高考英语一轮复习 Module 1 Deep South Life in the Future课件 外研版必修4

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1、必修4Module 1Life in the Future 第一板块重点单词第一板块重点单词1. command n. 命令命令; 指令指令; 指挥指挥; 掌握掌握 vt. 命令命令; 指挥指挥(1)in command of指挥指挥; 控制控制in/under the command of由由指挥指挥; 由由控制控制take command of 控制控制; 担任担任的指挥的指挥have a good command of很好地掌握很好地掌握, 精通精通(2)command sb. to do sth. 命令某人做某事命令某人做某事command that. . . (should)do.

2、. . 命令命令【即时训练【即时训练】完成句子完成句子Besides, I have such _English that I am elected as assistant to my English teacher. 除此之外除此之外, 我精通英语并被选为英语课代表。我精通英语并被选为英语课代表。For the first time in years, she felt _her life. 多少年来第一次多少年来第一次, 她觉得生活掌握在自己手里。她觉得生活掌握在自己手里。a good command ofin command of2. charge n. 费用费用; 负责负责, 掌管掌

3、管; 价钱价钱 vt. 使承担责任使承担责任; 收费收费, 要价要价; 控告控告(1)in charge(of)主管主管; 负责负责; 照顾照顾 (2)charge sb. with(doing)sth. 因因(做做)某事而控告某人某事而控告某人charge sb. (money)for sth. 向某人索取向某人索取(的费用的费用)【误区点拨【误区点拨】(1)in charge of“负责负责, 掌管掌管”, 主语通常为人主语通常为人, 含主动意含主动意义义; in the charge of“由由主管主管”, 主语通常为物主语通常为物, 含含被动意义。被动意义。(2)charge表示表示“

4、控告控告”时时, 要用要用charge sb. with sth. , 而如果用而如果用accuse一词表达相同意义一词表达相同意义, 则应为则应为accuse sb. of sth. 。【即时训练【即时训练】完成句子完成句子The man they arrested last night has _murder. 昨晚他们逮捕的那个人被指控犯有谋杀罪。昨晚他们逮捕的那个人被指控犯有谋杀罪。been chargedwith句型转换句型转换 He was left in charge of the shop while the manager was away. =The shop was le

5、ft _ _ _ _ him while the manager was away. Its what this place offers, and its for free. Its what this place offers, and its _ _ _. in the charge offree of charge【熟词生义【熟词生义】We are interested in whether your car battery charges easily. (charge意为意为: _)充电充电3. attach vt. & vi. 系系; 贴贴; 连接连接; 使附属使附属; 使隶属使

6、隶属attach sth. to sth. 把把系到系到上上; 将将和和相联系相联系attach oneself to sb. /sth. 依附于某人依附于某人; 参加某事参加某事attach importance/significance to认为认为重要重要/有意义有意义be attached to依恋依恋; 爱慕爱慕; 留恋留恋; 附属于附属于【即时训练【即时训练】完成句子完成句子My parents always _ _ _ _my getting a good education. 我的父母一直很重视让我得到良好的教育。我的父母一直很重视让我得到良好的教育。attach great

7、importance toIt is said that the institute _ _ _Beijing University. 据说这个研究所附属于北京大学。据说这个研究所附属于北京大学。is attached to第二板块常考短语句式第二板块常考短语句式1. run out (某物某物)用完用完; 不多了不多了; 没有了没有了run out of用完用完(及物动词短语及物动词短语)run across 偶然遇到偶然遇到run after 追赶追赶run away from 逃避逃避; 逃跑逃跑【即时训练【即时训练】句型转换句型转换Suddenly, he found that he

8、had run out of salt. =Suddenly, he found that he had _ _salt. =Suddenly, he found that salt had _ _. used uprun out完成句子完成句子Food supplies in the flood-stricken area_ _ _. 灾区的食品快用完了。灾区的食品快用完了。I unexpectedly _ _him on the street the other day. 前几天我意外在街上遇见了他。前几天我意外在街上遇见了他。are running outran across【知识拓展【

9、知识拓展】表示表示“用完、用光用完、用光”的短语有的短语有: run out用光用光; 耗尽耗尽(不及物动词短语不及物动词短语)run out of用完用完; 耗尽耗尽(及物动词短语及物动词短语)use up 用完用完; 耗尽耗尽(及物动词短语及物动词短语)give out用完用完; 耗尽耗尽; 筋疲力尽筋疲力尽(不及物动词短不及物动词短语语)2. rely on依靠依靠, 依赖依赖; 信任信任rely on/upon. . . =depend on/upon. . . 依赖依赖, 依靠依靠rely on sb. to do sth. =rely on sb. / ones doing sth

10、. 指望某人做某事指望某人做某事rely on sb. for sth. 指望某人得到某物指望某人得到某物rely on it that. . . 相信相信【即时训练【即时训练】完成句子完成句子You may _he will come to give us a hand. 你放心吧你放心吧, 他会来帮助我们的。他会来帮助我们的。(2015全国卷全国卷)So you have to _and on the feel of each pair as you shop. 因此因此, 在购买时在购买时, 你要依靠你的经验和对每双你要依靠你的经验和对每双(鞋鞋)的感觉。的感觉。rely on it t

11、hatrely on your experienceMany of their shops _some of their trades. 他们的很多商店的一些生意依靠过路的司机。他们的很多商店的一些生意依靠过路的司机。relied on passing car drivers for【知识拓展【知识拓展】在在rely on it that结构中结构中, it作形式宾语作形式宾语, 代替代替that引导的引导的真正的宾语从句。真正的宾语从句。 有类似用法的词语还有有类似用法的词语还有: depend on it that. . . 放心好了放心好了, 请相信请相信see to it that.

12、. . 保证保证appreciate it if. . . 如果如果不胜感激不胜感激like/dislike/hate it when. . . 喜欢喜欢/不喜欢不喜欢3. Everyone will be given a telephone number at birth that will never change _they live. 每个人在出生时都会被给予一个电话号码每个人在出生时都会被给予一个电话号码, 将来无论将来无论他们居住在哪儿他们居住在哪儿, 这个电话号码都不会改变。这个电话号码都不会改变。no matter where(1)no matter+what/who/whic

13、h/where/when/how也可换也可换成成what/who/which/where/when/how+-ever的形式。的形式。(2)“no matter+疑问词疑问词”只能引导让步状语从句只能引导让步状语从句, 而而whatever, whichever, whoever除了引导让步状语从句除了引导让步状语从句外外, 还可引导名词性从句。还可引导名词性从句。 【即时训练【即时训练】完成句子完成句子The children were allowed to do _. 孩子们可以做他们喜欢做的任何事。孩子们可以做他们喜欢做的任何事。whatever they liked_harsh the

14、 present or unpredictable the future, theres almost always some measure of joy to be extracted from the moment. 不管现在是多么困难或者将来是多么的难以预料不管现在是多么困难或者将来是多么的难以预料, 总是总是有一些得到快乐的方法。有一些得到快乐的方法。No matter howWherever you go, I will support you. (同义句转换同义句转换)=_ _ _ you go, I will support you. No matter where【要点拾遗【

15、要点拾遗】1. alternative adj. 替换的替换的; 供选择的供选择的n. C可供选择的事物可供选择的事物【即时训练【即时训练】完成句子完成句子I had _the offer. 我除了接受该项提议之外我除了接受该项提议之外, 别无选择。别无选择。It offers _the decreasing supplies of natural gas. 这为正在减少中的天然气供应提供了另外的来源。这为正在减少中的天然气供应提供了另外的来源。no alternative but to acceptan alternative to2. shape vt. 造成造成形状形状; 塑造塑造n.

16、形状形状; 体形体形(1)shape. . . into. . . 把把加工成加工成/塑造成塑造成be shaped like外形像外形像(2)in shape在形状上在形状上; 处于良好状态处于良好状态; 健康健康out of shape变形变形; 身体不好身体不好in the shape of以以的形式的形式; 呈呈形状形状take shape成形成形; 形成形成【即时训练【即时训练】用适当的介词填空用适当的介词填空Every struggle in your life has shaped you _the person you are today. The earth on which

17、 we live is shaped _a ball. Shes bought an exercise bike to keep _shape. intolikein用用shape的正确形式填空的正确形式填空We tend to blame TV for problems it doesnt really cause, overlooking our own roles in _childrens minds. What readers expect from new stories are largely _by their profession. shapingshaped3. get r

18、id of摆脱摆脱; 去除去除; 除掉除掉; 处理掉处理掉get away from避免避免; 离开离开; 逃离逃离get across 使被理解使被理解get over 克服克服get through 通过通过, 完成完成, 接通接通(电话电话)get down to 开始着手做开始着手做【即时训练【即时训练】完成句子完成句子Did you have any trouble _that salesman? 你把那个推销员打发走费事不费事你把那个推销员打发走费事不费事? Dont you think its time we _business? 难道你不认为我们该开始工作了吗难道你不认为我们该

19、开始工作了吗? getting rid ofgot down toWe must understand that a habit is difficult and sometimes almost impossible _once it formed. 我们必须明白我们必须明白: 习惯一旦形成习惯一旦形成, 就很难就很难, 甚至有时几甚至有时几乎不可能改掉。乎不可能改掉。to get rid of4. for sure 肯定地肯定地; 确实确实be sure of/about(doing)sth. 确信确信(做做)某事某事be sure to do sth. 必定必定/必然会必然会/准会做某事

20、准会做某事make sure 弄清弄清; 核实核实sure enough 果然果然; 果真果真【即时训练【即时训练】完成句子完成句子_a list of all of her medicines and what times she takes them. 务必把她所服用的所有药物及服用时间列个清单。务必把她所服用的所有药物及服用时间列个清单。The meeting will be held in September, but nobody knows the date _. 会议将在九月举行会议将在九月举行, 但没有人知道确切的日期。但没有人知道确切的日期。Be sure to makefor sureIts not easy to cheat in chess, but I admit I _David won once or twice. 下棋时作弊不容易下棋时作弊不容易, 但我承认且确信但我承认且确信David赢过赢过一两次。一两次。made sure



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