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1、备考2025河南省漯河市召陵区中学教师公开招聘自我提分评估(附答案)一单选题(共60题)1、拉丁美洲独立运动主要打击的对象( )。A.英国和美国B.西班牙和葡萄牙C.英国和法国D.法国和日本【答案】 B2、Jack loves sports. He is often seen _ basketball on the school playground.A.playB.playingC.playsD.to play【答案】 B3、I recently went to a charity party. At the end of the visit our host told us that th

2、e following Monday was his birthday. He asked21, as a gift to him, we would do something kind for someone else on that day. I thought that was a terrible birthday 22 !A.presentsB.ideasC.lessonsD.stories【答案】 A4、最近发展区是指( )。A.最新获得的能力B.超出目前水平的能力C.儿童在现有发展水平与可能发展水平之间的距离D.需要在发展阶段掌握的能力【答案】 C5、The cake is de

3、licious!A.as good asB.as well asC.worse thanD.as bad as【答案】 A6、下列关于贝克特等待戈多的说法,错误的一项是()。A.等待戈多的作者萨缪尔?贝克特是荒诞派戏剧的代表作家,同时又是新小说的重要作家B.等待戈多是贝克特的代表作,也是荒诞派戏剧的经典作品,对世界当代文学产生了广泛的影响。C.等待戈多作为一部巨作,情节丰富生动,运用滑稽的语言描写反映了人物内心的冲突,对周而复始的时间在人物内心中的挣扎描写得淋漓尽致D.等待戈多乃是现代哲学之浓缩,剧本具有广泛的寓意和浓厚的哲学气息【答案】 C7、东方人的思维方式书中认为:每种外来文化都被采用作

4、为日本文化的一部分,只要外来文化有助于日本进步,就把它作为一种社会文化事实来接受。这种态度造成了“和魂汉才”的观念。“和魂汉才”反映了( )。A.日本文明的中国化B.大河文明的海洋化C.儒家文明的日本化D.日本文明的儒家化【答案】 C8、根据以下材料,回答题A.To tell us the bad effects caused bysmoking cigarettesB.To introduce the history of smokingC.To let us know what the cigarettes aremade fromD.To tell the readers that Co

5、lumbus foundthe Indians smoking【答案】 B9、心理健康教育讲座是面向。其主讲人不包括( )A.学校的专职或兼职心理健康教师。B.优秀班主任或优秀学科教师C.学生会,团委干部D.高校心理学专家。【答案】 C10、低成本战略制定的原则是()。A.领先原则B.低成本原则C.全过程低成本的原则D.总成本最低的原则E.持久原则【答案】 A11、我国高度重视卫生国际援助,先后为许多发展中国家援建医院、培训卫生人才、开展疾病防控,并积极支持联合国在卫生领域的工作。这表明,中国()。A.B.C.D.【答案】 A12、_是英语教师根据正确的教学思想和英语教育原理,按照一定的教学目

6、的和要求,针对具体的教学对象和教材,对英语教学的整个程序及其具体环节、总体结构及其有关层面所作出的预期的行之有效的策划。A.英语教学目的B.英语教学过程C.英语教学目标D.英语教学设计【答案】 D13、在乳糖操纵子模型中,调节基因的产物是()。A.诱导物B.阻遏物C.操纵子D.调节物【答案】 B14、A国主要向B、C两国进口重型机械等大宗商品。假设B国重型机械行业通过技术革新使劳动生产率提高5,而C国为刺激经济允许货币贬值7。如果其他条件均不变,可能会带来的影响是( )。A.B.C.D.【答案】 B15、中小学生健康教育的对象是( )学生。A.部分有心理问题的B.少数心理异常的C.全体D.以上

7、都不是【答案】 C16、根据国际货币基金组织的决定,人民币从2016年10月1日起成为“可自由使用货币”。这是该组织“历史上首次”扩大作为特别提款权基础的货币篮子。此举体现的宗旨和使命是( )。A.打破关税壁垒B.稳定国际汇率C.促进自由贸易D.消除贫困根源【答案】 B17、 从20世纪90年代初开始。美国经济实现了长达10年的持续增长,美国一家杂志称这一现象为“新经济的胜利”。在技术方面主导美国“新经济”增长模式的是( )。A.信息技术B.原子能技术C.生物技术D.化工技术【答案】 A18、“火柴杆状的人形,粗糙皱缩的表面,的雕塑作品( )。A.南十字B.国王与王后C.旅游者D.行走的人【答

8、案】 D19、The translator must have an excellent,up-to-date knowledge of his 11 languages, full facility in the handlingof his target language, which will be his mother tongue or language of habitualuse, and knowledge and understanding of the 12 subject-matter in his field ofspecialization. This is, as

9、it were, his professional equipment. In addition tothis, it is desirable that he should have an 13 mind, wide interests, a good memory and the ability to grasp quicklythe basic principles of new developments. He should be willing to work on hisown, often at high speeds, but should be humble enough t

10、o 14 othersshould his own knowledge not always prove adequate to the task in hand. He shouldbe able to type fairly quickly and accurately and, if he is working mainly forpublication, should have more than a nodding 15 with printing techniques andproof-reading. If he is working basically as an inform

11、ation translator, let ussay, for an industrial firm, he should have the flexibility of mind to enablehim to 16 rapidly from one sourcelanguage to another, as well as from one subject-matter to another, since thisability is frequently required of him in such work. Bearing in mind the natureof the tra

12、nslators work, i.e. the processing of the written word, it is,strictly speaking, 17 that he should be able to speak the languages heis dealing with. If he does speak them, it is an 18 rather than a hindrance, but this skillis in many ways a luxury that he can do away with. It is, however, desirablet

13、hat he should have an approximate idea about the pronunciation of his sourcelanguages even if this is restricted to 19 how proper names and placenames are pronounced. The same applies to an ability to write his sourcelanguages. If he can, well and good; if he cannot, it does not matter. Thereare man

14、y other skills and 20 that are desirable in a translator.A.vitalB.extensiveC.generalD.unnecessary【答案】 D20、歌唱字音的发音要求中,字腹发音要求做到()。A.起音清晰,短促有力B.声音响亮,稳定不变C.音色优美,声音绵长D.收音迅速,清楚自然【答案】 C21、在人体内环境中可以发生的生理过程是()。A.抗体与相应的抗原特异性的结合B.合成血浆蛋白中的纤维蛋白原和凝血酶原C.丙酮酸的氧化分解D.食物中的淀粉经消化分解成葡萄糖【答案】 A22、拉网小调和桔梗谣分别是哪个国家的民歌?()A.日本、朝鲜B.印度、日本C.印度尼西亚、



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