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1、七上七上Unit5SectionB2A2CSingasong Doyouhaveasoccerball,soccerball,soccerball?Doyouhaveasoccerball,mydearfriend?Ihaveasoccerball,soccerball,soccerball.Ihaveasoccerball,mydearfriend.Doyouhaveavolleyball,volleyball,volleyball?Doyouhaveavolleyball,mydearfriend?Idonthaveavolleyball,Volleyball,volleyball,Ido

2、nthaveavolleyball,mydearfriend.Frank Brown Gina Smith Wang WeiPre-readingThreenewfriendsWho has a soccer ball?Reading tip1: 读前根据图片预测文章内容。读前根据图片预测文章内容。Frank BrownGina Smith Wang WeiPre-readingTask3猜一猜猜一猜Skimming扫读扫读Who has a soccer ball?Readingtip2: 找出关键句子。找出关键句子。While-reading Task 1Frank Brown Gina

3、Smith Wang WeiWho do you think says these sentences? Check F For Frank, G for Gina or W for Wang Wei. 1. I play ping-pong with my classmates after class.2. I have soccer balls, basketballs, volleyballs and baseballs. 3. My brother has a soccer ball but I dont.4. I only watch sports on TV.5. Soccer i

4、s not easy for me.6. My brother and I are in the same school. FGWTask 2Task 2Fastreading快读快读Lets check the answers. 1. I play ping-pong with my classmates after class.2. I have soccer balls, basketballs, volleyballs and baseballs. 3. My brother has a soccer ball but I dont.4. I only watch sports on

5、TV.5. Soccer is not easy for me.6. My brother and I are in the same school. FGWCareful reading细读细读Read paragraphy 1,Write T for true or F for false. Para 1Para 11)Franksbrotherhasasoccerball.()2)FrankandAlangotothesameschool.()3)Theyplaysoccerballathomewiththeirfriends.()Readingtip2:Readingtip2:找出关键

6、句子。找出关键句子。Careful reading细读细读Read the passage and answer the questions: Frank Brown: (找出关键性句子)(找出关键性句子)I dont have a soccer ball, but my brother Alan does. We go to the same school and we love soccer. We play it at school with our friends. Its relaxing. Para 1Para 11)Franksbrotherhasasoccerball.()TC

7、areful reading细读细读Para 1Para 12)FrankandAlangotothesameschool.() Frank Brown: (找出关键性句子)(找出关键性句子)I dont have a soccer ball, but my brother Alan does. We go to the same school and we love soccer. We play it at school with our friends. Its relaxing. TCareful reading细读细读Para 1Para 13)Theyplaysoccerballa

8、thomewiththeirfriends.() Frank Brown: (找出关键性句子)(找出关键性句子)I dont have a soccer ball, but my brother Alan does. We go to the same school and we love soccer. We play it at school with our friends. Its relaxing. FCareful reading细读细读Para Para 2 2细读第二段,填空:细读第二段,填空:Gina _ two soccer balls, Gina _ two soccer

9、 balls, _volleyballs,_volleyballs,_basketballs and _ baseballs basketballs and _ baseballs and bats. She doesnt play_. and bats. She doesnt play_. She only _them_ TV.She only _them_ TV. threefourfivethemwatchesonhasCareful reading细读细读Para Para 3 3细读第三段,完成思维导图:细读第三段,完成思维导图:WangWeihaslikesping-pong_pi

10、ng-pongballsping-pong_threeandtwo_ping-pongbatsplays_with hisclassmates_Careful reading细读细读四人一组,一名扮演小记者,其他三名扮演四人一组,一名扮演小记者,其他三名扮演FrankFrank、Gina Gina 和和 Wang WeiWang Wei,采访一下他们。,采访一下他们。A: Hello ! A: Hello ! Whats your nameWhats your name ? ?F: Im Frank .F: Im Frank .A: A: Do you have aDo you have a

11、soccer ball ? soccer ball ?F: No, I dont .But my brother Alan does. F: No, I dont .But my brother Alan does. A: A: Do you playDo you play soccer? soccer?F: Yes, We play soccer at school. F: Yes, We play soccer at school. A: Hi! Whats your name ?A: Hi! Whats your name ?G: G: Postreading 读后读后Whatballs

12、doyouhave?Doyouplaythem?你都有哪些球?你做运动吗?你都有哪些球?你做运动吗?比如:比如:Ihave_.Ilike_.Iplayitwith_.(Idontplayit.IonlywatchitonTV.)Production谈一谈谈一谈Play sports,keep healthy !Progress试一试:翻译下列句子:试一试:翻译下列句子:1.我的妹妹有两个排球。我的妹妹有两个排球。My_two_.2.我喜欢足球,但对我来说它是困我喜欢足球,但对我来说它是困难的。难的。I_soccer,butits_for_.sister hasvolleyballsdifficultmelikeProgress3.我下课后和同班同学打篮球。我下课后和同班同学打篮球。Iplay_after_withmy_.4.我不打排球,仅仅在电视上看它。我不打排球,仅仅在电视上看它。I_playvolleyball,Ionly_it_TV.basketballclassclassmatesdontwatchonGoodbye !Thanks for listening !结束语结束语谢谢大家聆听!谢谢大家聆听!26



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