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1、备考2025四川省泸州市中学教师公开招聘自测提分题库加精品答案一单选题(共60题)1、近代被誉为“教育史上的哥白尼”的教育家,其代表作是()。A.民主主义与教育B.教育漫话C.爱弥儿D.大教学论【答案】 D2、备受关注的中华人民共和国民法总则在十二届全国人大五次会议上获得通过,将于2017年10月1日起施行。这表明()。A.全国人大行使国家最高立法权B.全国人大选举产生其他国家机关C.全国人大常委会依法行使监督权D.我国是全体公民当家作主的国家【答案】 A3、有目的、有计划、有结构地产生教学计划、教学大纲以及教科书等系统化活动是()。A.制定课程目标B.制订课程计划C.课程设计D.明确培养目标

2、【答案】 C4、通过角色训练增强自信心,然后将所学得的应对方式应用到实际生活情境中。这种行为演练方式称为()。A.自我控制训练B.肯定性训练C.自我强化训练D.自我监督训练【答案】 B5、I remember being a student teacher in1974, sitting for two weeks in the back of my cooperating teachers classroomwatching her teach carefully before I had my chance to try. Her lessons flowed 16from beginni

3、ng to end, leading me to believe that teaching would be easy. Iremember how 17 I was the first time I stood in front of25 ninth-graders and attempted to teach them Spanish.A.toB.uponC.fromD.by【答案】 B6、在体育教学过程中,基本要求是( )。A.形式多样利于课堂教学合理利用口令B.简捷高效利于课堂教学形式多样C.简捷高效形式多样合理利用口令D.简捷高效利于课堂教学合理利用口令【答案】 D7、战略管理学家

4、迈克尔波特把资源的开发和利用分成两大类,其中基本活动可细分为()。A.生产加工B.成品储运C.市场营销D.售后服务E.技术开发【答案】 A8、When I entered Berkeley, I hoped to earn a scholarshipHaving been a Straight A student, I believed I could_16_tough subjects and really learn somethingOne such course was World Literature given by Professor JayneI was extremely i

5、nterested in the ideas he _17 _in class.A.funB.luckC.problemD.trick【答案】 A9、We are going to the zoo by bus on Tuesday afternoon. Will you go with us_ meet us there A.whenB.orC.andD.then【答案】 B10、“六艺”的内容为()。A.诗、书、礼、易、乐、射B.礼、乐、射、御、书、数C.文法、修辞、辩证法,算术、几何、天文D.礼、乐、射、御、易、诗【答案】 B11、“不愤不启,不悱不发”这句话所强调的主要含义是()A.先

6、天有差异,要因材施教B.学以致用,学习与行动相结合C.学习新的知识,巩固学过的知识D.注重方法诱导【答案】 D12、国家学生体质健康标准中()A.身高B.体重C.引体向上D.50米跑【答案】 D13、蓝牙技术是一种无线通讯技术,()A.无线耳机与手机B.无线鼠标与计算机C.手机与智能音箱D.汽车与ETC设备【答案】 D14、根据以下材料,回答题A.only owned by men in the Anglo-SaxonperiodB.gradually became common in the threecenturies following the Norman Conquest in 10

7、66C.became fixed for many years and rarelychanged after the 13th and 14th centuriesD.had the same degree of stability indifferent parts of the country【答案】 B15、下列关于跨膜运输的叙述,正确的是( )。A.血浆中的CO2通过呼吸排出体外,至少经过5层生物膜B.红细胞运输的O2,被肝细胞用于有氧呼吸,至少经过6层生物膜C.小肠肠腔中的葡萄糖进入血液中至少经过8层磷脂双分子层D.内质网腔中加工的胰岛素运出细胞经过了3层生物膜【答案】 B16、(

8、 )是衡量人们品德的重要标志。A.道德认识B.道德情感C.道德意志D.道德行为【答案】 D17、()是指课程的组织方式或设计课程的种类。A.课程类型B.教学计划C.教学大纲D.教科书【答案】 A18、身处中西文化的交汇地,众多香港文艺界人士博采众长,在电影、音乐、文学等艺术领域创造了许多精品之作,引领了华人文化圈的流行风潮。这说明()。A.“一国两制”适用于所有国家和地区B.中华文化是世界上最优秀的文化C.凡是香港流行的文化都是高雅生活情趣D.不同文化可以互相包容、彼此借鉴【答案】 D19、Parents and toddlers who read paper books together s

9、peak and interact more when compared with those who read e-books,researchers foun D.Reading with a child is a hugely important developmental activity as it helps youngsters learn new words, broadens their knowledge and provides time to bond with loved ones. So scientists wanted to see if parents and

10、 children acted differently when they read books together using traditional media versus electronic devices like tablets.To investigate, the researchers found 37 pairs of parents and healthy toddlers between two and three years ol D. They asked them to read from three different types of media: enhan

11、ced electronic books with sound effects or animation, a basic electronic book, and a print books Researchers found parents and toddlers spoke more when interacting with a paper book rather than a story on an electronic tablet. Whats more, parents used richer language when using print books compared

12、with tablets, and collaborated more with their children. But parents were less responsive and children were less engaged with their parents when reading e-books, said Dr. Tiffany Munzer, corresponding author of the study at the University of Michigan C.S. Mott Childrens Hospital. The findings were p

13、ublished in the journal Pediatrics.Munzer pointed out. however, that the study was limited in several ways, including that the team did not test the toddlers reading comprehension. It was also limited by the small sample size, and the fact that the team used only one commercially-available app for t

14、he e-books. That isnt to say there is no benefit to electronic book reading compared with doing nothing. Just less compared with print books. Print books are just better for promoting rich language from their parents and more conversations between parents and children, said Munzer.Munzer said that parents always know their children best, so they should feel empowered to adjust the reading experience to what they know their children areA.Using electronic bo



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