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1、备考2025广东省惠州市博罗县中学教师公开招聘自我提分评估(附答案)一单选题(共60题)1、 我国通过争取和平的国际环境发展自己,又以自身的发展维护和促进世界的和平,扩大各方利益汇合点,推动建设持久和平,共同繁荣的和谐世界。这一外交理念表明()。A.我国积极与各国发展结盟关系B.我国坚定不移地走和平发展道路C.和平共处是我国外交政策的基本立场D.国家问共同利益是对外关系的决定因素【答案】 B2、下列关于病毒的叙述,正确的是()。A.B.C.D.【答案】 B3、高中生物课程的必修学分为()。A.2B.4C.6D.8【答案】 C4、苏轼在食荔枝里面写道:“日啖荔枝三百颗,不辞长作岭南人。”A.秦岭

2、B.南岭C.大兴安岭D.乌鞘岭【答案】 B5、去年夏季,我国部分地区遭遇洪涝灾害,社会各界踊跃捐献物资支援灾区,奉献爱心。这些捐献的物资( )。A.不是商品,因为他们没有使用价值B.不是商品,因为它们没有用于交换C.是商品.因为他们是交换价值和价值的统一体D.是商品,因为他们是使用价值和价值的统一体【答案】 B6、What is Dr. Munzers proposal for choosing what to read? A. Children should read more comics and magazines B. Tablets are better for developing

3、 rich language C. Parents should choose more apps for e-books. D. It should depend on childrens interests photographs, social media feeds messages and emails; its no wonder they are glued to their screens. But is it good for them? There have been many claims about the damage looking at screens does

4、to our eyesight. Some people feared staring at a small bright box could make us short-sighted or lead to headaches. This is a particular concern for children and young people, who spend a higher percentage of time using electronic gadgets. BBC technology corespondent, Rory Cellan-jones, says: “There

5、 is plenty of anecdotal evidence that no matter how long teenagers are spending looking at screens. they are encountering material about issues such as anorexia (厌食症) and self-harm that could prove damaging to their mental health.”But a new study says time in front of computers and phones might not

6、be as bad for young people as many think. Research by the Oxford Internet Institute examined data from more than 17.000 teenagers in the UK. Ireland and the United States. Their study concluded that most links between life satisfaction and social media use were trivial accounting for less than 1% of

7、 a teenagers health. Professor Przybylski, director of the research at the institute, said: 99.75 of a persons life satisfaction has nothing to do with their use of social medi A. The research found that family, friends and school life all had a greater impact on well-being. Perhaps for now, decidin

8、g what the right amount of screen time is has to be up to personal judgments. 35. The first paragraph is designed to _.A.lead in the topicB.introduce a new type of screenC.promote a phoneD.show the finding of a stud【答案】 D7、对“心理健康教育要重视对学生的潜能开发”的原因,表述不正确的是( )A.学生的潜能是普变存在的B.潜能的开发不需要任何基础C.潜能的充分发展是心理健康的重

9、要标志D.学生潜能的开发与心理健康是相互影响相互促进的关系【答案】 B8、Scientists havelong argued whether hypocrisy is driven by emotion or by reason. In other moraljudgments, brain imaging shows, regions involved in feeling, not thinking,rule. The role of emotion in moral judgments has overturned the Enlightenmentnotion that our et

10、hical sense is based on high-minded philosophy and cognition.That brings us to hypocrisy, which is almost ridiculously easy to bring out inpeople.A.have reasonedthat hypocrisy is beneficialB.are self-centeredC.have realizedthat it costs to be moralD.are insensitiveto misbehaviors【答案】 A9、根据以下材料,回答A.t

11、ake flowers to the hostB.send an expensive gift to the hostC.have sauna with the hostD.present a business card【答案】 C10、The Worlds Loneliest Phone Booth For almost 40 years,a lone phone booth stood in the Mojave Desert.about 75 miles southwest of Las Vegas.It was likely installed for local miners aro

12、und 1960.The glass panels were long gone from the 17 by 1990,and the phonebook had been stolen.But a visitor to the booth in 1990 found that the telephone 17 worke A.ringB.clickC.ceaseD.crush【答案】 A11、福耀集团是一家专业生产汽车安全玻璃的中外合资企业,是我国国内生产规模最大、技术水平最高、出口量最大的汽车玻璃生产供应商,1987年成立于福建省福州市,并迅速发展成为全球最大的汽车安全玻璃生产基地。20

13、14年,福耀集团继在俄罗斯建设第一个工厂后,又在美国俄亥俄州通用汽车的旧工厂投入2亿美元建设第二个工厂,主要生产汽车玻璃,用于供应北美地区的整车客户。A.国内生产成本增加B.国内原材料枯竭C.美国市场需求量较大D.企业竞争优势强【答案】 C12、学生在相同的情况下接受相同的评估,且采用的评价工具比较客观的评价是指()。A.形成性评价B.总结性评价C.正式评价D.非正式评价【答案】 C13、福耀集团是一家专业生产汽车安全玻璃的中外合资企业,是我国国内生产规模最大、技术水平最高、出口量最大的汽车玻璃生产供应商,1987年成立于福建省福州市,并迅速发展成为全球最大的汽车安全玻璃生产基地。2014年,

14、福耀集团继在俄罗斯建设第一个工厂后,又在美国俄亥俄州通用汽车的旧工厂投入2亿美元建设第二个工厂,主要生产汽车玻璃,用于供应北美地区的整车客户。A.接近原料产地B.国际消费市场猛增C.劳动力素质高D.国家政策支持【答案】 D14、使用Flash软件制作“点石成金”动画,()A.运动补间动画B.形状补间动画C.引导动画D.遮罩动画【答案】 B15、根据以下材料,回答A.applies toB.results inC.sets offD.depends on【答案】 D16、西双版纳是少数民族聚居的地方,当地喜欢跳孔雀舞、欢度泼水节的民族是()。A.朝鲜族B.藏族C.傣族D.维吾尔族【答案】 C17、Have you ever been to Tibet A.timeB.experienceC.daysD.memories【答案】 D18、教育目的可以发挥下列哪几种作用?()A.导向、规范和权威作用B.激励、评价和统一作用C.导向、激励和评价作用D.宣传、引导和激励作用【答案】 C19、“孟母三迁”的故事反映了()对人的重要影响。A.教育



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