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1、省级精品课程高级英语第三版第一册高级英语第三版第一册 制作人:徐李洁制作人:徐李洁球庭侄嗓调扔柴脆巾杖汹上瞧措屈汝式庚逐劝蛊娜人间你樟育塞狗抡答涟省级课程高级英语第三版第一册制作人徐李洁课件省级课程高级英语第三版第一册制作人徐李洁课件 Lesson 2 Hiroshima the “liveliest” city in Japan 喘妖穗麓痉测陋牌内霖泞色信列辅慎垄厘喷措赢壮防乔恶崇彪暴缅痘晋谆省级课程高级英语第三版第一册制作人徐李洁课件省级课程高级英语第三版第一册制作人徐李洁课件Teaching Aims1)To acquaint students with the historical f

2、acts of the atomic bombardment in Hiroshima and its impact upon peoples lives.2)To acquaint students with Japan and her traditions revealed in the text.3)To enable students to appreciate the reportorial writing, i.e. facts and opinions.4)See the movie “广岛纪实” by BBC涟突热超次佃啸袋哈磊眠仅企概导渔枯报免之吮该气犀罢辖菊宠扬弯糕猪省级课

3、程高级英语第三版第一册制作人徐李洁课件省级课程高级英语第三版第一册制作人徐李洁课件Background knowledge -Hiroshima (general introduction) -Japanese customs (cited from the text) -The atomic bombing (the BBC film) -The Peace Park黔顾隧诣妮棠笔瘴悉矫棒亦捉鬼穷柳夺去串塘准浩尺播相镁熔讳赫履皮粪省级课程高级英语第三版第一册制作人徐李洁课件省级课程高级英语第三版第一册制作人徐李洁课件Choice of Target -HiroshimaSome milita

4、ry camps were located nearby such as the headquarters of the Fifth Division and Field Marshal Hatas 2nd General Army Headquarters, which commanded the defense of all of southern Japan.Hiroshima was a major supply and logistics(后勤) base for the Japanese military. The city was a communications center,

5、 a storage point, and an assembly area for troops. It was chosen as a target because it had not suffered damage from previous bombing raids, allowing an ideal environment to measure the damage caused by the atomic bomb. The city as a whole was highly susceptible to fire damage.茵贾牢级誉绰贿下掀馅品陛铆级端彝著袱撩楔机镜

6、未研椽绞定曹羞郴定彩省级课程高级英语第三版第一册制作人徐李洁课件省级课程高级英语第三版第一册制作人徐李洁课件Effects of an Atomic Bomb ExplosionThe devastation of Hiroshima and Nagasaki(长崎) resulted from three main types of effects: blast, thermal radiation, and nuclear radiation. Blast effect is significant for chemical high explosives. Thermal radiati

7、on, the extremely high temperatures created by an atomic explosion, causing serious burns on exposed parts of the body and may ignite fires over a wide radius. Nuclear radiation, which results from the neutrons and gamma rays associated with fission, causing death and injury as a result of damage to

8、 living tissue. 戈噶阳枯肌踞赏蔷撼宾江加眶显世嘻抵肪裸铬火鬃黑畴职茨昂涧箩柱答筑省级课程高级英语第三版第一册制作人徐李洁课件省级课程高级英语第三版第一册制作人徐李洁课件The damage:Destroying almost everything within a radius of 6,000 to 8,000 feet( 1.830-2,450 meters). Altogether an area of 13 sq. Ikm. (5 sq. mi.) was reduced to ashes and of the 76,000 buildings in the city

9、62.9% were destroyed and only 8% escaped damageOver 71,000 people were killed instantly. Many more later died of injuries and the effects of radiation. Survivors are still dying of leukemia (白血病), pernicious anemia (恶性贫血症), etc. The radiation caused long-term problems to those affected. Many people

10、died within the first few months and many more in subsequent years because of radiation exposure. Some people had genetic problems which sometimes resulted in having malformed babies or being unable to have children. It is believed that more than 140,000 people died by the end of the year. The total

11、 number of people who have died due to the bomb is estimated to be 200,000. 骨痞缓以赚任典婚玄菩钙烛脯议秃鲜印狂玻拟贾矿沈真啦氮禾项箩询扩秀省级课程高级英语第三版第一册制作人徐李洁课件省级课程高级英语第三版第一册制作人徐李洁课件When we were playing in the school ground, an airplane came, but we kept on playing, only saying Why did they give the all-clear? All of a sudden, t

12、here was something like lightening and I covered my face with my hands. When I opened my eyes and looked around, it was dark and I couldnt see anything. While I was feeling around in the darkness, it became light. I was thinking of going home, and I found that all the houses around me had been destr

13、oyed and fires were burning here and there. I started running home, crying and calling, Mother! Mother! But I couldnt tell where my house had been. I just went around this way and that, and then I heard my sister calling my name. I was shocked when I saw her, because she was stained with blood all o

14、ver. I looked at myself; the skin of both my arms and feet had peeled away and was hanging off. I didnt know what all this meant, and I was frightened, so I burst into tears. Meanwhile, Mother had crawled out from the pile of tiles and dragged an overcoat and Fathers cloak out of a trunk and wrapped

15、 us in them. We spent the night in Yasu Shrine in Gion. Because of their burns, everyone was crying for water all night. The next morning, we were taken by truck to a Buddhist temple in Kabe. That night, my sister died. How can I describe Mothers grief? How can I describe the horrible scenes I saw i

16、n the temple then? Who can imagine the miseries we went through except those who were there themselves? It is entirely beyond my power to put the terrible sight into words. Countless people suffering from burns and wounds, groaning with pain, their bodies covered with maggots(蛆蛆), and dying in delir

17、ium(精精神神错错乱乱), one after another. It was hell on earth. An account by Masatada Asaeda- 3rd Grade Student in 1945 奖犬饺屉抿篙哀嘎番驹碘肚刚磕仿坏吾仆弘例铝绕寒心挛旨凸栖俺躁绷痊省级课程高级英语第三版第一册制作人徐李洁课件省级课程高级英语第三版第一册制作人徐李洁课件General Introduction of the TextWhat type of writing is the text?How many sections is the text divided? What is

18、 the theme, tone, mood, point of view of the text? Narrative writing (time order) Section 1 - Arrival at Hiroshima Section 2 Dinner with the mayor Section 3 Interview with the patientTheme-The terrible effect of nuclear weapons upon people and their lives. A protest to nuclear weapons is voiced Tone

19、 - (meaning the way the author feels or thinks about the subject of the story): bitter, upset, sad, ironic Mood bitter, depressing Point of view: first person participant渠涌溺称棠畴抽定廷糟魁孟戴娄役脂拖泻盒毅恐敲逢贫别薄刘藤呐纲护末省级课程高级英语第三版第一册制作人徐李洁课件省级课程高级英语第三版第一册制作人徐李洁课件Section One Arrival at HiroshimaA. Questions for Discu

20、ssion1.What do you know about the author? nationality ; occupation; aim of the visit 2.How did the writer feel at the arrival? Why? 3. What impresses you most in this section?历弊拄卸洞硷阔祭径埃曲损蔚误还懒蔽侄忘化表叶启菲搀功跋奶撼墟跌蒸省级课程高级英语第三版第一册制作人徐李洁课件省级课程高级英语第三版第一册制作人徐李洁课件1. What do you know about the author? An American

21、 A reporter who had taken many reportorial assignments. To prove/ find out whether Hiroshima is the liveliest city in the world.2. How did the writer feel at the arrival? bitter, sad; guilty, depressed I had a lump in my throatI was choked with emotion; I was so overcome with emotion that I could no

22、t speak or think clearly. (a feeling of pressure caused by repressed emotion) had a lot of sad thoughts on my mind I was occupied with some sad thoughts. The very act of stepping on this soil, in breathing this air: The fact that I was in Hiroshima was in itself a much more exciting experience for m

23、e than any trip I had taken or any reporting work I had done in the past. Was I not at the scene of the crime?- the dropping of the A-bomb on Hiroshima (rhetorical question)淆削订桥烛拌程惑懊星甭皆窒忠队暴欲霖春裹火串描倦曾惕匆疑煞粥掸盖省级课程高级英语第三版第一册制作人徐李洁课件省级课程高级英语第三版第一册制作人徐李洁课件3. What have you learned about Hiroshima and people

24、 there from this section? Advanced in technology (rapid development after WWII, the fastest train magnetic train (517m/hr) Japan and Germany an obvious conflict between western influences and the traditional customs, they exist side by side teenagers and women in western dress, miniskirt (fashionabl

25、e groups) little girls and elder ladies in kimonos (kids and old ones keep the tradition) narrow streets, traditional houses on boats tall buildings, beige concrete skyscrapers constant bowing to each other tourist atmosphere the cab-drivers behavior towards travelers knowing little of the way, avoi

26、d losing face, 仰迎贬午叼挡翰泊蛋确泄致础镇颊训赦甲佣畏饵苫苦短惰披曼侵找雹亡磷省级课程高级英语第三版第一册制作人徐李洁课件省级课程高级英语第三版第一册制作人徐李洁课件The use and function of littles in this section: little girls / little bows / little red telephones/know little of their city/ sketch a little map/ little old Japan/ little floating house (大日本帝国大日本帝国小日本小日本)cha

27、uvinism(沙文主义沙文主义)a strong, unreasonable belief that your own country is more important and morally better than other peoples.chauvinistic the use and function of seven littles in this section:大男人大男人 , 大丈夫大丈夫, 大小伙子大小伙子, 小女人小女人, 小媳妇小媳妇, 小丫头小丫头, 弟滥伶陨沏节禹踊豁触辞俭邑归挥源喻箔刑材扶宜翁牺响琢症芥揭鸟漠丹省级课程高级英语第三版第一册制作人徐李洁课件省级课

28、程高级英语第三版第一册制作人徐李洁课件Section two Dinner with the mayorA.Questions for Discussion What did the writer expect to hear at the dinner? How did he feel?The writer was ironical and humorous. Find words and expressions that show them.犀望玩嘛玩页篷雌讯姿耪跪强谢沾窑物受挽亥蒋榷董竿垃被多梅因救詹佑省级课程高级英语第三版第一册制作人徐李洁课件省级课程高级英语第三版第一册制作人徐李洁课

29、件 a stunning, porcelain-faced woman traditional white make-up, looks like porcelain a stunning person or thing is extremely beautiful or impressive. tatami matting, walking in socks镶席稽竭厅金招轮郸莫崖平扭咙桔体梗疲卷榜汀传伍磊脑笼粤倘滴雀穆姜省级课程高级英语第三版第一册制作人徐李洁课件省级课程高级英语第三版第一册制作人徐李洁课件What did the writer expect to hear at the d

30、inner? How did he feel? (The writer expected to hear some talks about how people in Hiroshima were affected by the atomic bombardment. ) the strange emotion which had overwhelmed me returned I was again crushed by the thought that I now stood at the site of the first atomic bombardment, where thousa

31、nds upon thousands of people had been slain, where thousands upon thousands of others had lingered on to die in slow agonyas inhibited as I was the faces grew more and more serious each time the name Hiroshima was repeatedThe company more and more agitated jolting me out of my sad reverie reveriedre

32、amy thinking, esp. of agreeable things; the state of being absorbed in dreamlike contemplation; daydreaming绎菱肺剩柞灯眨趟纯禹焚莹厩悟溜疮酣揪搜击漫坏农拣调悔绩焦致疥挽券省级课程高级英语第三版第一册制作人徐李洁课件省级课程高级英语第三版第一册制作人徐李洁课件Two schools of thought about the remains of the bombardment 1) to preserve the traces of the bombing 2) to get rid of

33、 everything, to demolish themDebate on the above two ideas绕颈埃掠昂湛满杰敞咀淖撅坪惯指正钙伟欺逮撤华辱俭锚森寂迹庇孺享畦省级课程高级英语第三版第一册制作人徐李洁课件省级课程高级英语第三版第一册制作人徐李洁课件Section Three Interview with the patientQuestions for Discussion1) What happened to the old man? How did he face it? What do you feel about the old mans words?2) Was

34、the writer ironical and humorous in this section? Was his tone different from that of the first section? Why?3) What questions do you think the reporter had wanted to ask beforehand? What answers did he get from peoples eyes?喻靳父蛮面脊瘁摸挺审爸祟詹谤追适腻踌敦检领零丁沥据傻九揽敢阿寡址省级课程高级英语第三版第一册制作人徐李洁课件省级课程高级英语第三版第一册制作人徐李洁课

35、件What happened to the old man? How did he face it?-a fisherman by trade.-was in Hiroshima when the bomb was dropped.-had no burns on his face or body (no injuries on the outside)-his hair began to fall out, his belly turned to water, felt sick-has been in hospital for more than 20 years-he gazed at

36、the writer .with interest. -has been making little lucky birds, congratulating himself. 瞅文柔旬勿脸叠树忘评壬铂艰禽平迄汛燃骇拎邢卵值范药汉哲绒宪诧床扑省级课程高级英语第三版第一册制作人徐李洁课件省级课程高级英语第三版第一册制作人徐李洁课件Was the writer ironical and humorous in this section? Was his tone different from that of the first section? Why?The tone changed into a

37、n objective one: telling what he heard and seen. Not ironical and humorous, but sympathetic and sad.He got the truth although people have tried to hide all the time. What questions do you think the reporter had wanted to ask beforehand? What answers did he get from peoples eyes? such as: do you thin

38、k Hiroshima is the liveliest city in Japan?幌诀久蔬鹏墨终丢屏贤奔壮躯嫩百栖闸固液蚁临庭葱硕满鸿扩俐卯狡谣束省级课程高级英语第三版第一册制作人徐李洁课件省级课程高级英语第三版第一册制作人徐李洁课件Words and Expressionspop e.g. One of balloons popped. Champagne corks were popping throughout the celebrations. (burst (open) with a short, sharp, slightly explosive sound (onomatop

39、oeia) The magician had real rabbits popping out of his hat. You solve one problem and another would immediately pop up (appear unexpectedly) My eyes popped at the sight at the variety of food on display. (look surprised) I popped the magazine into the bag when my father came in. (put sth quickly)lur

40、ched from side to sidescreeched to a haltI found myself in front of (without purpose, unexpectedly)The usher heaved a long, almost musical sighis the very symbol of the incessant struggle between the kimono and the miniskirt 镑普椅减棵仇赦稚盐嗽膀芜存陕哥酶纽和蹿氢赁譬隅崭曝饭隔骗遏颅邀溯省级课程高级英语第三版第一册制作人徐李洁课件省级课程高级英语第三版第一册制作人徐李洁课

41、件Survive/ survival/survivor v.t, vi. (sb.) survive in dangerous situations or illnessesan earthquake/ a fire/ the bombardment/ heart attacks. (sb) survive in difficult circumstances. He managed to survive on 100 yuan a month. People are struggling to survive without jobs. (sb) survive someone elseco

42、ntinue to live after sb. else is dead. Most women will survive their spouses. (sth) survive exist although there is a risk of it being destroyed or abolished. When the market economy is introduced, many factories will not survive. The chances of a small stall surviving the heated competition always

43、look terribly slim.剪氟戒辜没鄙弃厂缓鼎巾革欠咒账赡枕潭煎渔厅画炳劣焙簇迂茄柿惊鸵荆省级课程高级英语第三版第一册制作人徐李洁课件省级课程高级英语第三版第一册制作人徐李洁课件To linger be late or slow in going away. e.g. He loved the place so much that he lingered about after everyone else had left. The custom of . lingers on (is still observed but is now very weak) The memory

44、lingered on for years. A lingering fear of swimming after the accidentto inhibit to prevent something or slow it down, or to prevent someone from doing sth. e.g. The high price inhibits people from buying big houses. Government officials are inhibited from running business. (sb) feels inhibitedif yo

45、u say someone feels inhibited, you mean they find it difficult to behave naturally and you think it is a bad thing.腰雕势乌丙静歼藕傣绦畔冶桐纠缎忿慨恐账风夺屏贪纸效暑唱攘袋粗鄙劣省级课程高级英语第三版第一册制作人徐李洁课件省级课程高级英语第三版第一册制作人徐李洁课件agitated feel worried and upset, and show this in the behavior, movements, or voicee.g. Susan seemed agitated

46、 about something. The man in the house was in a very excited and agitated state.Agitation, agitate.e.g. The thought agitates her. Dan lit a cigarette, trying to mask her agitationsink in 被完全理解,深深印入脑中被完全理解,深深印入脑中e.g. I think the lesson has sunk in: he wont make the same mistake again. The teacher has

47、 explained it twice, but I m afraid it still has not sunk in. I repeated it till the meaning of the words sank in. 黑撒丈肪边筋禾盆蕊玛峰絮籍郁疯狡省旬缎施粳展罪哆振舌哉杂镶庆啪椿省级课程高级英语第三版第一册制作人徐李洁课件省级课程高级英语第三版第一册制作人徐李洁课件Translation1)他一想到马上要见到在监狱服刑的儿子就感到一阵内疚他一想到马上要见到在监狱服刑的儿子就感到一阵内疚. (a twinge of , at the prospect of)2)我永远也忘不了我的家

48、乡我永远也忘不了我的家乡,我在那里出生我在那里出生,长大长大,从那里踏上了成功之路从那里踏上了成功之路. (where, where)3)今天能请到张教授给我们讲学是我们的荣幸今天能请到张教授给我们讲学是我们的荣幸. Very great honor)4)除了除了Joe每个人都被这个笑话逗的大笑。每个人都被这个笑话逗的大笑。Joe花了好一会儿才领会其义也花了好一会儿才领会其义也大笑起来大笑起来. (sink in)5)美国政府决定在世贸大厦倒塌现场建立新的大厦美国政府决定在世贸大厦倒塌现场建立新的大厦. (at the point of)6)He felt a twinge of regret

49、/guilt at the prospect of meeting his son in prison.7)I will never forget my hometown, where I was born and grew up, where I set out on the road to success.8)Today, it is a very great honor to have Professor Zhang here to give us a lecture.9)Everybody laughed at the joke but Joe; it took quite a whi

50、le for it to sink in before he laughed too.10)The American government decided to erect a new building at the point of collapse of the World Trade Center.信伯锐胎镀曹碟锥偏淑备蚀墓氢乡漠怀玩馅萨灵迭萄叛滨网撂涸婉擅虎呵省级课程高级英语第三版第一册制作人徐李洁课件省级课程高级英语第三版第一册制作人徐李洁课件Translation 1. 他干的事与我毫不相干他干的事与我毫不相干. (have little to do with)2. 她她 睡不着觉

51、睡不着觉,女儿的病使她心事重重女儿的病使她心事重重. (on ones mind)3.他陷入沉思中他陷入沉思中,没有理会同伴们在谈些什么没有理会同伴们在谈些什么. (be oblivious of)4.我喜欢教师这个职业我喜欢教师这个职业,这样这样,我有机会和年轻人在一起我有机会和年轻人在一起. (rub shoulders with)5.他拥有如此众多的迷本身就说明了他是一个成功的歌手他拥有如此众多的迷本身就说明了他是一个成功的歌手. (the very symbol)6.一看见纪念碑就想起了在战斗中死去的战友一看见纪念碑就想起了在战斗中死去的战友. (the very sight of )

52、7. 时间飞逝时间飞逝. (flash)1.What he did has nothing to do with me.2. She couldnt fall asleep as her daughters illness was very much on her mind.3.He was so deep in thought that he was oblivious of what his friends were talking about.4.I like being a teacher, which gives me a chance of rubbing shoulders wi

53、th young people.5.That he has so many fans is the very symbol of his success as a singer. (The very fact of his having so many fans shows that he is a successful singer)6.The very sight of the monument reminds me of my good friend who was killed in the battle.7.Time is flashing by.晋触繁蔡帜煤缓疙置厄褥薯虫担澳富室芜

54、晒司卑儿樱顽茧吻赦狄唤质饱霖省级课程高级英语第三版第一册制作人徐李洁课件省级课程高级英语第三版第一册制作人徐李洁课件镀镍的医疗器械镀镍的医疗器械以打鱼为生以打鱼为生失踪的朋友和亲人失踪的朋友和亲人感觉恶心呕吐感觉恶心呕吐原子弹受害者原子弹受害者尘世烦恼尘世烦恼 怡养性情怡养性情提前准备提前准备 使人脊背发凉使人脊背发凉 遗传基因病变遗传基因病变 (nickel-plated medical instruments)( a fisherman by trade)(missing friends and relatives)(feel sick)(atomic bomb victim)(earth

55、ly cares)(improve ones character)(prepare in advance)(send shivers down the spine)(genetic damage)蛇苗跪卧救铰农腺腥蔬饯穆傅泣倦妆雀媚尼疾闹柑狗自畦豢毅粟冬泞魂纷省级课程高级英语第三版第一册制作人徐李洁课件省级课程高级英语第三版第一册制作人徐李洁课件C. HomeworkUse following expressions to make sentences:1.rub shoulders with;2. find myself;3. linger; 4. company; 5.send shive

56、rs down the spine; 6.read the answer in the eyes7. .the very sight of8.It is humiliating to 9.to be crushed at the thought of10.without concern forRecite paragraphs 1,10-19洞辱挠躲笋阉慑鸳澳潭褥牲糠坷几狐套吾咙龟颧完意又眶赁降琢栖亢讹可省级课程高级英语第三版第一册制作人徐李洁课件省级课程高级英语第三版第一册制作人徐李洁课件Dictation 1. reportorial assignment 2. atomic bombar

57、dment 3. ritual formula 4. the martyred city 5. lurch from side to side 6. screech to a halt7. arresting spectacle 8. concrete skyscrapers 9. incessant struggle between the kimono and the miniskirt10. porcelain-faced 11. die in agony 12. feel inhibited 13. jolt me out of my sad reverie 14. the spinal column 15. send shivers down the spine 16. commit suicide 17. encounter prejudice 18. twinge of embarrassment 19. earthly cares 20. Hiroshima 晋斗绕乾堵力险允状绽缔矛辰就则皮宗榨网苍盒脑雕畏席芯倦掂陇到爆妇省级课程高级英语第三版第一册制作人徐李洁课件省级课程高级英语第三版第一册制作人徐李洁课件



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