高中英语 unit1《Great scientists》Grammar课件 新人教版必修5

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1、GrammarV-ed as Attribute and Predicative1.an honored guest2.They are cleaning the fallen leaves in the yard.(=leaves that have fallen)(被动被动)(完成完成) V-ed 作作_定语定语单个的过去分词作定语放在被修饰的名词单个的过去分词作定语放在被修饰的名词_,表示,表示_和和_。前置前置前面前面被动被动完成完成一位受到尊重的客人一位受到尊重的客人他们正在打扫院子里的落叶。他们正在打扫院子里的落叶。 a guest who is honored (by peopl

2、e)1.They had beef and _ for supper. A. smoking fish B. fish smokingC. fish to smoke D. smoked fish2.The _glass cup was_ by John.broking, broken breaking, breakingbroken, broken broken, breakingV-ed 短语短语作作_定语,通常放在被修饰定语,通常放在被修饰的名词的名词_,它的作用相当于一个,它的作用相当于一个_.后置后置后面后面定语从句定语从句a. It came from the river poll

3、utedby the dirty water. b. It came from the river which was polluted by the dirty water. Describe the pictures using v-edthe Great Wall built by Chinese people中国人中国人The Story of Ah Q written by Lu Xun (which is written by Lu Xun)(which is built by Chinese people)1. I have read plenty of plays _ by S

4、hakespeare. A.written B. wrote C. write D. writing 2. The first textbooks _ for teaching English came out in the 16th century. A.to be produced B. producedC. being produced D. having produced1. There was a terrible noise _ the sudden burst of light. A.followed B. following C. to be followed D. being

5、 followed2. Whats the language _ in Germany? A. speaking B. spoken C. be spoken D. to speakV-ing 与与V-ed 作定语的区别(作定语的区别(1)V-ing表主动,表主动, V-ed表被动表被动boiling waterboiled waterthe changing worldthe changed worldthe rising sunthe risen sunV-ING 与与V-ED 作定语的区别(作定语的区别(2) 正在正在沸腾的水沸腾的水已经已经烧开的水烧开的水正在正在发生变化的世界发生变化

6、的世界已经已经变化了的世界变化了的世界正在正在升起的太阳升起的太阳升起升起了的太阳了的太阳V-ing表动作正在进行,表动作正在进行, V-ed表动作表动作已经完成已经完成作表语的过去分词,在作表语的过去分词,在主主-系系-表句表句型型中,说明主语所处的一种中,说明主语所处的一种状态状态。其。其中包括中包括系动词系动词在内的多种形式。在内的多种形式。1.You seem frightened.2.They are excited.3.He looked worried after reading the letter.4.When we heard of this, we were deeply

7、 moved.系动词的分类:系动词的分类:“似乎类似乎类”:“感觉类感觉类”: “变成类变成类”:“仍然类仍然类”:基本形式基本形式:Be( am, is, are)seem, appear, lookfeel, sound, smell, tastebecome, go, get, grow, fall, turnremain, continue, stay, keep1. The door remained _ . A. locked B. to lock C. locking D. lock 2. He looks very _ . A.excite B. exciting C. exc

8、ited D. to exciteWhat he said was _ (encourage).We were _ (encourage )at what he said.The football game is very _(bore). We were _(bore) at the football game.V-ING 与与V-ED 作表语的区别作表语的区别encouragingencouragedboringboredV-ing 修饰物,翻译为修饰物,翻译为“使人感到使人感到-”V-ed 修饰人,翻译为修饰人,翻译为“感到感到”A. The library is closed. B.

9、The library is closed at six.C. The library is closed by the teacher.系表结构系表结构表示主语的表示主语的特点或所处的状态特点或所处的状态,强调,强调主谓关系主谓关系。被动语态被动语态表示表示动作动作,强调,强调动宾关系动宾关系。标志:。标志:行为执行者由行为执行者由by短语来表示;有具短语来表示;有具体的时间,表示当时的动作体的时间,表示当时的动作。区别区别“ 系动词系动词+过去分词(系表结构)过去分词(系表结构)”和和“系动词系动词+ 过去分词(被动语态)过去分词(被动语态)”(系表结构)(系表结构)(被动语态)被动语态)(被动语态)被动语态)All the doors are locked.All the doors are locked by the guard.He is buried here.He is buried here in 1925.(系表结构)(系表结构)(系表结构)(系表结构)(被动语态)被动语态)(被动语态)被动语态)



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