spread

2、supply raise1) Flies are very _ in warm weather.2) Her remarks were considerate and very _ to the situation.3) In some cultures, a man is _ to speak to his mother-in-law. He must not look at her monappropriateforbiddenIn-Class Reading4) When people go mountain climbing, they must carry all their _ w

3、ith them.5) Small cars use less gas than large cars. The amount of gas that a car uses is _ to its size.6) In China, we saw _ everywhere that a real effort was being made to promote tourism.7) You cant drive a car without a drivers license. The law _ you to have a drivers license.suppliesrelatedevid

4、encerequiresevidence forbid relate appropriate require sufficiently common spread supply raiseIn-Class Reading8) Some people move to the suburbs because they do not want to _ children in the city.9) I put too much water in my plant. The water dripped down the side of the pot and _ over the table.10)

5、 My plant died because I didnt water it _.raisespreadsufficientlyevidence forbid relate appropriate require sufficiently common spread supply raiseIn-Class ReadingDirections: Read the passage carefully and fill in each of the blanks with an appropriate word from the box. Change the form if necessary

6、.2. Complete the Passagereasonable altogether consume disgusting relatively popular consider nearly harvest would reject serve habit animal other avoid enjoy offer grow insectIn-Class Reading Food habits around the worldwhat people will and will not eat, how they prepare and eat their foodvary enorm

7、ously. Other peoples food habits often seem quite strange and sometimes even 1)_. The eating of insects is an example of a 2)_ about which people feel strongly. disgustinghabitreasonable altogether consume disgusting relatively popular consider nearly harvest would reject serve habit animal other av

8、oid enjoy offer grow insectIn-Class ReadingThose who do eat ants and other 3)_ find it odd that some groups of people should find it so unpleasant. Other peoples customs always seem less 4)_ than ones own.reasonableinsectsreasonable altogether consume disgusting relatively popular consider nearly ha

9、rvest would reject serve habit animal other avoid enjoy offer grow insectIn-Class Reading Despite the wide variety of habits in the world, a 5)_ small number of basic plants and 6)_ supply most of the worlds food. The three most important food plants are rice, wheat and maize. relativelyanimalsreaso

10、nable altogether consume disgusting relatively popular consider nearly harvest would reject serve habit animal other avoid enjoy offer grow insectIn-Class ReadingOver one half of the 7)_ land of the world is used to 8)_ these three grains. Rice is the staple food (主食主食) for 9)_ half of the worlds po

11、pulation. Sorghum (高梁高梁), plantains (大蕉大蕉), sweet potatoes (红薯红薯), and cassava (木薯木薯) are 10)_ common “filling” food.harvestedgrownearlyotherreasonable altogether consume disgusting relatively popular consider nearly harvest would reject serve habit animal other avoid enjoy offer grow insectIn-Class

12、 Reading Meat is a favorite part of the most people, but there are certainly people who refuse meat 11)_ and those who refuse meat of specific animals. Pork is widely 12)_ in Europe, America and other industrialized countries but is strongly 13)_ in Islamic parts of the worldmainly the Middle East a

13、nd certain parts of Africa. altogetherconsumedavoidedreasonable altogether consume disgusting relatively popular consider nearly harvest would reject serve habit animal other avoid enjoy offer grow insectIn-Class Readingreasonable altogether consume disgusting relatively popular consider nearly harv

14、est would reject serve habit animal other avoid enjoy offer grow insectReligious Jews also do not eat pork. Beef, 14)_ in Western countries, is not eaten by Hindus in India. popular Horsemeat 15)_ excellent protein and is eaten widely in Central Asia, France, and some other placesbut not, for exampl

15、e, in Britain.offersA favorite wedding dish of Siberia was reported as being boiled horses head 16)_ with horseflesh sausages. Most Britons and Americans 17)_ be horrified at the thought.In-Class Readingservedwouldreasonable altogether consume disgusting relatively popular consider nearly harvest wo

16、uld reject serve habit animal other avoid enjoy offer grow insectIn-Class Reading Dogflesh is also 18)_ in many parts of the worldand strictly not to be eaten in other places. Dog is eaten in Kalimantan (加里曼丹加里曼丹), Papua New Guinea, some Pacific Islands, and much of central West Africa. Some Chinese

17、 have 19)_ dogflesh a delicacy since ancient times. Most Westerners 20)_ the idea.enjoyedconsideredrejectreasonable altogether consume disgusting relatively popular consider nearly harvest would reject serve habit animal other avoid enjoy offer grow insectIn-Class ReadingDirections: Match the names

18、of cooking utensils in Column A with the functions in Column B. Refer to a dictionary if necessary.3. MatchingIn-Class Reading1.stove2.pot 3. kettle4. toaster 5. cutting board6. microwave oven7. draining board 8. can opener9. blender10. skilleta. frying foodb. containing foodc. heating waterd. makin

19、g solid foods into soups or juicese. using microwaves to cook foodf. cutting or chopping foodg. cooking or heating food by burning coal, gas or electricityh. making bread brown by heating i. opening tins and cansj. holding wet dishes after they are washed1. g8. i6. e2. b4. h5. f3. c7. j9. d10. aIn-C

20、lass ReadingDirections: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words or phrases in brackets.1) 我们认为他是本场比赛表现最出色的球员之一。我们认为他是本场比赛表现最出色的球员之一。(regardas)2) 那位科学家捡起那些小石块,并小心翼翼地把它们放进那位科学家捡起那些小石块,并小心翼翼地把它们放进一个盒子里。一个盒子里。(pick up)We regard him as one of the best players in the game.The scien

21、tist picked up those little pieces of rock and carefully put them into a box.4. TranslationIn-Class Reading3) 中国的人口几乎是美国人口的五倍。中国的人口几乎是美国人口的五倍。( times as as)The population of China is almost five times as large as that of the United States.4) 对那个小男孩来说草为什么是绿的曾经是个谜。对那个小男孩来说草为什么是绿的曾经是个谜。(the reason why)

22、The reason why grass is green was once a mystery to the little boy.5) 她站在窗口,显然非常冷静和放松。她站在窗口,显然非常冷静和放松。(apparently)She was standing by the window, apparently quite calm and relaxed.In-Class Reading6) 由于最近销售量的下降,赢利也出现了滑坡。由于最近销售量的下降,赢利也出现了滑坡。(as a result of)Profits have declined as a result of the rece

23、nt drop in sales.7) 她戴上墨镜以便保护自己不受强烈光线的照射。她戴上墨镜以便保护自己不受强烈光线的照射。(as a protection against)She put on dark glasses as a protection against the strong light.8) 经过那件事后人们再也不能相信他了。经过那件事后人们再也不能相信他了。(no longer)He could no longer be trusted after that incident. After-class ReadingPassage 1 Passage 2The MenuCoo

24、king and CuisinesAfter-Class Reading After-class Reading Passage 11. Pre-Reading Questions 2. Words and ExpressionsThe MenuPassage 1After-class Reading Passage 1 Pre-Reading Questions 2. What was the characteristic of the first printed menu?3. What were the functions of the menu in the 1930s?4. What

25、 are the guidelines for judging menus?5. What are the two important functions of the menu according to Restaurant Management magazine?1. What contributed to the development of printed menus?Pre-Reading Questions6. What types of restaurants were developed in 1930s?7. What is the new function the menu

26、 is now serving according to the writer?Translate the phrases into English越来越耗时的苦差事常常受到赞扬引发人们对独特设计的需求被现代艺术所取代引起食欲最重要的是低估的重要性开拓更多的机会保留一段记忆记录某次旅行或航行an increasingly time-consuming chore (L2)be given credit for (L8)lead to a call for unique designs (L11)give way to modern art (L15)develop an appetite (L

27、18)above all (L19)underestimate the importance of (L30)open up more opportunities (L45)preserve a memory (L59)document a trip or a voyage (L59) After-class Reading Passage 21. Pre-Reading Questions 2. Key SentencesCooking and CuisinesPassage 2After-class Reading Passage 2 Pre-Reading Questions 1.Acc

28、ording to the passage, what distinguishes man from animals? 2.What are the three acknowledged great national cuisines in the world? 3.What are the characteristics of the three great national cuisines?4.4. What are the similarities among the three national cuisines? 5.5. What threatens the national c

29、uisines? 6.6. Why does the author say that to preserve distinctive national cuisines may have something to do with human behavior? Pre-Reading Questions One thing that 1)_ us from animals is that we like cooked food. We also want our food to 2)_ to our senses of taste and smell. There are three grea

30、t national cuisines in the world: French, Indian and Chinese. French cooking is 3)_ to be the best in Europe. It uses butter, cheese, and cream. After-class Reading Passage 2 Main Pointsdistinguishes/separatesappealacknowledgedMain PointsFill in the Blanks:After-class Reading Passage 2 Main PointsIn

31、dian cooking is 4)_ for its use of spices while the Chinese have brought to 5)_ the art of swift cooking at very high temperature. These three major cuisines have 6)_ for a long time. However, there are 7)_ to the national cuisines. Firstly, with the development of 8)_ and communication, people on t

32、he move might prefer the food they are 9)_ to at home. Secondly, 10)_ food with its technology has become more popular than before, leading to the destruction of the charm of cooking. threatstransportationused/accustomedconveniencefamousperfectionpersistedAfter-class Reading Passage 2 Main PointsFin

33、ally, when more and more 11)_ work outside their homes, they have less time for cooking, which will 12)_ the kind of food they serve to their families. In spite of these threats, good food, well-cooked and attractively presented, is one of the pleasures of life the national cuisines of India, France

34、 and China have given to us.womenaffect/influence 1. One thing that separates man from animals is mans preference for cooked food. (line 1, para. 1)人与动物相区别的一点是人喜爱熟食。人与动物相区别的一点是人喜爱熟食。TranslationComments man指指 “人类人类” 、 “人人” ,总称,多作单数,不加冠词。,总称,多作单数,不加冠词。After-class Reading Passage 2 Key SentencesExample

35、sMan must change in a changing world.New arts have been born in the course of the history of man.Key Sentences2. Our senses are remarkably acute and discriminating, and all societies which have progressed beyond simple survival satisfy the human pleasure of good food. (line 4-6, para. 1)人的感官非常灵敏、辨别力

36、强。凡是社会已经发人的感官非常灵敏、辨别力强。凡是社会已经发展到超越了单纯维持生存的时候,它就会满足人展到超越了单纯维持生存的时候,它就会满足人的美食欲望。的美食欲望。Translation这这部分部分which从句的意思是从句的意思是all societies in which simple survival is not the main or the only goal will satisfy peoples desire for good food.After-class Reading Passage 2 Key SentencesComments 3. French cuisin

37、e using butter, cheese and cream is typical of all great national cuisines: it combines simplicity with sophistication, uses the native resources of France, has great regional specialties and has become truly international. (line12-19, para. 2)法国菜使用黄油、乳酪和奶油,是所有著名国菜中的法国菜使用黄油、乳酪和奶油,是所有著名国菜中的典型代表:它把简单和

38、精细相结合,利用本国的本土典型代表:它把简单和精细相结合,利用本国的本土资源,尽显地方特色,并成为真正的国际名菜。资源,尽显地方特色,并成为真正的国际名菜。After-class Reading Passage 2 Key SentencesTranslation4. French cooking with butter, cheese and cream is so typical of their cooking that if omitted the whole character of the cuisine would be destroyed. (line 22-24, para.

39、 3)使用黄油、乳酪和奶油烹饪是法国菜的显著特点;否使用黄油、乳酪和奶油烹饪是法国菜的显著特点;否则,该菜肴便毫无特色。则,该菜肴便毫无特色。此处此处if omitted是省略句,句中省略了主语和部分谓是省略句,句中省略了主语和部分谓语。完整的句子应为语。完整的句子应为“if butter,cheese and cream are omitted”。After-class Reading Passage 2 Key SentencesTranslationComments 5. Convenience food destroy the charm of time-consuming cooki

40、ng. (line 55-56, para. 7)方便食品使费时的烹饪(菜肴的)魅力荡然无存。方便食品使费时的烹饪(菜肴的)魅力荡然无存。“convenience food” refers to “food that is almost ready to eat when it is bought and can be prepared for eating quickly and easily (方便方便食品食品)”. But for “方便面方便面”, it should be “instant noodle”.After-class Reading Passage 2 Key Sente

41、ncesTranslationComments 6. Now women can explore further than their own immediate locality and experience, and gather ideas and recipes from other parts of the world, and incorporate these into their cooking. (line 64-66, para. 8)而今,妇女还可以走出自己所在的区域,突破自身的经验而今,妇女还可以走出自己所在的区域,突破自身的经验限制,来进一步研究烹饪,收集世界其他地区

42、的烹饪理念限制,来进一步研究烹饪,收集世界其他地区的烹饪理念和菜谱。和菜谱。immediate指指“直接的,紧挨着的,最近的直接的,紧挨着的,最近的”。After-class Reading Passage 2 Key SentencesTranslationComments To be continuedHes been unwell for some time, but the immediate cause of his death was heart failure.His immediate family consists of his son and his wife.There is a hotel in the immediate neighborhood of the museum.After-class Reading Passage 2 Key SentencesExamples



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