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1、Chapter 5Segmentation, positioning and marketing mix2024/7/311Objectives:1. The concepts of segmentaton, targenting and positioning.2. Why and how companies segment visitor markets3. The usefulness of the concepts for the formulation of marketing strategy4. The term “marketing mix”2024/7/3121.Introd

2、uction:Three marketing research subjects : segmentation, targeting and positioning“Three interrelated steps” - Kotler et al.2024/7/313Three interrelated steps: segmentation, targeting and positioningThe second step: targeting relating to the way in which a company assesses the attractiveness of each

3、 segment.The first step: segmentation a subdivision of the total market into discrete and identifiable segments.2024/7/314Three interrelated steps: segmentation, targeting and positioningThe last step: positioning involving an organization in positioning itself to meet the expectations of its custom

4、ers, or potential customers, better than its competitors.2024/7/315Three interrelated steps: segmentation, targeting and positioningRelationship of the three steps2024/7/3162.Segmentation:Definition:the way in which companies and organizatons identify and categorize customers into clearly defined gr

5、oups with similar characteristics, and similar needs or desires. McDonald and Dunbar, 19952024/7/317Segmentation:- comprising customers who exhibit similar characteristics- few companies attempting to appeal to an entire market, with the exception of fast food restaurant sector ( Pizza Hut, McDonald

6、s, etc)2024/7/318Principles of segmentation:1. Identifiable2. Cohesive3. Measurable4. Accessible5. Substantial6. Actionable- Buyers differ in their wants/desires, purchasing habits, frequency and other criteria.- Six characteristics of segments:2024/7/319Principles of segmentation:1. Identifiable2.

7、Cohesive- comprising people who seek identifiably similar benefits from a tourism offering- be clearly identifiable an separate from other segments, be discrete - targeting a specific group of people who present a cohesive whole.2024/7/3110Principles of segmentation:3. Measurable- marketers being ab

8、le to estimate the size and potential spend associated with the segment.4. Accessible- A segment is not possibly targeted unless it can be reached effectively.2024/7/3111Principles of segmentation:5. Substantial- having to be sufficiently large to be worthwhile pursuing for commercial gain.6. Action

9、able- a match between resource level, commitment and achievability in terms of penetrating the defined market segment.- any practical limitations encountered in reaching specific segment?2024/7/3112Consumer segmentation :Two broad approaches of analysis:1. By trip descriptors2. By tourist descriptor

10、s by Smith- short haul, long haul, visiting friends and relatives(VFR), etc.- grey panthers, adventurer-explorers, etc.2024/7/3113Consumer segmentation :Criteria and approaches commonly used:a. Benefit segmentationvisitors seeking different benefits from tourism (education? entertainment? pastime? b

11、each?)place different emphasis of different aspects of provision (by conjoint analysis联合分析法联合分析法: customers weight different features of a service)2024/7/3114Consumer segmentation :Benefit segmentation in tourismRelaxationHealth Fun and freedomAdventure and challengeEroticism/sexual gratificationEdu

12、cation (Culture vulture)Sun seeking CompanionshipDiscovery2024/7/3115b. Demographic segmentation人口统计人口统计 primary variables: age, gender, family life cycle and ethnicity young children, young people, young couples, family, empty nester, senior citizensCriteria and approaches commonly used:2024/7/3116

13、Consumer segmentation :Main approaches:c. Geographic segmentation according to geographical boundaries segment markets into territorial regions with different propensities2024/7/3117d. Geodemographics segmentation 地地理人口理人口 according to the residential neighbourhoods ACORN (A Classification of Reside

14、ntial Neighbourhoods), developed by the CACI Market Analysis Group in UK sensus data, telephone ownship, etc.2024/7/3118Consumer segmentation :e. Psychographic segmentation心理描绘心理描绘 according to generalized lifestyle profiles, socioeconomic and personality profiles people having similar standards of

15、income and aspirations, but completely different approaches to the lifestyle2024/7/3119Consumer segmentation :f. Buyer behaviour segmentation according to buying behavoiur level of commitment, degree of purchase, level of repeat visitors, chronological sequence of purchase (the theory of diffusion o

16、f innovation创创新扩散理论,新扩散理论, by Rogers,1962) 2024/7/3120Consumer segmentation :g. perception according to values and perceptions hold by visitors, which affect the things they do or wish to do in leisure time, the type of destination they prefer, etc. 2024/7/3121Consumer segmentation :h. personality a

17、 buyer and brand personality can be matched limited in tourism sector2024/7/3122Consumer segmentation :i. Usage according to the level of usage from a light or infrequent use to regular repeated use repeat visitors or not2024/7/3123Consumer segmentation :j. Multivariate segmentation combining severa

18、l variables firstly according to geodemographics then subsequently in more detail using other variables. k. Multilevel segmentation 2024/7/3124Creating market segments: based on the analysis of marketing information previous and existing visitors are defined, and then potential market segments inves

19、tigation of internal data; examination of wider marketing environment 2024/7/3125Creating market segments: automatic interaction detection cluster analysis a. Two techniques used to determine the most appropriate variables 2024/7/3126Creating market segments: description of the segments evaluation o

20、f the segments b. Segmentation of the market selection of appropriate segments 2024/7/3127Targeting: undifferentiated segmentation marketing segmentation - targetingThree generic strategies: Differentiated segmentation marketing Concentrated segmentation marketing 2024/7/31281. undifferentiated segm

21、entation marketing Three generic strategies: there is no basis for segmenting a market and develops a destination or tourism offering suitable for the entire market 2024/7/31292. Differentiated segmentation marketing Three generic strategies: several market segments are delineated and the core servi

22、ce offering is embellished accordingly, to suit the requirements of each specific segment.2024/7/31303. Concentrated segmentation marketing Three generic strategies: to segment smaller specialist segments which are associated with niche marketing aiming to dominate a small market corner which others

23、 do not consider worthwhile pursuing2024/7/3131Positioning: the way in which a company, tourism offering, destination or country is viewed in relation to other companies or organisations, by customer segments.Definition: Britian:“a trendy place with stylish clothes, shopping, music and clubs”2024/7/

24、3132Positioning: positioning lies ultimately in the eyes of the consumer. a company positions itself in the marketplace through its service offering and the communication of this to various market segments. how the market perceives the organization rather than how it perceives itself.2024/7/3133Posi

25、tioning task:1. competitive advantagesThree key steps (by Kotler): Step one: identification of a set of competitive advantages to choose from, such as price, superior accommodation, speedy journey times, highly motivated and professional staff. This is often referred to as differentiation. 2024/7/31

26、34Three key steps (by Kotler):2. prioritizing these advantages Step two: prioritizing these advantages in order to select an optimum set. For example, a static and price sensitive market will prefer a positioning strategy which highlights value for money, offers regional departures or a standard sup

27、plement, etc.2024/7/3135Three key steps (by Kotler): Step three: communicating and delivering the selected position to target segments. Once a position has been established it is necessary to project a clear and attractive image-position.3. communicating and delivering the selected position2024/7/31

28、36Problems of Positioning: resources problem communication problem: a lack of resources to sustain the position for any given length of time;: a lack of clarity in terms of communication, thus leading to a mismatch between the image the company intends to project and that of the consumer segment;202

29、4/7/3137Problems of Positioning: competitor assimilation(同化).: competitor assimilation which makes it difficult for the company to set out a pattern of differentiation. This might require a company to invest more resources in order to reposition either the image, or the actual offering, or both. 202

30、4/7/3138Strategy development: market segmentation target markets + position an organization entire process depending on two factors: attractiveness of market, competence of organization2024/7/3139Attractiveness of market / Market attractiveness, - primarily concerned with the size and potential spen

31、d of the market and the degree and intensity of competition.- tourism marketers needing to be aware of opportunities, but also to take note of the level of competitor activity.2024/7/3140Competence of organization/Resources and capability- a company needing to access the level of resources required

32、to exploit market segments : (marketing assets of an organization)- capability including dimensions such as the vision of the entire management team, the relationship with existing suppliers, the financial backing of the company, etc, to outstrip competitors2024/7/3141The marketing mix:An organizati

33、on: positioning itself in the marketplace, formulating an appropriate strategy, to plan a series of programs or actions which can be implemented: marketing mix2024/7/3142The marketing mix:a set of tools available to the marketingmanager to achieve a particular strategic direction or position.Definit

34、ion:Four core elements: (by McCarthy:1960)4 Ps- product, price, place and promotion.2024/7/3143The marketing mix:Four core elements: (by McCarthy:1960)4 Ps- product, price, place and promotion.Middleton(1994), Cooper et al.(1993)Seaton and Bennett(1996) all take a similar position, that is, marketin

35、g mix includes the four Ps as its basic structure.2024/7/3144Augmented marketing mix:Palmer(1994) comments that the four Ps “have been found to be too limited in their application to services this simple list fails to recognize a number of key factors that marketing managers in the service sector us

36、e to design their service output”2024/7/3145Augmented marketing mix:Booms and Bitner (1981) introduced three additional dimensions: the augmented marketing mix: People, Physical, Processes2024/7/3146Augmented marketing mix:People: staff-customer interaction and service quality being crucial in touri

37、sm. E.g. hotels, restaurants. Physical evidence: the nature of design, aesthetics and ambience of surroundings of the service provision. E.g. hotels, resort complexes, restaurants, etc.2024/7/3147Augmented marketing mix:Processes: tangible to the customer in tourism as it is a high staff-customer contact business. E.g. hotel reception, travel agency booking systems, ect.2024/7/3148



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