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1、面向中小企业国际工面向中小企业国际工业分包和知识产权的业分包和知识产权的服务模式服务模式概要 Outline一、一、一、一、促进中小企业国际工业分包的服务模式促进中小企业国际工业分包的服务模式促进中小企业国际工业分包的服务模式促进中小企业国际工业分包的服务模式 Promotion in the service model of international Promotion in the service model of international industrial subcontracting for SMEsindustrial subcontracting for SMEs 中国中小

2、企业参与国际工业分包的背景中国中小企业参与国际工业分包的背景中国中小企业参与国际工业分包的背景中国中小企业参与国际工业分包的背景 The background of The background of SMEsSMEs involving in internationalinvolving in international industrial subcontracting in China industrial subcontracting in China 国际工业分包中国联盟国际工业分包中国联盟国际工业分包中国联盟国际工业分包中国联盟China Alliance of Internati

3、onal Industrial SubcontractingChina Alliance of International Industrial Subcontracting 国际工业分包在中国的发展国际工业分包在中国的发展国际工业分包在中国的发展国际工业分包在中国的发展Development of international industrial subcontracting in Development of international industrial subcontracting in ChinaChina 二、二、推动中小企业知识产权发展的主要做法推动中小企业知识产权发展的主要做

4、法The main approaches to promoting the development The main approaches to promoting the development of intellectual property in SMEsof intellectual property in SMEs 中小企业知识产权现状中小企业知识产权现状中小企业知识产权现状中小企业知识产权现状Current situation of intellectual property in Current situation of intellectual property in SMEs

5、SMEs 推动中小企业知识产权发展的主要做法推动中小企业知识产权发展的主要做法推动中小企业知识产权发展的主要做法推动中小企业知识产权发展的主要做法The main approaches to promoting the development of The main approaches to promoting the development of intellectual property in intellectual property in SMEsSMEs一、促进中小企业国际工业分包的服务模式一、促进中小企业国际工业分包的服务模式Promotion in the service mo

6、del of international Promotion in the service model of international Promotion in the service model of international Promotion in the service model of international industrial subcontracting for SMEsindustrial subcontracting for SMEsindustrial subcontracting for SMEsindustrial subcontracting for SME

7、s 1. 1. 1. 1. 中国中小企业参与国际工业分包的背景中国中小企业参与国际工业分包的背景中国中小企业参与国际工业分包的背景中国中小企业参与国际工业分包的背景 The background of The background of SMEsSMEs involving in international industrial involving in international industrial subcontracting in Chinasubcontracting in China1 1)世界产品的生产转移到低成本的发展中国家)世界产品的生产转移到低成本的发展中国家 Produc

8、tion of world products has been transferred to low-cost Production of world products has been transferred to low-cost developing countriesdeveloping countries 工业分包是当前制造业发展具有全球化时代特征工业分包是当前制造业发展具有全球化时代特征的主要趋势的主要趋势 Industrial subcontracting is the main trend of the development Industrial subcontracting

9、 is the main trend of the development of current manufacturing with a global characteristics of the times .of current manufacturing with a global characteristics of the times . 联联 合合 国国 工工 业业 发发 展展 组组 织织 所所 界界 定定 的的 工工 业业 分分 包包(industrial industrial subcontractingsubcontracting)的的概概念念,是是在在国国际际贸贸易易中中

10、,主主流流发发包包商商(一一般般为为国国际际大大型型成成套套设设备备制制造造商商)将将部部分分设设备备、零零部部件件乃乃至至原原材材料料的的生生产产或或采采购购任任务务交交由由分分包包商商完完成成,并并在在分分包包商商所所完完成成的的任任务务基基础础上上形形成成最最终终产产品品的的过过程程。“工工业业分分包包”在在国国内内被被称称为为“行业配套行业配套”或或“协作生产协作生产”。 Industrial Industrial subcontracting, subcontracting, defined defined by by United United Nations Nations In

11、dustrial Industrial Development Development Organization Organization (UNIDO), (UNIDO), is is a a process process that that major major contract contract providers providers (the (the international international large large scale scale complete-set complete-set equipment equipment manufacturers manu

12、facturers in in general general ) ) give give the the task task of of some some of of the the equipment, equipment, parts parts and and even even raw raw materials materials production production or or procurement procurement to to sub-contractors, sub-contractors, and and then then complete complet

13、e the the final final production production on on the the basis basis of of sub-contractors sub-contractors work work in in the the international international trade. trade. Industrial Industrial subcontracting subcontracting is is called called “industrial “industrial supporting” or “collaborative

14、production ” in China.supporting” or “collaborative production ” in China. 但现代工业分包又不是一种简单的采购贸易关系,其核心内容体现在上游的国际主流发包商(采购商)与下游的分包商(供应商)之间所形成的长期而稳定的合作伙伴关系上。这是一种国际上通行的贸易形式,对于促进全球工业资源在技术、成本、人力方面的优化组合发挥着重要性的作用。 But But modern modern industrial industrial subcontracting subcontracting is is not not a a simp

15、le simple procurement procurement trade trade relations, relations, its its core core content content reflects reflects the the long-term long-term stable stable partnership partnership between between upstream upstream international international major major contract contract providers providers (b

16、uyers) (buyers) and and downstream downstream sub-contractors sub-contractors (suppliers) (suppliers) . . This This is is an an internationally internationally accepted accepted trade trade form, form, which which plays plays an an important important role role in in promoting promoting optimization

17、 optimization of of global global industry resources in technology, cost, and manpower.industry resources in technology, cost, and manpower. 自自2020世世纪纪9090年年代代以以来来,联联合合国国工工业业发发展展组组织织在在全全 球球 范范 围围 内内 建建 立立 和和 推推 广广 国国 际际 工工 业业 分分 包包 中中 心心(SPXSPX)(以以下下简简称称“SPXSPX中中心心”)。国国际际工工业业分分包包中中心心是是以以统统一一模模式式、统统一

18、一编编码码和和统统一一运运作作的的技技术术信信息息网网络络服服务务平平台台,也也是是联联合合国国工工业业发发展展组组织织在在世世界界各各地地推推行行现现代代工工业业分分包包合合作作伙伙伴伴关关系系的的项项目管理机构。目管理机构。 Since Since the the 1990s, 1990s, United United Nations Nations Industrial Industrial Development Development Organization Organization has has established established and and promoted

19、promoted SPX SPX (The The followed followed are are called called SPX SPX CenterCenter for for shortshort) in in the the worldwide worldwide scope. scope. SPX SPX is is a a technical technical information information network network service service platform platform with with unified unified model,

20、model, code code and and operation, operation, and and is is also also a a project project management management agency agency that that promotes promotes the the partnership partnership in in modern modern industrial industrial subcontracting subcontracting everywhere.everywhere.工业分包主要国家:印度、墨西哥、中国

21、Major Major industrial industrial subcontracting subcontracting countries: countries: India, India, Mexico, ChinaMexico, China如:劳动成本,一个普通会计美国8万美元,印度1.5万美元,中国1.5万RMB。 For For example: example: labor labor costs, costs, a a common common accountant accountant earns earns 80,000 80,000 dollars dollars

22、in in America, America, 15,000 15,000 dollars dollars in in India, India, and 15,000 RMB in China. and 15,000 RMB in China. 2 2)中国中小企业的生产制造能力不断提升)中国中小企业的生产制造能力不断提升)中国中小企业的生产制造能力不断提升)中国中小企业的生产制造能力不断提升 Manufacturing abilities of SMEs in China is rising. Manufacturing abilities of SMEs in China is risi

23、ng. A A、得益于政府搭建,若干中小企业搭建、得益于政府搭建,若干中小企业搭建 服务平台服务平台 Thanks to the service platform built by government and a Thanks to the service platform built by government and a number of SMEs number of SMEs 产品设计、检测检验等产品设计、检测检验等 Product design, inspection and testing Product design, inspection and testingB B、劳动力

24、素质的提升、劳动力素质的提升 I Improvement of labor qualitymprovement of labor quality 都是有知识的群体都是有知识的群体 Groups of knowledge Groups of knowledgeC C、产业集群的力量、产业集群的力量 Strength of industry clusters Strength of industry clusters 3 3)跨国公司产品的产业链发展)跨国公司产品的产业链发展)跨国公司产品的产业链发展)跨国公司产品的产业链发展 The development of the industrial c

25、hain of The development of the industrial chain of multinational companies productsmultinational companies products A A、社会工业化分工协作的好处、社会工业化分工协作的好处 Benefits of social industrial division of labor and cooperationBenefits of social industrial division of labor and cooperation 两头在内中间在外两头在内中间在外 Inside two

26、 edges ,outside the middle Inside two edges ,outside the middle B B、整合资源的功效、整合资源的功效 The effects of integration of resources The effects of integration of resources 整合产业链上下游整合产业链上下游 Integration of the upstream and downstream industry chain Integration of the upstream and downstream industry chain C C

27、、现代管理升华、现代管理升华 Sublimation of modern managementSublimation of modern management 既管理内部又协调外部既管理内部又协调外部 Internal management and external coordination Internal management and external coordination 4)中小企业信息不对称 Asymmetry of SME information A A、中国中小企业国际化程度较低、中国中小企业国际化程度较低 Low degree of internationalization

28、 of SMEs in China Low degree of internationalization of SMEs in China B B、中小企业产品出口环节多、中小企业产品出口环节多 Too many export links of SMEs products Too many export links of SMEs products C C、供方找不出需方,需方不知道供方、供方找不出需方,需方不知道供方 Supply-side can not find demand-side, and demand- Supply-side can not find demand-side,

29、and demand-side do not know supply-side.side do not know supply-side.2. 2. 2. 2. 国际工业分包中国联盟国际工业分包中国联盟国际工业分包中国联盟国际工业分包中国联盟 China Alliance of International Industrial SubcontractingChina Alliance of International Industrial Subcontracting1 1)联盟发展现状)联盟发展现状 The current situation of alliance development

30、The current situation of alliance development 工工工工业业分分包包业业务务联联盟盟(以以下下简简称称联联盟盟),遵遵照照工工发发组组织织SPXSPX(SUBCONTRACTING SUBCONTRACTING AND AND PARTNERSHIP PARTNERSHIP EXCHANGESEXCHANGES)项项目目运运作作模模式式,由由中中国国地地方方(区区域域)与与行行业业生生产产力力促促进进中中心心自自愿愿组成的全国性协作组织,是一个业务联盟。组成的全国性协作组织,是一个业务联盟。 Industrial Industrial Subcont

31、racting Subcontracting Business Business Alliance Alliance (The (The followed followed are are called called AllianceAlliance for for short) short) is is a a business business alliance alliance which which conforms conforms to to UNIDO UNIDO SPXSPX( SUBCONTRACTING SUBCONTRACTING AND AND PARTNERSHIP

32、PARTNERSHIP EXCHANGESEXCHANGES)project project operational operational mode mode with with the the characteristics characteristics of of national national collaboration collaboration voluntarily voluntarily composed composed of of the the local local (regional) (regional) government government and a

33、nd corresponding corresponding industry productivity centers.industry productivity centers.n n 国国际际工工业业分分包包与与合合作作交交流流中中国国联联盟盟成成立立于于20072007年年3 3月月2929日日,是是在在国国家家科科学学技技术术部部的的领领导导下下、由由中中国国区区域域与与行行业业生生产产力力促促进进中中心心组组成成的的、为为推推行行国国际际工工业业分分包包与与合合作作交交流流的的全全国国性性业业务务协协作作组组织织。联联盟盟遵遵照照联联合合国国工工业业发发展展组组织织SPXSPX项项

34、目目的的运运作作模模式式,面面向向中中国国中中小小企企业业开开展展信信息息、技技术术、商商务务、展会等服务。展会等服务。n n The The China China Alliance Alliance of of International International Industrial Industrial Subcontracting Subcontracting and and Partnership Partnership Exchange Exchange was was established established in in March March 29th, 29th,

35、2007. 2007. It It is is a a national national business business collaboration collaboration led led by by Ministry Ministry of of Science Science and and Technology Technology and and composed composed of of the the local local (regional) (regional) government government and and corresponding corres

36、ponding industry industry productivity productivity centers centers to to implement implement the the international international industrial industrial subcontracting subcontracting and and partnership partnership exchange. exchange. The The Alliance Alliance conforms conforms to to operational oper

37、ational mode mode of of UNIDO UNIDO SPX SPX and and provides provides information, information, technology, technology, business, business, exhibition exhibition and and other other services to SMEs in China.services to SMEs in China.n n 目目前前联联盟盟共共有有成成员员单单位位二二十十五五家家,主主要要覆覆盖盖现现代代工工业业制制造造、光光电电子子制制造造、航

38、航空空航航天天、汽汽车车零零部部件件制制造造、集集成成电电路路、化化工工装装备备制制造造、软软件件外外包包、生生物物制制药药、日日用五金、家用电器、服装、制鞋等行业。用五金、家用电器、服装、制鞋等行业。n n Now Now the the alliance alliance consists consists of of twenty-five twenty-five members. members. It It mainly mainly covers covers the the modern modern industrial industrial manufacturing, ma

39、nufacturing, optoelectronics, optoelectronics, aerospace, aerospace, automotive automotive parts parts manufacturing, manufacturing, integrated integrated circuits, circuits, chemical chemical and and equipment equipment manufacturing, manufacturing, software software outsourcing, outsourcing, bio-b

40、io-pharmaceuticals, pharmaceuticals, household household hardware, hardware, household household appliances, clothing, footwear and other industries.appliances, clothing, footwear and other industries.西安生产力促进中心西安生产力促进中心 Xian Productivity Promotion CenterXian Productivity Promotion Center 中机生产力促进中心中机

41、生产力促进中心 ZhongjiZhongji Productivity Promotion Center Productivity Promotion Center泉州市生产力促进中心泉州市生产力促进中心 QuanzhouQuanzhou Productivity Promotion Center Productivity Promotion Center 宁波市生产力促进中心宁波市生产力促进中心 Ningbo Productivity Promotion CenterNingbo Productivity Promotion Center上海浦东生产力促进中心上海浦东生产力促进中心 Shan

42、ghai Shanghai PudongPudong Productivity Promotion Center Productivity Promotion Center 长沙生产力促进中心长沙生产力促进中心 Changsha Productivity Promotion CenterChangsha Productivity Promotion Center济南生产力促进中心济南生产力促进中心 Jinan Productivity Promotion CenterJinan Productivity Promotion Center 江苏省生产力促进中心江苏省生产力促进中心 Jiangsu

43、 Productivity Promotion CenterJiangsu Productivity Promotion Center青海省生产力促进中心青海省生产力促进中心 Qinghai Productivity Promotion CenterQinghai Productivity Promotion Center 河南省生产力促进中心河南省生产力促进中心 Henan Productivity Promotion CenterHenan Productivity Promotion Center新疆生产力促进中心新疆生产力促进中心 Xinjiang Productivity Promo

44、tion CenterXinjiang Productivity Promotion Center 甘肃省生产力促进中心甘肃省生产力促进中心 Gansu Productivity Promotion CenterGansu Productivity Promotion Center新疆昌吉生产力促进中心新疆昌吉生产力促进中心 Xinjiang Xinjiang ChangjiChangji Productivity Promotion Center Productivity Promotion Center 吉林省生产力促进中心吉林省生产力促进中心 Jilin Productivity Pro

45、motion CenterJilin Productivity Promotion Center沈阳高新技术生产力促进中心沈阳高新技术生产力促进中心 Shenyang High-tech Productivity Promotion CenterShenyang High-tech Productivity Promotion Center皮革和制鞋行业生产力促进中心皮革和制鞋行业生产力促进中心 Leather and Footwear Industry Productivity Promotion Leather and Footwear Industry Productivity Prom

46、otion CenterCenter工业与日用电器行业生产力促进中心工业与日用电器行业生产力促进中心 Industrial and Household Appliances Industry Industrial and Household Appliances Industry Productivity Promotion CenterProductivity Promotion Center武汉东湖新技术开发区生产力促进中心武汉东湖新技术开发区生产力促进中心 Wuhan Wuhan DonghuDonghu New Technology Development Zone New Techn

47、ology Development Zone Productivity Promotion CenterProductivity Promotion Center联盟工作牵头单位:联盟工作牵头单位:联盟工作牵头单位:联盟工作牵头单位: Alliance leading-unit: 科学技术部火炬高技术产业开发中心科学技术部火炬高技术产业开发中心 (生产力促进中心协会)(生产力促进中心协会) Ministry Ministry of of Science Science and and Technology Technology Torch Torch High High Technology

48、Industry Development Center Technology Industry Development Center (Productivity Promotion Center Association) (Productivity Promotion Center Association) 也是联盟秘书处常设办公地也是联盟秘书处常设办公地 Also the permanent seat of Alliance secretariat.Also the permanent seat of Alliance secretariat.联盟宗旨联盟宗旨联盟宗旨联盟宗旨 The aim

49、 of the allianceThe aim of the alliance 充充分分利利用用国国内内外外的的资资源源渠渠道道,发发挥挥中中国国生生产产力力促促进进中中心心体体系系的的作作用用,帮帮助助广广大大的的中中小小企企业业按按照照国国际际惯惯例例优优化化生生产产模模式式,同同时时,引引导导中中国国企企业业加加强强开开展展国国际际合合作作,增增强强中中国国企企业业的的产产业业竞竞争争力力,促促进进中中国国中中小小企企业业尽尽快快融融入入世世界界经经济济,提提升升其其在在国际产业供应链中的地位国际产业供应链中的地位。 The The aim aim of of the the allia

50、nce alliance is is to to make make full full use use of of domestic domestic and and foreign foreign resource resource channels, channels, to to play play the the role role of of China China Productivity Productivity Promotion Promotion Center Center system, system, and and to to help help SMEsSMEs

51、optimize optimize their their production production model model in in accordance accordance with with international international practice. practice. At At the the same same time time it it needs needs to to guide guide enterprises enterprises in in China China to to strengthen strengthen internatio

52、nal international cooperation cooperation , , to to improve improve their their industrial industrial competitive competitive power, power, to to fasten fasten the the steps steps of of SMEsSMEs in in China China into into the the world world economy, economy, and and to to enhance enhance its its s

53、tatus status in in the the international international industrial industrial supply chain.supply chain.工作目标工作目标工作目标工作目标 TargetsTargets 探索与建立一种开放性的信息交换网络平台探索与建立一种开放性的信息交换网络平台; ; To explore and establish an open network platform for information To explore and establish an open network platform for inf

54、ormation exchange;exchange; 发挥全国生产力促进中心体系的资源优势发挥全国生产力促进中心体系的资源优势; ; To take advantage of resources edge of the National Productivity To take advantage of resources edge of the National Productivity Promotion Centre system ; Promotion Centre system ; 加速实现国际工业分包与合作交流在中国进程;加速实现国际工业分包与合作交流在中国进程; To acce

55、lerate the process of international industrial subcontractingTo accelerate the process of international industrial subcontractingand partnership exchange in China;and partnership exchange in China; 帮助中国企业学习、借鉴全球工业分包及供应链网络的管理经验和技术帮助中国企业学习、借鉴全球工业分包及供应链网络的管理经验和技术; ; To help Chinese enterprises learn an

56、d draw on the management To help Chinese enterprises learn and draw on the management experience and technology from the global industrial subcontracting experience and technology from the global industrial subcontracting and supply chain network;and supply chain network; 分享分享SPXSPX平台获得的市场产品需求等信息平台获

57、得的市场产品需求等信息; ; To share the information from SPX platform such as market To share the information from SPX platform such as market demand for products;demand for products; 在提高中小企业自身的核心竞争能力的同时,在提高中小企业自身的核心竞争能力的同时, To enhance their core competitive power of SMEs, To enhance their core competitive powe

58、r of SMEs, 使中国企业在经济全球化进程中获得更多的赢利机会使中国企业在经济全球化进程中获得更多的赢利机会; ; To make Chinese enterprises get more profitable To make Chinese enterprises get more profitable opportunities in the process of economic globalization; opportunities in the process of economic globalization; 进一步提升中国中小企业在全球供应链中的整体地位;进一步提升中国

59、中小企业在全球供应链中的整体地位;To enhance the overall status of Chinese SMEs in global supply To enhance the overall status of Chinese SMEs in global supply chain;chain; 同时,随着工业分包与合作交流这种新的合作模式的建立,形同时,随着工业分包与合作交流这种新的合作模式的建立,形成新的服务理念与业务模式,提升生产力促进中心的服务能成新的服务理念与业务模式,提升生产力促进中心的服务能力。力。 To To form form new new service s

60、ervice concepts concepts and and business business models models with with the the establishment establishment of of the the new new cooperative cooperative mode mode of of the the industrial industrial subcontracting subcontracting and and partnership partnership exchange, exchange, and and in in t

61、urn turn to to enhance enhance the service capabilities of Productivity Promotion Center.the service capabilities of Productivity Promotion Center. 2 2 2 2)主要业务模式)主要业务模式)主要业务模式)主要业务模式 Main business model 资源配置资源配置资源配置资源配置 Allocation of resourcesAllocation of resources n n人员要求人员要求 Personnel requiremen

62、tsPersonnel requirements 项目执行经理一名项目执行经理一名 A project executive managerA project executive manager 产业工程师两名产业工程师两名 Two industrial engineersTwo industrial engineersn n负责企业调查和拜访负责企业调查和拜访 In charge of business surveys and visitsIn charge of business surveys and visitsn n负责数据库等负责数据库等 In charge of databaseI

63、n charge of database 行政助理行政助理/ /秘书一名秘书一名 An administrative assistant / secretaryAn administrative assistant / secretary n n办公条件 Working conditions 办公空间(至少三间)和家具办公空间(至少三间)和家具 Offices (at least three rooms) and furnitureOffices (at least three rooms) and furniture三台电脑和一台打印机,互联网接入三台电脑和一台打印机,互联网接入 Three

64、 computers and a printer, internet accessThree computers and a printer, internet access电话、传真、复印机电话、传真、复印机 Telephones, a fax, a copierTelephones, a fax, a copier专用汽车用于企业拜访专用汽车用于企业拜访 A motor vehicle for business A motor vehicle for business visits onlyvisits only其他相关办公用品和宣传品其他相关办公用品和宣传品 Other relevant

65、 office supplies and literatureOther relevant office supplies and literature 国际工业分包业务运作资金的来源:在分包合同中不收取中介费,所有运行资金主要来源于政府支持、商会捐赠、会员经费和资助以及为会员提供的各种培训、参展、企业整顿管理等服务。 The The source source of of business business operational operational funds funds for for international international industrial industrial

66、 subcontracting subcontracting : : There There is is no no commissions commissions in in the the sub-contract. sub-contract. All All business business operational operational funds funds mainly mainly come come from from government government support, support, trade trade union union donations, dona

67、tions, membership membership fees fees and and endowment, endowment, and and service service charges charges for for various various trainings, trainings, being being exhibitors, exhibitors, and and enterprises restructuring management as well.enterprises restructuring management as well.收集、分析、储存和组织

68、有关企业的生产、加工能力的信息,按照UNIDO的统一代码模式录入数据库To To collect, collect, analyze, analyze, store store and and organize organize information information about about the the enterprises enterprises producing producing and and processing processing capacity, capacity, and and then then input input the the informati

69、on information into into database database in accordance with UNIDO unified code patternin accordance with UNIDO unified code pattern 工作模式工作模式 Working Mode充充分分了了解解承承包包商商合合作作方方面面的的信信息息和和需需求求,寻寻找找国国内内外外潜潜在在的的发发包包商商、购购买买商商或或主主承承包包商商,为为分分包包商商提提供机会供机会To To fully fully understand understand contractors co

70、ntractors information information and and requirements requirements in in terms terms of of cooperationcooperation,to to look look for for potential potential contract contract providers, providers, purchasers, purchasers, or or the the main main contractor contractor at at home home and and abroada

71、broad, and and to to provide provide opportunities for the sub-contractors.opportunities for the sub-contractors.帮帮助助本本地地企企业业形形成成产产业业集集群群和和协协作作,提提高高核核心心竞竞争争力,协助沟通和商业谈判及其他相关服务力,协助沟通和商业谈判及其他相关服务To To help help local local enterprises enterprises formulate formulate industrial industrial clusters clust

72、ers and and collaboration, collaboration, to to improve improve core core competitive competitive power power and and to to assist assist in in communications communications and and business business negotiations and other related services .negotiations and other related services .工作流程图工作流程图 Work Fl

73、ow ChartCSPX中心中心CSPXCenter 本地CSPX中心Local CSPX CenterCSPX中心中心CSPXCenterCSPX中心中心CSPXCenterCSPX中心中心CSPXCenter联盟服务器,联盟服务器, 由各由各CSPX中心更新中心更新Union server updates by CSPX Center一家发包商一家发包商寻找分包商寻找分包商A outsourcer searches forsubcontractors将收集的信息输入将收集的信息输入本地本地CSPX数据库数据库并经常更新并经常更新The collected information is in

74、put into local CSPX database and updated continuously. 一家分包商一家分包商寻求合作寻求合作A subcontractor seeks for cooperation采集企业信息采集企业信息Enterprise Information Collection本地数据传输本地数据传输联盟数据库中联盟数据库中Local data is transferred to union database搜寻相关的信息搜寻相关的信息Search for related informationCSPXCSPX节点中心会员加入流程节点中心会员加入流程 Proce

75、ss of Acquiring CSPX Node Center membership发出邀请发出邀请/提出申请提出申请Invitation /application完成表格申请完成表格申请Completion of application forms审核评估审核评估Audit and assessment成为会员企业成为会员企业Member enterprises签订协议签订协议Agreement服务与管理服务与管理Service and management分包订单匹配工作流程分包订单匹配工作流程Sub-order Matching Workflow 订单获取订单获取Getting ord

76、ers订单分析订单分析Analyzing orders订单管理订单管理Managing orders订单发布订单发布Posting orders订单匹配订单匹配Matching orders实施支持实施支持Implementing support对接反馈对接反馈Docking Feedback调研,咨询和诊断 Research, consulting and diagnosis与数据库相关的增值服务 Value-added services related to the database产品设计,流程改造,设备管理及创新等技术支持 Technical support such as produ

77、ct design, process improvement, equipment management and innovation 服务方式服务方式 Service mode帮助改进质量管理帮助改进质量管理, ,通过标准认证通过标准认证 To improve the quality of management, and pass the To improve the quality of management, and pass the standard certification;standard certification;参加国内和国际展会和商业论坛参加国内和国际展会和商业论坛 To

78、 participate in domestic and international exhibition To participate in domestic and international exhibition and business forum;and business forum;财务信用调查等财务信用调查等 To investigateTo investigate financial credit;financial credit;培训培训( (团队团队, ,人力资源人力资源, ,财务财务, ,物流等物流等) ) To train (team, human resources,

79、 finance, logistics, etc.) To train (team, human resources, finance, logistics, etc.) ; ;法律顾问法律顾问( (合同合同, ,行为准则和国际规范行为准则和国际规范, ,争端争端) ) To counsel in terms of laws (contracts, codes of conduct and international To counsel in terms of laws (contracts, codes of conduct and international norms, dispute

80、s);norms, disputes);创造就业机会创造就业机会 To create employment opportunitiesTo create employment opportunities合理配置生产资源合理配置生产资源 To allocate productive resources rationallyTo allocate productive resources rationally提升区域企业核心竞争力提升区域企业核心竞争力 To enhance the core competitive power of regional To enhance the core com

81、petitive power of regional enterprisesenterprises 对区域经济发展的作用对区域经济发展的作用 To play role in regional economic developmentTo play role in regional economic development促进中小型企业和其他经济部门的协调发展促进中小型企业和其他经济部门的协调发展 To promote the coordinated development of To promote the coordinated development of SMEsSMEs and oth

82、er economic sectorsand other economic sectors促进进口产品的本地化生产促进进口产品的本地化生产 To promote local production of imported productsTo promote local production of imported products促进技术转移促进技术转移 To promote technology transferTo promote technology transfer促进出口促进出口 To promote exportsTo promote exports吸引国外投资吸引国外投资 To

83、attract foreign investmentTo attract foreign investment 3 3)主要工作成就)主要工作成就 Main achievements 搭建起了覆盖全国20几个省市的联盟组织网络体系 The allied organization network system has been built up covering 20 provinces and cities in China. 完成了所有会员单位的工业分包专业技术培训 All member unitsAll member units have been trained professional

84、ly in have been trained professionally in the industrial subcontracting skills.the industrial subcontracting skills.建设了联合国工业发展组织国际工业分包与合作交流建设了联合国工业发展组织国际工业分包与合作交流(SPXSPX)西安中心网站,)西安中心网站,http:/www.spx- UNIDO International Industrial Subcontracting and UNIDO International Industrial Subcontracting and

85、Partnership Exchange (SPX) Xian Center Web Site has been Partnership Exchange (SPX) Xian Center Web Site has been built up, built up, http:/www.spx-http:/www.spx- /. .建设了国际工业分包与合作交流电子商务平台建设了国际工业分包与合作交流电子商务平台, , http:/ The International Industrial Subcontracting andThe International Industrial Subcon

86、tracting and Partnership Exchange e-commerce platform has been built up, Partnership Exchange e-commerce platform has been built up, http:/http:/ /. .探索出了符合我国产业实际的国际工业分包业务探索出了符合我国产业实际的国际工业分包业务运行模式。运行模式。 The international industrial subcontracting business international industrial subcontracting busi

87、ness operational mode in line with our industry practice operational mode in line with our industry practice has been explored.has been explored.制定出了运行标准和规范。制定出了运行标准和规范。 Operation standards and norms have been formulated. 开展了广泛的行业和产业产能信息的调查,面向开展了广泛的行业和产业产能信息的调查,面向小企业开展广泛的工业分包推广宣传。小企业开展广泛的工业分包推广宣传。 A

88、 A wide wide range range of of surveys surveys into into industry industry and and industrial industrial production production information information and and a a wide wide promotion promotion of of industrial industrial subcontracting subcontracting to to small small enterprises enterprises have ha

89、ve been carried out. been carried out. 组织举办或组织企业参加各种行业或专业的国际性的会展。组织举办或组织企业参加各种行业或专业的国际性的会展。广泛与国际采购商对接联系,扩大国际订单的来源。广泛与国际采购商对接联系,扩大国际订单的来源。 Enterprises are organized to hold or participate in a Enterprises are organized to hold or participate in a variety of industries or professional international va

90、riety of industries or professional international exhibition so as to contact with international buyers exhibition so as to contact with international buyers widely and expand the sources of international orders.widely and expand the sources of international orders. 为企业提供报价超过为企业提供报价超过1 1亿美元的订单信息亿美元的

91、订单信息, ,帮助企业为承接帮助企业为承接订单,与采购商进行订单匹配与合作洽谈。订单,与采购商进行订单匹配与合作洽谈。 Enterprises are offered with order information of Enterprises are offered with order information of more than 100 million U.S. dollars, which helps them more than 100 million U.S. dollars, which helps them take and match orders, and proceed

92、 cooperation talks take and match orders, and proceed cooperation talks with the buyers.with the buyers. 主要业绩(截至主要业绩(截至主要业绩(截至主要业绩(截至2009200920092009年)年)年)年) Main results( Until 2009) 完成企业考察完成企业考察 61786178家家 The study of 6178 enterprises is completed.The study of 6178 enterprises is completed. 入库企业数

93、入库企业数 4539045390家(标准信息家(标准信息51815181家)家) The storage number of enterprises is 45390 (The The storage number of enterprises is 45390 (The number of standards information enterprises is 5181)number of standards information enterprises is 5181) 开发采购商开发采购商 1037 1037 家家 The number of development buyers i

94、s 1037.The number of development buyers is 1037. 参加各种展会参加各种展会 320320次,参与人数次,参与人数1040410404人人 Various exhibitions:320 participants:10,404Various exhibitions:320 participants:10,404 举办业务培训举办业务培训394394次,参与人数次,参与人数53255325人人 Business training:394 participants:5325Business training:394 participants:5325开

95、展宣传开展宣传416416次次 Publicity:416Publicity:416承接国内订单信息承接国内订单信息 646646笔,金额约笔,金额约1373713737万人民币万人民币Information of domestic orders:646Information of domestic orders:646 Amount of money : 137.37 million RMB. Amount of money : 137.37 million RMB.承接国际订单信息承接国际订单信息716716笔,笔,4733847338万人民币,万人民币,5256552565万美元万美元I

96、nformation of international orders:716Information of international orders:716 Amount of money: 473.38 million RMB , 525.65 million dollars. Amount of money: 473.38 million RMB , 525.65 million dollars.成功匹配国内订单成功匹配国内订单3838笔,成交额笔,成交额80768076万人民币;国际订单万人民币;国际订单2626笔,成交额笔,成交额20402040万人民币;万人民币;2650026500万

97、美元;万美元;5656万欧元万欧元 Domestic orders successfully Domestic orders successfully mmatched :38 atched :38 Turnover: 80.76 million RMB Turnover: 80.76 million RMB International orders successfully International orders successfully mmatched :26atched :26 Turnover:20.40 million RMB, 265.00 million dollars 0.

98、56 Turnover:20.40 million RMB, 265.00 million dollars 0.56 million Euro.million Euro.建立了联络的部分主流发包商:建立了联络的部分主流发包商:建立了联络的部分主流发包商:建立了联络的部分主流发包商: Some of the mainstream contract providers with Some of the mainstream contract providers with whom the contact has been established whom the contact has been

99、established : 1 1 西门子自动化与驱动集团西门子自动化与驱动集团 Siemens Automation and Drives GroupSiemens Automation and Drives Group 2 Adidas 2 Adidas采购有限公司采购有限公司 Adidas Procurement Co., Ltd.Adidas Procurement Co., Ltd. 3 3 固特异轮胎管理(上海)有限公司全球固特异轮胎管理(上海)有限公司全球 采购中心采购中心 Goodyear Tire Management (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. Global

100、Goodyear Tire Management (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. Global Procurement CenterProcurement Center 4 Kimberly-Clark 4 Kimberly-Clark金佰利全球采购办公室金佰利全球采购办公室Kimberly-Clark Global Procurement OfficeKimberly-Clark Global Procurement Office 5 IBM 5 IBM采购(中国)有限公司采购(中国)有限公司 IBM Procurement (China) Co., Ltd. IBM Procur

101、ement (China) Co., Ltd. 6 BMW6 BMW宝马汽车贸易有限公司全球采购部宝马汽车贸易有限公司全球采购部 BMW Automobile Trade Co., Ltd. Global ProcurementBMW Automobile Trade Co., Ltd. Global Procurement 7 BLACK&DECKER 7 BLACK&DECKER百得(苏州)科技有限公司百得(苏州)科技有限公司 BLACK&DECKER (Suzhou)BLACK&DECKER (Suzhou) Technology Co., Ltd. Technology Co., Lt

102、d. 8 8 美国汽车工业行动集团美国汽车工业行动集团(AIAG) (AIAG) Automotive Industry Action Group (AIAG)Automotive Industry Action Group (AIAG) 9 PAC 9 PAC 10 IFC 10 IFC国际金融公司中国代表处国际金融公司中国代表处 IFC ( International Finance Corporation ) Representative IFC ( International Finance Corporation ) Representative Office in ChinaOff

103、ice in China 11 11 大曼彻思特工商联合会大曼彻思特工商联合会 Rest Great Manchester Chamber of CommerceRest Great Manchester Chamber of Commerce 12 12 美国霍尼梅尔采购中心美国霍尼梅尔采购中心 Mel Procurement Center U.S. HoneywellMel Procurement Center U.S. Honeywell3.3.国际工业分包在中国的发展国际工业分包在中国的发展The The development ofdevelopment of internation

104、al industrial subcontracting in Chinainternational industrial subcontracting in ChinaSPXSPXSPXSPX全球网络发展状况全球网络发展状况全球网络发展状况全球网络发展状况SPX global network development situationSPX global network development situation18 SPXs in 15 countries17 SPXs in 13 countries9 SPXs in 4 countries SPXSPXSPXSPX覆盖的行业覆盖的行业覆

105、盖的行业覆盖的行业 SPX industry coverageSPX industry coverage SPX在中国的发展前景在中国的发展前景 SPX prospects in China 中国中小企业作为供应商潜力巨大 SMEs in China has great potential as suppliers. n n中中国国作作为为全全球球经经济济发发展展最最快快的的发发展展中中国国家家,作作为为全全球球商商业业领领袖袖投投资资开开发发的的首首选选和和“最最具具投投资资和和分分包包吸吸引引力力”的的国国家家之之一一,具具有有发发展展工工业业分分包包与与合合作作交交流流的的强强大大的的潜

106、潜力力。参参与与国国际际工工业业分分包包,中中国国企企业业可可以以通通过过先先进进的的通通信信手手段段寻寻找找合合适适的的合合作作伙伙伴伴,而而将将精精力力集集中中在在自自己己的的核核心心专专长长上上面面,并并且且与与合合作作伙伙伴伴协协同同优优化化价价值值链链上上的的所所有有过过程程,这这将将有有利利于于促促进进国国际际合合作作和和技技术术转转移。移。n nAs As a a developing developing country country with with the the worlds worlds fastest fastest pace pace in in global

107、global economic economic development, development, the the first first choice choice of of global global business business leaders leaders investment investment and and one one of of the the most most attractive attractive investment investment and and subcontractingsubcontracting countries, countri

108、es, China China has has great great potential potential in in developing developing industrial industrial subcontracting subcontracting and and partnership partnership exchange. exchange. When When participating participating in in international international industrial industrial subcontracting, su

109、bcontracting, Chinese Chinese companies companies can can find find suitable suitable partners partners by by means means of of advanced advanced communication. communication. Thus, Thus, they they may may focus focus on on their their core core expertise expertise , , and and optimize optimize all

110、all the the processes processes of of the the value value chain chain with with partners. partners. This This will will help help promote promote international international cooperation cooperation and and technology technology transfer.transfer. 工业分包在中国前景广阔工业分包在中国前景广阔 China has promising future in

111、its China has promising future in its development of the industrial subcontracting.development of the industrial subcontracting. 进进入入SPXSPX网网络络的的中中国国中中小小企企业业,可可以以利利用用联联盟盟的的有有关关网网络络数数据据库库,跨跨出出国国界界,取取得得世世界界各各地地的的“工工程程分分包包、加加工工外外协协”的的广广泛泛信信息息,在在国国际际市市场场上上获获得得更更多多的的合合作作机机会会,增增加加大大量量的的出出口口订订单单,提提高高产产品品出出

112、口口额额度度和和外外汇汇经经济济效效益益,促促进进本本地地和和周周边边地地区区的的工工业业企企业业的的国国际际工工业业交交流流与与合合作作,提提升升本本地地区区企企业业的的生生产产力力水水平平,提提高高科科技技型型中中小小企企业业的的竞竞争争力力,促促进进传传统统产产业业升升级级和和国国家家生生产产力力资资源源的的发发展展,具具有有广广阔阔的的发发展展前前景。景。 Chinese Chinese SMEsSMEs enrolled enrolled in in the the SPX SPX network network can can step step out out of of the

113、 the border border and and obtain obtain the the wide wide range range of of information information about about subcontracting, subcontracting, outsourcing outsourcing processprocess by by making making use use of of the the related related database database of of the the AllianceAlliance. . They T

114、hey will will get get more more opportunities opportunities for for cooperation cooperation in in the the international international market, market, increase increase their their export export orders, orders, improve improve product product export export quotas quotas and and foreign foreign econom

115、ic economic benefits, benefits, promote promote industrial industrial enterprises enterprises in in local local and and surrounding surrounding areas areas in in their their international international exchanges exchanges and and cooperation, cooperation, enhance enhance enterprises enterprises prod

116、uctivity productivity in in local local area, area, improve improve the the scisci-tech -tech SMEsSMEs competitive competitive power power and and promote promote the the upgrading upgrading of of traditional traditional industries industries and and the the development development of of national na

117、tional productive productive resources. resources. It It has has promising promising future future in its development.in its development. 完善的中国生产力促进中心体系 A sound system of China Productivity Promotion CenterA sound system of China Productivity Promotion Centern n 截止截止20092009年底,全国生产力促进中心总数为年底,全国生产力促进

118、中心总数为18081808家,家,共服务企业共服务企业244547244547家,联系科研机构家,联系科研机构2513625136家,联系专家家,联系专家7113771137人,为企业增加销售额人,为企业增加销售额1796.81796.8亿元,为社会增加就亿元,为社会增加就业人数业人数165.8165.8万人,在国际及港澳台合作方面共组织人员万人,在国际及港澳台合作方面共组织人员交流交流3530735307人次,引进项目人次,引进项目23342334项。项。n nUntil the end of 2009, the total number of the National Productivi

119、ty Until the end of 2009, the total number of the National Productivity Promotion Centre: 1808.Promotion Centre: 1808.n nEnterprises to be served: 244547 Enterprises to be served: 244547 n nResearch institutions related: 25136Research institutions related: 25136n nExperts related: 71137Experts relat

120、ed: 71137n nEnterprises sales increased: 179.68 billion RMBEnterprises sales increased: 179.68 billion RMBn nEmployment increased:1.658 millionEmployment increased:1.658 millionn nPersonnel exchange in international and Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan Personnel exchange in international and Hong Kong, Maca

121、o, Taiwan Cooperation:35307Cooperation:35307n nIntroduction of the projects :2334Introduction of the projects :2334二、推动中小企业知识产权发展的主要做法二、推动中小企业知识产权发展的主要做法The main approaches to promoting the intellectual The main approaches to promoting the intellectual property development of SMEsproperty developmen

122、t of SMEs1. 1. 中小企业知识产权现状中小企业知识产权现状 Current situation of intellectual property of Current situation of intellectual property of SMEsSMEs 目目前前,全全国国工工商商登登记记企企业业10301030万万户户( (不不含含31303130万万个个体体工工商商户户) ),按按现现行行中中小小企企业业划划分分标标准准测测算算,中中小小企企业业达达1023.11023.1万万户户,超超过过企企业业总总户户数数的的99%99%。目目前前,中中小小企企业业创创造造的的最最终

123、终产产品品和和服服务务价价值值相相当当于于国国内内生生产产总总值值的的60%60%左左右右,缴缴税税额额为为国国家家税税收收总总额额的的50%50%左左右右,提提供供了了近近80%80%的的城城镇镇就就业岗位。业岗位。 Currently, Currently, 10.3 10.3 million million businesses businesses (excluding (excluding the the 31.3 31.3 million million individual individual industrial industrial and and commercial c

124、ommercial households) households) have have registered registered in in National National Trade Trade and and Industry Industry Bureau. Bureau. Measured Measured by by the the current current criteria criteria for for the the classification classification of of SMEsSMEs, , the the number number of o

125、f which which has has been been up up to to 10.231 10.231 million, million, more more than than 99 99 percent percent of of the the total total enterprises. enterprises. Now Now the the final final products products and and the the service service value value created created by by SMEsSMEs are are e

126、quivalent equivalent to to 60 60 percent percent of of GDP, GDP, their their tax tax amount amount is is about about half half of of total total state state revenue, revenue, providing nearly 80 percent of urban jobs.providing nearly 80 percent of urban jobs.n n 中中国国6565的的发发明明专专利利、7575以以上上的的企企业业技技术术

127、创创新新、8080以以上上的的新新产产品品开开发发,都都是是由由中中小小企企业业完完成成的的,以以中中小小企企业业为为代代表表的的非非公公有有制制经经济济在在中中国国经济社会发展中的地位和作用不断增强。经济社会发展中的地位和作用不断增强。n n SMEsSMEs have have completed completed 65 65 percent percent of of invention invention patents, patents, more more than than 75 75 percent percent of of enterprise enterprise te

128、chnological technological innovation innovation and and more more than than 80 80 percent percent of of new new product product development development in in China. China. The The status status and and role role of of non-public non-public economy economy represented represented by by small-small-an

129、d-medium-sized and-medium-sized enterprises enterprises are are increasingly increasingly enhanced enhanced in in Chinas Chinas economic economic and and social social development.development. 国家专利局连续三年统计数据如下:State Patent Office statistics for three consecutive years are as follows :State Patent Off

130、ice statistics for three consecutive years are as follows : 2008年:专利授权累计352406项,其中企业申请授权占40.9%;In 2008: The number of total patents is up to 352406, 40.9 percent of In 2008: The number of total patents is up to 352406, 40.9 percent of which are enterprises application for authorization; which are en

131、terprises application for authorization; 2009年:专利授权累计501786项,其中企业申请授权占43.6%;In 2009: The number of total patents is up to 501786, 43.6 percent of In 2009: The number of total patents is up to 501786, 43.6 percent of which are enterprises application for authorization;which are enterprises applicatio

132、n for authorization; 截止2010年8月,专利授权累计488565项,其中企业申请授权占50.8%Until August, 2010: The number of total patents is up to 488565 , 50.8 Until August, 2010: The number of total patents is up to 488565 , 50.8 percent of which are enterprises application for authorization.percent of which are enterprises app

133、lication for authorization.2010年年8月专利授权情况饼状图月专利授权情况饼状图Pie Chart of Patent Authorization in August ,2010 IndividualsColleges Research unitsEnterprisesAuthorities2. 2. 推动中小企业知识产权发展的主要做法推动中小企业知识产权发展的主要做法 Main approaches to promoting the intellectual Main approaches to promoting the intellectual propert

134、y development of property development of SMEsSMEs1 1)帮助企业转变观念)帮助企业转变观念 To help enterprises change their mindTo help enterprises change their mind A A、对知识产权认识不清、对知识产权认识不清 Unclear understanding of intellectual propertyUnclear understanding of intellectual property B B、技术泄密的恐惧症、技术泄密的恐惧症 Fears of techno

135、logy leakageFears of technology leakage C C、不会用知识赚钱、不会用知识赚钱 Fail to make money with knowledgeFail to make money with knowledge2 2)协助企业搞好知识产权管理)协助企业搞好知识产权管理 To help enterprises improve the intellectual property management A A、制定企业知识产权战略、制定企业知识产权战略 To formulate business strategies for intellectual pro

136、pertyTo formulate business strategies for intellectual property B B、建立知识产权管理制度、建立知识产权管理制度 To establish intellectual property management systemTo establish intellectual property management system C C、培养知识产权人才、培养知识产权人才 To cultivate intellectual property professionalsTo cultivate intellectual property

137、professionals3)搭建知识产权服务平台 To build intellectual property service platform A、查新、检索 To check new and retrieve B、分析、资讯 To analyze and provide information C、代理、申请 To act as an agent and apply4)加强知识产权保护 To strengthen intellectual property protection A、运用法律武器 To utilize legal weaponsTo utilize legal weapo

138、ns B、营造社会氛围 To create a social atmosphereTo create a social atmosphere C、制定政策鼓励 To encourage by policies makingTo encourage by policies making创造创造Create运用运用 Utilize保护保护Protect国际工业分包与合作交流中国联盟China Alliance of International Industrial Subcontracting and Cooperation Exchange中国 宁波宁波China NingboChina Ningbo谢谢 谢谢ThanksThanks



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