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1、 Unit 2 Ill help to clean up the city parks.Section A(1a2c)刘晓兰刘晓兰 太原市万柏林区十一中太原市万柏林区十一中奥巴马奥巴马与与YMCA志愿者一起刷墙。志愿者一起刷墙。朴槿惠朴槿惠为低收入阶层等为低收入阶层等生活保护对象人员制作免费便当。生活保护对象人员制作免费便当。 匈牙利总理匈牙利总理在河坝旁运沙袋在河坝旁运沙袋 2013年3月,荷兰王子一家荷兰王子一家当志愿者当志愿者打扫监狱博物馆。打扫监狱博物馆。 2013.09,叙利亚第一夫人叙利亚第一夫人在慈善厨房做义工在慈善厨房做义工 威廉王子威廉王子与其他志愿者一起在智利参与其他志愿者

2、一起在智利参加了近加了近10周类似的建筑项目。周类似的建筑项目。The ways you could help people: You could help to plant trees. You could help stop hunger.You could help the elder cross the road. You could visit sick people in the hospital to cheer them up.You could volunteer in an after-school study program to teach kids.You could

3、 give out food at the food bank.Would you like to be a volunteer? 1c Practice the conversation in the picture above.Then make other conversations using the information in 1b. A: I hope to work outside.B: You could help to clean up the city parks.A: I want to help stop hunger.B:You could give out foo

4、d at the food bank.A: Id like to.B: You could.2a A group of students are planning a City Park Clean -up Day.Listen and check ( ) the things they are going to do to tell people about it.2b Listen again. Fill in the blanks.1.We need to_ _ _ a plan to tell people about the city park clean-up.2.Clean-Up

5、 Day is only two weeks from now.We cant _ _making a plan. 3.We could _ _signs.4.Lets make some notices ,too. Then Ill_ them_ after school.5. We could each _ _10 students and ask them to e up with putput uphand call up outofforA:We need to come up with a plan for City Park Cleanup Day./B:We could put

6、 up sign./C:Ill make some notices/D:And I willGroup workOur school is going to have a Volunteer Month. Make a plan in your group to do volunteer work,begin with :A:Would you like to be a volunteer?B:Yes,I think its a great job. What could I do?A:You could1.He couldnt _ an idea.2.After school, studen

7、ts _ the classroom.3.We have to _ the meeting because of heavy rain.4.Young man, _! Dont cry for the over spilt milk.5.We could _ some signs to tell people aboutthe book sale.6.We could each 10 students and ask them to come. come up withclean upput offcheer upput upI.Fill in the blanks with the phra

8、sal verbs in the box.put up cheer up clean up put off come up with call up 当堂达标测试当堂达标测试Call upII.填入所缺的词完成对话填入所缺的词完成对话:A: _ would you like _ _ this weekend?B: Id like to _ at the local hospital.A: Really? Why?B: Id like to _up sick kids. What about you?A:We made a plan to clean up The City Park.B:You

9、 could put up _,hand out some _ and call up some students to do the work.A: Its a good idea. volunteerWhat to do cheersigns notices. . 词汇应用词汇应用 After a heavy earthquake happened in Sichuan, many people hurt After a heavy earthquake happened in Sichuan, many people hurt badly. All thebadly. All the w

10、anted to help them out andwanted to help them out and . So they. So theymany many groups. What they did worked out fine.groups. What they did worked out fine. I joined one of the groups. First I gotI joined one of the groups. First I got training in the group forin the group for _ _ _days. Then I he

11、lpeddays. Then I helped food to the homeless people. Sometimes food to the homeless people. Sometimes wewe money for the people in the earthquake area.money for the people in the earthquake area. One day, while we were working at the help center, a dog came One day, while we were working at the help

12、 center, a dog came in with a basket in his mouth. We found a piece of paper in it and in with a basket in his mouth. We found a piece of paper in it and there were some words on it “Dear children, Im a disabled man who there were some words on it “Dear children, Im a disabled man who cant see anyth

13、ing. Every day I get help from the kind people. I cant see anything. Every day I get help from the kind people. I deeply thank you for yourdeeply thank you for your . I want. I want a way to help others. Now a way to help others. Now I let my dog carry the food to you. So you can give the food to th

14、e I let my dog carry the food to you. So you can give the food to the people who are still in hunger. ”people who are still in hunger. ”答案答案: cheer them upvolunteersset upkindnesscome up withgive outraiseseveral12345678Homework1、Copy the sentences in 1b and 2b.2、some students want to be volunteers. Give your advice to them,begin with “You could .江农义工宣传片3.f4vId like to help you!Volunteer from now!Roses given,fragrance in hand! fregrnsTo help others is to help yourself !As long as everyone gives a little love,the world will become a beautiful blue sky.



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