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1、戰略大客戶管理的定義拓展客戶關係以增進了解根據這種了解調整企業活動以獲得競爭優勢1Identify where your relationship currently lies.Identify where you would like your relationship to lie, and by when.What are the principal activities and actions required to make this happen?戰略大客戶管理階段與工具管理階段定義衡量分析設計驗證目的Define What, Why, Who, How, W

2、henDefine customer needs and specify CTQDevelop high-level process design conceptDevelop details, and optimize the designVerify process performance against project target應用技術1.戰略大客戶的選擇準則2.組合分析3.客戶價值四格圖4.風險分析1.Stakeholder analysis2.QFD3.KANO Model4.客戶價值計分卡1.Functional Analysis2.Process Map (high Leve

3、l)3.Conceptual Design4.Pugh Model1.Detailed Process Design2.Process Spec.3.Capability Analysis4.Design scorecard1.Pilot plan2.Implementation and Transition Plan3.Control Plan3戰略大客戶的選擇準則收入潛力收益率潛力集中採購策略市場領導者贏得這位客戶對競爭對手有重大影響現有的執行長關係互補的技術嚴格的供應商認證制度購買導向(戰略型或交易型)公司的文化相適性系統的一致性或互補公司償付能力付款迅速產品線適合性靈活程度共同的原材料

4、基礎可接受的採購成本具有創新與先進的最佳實務(研發或生產等)潛在客戶再三表示出外包的意願有我們需要的專業知識和能力(存貨管理或物流等)交易誠實能成為我們產品的服務夥伴4組合分析以前今年未來收入減去直接成本減去間接成本淨收入二年前去年明年後年5組合分析在過去二年,目標戰略大客戶產生的總收入是多少?在未來二年,你對這些客戶所做的收入預測是怎麼樣的?服務這些客戶每年要花費多少錢?用估計的收入減去估計的費用得出估計的利潤(過去二年與未來二年) 。這些客戶的成長潛力是什麼?要花多少時間才能實現其增長?這些客戶是交易型客戶或戰略型客戶?6客戶價值四格圖銷售金額利潤銷售金額高利潤低銷售金額低利潤低銷售金額高

5、利潤高銷售金額低利潤高7Table One: The Customers Attractiveness To Us - (CAFs)CustomersAttractiveness Factor1 Size2 Growth Potential3 Financial Stability4 Ease of Access5 Closeness of Relationships6 Strategic Fit; Level of Competition; Market StandingTotalAverage Score: (Total of all scores divided by number of

6、 customers rated)8Table Two: Our Relative Strength Vs the CompetitionCustomer:SuppliersCritical Success FactorsYou1 Price2 Service3 Speed of Response4 Relationship5 Major Supplier6 Technical InnovationTotal9Key Accounts:Most attractive to you, and you are relatively strong. Devote time to these top

7、Accounts - you should be able to achieve Key Supplier StatusKey Development Accounts:Most attractive to you, but you are relatively weak. Devote time to developing your strength with these accounts.Maintenance Accounts:Less attractive to you, but you are strong. Manage your time economically with th

8、ese accounts.Opportunistic Accounts:Less attractive to you, and you are relatively weak. Make your mind up; are they worth chasing? Deal with on a tactical and opportunistic basis.10風險分析FixBeforeLaunchSignificantRiskShowStopperProceedWith CautionFix Before LaunchSignificant RiskProceedWithCautionPro

9、ceedWithCautionFix Before LaunchLowMediumHighLowMediumHighImpactProbability11風險來源Business CaseCost Increase, ROI Lead Time Increase, Changing Market/Regulatory Environment, Business CommitmentPlanningResource Availability, Project Complexity, Development Time, Project Management ExperienceOrganizati

10、onalCross-Functional Involvement, Process Ownership, Multiple Locations for Implementation, Change Acceleration IssuesTechnicalTechnology Experience, Design Complexity, Scope Changes, Knowledge of Business Processes, Quality Methods Skills and ExperienceExternalVendor/Contractor Experience and Suppo

11、rt, Multiple Vendors/Contractors, Dependence On Vendors, Recruitment Issues12供應商客戶Team member and role (no.)Team member and role (no.)Team member and role (no.)Team member and role (no.)客戶聯絡人& 影響的程度 (經濟型/使用型/技術型)參與的程度支持的程度Buying Phase:了解需要了解需要Buying Phase:比較可選方案比較可選方案Buying Phase:選擇選擇Buying Phase:售後問題售後問題什麼是這人做事的動機最急切的三項需求是什麼他們喜歡的溝通方式為何他們希望多長時間接觸一次怎樣才能加深這種關係1314



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