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1、Telephone Courtesy电电 话话 技技 巧巧1TELEPHONE COURTESY TELEPHONE COURTESY 电话礼仪电话礼仪GENERAL GENERAL 概述概述1.First impressions are often the ones that stay with us longest and influence us most. 我们我们通常会对第一印象记忆通常会对第一印象记忆深刻,因深刻,因为为 它对我们有很深的影响它对我们有很深的影响。2.The way a business handles telephone calls reflects the ov

2、erall attitude of a company. 接听电话的方式往往能反映出一个酒店接听电话的方式往往能反映出一个酒店 的整体素质的整体素质。2TELEPHONE COURTESY TELEPHONE COURTESY 电话礼仪电话礼仪GENERAL GENERAL 概述概述3.Courteous, helpful, caring, attentive, expeditious follow up. 有礼貌有礼貌地接听电话,主动提供地接听电话,主动提供帮助,关帮助,关 心客人的需求心客人的需求,并迅速,并迅速,有效的跟进。有效的跟进。4.Telephone courtesy is an

3、 essential part of every employees interaction with guests. Anyone answering a telephone needs to have a pen and a note pad readily available. 电话礼仪是每一位员工与客人进行有效电话礼仪是每一位员工与客人进行有效 沟通的必不可少的技巧沟通的必不可少的技巧。接听话时需要接听话时需要 准备好一支笔和一个记事本准备好一支笔和一个记事本,以便记录以便记录 谈话中的信息谈话中的信息。3TELEPHONE COURTESY TELEPHONE COURTESY 电话

4、礼仪电话礼仪TIPS FOR A POSITIVE TELEPHONE PERSONALITYTIPS FOR A POSITIVE TELEPHONE PERSONALITY正确的电正确的电话礼仪话礼仪5. Greet the caller as you would in person - with a smile. He or she will be able to hear it. 在电话里问候对方时在电话里问候对方时,就像与他,就像与他/ /她她面面 对面一样对面一样 - - 面带微笑面带微笑。他。他/ /她在电话她在电话的的 那一边能够听得到你的微笑那一边能够听得到你的微笑。6. T

5、ry to visualize the caller and give him or her your full attention. Dont try to continue working while you are talking. 设想对方在电话那头的情形并且全神设想对方在电话那头的情形并且全神 贯注地听对方在说些什么贯注地听对方在说些什么。打或接听打或接听 电话时电话时,不要干别的事情不要干别的事情,以免分以免分 神。神。4TELEPHONE COURTESY TELEPHONE COURTESY 电话礼仪电话礼仪TIPS FOR A POSITIVE TELEPHONE PERSO

6、NALITY TIPS FOR A POSITIVE TELEPHONE PERSONALITY 正确正确的电的电话礼仪话礼仪7. Have any papers you may need to refer to close to the phone. 将所需的资料,文件放在手边,以将所需的资料,文件放在手边,以便便 谈话中随时用到。谈话中随时用到。8. Use the callers name. “Thank you for calling, Mr. Roberts”. 在电话里在电话里,用客人的姓名称呼客人用客人的姓名称呼客人。 “感谢您打来电话感谢您打来电话,罗伯特先生罗伯特先生”。9.

7、 Take time to be helpful. 随时准备帮助随时准备帮助对方。对方。5TELEPHONE COURTESY TELEPHONE COURTESY 电话礼仪电话礼仪TIPS FOR A POSITIVE TELEPHONE PERSONALITYTIPS FOR A POSITIVE TELEPHONE PERSONALITY正确的电正确的电话礼仪话礼仪10. Ask permission or explain what you are doing before transferring a call. 在转电话之前,要征得对方的同意在转电话之前,要征得对方的同意或或 向对方

8、解释你将要做些什么。向对方解释你将要做些什么。11. Develop your stock of tactful responses: “She is expected in later this morning” , rather than “She has not come in yet”. 运用熟练的方式回答电话:运用熟练的方式回答电话:“她今早她今早得得 晚些时候回来晚些时候回来”,而不是说:,而不是说:“她还她还 没有回来没有回来”。 6TELEPHONE COURTESY TELEPHONE COURTESY 电话礼仪电话礼仪TIPS FOR A POSITIVE TELEPHON

9、E PERSONALITYTIPS FOR A POSITIVE TELEPHONE PERSONALITY正确的电正确的电话礼仪话礼仪12. Apologize for an errors or delays. 为任何错误或延误而道歉。为任何错误或延误而道歉。 13. Use Mr. ,Mrs. or Ms. when referring to people within your company to outsiders. 与外部通话时,用先生,太太或小与外部通话时,用先生,太太或小姐姐 来称呼酒店内部的人员。来称呼酒店内部的人员。14. Do a quick mental rehears

10、al before making a call which may easily become complicated or jumbled. 打电话之前打电话之前,先在脑海里做一个快速先在脑海里做一个快速 的彩排的彩排”,否则很容易在打电话时出,否则很容易在打电话时出 现混乱。现混乱。7TELEPHONE COURTESY TELEPHONE COURTESY 电话礼仪电话礼仪TIPS FOR A POSITIVE TELEPHONE PERSONALITYTIPS FOR A POSITIVE TELEPHONE PERSONALITY正确的电正确的电话礼仪话礼仪15. Before st

11、arting a lengthy conversation, ask if it is a convenient time for the person to talk. 在开始一个长时间谈话前,询问对在开始一个长时间谈话前,询问对方方 是否方便。是否方便。16. Be yourself; speak naturally. 自自然然,就像平常说话那样。自自然然,就像平常说话那样。17.All calls must be answered as soon as possible, within 3 rings, in a clear and courteous voice. 所有的电话都应尽快接

12、听:在铃响所有的电话都应尽快接听:在铃响3 3 声之内以清晰的声音,礼貌的方式声之内以清晰的声音,礼貌的方式接接 听电话。听电话。8TELEPHONE COURTESY TELEPHONE COURTESY 电话礼仪电话礼仪TIPS FOR A POSITIVE TELEPHONE PERSONALITYTIPS FOR A POSITIVE TELEPHONE PERSONALITY正确的电正确的电话礼仪话礼仪18. Anyone with a designated extension should answer their own calls. 每个有指定电话的工作人员都应及每个有指定电话

13、的工作人员都应及时时 接听自己的电话接听自己的电话。19. If your phone rings and you are with someone, excuse yourself and attend to the call. 当你与别人在一起时当你与别人在一起时,你的你的电话响电话响 了,请先接听电话了,请先接听电话。9TELEPHONE COURTESY TELEPHONE COURTESY 电话礼仪电话礼仪20.All Division/Department Heads and secretaries, Health Club, Food & Beverage outlets, Fr

14、ont Office sections, Sales and Marketing and Housekeeping order takers should answer lines in English. (Hereafter called Front of the house) 所有部门总监所有部门总监/ /经理及秘书,经理及秘书, 健康中健康中 心心,餐饮部所有餐厅餐饮部所有餐厅,前厅部前厅部所有小所有小 部门部门,市场销售部及客房部文员,市场销售部及客房部文员接听接听 电话电话时应使用英语。时应使用英语。( (简称一线简称一线部门部门)TIPS FOR A POSITIVE TELEPH

15、ONE PERSONALITY TIPS FOR A POSITIVE TELEPHONE PERSONALITY 正确的电话礼仪正确的电话礼仪 1021. Finance, Kitchen, Transportation, Engineering, Security, Estate, artist, Staff Canteen, Clinic, other sections of Housekeeping and Human Resources office could answer lines in Chinese. (Hereafter called Heart of the House

16、) 财务部,厨房,车队,工程部,保财务部,厨房,车队,工程部,保安安 部,物业部,市场销售部美工,员工部,物业部,市场销售部美工,员工 餐厅,医务室,客房部其它部门及人餐厅,医务室,客房部其它部门及人 力资源部办公室接听电话时可使用汉力资源部办公室接听电话时可使用汉 语。语。( (简称为二线部门简称为二线部门) )TELEPHONE COURTESY TELEPHONE COURTESY 电话礼仪电话礼仪TIPS FOR A POSITIVE TELEPHONE PERSONALITY TIPS FOR A POSITIVE TELEPHONE PERSONALITY 正确的电话礼仪正确的电话

17、礼仪 11TELEPHONE COURTESY TELEPHONE COURTESY 电话礼仪电话礼仪ANSWERING YOUR LINE ANSWERING YOUR LINE 接听电话时接听电话时For Front of the HouseFor Front of the House一线部门:一线部门:1. Standard greeting in Chinese1. Standard greeting in Chinese 中文标准问候中文标准问候2. Give the name of your department2. Give the name of your department

18、 报出自己所在的部门名称报出自己所在的部门名称3. Give your name3. Give your name 报出自己的姓名报出自己的姓名4. Offer assistance4. Offer assistance 提供帮助提供帮助12TELEPHONE COURTESY TELEPHONE COURTESY 电话礼仪电话礼仪EXAMPLE EXAMPLE 例子例子“你好你好”“Traders CafTraders Caf”“Stella SpeakingStella Speaking”“May I help you?May I help you?”13TELEPHONE COURTES

19、Y TELEPHONE COURTESY 电话礼仪电话礼仪 ANSWERING YOUR LINE ANSWERING YOUR LINE 接听电话时接听电话时For Heart of the HouseFor Heart of the House二线部门:二线部门:1. Standard greeting in Chinese1. Standard greeting in Chinese 中文标准问候中文标准问候2. Give the name of your department2. Give the name of your department 报出自己所在的部门名称报出自己所在的部门

20、名称EXAMPLE EXAMPLE 例子例子“你好你好”“财务部财务部”14TELEPHONE COURTESY TELEPHONE COURTESY 电话礼仪电话礼仪ANSWERING SOMEONE ELSE LINE ANSWERING SOMEONE ELSE LINE 接听他人电话时接听他人电话时 For Front of the HouseFor Front of the House一线部门:一线部门:1. Standard greeting in Chinese1. Standard greeting in Chinese 中文标准问候中文标准问候2. Identify the

21、office or department2. Identify the office or department 报出你现在所在的部门报出你现在所在的部门3. Give your name3. Give your name 报报出自己的姓名出自己的姓名4. Offer assistance 4. Offer assistance 提供帮助提供帮助5. Take a message5. Take a message 记下客人的留言记下客人的留言6. Ask guest for his/her name6. Ask guest for his/her name 询问客人的姓名询问客人的姓名7. I

22、f caller7. If callers name not clear, ask for s name not clear, ask for spellingspelling 如果不清楚客人的名字,如果不清楚客人的名字,请客人帮助请客人帮助拼写。拼写。15TELEPHONE COURTESY TELEPHONE COURTESY 电话礼仪电话礼仪SAMPLE 例子例子- - “Ni Ni HaoHao” “Business CenterBusiness Center” “Stella speakingStella speaking” “May I help you?May I help yo

23、u?”-“Ms. Tan is expected to come back at Ms. Tan is expected to come back at around 11 o around 11 oclock this morning, clock this morning, May I take a message for her? May I take a message for her?”“谭小姐今天早上谭小姐今天早上11:0011:00左右回来左右回来,您愿意,您愿意 留言留言吗吗?”- - “May I have your name, please?May I have your

24、name, please?” “请问您贵姓请问您贵姓?”-“Could you kindly spell your name for Could you kindly spell your name for me? Thank you, me? Thank you, Mr. Mr. PacaudPacaud. . “弓长张还是立早章呢?弓长张还是立早章呢?”16 For Heart of the HouseFor Heart of the House二线部门二线部门:1. Standard greeting in Chinese1. Standard greeting in Chinese 中

25、文标准问候中文标准问候2. Identify the office or department2. Identify the office or department 中文报出你现在所在的部门中文报出你现在所在的部门3. Take a message3. Take a message 记下客人的留言记下客人的留言4. Ask guest for his/her name4. Ask guest for his/her name 询问客人的姓名询问客人的姓名5. If caller5. If callers name not clear, ask for s name not clear, as

26、k for spellingspelling 如果不清楚客人的名字,如果不清楚客人的名字,请客人帮助拼写请客人帮助拼写。TELEPHONE COURTESY TELEPHONE COURTESY 电话礼仪电话礼仪ANSWERING SOMEONE ELSE LINE ANSWERING SOMEONE ELSE LINE 接听他人电话时接听他人电话时 17 - - “你好你好。” - - “财务部财务部。” - -“谭小姐今天早上谭小姐今天早上11:0011:00左右回来左右回来,您愿您愿意留言吗意留言吗?” - -“请问您贵姓?请问您贵姓?” - - “弓长张还是立早章呢?弓长张还是立早章呢

27、?”TELEPHONE COURTESY TELEPHONE COURTESY 电话礼仪电话礼仪SAMPLESAMPLE 例子例子18TELEPHONE COURTESY TELEPHONE COURTESY 电话礼仪电话礼仪PLACING A CALLER ON PLACING A CALLER ON “HOLDHOLD” 请对方稍等请对方稍等 Placing a caller on Placing a caller on “HoldHold” 运用运用“请稍等请稍等”,而不是,而不是“您别挂您别挂”。 Ask permission and acknowledge Ask permissio

28、n and acknowledge guest guests response.s response. 征求征求对方的同意,并感谢对方的同意,并感谢对方对方。SAMPLE SAMPLE 例子例子“Would you mind to hold on ?Would you mind to hold on ?” “您介意您介意稍等一下吗?稍等一下吗?”“Yes, of course.Yes, of course.” “可以,当然可以。可以,当然可以。”“Thank youThank you”. . “谢谢。谢谢。”19TELEPHONE COURTESY TELEPHONE COURTESY 电话礼

29、仪电话礼仪RETURNING TO THE WAITING CALL BY THE PERSON WHO RETURNING TO THE WAITING CALL BY THE PERSON WHO ORIGINALLY ANSWERED THE CALL ORIGINALLY ANSWERED THE CALL 再次由原先接听电话的人与对方通话时:再次由原先接听电话的人与对方通话时:For Front of the HouseFor Front of the House一线部门一线部门 If guest name is known, use it during If guest name

30、is known, use it during the the conversation conversation 如果如果得知客人的姓名,那就在谈话中用得知客人的姓名,那就在谈话中用姓名称姓名称 呼呼客人。客人。 Always thank the caller for waitingAlways thank the caller for waiting 不断不断地感谢客人的等候。地感谢客人的等候。 Offer assistance to take a message Offer assistance to take a message 主动主动提供帮助请对方留言。提供帮助请对方留言。SAMP

31、LE SAMPLE 例子例子“Mr. Wang, thank you for waiting. Ms. Mr. Wang, thank you for waiting. Ms. Tan is expected in later this morning. Tan is expected in later this morning. May I take a message for her? May I take a message for her?”“王先生王先生,抱歉让您久等了。谭小姐今,抱歉让您久等了。谭小姐今早晚些早晚些 时候时候回来,回来,您愿意留言吗您愿意留言吗?”20TELEPHO

32、NE COURTESY TELEPHONE COURTESY 电话礼仪电话礼仪 For Front of the HouseFor Front of the House 二线部门二线部门If guest name is known, use it during the If guest name is known, use it during the conversationconversation 如果如果得知客人的姓名,那就在谈话中用姓名称得知客人的姓名,那就在谈话中用姓名称呼客人。呼客人。Always thank the caller for waitingAlways thank th

33、e caller for waiting 不断不断地感谢客人的等候。地感谢客人的等候。Offer assistance to take a messageOffer assistance to take a message 主动主动提供帮助请对方留言。提供帮助请对方留言。RETURNING TO THE WAITING CALL BY THE PERSON WHO RETURNING TO THE WAITING CALL BY THE PERSON WHO ORIGINALLY ANSWERED THE CALL ORIGINALLY ANSWERED THE CALL 再次由原先接听电话的


35、方欲与通话的人接听电话时:方欲与通话的人接听电话时:For Front of the HouseFor Front of the House一线部门一线部门1. Always thank the caller1. Always thank the caller 不断感谢对方等候不断感谢对方等候2. Give your name2. Give your name 报出自己的姓名报出自己的姓名3. Offer assistance3. Offer assistance 提供帮助提供帮助SAMPLE SAMPLE 例子例子 “Thank you for waiting, this is Diana

36、Thank you for waiting, this is Diana Tan, may I help you ? Tan, may I help you ?” “对不起,让您久等了。我是对不起,让您久等了。我是Diana TanDiana Tan, 我我能帮您吗能帮您吗?”22TELEPHONE TELEPHONE COURTESYCOURTESY 电话礼仪电话礼仪 RETURNING TO THE WAITING CALL BY THE INDIVIDUAL RETURNING TO THE WAITING CALL BY THE INDIVIDUAL ASKED FOR BY THE

37、CALLERASKED FOR BY THE CALLER 对方欲与通话的人接听电话时:对方欲与通话的人接听电话时:For Heart of the HouseFor Heart of the House二线部门二线部门1. Always thank the caller1. Always thank the caller 不断感谢对方等候不断感谢对方等候2. Give your name2. Give your name 报出自己的姓名报出自己的姓名SAMPLE SAMPLE 例子例子 “对不起,让您久等了。我是对不起,让您久等了。我是Diana TanDiana Tan, 我我 能帮能帮您

38、吗您吗?”23TELEPHONE COURTESY TELEPHONE COURTESY 电话礼仪电话礼仪TRANSFERRING A CALLTRANSFERRING A CALL 转电话转电话1.1.Tell the caller you are transferring Tell the caller you are transferring his/her call. his/her call. 告诉告诉对方你将转他对方你将转他/ /她的电话她的电话。2. Announce to receiving party the 2. Announce to receiving party th

39、e incoming call.incoming call. 告诉告诉接听方你将转接听方你将转进来一个电话进来一个电话。3. Stay on the line until the connection 3. Stay on the line until the connection has been made.has been made. 转接转接成功后再挂断电话。成功后再挂断电话。24TELEPHONE COURTESY TELEPHONE COURTESY 电话礼仪电话礼仪SAMPLE SAMPLE 例子例子1.1.“Mr. Black, I am transferring your ca

40、ll Mr. Black, I am transferring your call to to - Ms. Tan. Will you please wait ? Ms. Tan. Will you please wait ?” “Mr. Black, Mr. Black, 我现在要将您的电话转给我现在要将您的电话转给 Ms. TanMs. Tan。 请稍候好吗请稍候好吗?”2. 2. “Ms. Tan, I am connecting a call from Ms. Tan, I am connecting a call from Mr. Black to your line. Mr. Bl

41、ack to your line.” “Ms. Tan, Ms. Tan, 我现在将我现在将Mr. Black Mr. Black 的电话的电话接到您接到您 的的电话上电话上。”3. 3. “Mr. Black, I have Ms. Tan on the line. Mr. Black, I have Ms. Tan on the line. Go Go ahead please. ahead please.” “Mr. Black, Mr. Black, 我已将您的电话接到了我已将您的电话接到了Ms. TanMs. Tan的的 电话电话上上。您请讲。您请讲。”25TELEPHONE COU

42、RTESY TELEPHONE COURTESY 电话礼仪电话礼仪SCREEN OF CALLS SCREEN OF CALLS 询问对方询问对方 It is all right to ask for the callerIt is all right to ask for the callers s name name if transferring the call, but we should if transferring the call, but we should no task for the details. Unless the person no task for the

43、 details. Unless the person requested is not available, however you requested is not available, however you could offer assistance - How may I help could offer assistance - How may I help you?you? 当当在转接一个电话时,你可以询问对方的在转接一个电话时,你可以询问对方的姓名,姓名, 但但切忌过多地询问对方。但当对方欲与通话切忌过多地询问对方。但当对方欲与通话的人的人 不在不在时,你可以主动提供帮助。时

44、,你可以主动提供帮助。 If the caller has had an unpleasant If the caller has had an unpleasant experience they do not wish to repeat experience they do not wish to repeat themselves to numerous people before themselves to numerous people before reaching the person the call was intended reaching the person the

45、call was intended for. Sensitivity to such calls is of for. Sensitivity to such calls is of utmost utmost importance. importance. 因为因为,如果客人有过不愉快的经历,他,如果客人有过不愉快的经历,他/ /她她并不并不想想 在在问题解决之前将这些经历告诉很多人问题解决之前将这些经历告诉很多人。处理这处理这 类类电话时应格外谨慎电话时应格外谨慎,小心。,小心。26TELEPHONE COURTESY TELEPHONE COURTESY 电话礼仪电话礼仪SCREEN O

46、F CALLS SCREEN OF CALLS 询问对方询问对方 Interrogating a caller is Interrogating a caller is unprofessional, unprofessional, discourteous and could result in the discourteous and could result in the loss of business. loss of business. “盘问盘问”对方是不职业化,不礼貌的行为对方是不职业化,不礼貌的行为,而,而 且且可能导致失去一笔生意。可能导致失去一笔生意。 So to dea

47、l with such calls as follows:So to deal with such calls as follows: 所以所以,用以下方式来处理:,用以下方式来处理: “May I say who is calling. Thank you. May I say who is calling. Thank you. Mr. Mr. Black, Please wait, I will connect you Black, Please wait, I will connect you now. now.” “请问您贵姓?非常感谢,请问您贵姓?非常感谢,Mr. Black, M

48、r. Black, 请稍请稍 候候,我现在就将您的电话转进去。,我现在就将您的电话转进去。27TELEPHONE COURTESY TELEPHONE COURTESY 电话礼仪电话礼仪ENDING A CONVERSATIONENDING A CONVERSATION 结束通话时结束通话时 Always thank the callerAlways thank the caller 不断不断地感谢对方地感谢对方 Use the callerUse the callers name whenever possibles name whenever possible 在在谈话中尽可能地使用客人的

49、姓名谈话中尽可能地使用客人的姓名 Let the caller know you are happy to assistLet the caller know you are happy to assist 要要让对方感到你很乐意为他让对方感到你很乐意为他/ /她服务她服务 End every conversation with courtesy End every conversation with courtesy and a good-bye and a good-bye 有礼貌有礼貌地结束每一次通话并说地结束每一次通话并说一声一声“再见再见”28TELEPHONE COURTESY T

50、ELEPHONE COURTESY 电话礼仪电话礼仪MAKING A TELEPHONE CALL MAKING A TELEPHONE CALL 打电话打电话 1. Be prepared 1. Be prepared 事先准备,事先准备,“彩排彩排”2. Introduce yourself2. Introduce yourself 介绍你自己介绍你自己3. Stay calm3. Stay calm 保持冷静保持冷静4. If necessary, leave a message4. If necessary, leave a message 如需要如需要,可留言可留言5. Return

51、ing calls5. Returning calls 回电话回电话29TELEPHONE COURTESY TELEPHONE COURTESY 电话礼仪电话礼仪TAKING A MESSAGE TAKING A MESSAGE 记录留言记录留言1. Use the message notes 1. Use the message notes 使用留言簿使用留言簿2. Be accurate2. Be accurate记录准确记录准确3. Repeat3. Repeat重复重复Notes: Write all message clearly and Notes: Write all mess

52、age clearly and completelycompletely要点要点:清楚清楚,完整地记录所有信息,完整地记录所有信息1) Who called 1) Who called 谁谁打的电话打的电话2) Who they called for2) Who they called for对方欲与谁对方欲与谁通话通话3) What they calling about3) What they calling about为何事为何事4) Where (the number) they were calling from4) Where (the number) they were calli

53、ng from 对方对方的电话号码的电话号码5) When will they call back or expect a return 5) When will they call back or expect a return call? call? 他们何时再来电或他们希望我们何时致电他们何时再来电或他们希望我们何时致电?30TELEPHONE COURTESY TELEPHONE COURTESY 电话礼仪电话礼仪EXAMPLE EXAMPLE 例子例子 Thank you for calling, Mr. Black. Thank you for calling, Mr. Black. We are pleased we were able to assist. We are pleased we were able to assist. Have a pleasant day /evening. Have a pleasant day /evening. Good-bye. Good-bye. 谢谢谢谢您打来电话,您打来电话, Mr. Black, Mr. Black, 我们很高兴我们很高兴能能 够为您服务够为您服务。祝您今天过得愉快。祝您今天过得愉快。 再见再见。31The EndThe End结束结束



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