Module 7 Unit 1 she could't se

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《Module 7 Unit 1 she could't se》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Module 7 Unit 1 she could't se(25页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、 石河子市中学石河子市中学张静张静Asababy,Icould:Now,IcanspeakEnglish.Talk about yourself.When I was a babyI could I couldnt 看到单词就大声读出单词,看到空的向日葵就拍手三次。coldherselfRole modelwrotelivedtravellbecamebornseetaughtGame over!readThere is a lady in the picture,who is she?lets see she could do and she couldt do what? She is a

2、 great woman.海伦海伦亚当斯亚当斯凯勒凯勒(Helen KellerHelen Keller,18801880年年6 6月月2727日日19681968年年6 6月月1 1日),日),1919世纪美国盲聋作家,教育家。世纪美国盲聋作家,教育家。慈善家、社会活动家。她幼年因急性慈善家、社会活动家。她幼年因急性脑炎脑炎引致失明及引致失明及失聪,她在安妮失聪,她在安妮沙利文老师的帮助下,掌握了英、沙利文老师的帮助下,掌握了英、法、德等五国语言,完成了她的一系列著作,并致力法、德等五国语言,完成了她的一系列著作,并致力于为残疾人造福,建立慈善机构。她被美国于为残疾人造福,建立慈善机构。她被

3、美国时代周时代周刊刊评为美国十大英雄偶像,获评为美国十大英雄偶像,获“总统自由勋章总统自由勋章”等等奖项。主要著作有奖项。主要著作有假如给我三天光明假如给我三天光明我的生活我的生活我的老师我的老师等。享年等。享年8787岁。岁。海伦凯勒作品集海伦凯勒作品集 1.Where was Hellen keller born? 2. What could she do? 3.What couldnt she do?Helen Keller was born in America in 1880.She became blind and deaf.Helen had a teacher. She dre

4、w letters in Helens hand and taught her to spell.She could read and writeShe wrote a book about herself and travelled all over the world.Look at the pictures and talk about Hellen keller.Helen Keller was born in .As a small child, she became .She couldnt see and she couldnt hear.Later, Helen had a .

5、The teacher drew letters in Helens . Helen learned to and .She could also . She wrote a book about herself. She went .She lived to be 87.Helen Keller is a for us.Her name is Tai Li hua.She cantalk,but she can dance well!As a baby,He could see.He couldnt play basketballNow he can play basketball well.1. Listen and repeat the text.2. Make a card for famous person. or write goodbay letter.



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