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1、高考英语写作功能词“培养培育培植”表达详解一、主要英语对应词及其用法结构1.动词(foster, train, culture, educate, cultivate, raise, breed, nurture, rear, produce)foster 养育,培养to foster an interest in. /the growth of local industries/activists/ones ability to study on ones own培养对的兴趣/培植地方工业/培养积极分子/培养自学能力to foster ones cohorts/ones personal i

2、nfluence培植亲信/私人势力train 培训to be trained as an engineer/in engineering受过担任工程师的培训/受过工程学方面的培训a trained nurse受过正规培训的护士Jane trained for two years as a secretary/to be a secretary.(简受过两年做秘书的培训。)to train successors/persons for profession培养接班人/培养人才The enterprise trains technical cadres in short course.(这家企业举

3、办培训班培养技术干部。)educate 培养,教育a highly educated woman有高度教养的妇女culture 培养,教养Bacteria and fungi are cultured in a suitable medium.(细菌和真菌在适当的培养基中培养。)cultivate 培养,栽培to cultivate a taste of music/a new generation/a sense of humour/the ability to analyse and solve problems培养音乐兴趣/新一代/幽默感/分析和解决问题的能力breed 培养to bre

4、ed the youths from the countryside as soldiers把这些农村青年培养成战士to breed new varieties of rice培育水稻新品种to breed/cultivate improved seeds(good strains of seeds)培养种子优良品种raise/nurture 养育,培育to raise/bring up/nurture/rear ones children养育孩子to nurture/rear delicate plants培育幼嫩的植物to nurture the new talents扶植新秀2.名词 (

5、fostering, training, culture,cultivation, raising, breeding, nurture) the fostering of an interest in literature对文学兴趣的培养 the frame culture of cucumbers黄瓜的温室栽培the scientific culture of flowers科学养花bee culture 养蜂beauty culture 美容术cultured pearls 人工培养的珍珠 the nurture of new talents对新秀的扶植 the cultivation

6、in the student body of esprit de corps在学生中培养集体主义精神3.形容词 (trained, cultured, educated, cultivated, bred) a well-bred child 有教养的孩子 educated tastes in art在艺术方面有修养的鉴赏力二、常用的相关短语或表达培养(树立)为人民服务的思想to foster the thought of serving the people培养出to turn out. ;to train up;to prepare逐步培养某人的责任感to instil a sense o

7、f responsibility in/into sb.培养耐性 to tutor oneself to be patient培养对的兴趣 to educate/develop ones taste for(in).培养塑造某人 to knead and shape sb.养成 的习惯to make it a habit to do. ;to make a practice of.养成早起早睡的好习惯to acquire a good habit of getting up and going to bed early把某人教养成人to make a man of sb.把造就为to moul

8、d sb. into培养某人做某事的能力to prepare sb. to do sth.培养学生在方面进行学习研究的能力to prepare students for studies in the field of.培养学生对作家语言运用的感受能力to sensitize students to writers use of language扶植某人立足于商界/文学界to establish sb. in business/literature扶植/提携某人to take sb. up培养人才to train/turn out persons for profession培养学生遵守纪律to

9、 practise pupils in discipline培植私人势力to build up/foster personal influence树某人为榜样to hold sb. up as an example培育人才to cherish persons of ability培养集体主义精神(集体荣誉感)to develop(an) esprit decorps培养某人作为的接班人to groom sb. as the successor to.在的培养下/承的栽培under the patronage of.培养天花/小儿麻痹症/狂犬病疫苗to develop a smallpox/po

10、lio/rabies vaccine从小就养成的习惯to be brought up to have habits of.三、情景译例精选这几年的艰苦工作能把他造就成材。These years of hard work will be the making of him.军队将把他们锻炼成人。The army will make men of them.她想把儿子造就成一个真正的男子汉。She hopes to mould her son into a real man.性情相近对于感情的培养大有帮助。Propinquity is a powerful aid to foster attach

11、ments.这个品种是经过细心的选择与淘汰才培育出来的。By careful selecting and roguing the strain was evolved.可是,与其说是我力图把我的观点强加于读者,倒不如说是我试图培养他们做出自己明智的判断。Rather than forcing my opinions on the readers, however, I have tried to prepare them to arrive at their own informed judgements.这个足球俱乐部是培养年轻选手的场所。This football club is a se

12、ed-bed for young talents.这所大学将实行全面的素质教育,为 21 世纪培养高质量的人才。The university will provide a type of all-round education to bring up talented people for the 21st century.望子成龙的父母竭尽全力培养他作名星演员。The ambitious parents did all they could to groom him for stardom.他正在接受培植,以求他早日成为名星。He is being groomed for stardom.这

13、所学校曾培养出一些第一流的学者。The school turned out some first-rate scholars.那些培训班不但培养了员工的技术,也培养了员工对公司的忠诚。从长 远来看,既有利于员工,又有利于公司本身。Those programs build loyalty as they build skills, helping employeesand the company itselfin the long run.这所医学院是培养优秀医生的摇篮。This college of medicine is the nursery for good doctors.一些内陆成了

14、第一批培训航海技术和发展商业的场所。The inland seas became the first nurseries of seamanship and commerce.本教程培养学生在许多科学及与科学有关的领域中用英语进行学习研究的能力,而不限于某一门专业领域。This course prepares students for studies in English in many scientific and science-related fields without restriction to one specialized area.艰难困苦,玉成于汝。Difficulty is the nurse of greatness.4



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