高中英语 Unit 1 The world of our senses Period Four Project课件 牛津译林版必修3

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1、Period Four Project课前预习梳理记忆理解课堂讲义感悟归纳应用当堂达标综合巩固反馈栏目索引.单词自测单词自测1. adj.相反相反的的; n.相反相反的事实或情况的事实或情况2. n.(动物或人的动物或人的)肉肉3. n.珠宝珠宝4. vt.吸引吸引5. adj.镇静镇静的,沉着的,平静的的,沉着的,平静的; vt.& vi.使使平静,镇静平静,镇静答案n词语识记课前预习contraryfleshjewelleryattractcalm 答案6. vi.& n.惊慌惊慌,恐慌,恐慌7. adj.可能可能的的8. n.士兵士兵9. vi.& vt.卷起来卷起来,(使使)滚动滚动1

2、0. adj.松动松动的,松开的;宽松的的,松开的;宽松的; vt.松开松开,释放释放11. vt.使用使用;雇佣;雇佣 n.雇主雇主 n.雇员雇员 n.雇佣雇佣paniclikely soldierrolllooseemployemployeremployeeemployment12. n.罗盘罗盘;指南针;指南针13. prep.不像不像;与;与不同不同 (反义词反义词)prep.像像;类似;类似.短语自测短语自测1.give 放弃放弃2.result 导致导致,结果是,结果是3.be attracted 被被吸引吸引4.be likely 有有可能可能5.roll 卷起来卷起来6.put

3、 使使进入,把进入,把放进放进7. time及时及时compassunlikelikeupintotoupintoin答案答案12345.阅读阅读P1819课文,选出最佳答案课文,选出最佳答案1.Which of the following statements is TRUE about sharks?A.Among nearly 400 different types of sharks, only about 30 types attack human beings.B.The most dangerous sharks are the tiger shark and the bull

4、shark.C.The sharks attack is the leading cause of peoples death in the sea.D.The chance of being attacked by sharks is rather small compared to other dangers.答案答案Dn课文预读答案123452.Which of the following ways can help you out of the attacks from sharks?A.No swimming in the dark, especially alone at nigh

5、t.B.The less people, the less chances to be attacked by sharks.C.Wearing colourful clothing.D.Swimming when you have a fresh wound.答案答案A答案3. is the way to save you out of a shark attack.A.To keep still,not to make the shark angryB.To pull aside the sharks jaws to pull yourself out its mouthC.To hit

6、the shark on the head to drive it awayD.To hit the shark on the noseD12345答案4.Why does an officer write a short message quickly on a small piece of paper?A.Because he wants to test his soldiers abilities of writing.B.Because he intends to practice his handwriting.C.Because he wants to get help.D.Bec

7、ause he tries to get a pigeon.答案答案C12345答案5.When did they find the use of the pigeons?A.In the quiet night. B.In war.C.At home. D.In the cage.答案答案B12345答案.阅读阅读P18课文完成下表,每空一词课文完成下表,每空一词About sharks Nearly 400 types of sharks. About 30 types are known to have attacked humans. Three types of 1. sharks:

8、the great white shark,the tiger shark and the bull shark.Three types of shark attacks The shark 2. you for a fish and attacks you,but when it tastes human flesh,it gives up. The shark 3. you if it thinks you are fit to be eaten. The shark waits for you to swim by,and then attacks you all of a 4.dang

9、erousmistakesbitessudden答案5._ on how to reduce the risk of a shark attack Dont swim in the 6. . Dont swim in the ocean if you have a fresh 7. . Dont wear bright clothing or jewellery. Stay in groups.What to do if a shark attack happens Keep calm.Dont get into a 8. . Hit the shark on the nose with yo

10、ur fist. 9. your finger in the sharks eye.10. of being attacked by a sharkYou are 30 times more likely to be hit by lightning than be attacked by a shark.Advice/suggestionsdark/darknesswoundpanicStickChances返回答案.阅阅 读读 本本 单单 元元 Project部部 分分 , 试试 着着 以以 约约 30个个 词词 概概 括括 课课 文文 “The wonderful world of pi

11、geons”第五段第五段(P19,L1119)的段落大意。的段落大意。 Pigeons have a strong sense of direction and they can fly long distances without losing their way.Because of this,since ancient times,they have been used as special messengers,especially in war. 语境感悟语境感悟 课堂讲义n重点单词1(1)(教教材材P18)Contrary to what many people might ass

12、ume,evidence shows that sharks seldom attack humans.可能与大多数人认为的相反,证据表明鲨鱼很少攻击人类。可能与大多数人认为的相反,证据表明鲨鱼很少攻击人类。(2)Contrary to popular belief,the animals do not often attack humans.与普遍的看法相反的是,动物不常攻击人类与普遍的看法相反的是,动物不常攻击人类。contrary 归纳拓展归纳拓展 contrary adj.相反的;相反的;n.相反的事实或情况相反的事实或情况( (the contrary) )contrary to与与

13、相反相反on the contrary与此相反,正相反与此相反,正相反to the contrary与此相反的与此相反的(3)Didnt you find the film exciting?On the contrary,I nearly fell asleep half way through it.你没发现这部电影很激动人心吗?你没发现这部电影很激动人心吗?正相反,我在看到一半时差点睡着了。正相反,我在看到一半时差点睡着了。答案(1)用适当的介词填空用适当的介词填空The rain was heavy but,contrary our fears,our fields were not

14、flooded.It doesnt seem ugly to me. the contrary,I think its rather beautiful.Show me some evidence the contrary. 即时即时跟踪跟踪 toOnto(2)Contrary our expectations,Mr Smith couldnt get his meaning to us on how to solve this tough problem.A.with;to B.to;acrossC.to;around D.with;across解解析析句句意意为为:与与我我们们的的期期望望

15、相相反反的的是是,在在如如何何解解决决这这个个棘棘手手的的问问题题上上,史史密密斯斯先先生生没没有有把把他他的的意意思思向向我我们们解解释释清清楚楚。contrary to与与相相反反;get sth.across to sb.使某人了解某事。使某人了解某事。答案答案 B解析答案解析答案(3)Snowfall and low temperatures havent made the animals move hurriedly for shelter. , they greet the snow with excitement, either enjoying the snowy landsc

16、ape or tasting snowflakes.A.On the contrary B.In conclusionC.As a whole D.Aside from解解析析句句意意为为:下下雪雪和和寒寒冷冷的的天天气气并并没没有有使使动动物物们们匆匆忙忙的的回回到到巢巢穴穴。相相反反,他他们们用用兴兴奋奋的的心心情情迎迎接接白白雪雪,享享受受着着下下雪雪的的风风景景或或品品尝尝雪雪花花。on the contrary相相反反,符符合合句句意意。in conclusion总总之之;as a whole总总的的来来说说;aside from除除以外。以外。A 语境感悟语境感悟 2(1)(教教材

17、材P18)Do not wear bright clothing or jewellery,because sharks are attracted to the flash of colours and bright objects.不不要要穿穿鲜鲜亮亮的的衣衣服服或或佩佩戴戴珠珠宝宝首首饰饰,因因为为鲨鲨鱼鱼会会被被颜颜色色或或明明亮亮物物体体的的闪闪光所吸引。光所吸引。(2)In ancient Egypt,a shopkeeper discovered that he could attract customers to his shop simply by making change

18、s to its environment.(2015重庆重庆)在古埃及,一个店主发现他只需通过改变店里的环境就能吸引顾客到他在古埃及,一个店主发现他只需通过改变店里的环境就能吸引顾客到他店里。店里。attract(3)His speech attracted the attention of the audience.他的演说吸引了听众的注意。他的演说吸引了听众的注意。(4)A study of British accents during the 1970s found that a voice sounding like a BBC newsreader was viewed as the

19、 most attractive voice.(2015广东广东)20世世纪纪70年年代代的的英英国国口口音音的的一一项项研研究究发发现现,声声音音听听起起来来像像BBC新新闻闻播播报报员的被视为最有吸引力的声音。员的被视为最有吸引力的声音。 归纳拓展归纳拓展 (1)attract vt.吸引;引起吸引;引起的注意的注意attract.to.把把吸引到吸引到be attracted to /by.被被吸引吸引attract/draw ones attention吸引某人的注意吸引某人的注意(2)attraction n.吸引吸引attraction to sb.某人的吸引力某人的吸引力(3)a

20、ttractive adj.有吸引力的有吸引力的(1)This book me.这本书对我没有吸引力。这本书对我没有吸引力。(2)I tried to ,but failed.我尽力想引他的注意,却没有做到。我尽力想引他的注意,却没有做到。(3)To be honest,the living and working environment in that city me a lot.A.attaches B.attractsC.attacks D.appeals解解析析句句意意为为:老老实实说说,那那个个城城市市的的生生活活和和工工作作环环境境很很吸吸引引我我。attract吸吸引引,符符合合

21、句句意意。 attach附附属属,附附加加;attack进进攻攻,袭袭击击;appeal呼呼吁吁,吸引。吸引。 即时即时跟踪跟踪 解析答案Bhas no attraction forattract his attention 语境感悟语境感悟 3(1)(教材教材P18)Keep calm.保持冷静。保持冷静。(2)After a day of noise,the streets are now calm.一天的喧闹后,街道现在平静了。一天的喧闹后,街道现在平静了。(3)She got frightened and excited,but is much calmer now.她因受惊吓而显得激

22、动,但现在平静多了。她因受惊吓而显得激动,但现在平静多了。(4)He attempts to calm them down,only to make matters worse.他试图使他们平静下来,却适得其反。他试图使他们平静下来,却适得其反。calm 归纳拓展归纳拓展 calm adj.镇静的,沉着的,平静的;镇静的,沉着的,平静的;v.( (使使) )平静,平静,( (使使) )镇静镇静calm down ( (人人) )冷静下来;冷静下来;( (风、海风、海) )平静下来平静下来keep calm保持冷静保持冷静(1)At last the wild wind (平静下来平静下来).(

23、2)The mother (尽力使尽力使平静平静) the frightened child.(3) My God,Im getting late again. My boss will be angry.Try to keep ,and well think of a good excuse.A.still B.calmC.quiet D.alive解解析析答答句句句句意意为为:尽尽量量镇镇静静下下来来,我我们们会会想想出出一一个个好好理理由由。calm镇镇静静的的,与与语语境境相相符符。still静静止止的的,不不动动的的;quiet安安静静的的;alive活活着着的的,均均与与语境不符。

24、语境不符。 即时即时跟踪跟踪 解析答案Bcalmed downtried to calm 语境感悟语境感悟 4(1)(教材教材P18)Do not panic.别惊慌失措。别惊慌失措。(2)The building was on fire, and people living in it fled in panic. 那座大楼着火了,居民们惊慌失措地逃了出来。那座大楼着火了,居民们惊慌失措地逃了出来。(3)The people got into a panic when the disaster occurred.灾难来临时,人们陷入一片恐慌中。灾难来临时,人们陷入一片恐慌中。(4)The w

25、ar panicked many people into leaving the country.战争使得许多人惊慌失措地离开了那个国家。战争使得许多人惊慌失措地离开了那个国家。panic 归纳拓展归纳拓展 panic vi.& n.惊慌,恐慌惊慌,恐慌in panic 惊慌中,惊慌失措地惊慌中,惊慌失措地get into a panic 陷入恐慌中陷入恐慌中cause ( (a) ) panic 引起恐慌引起恐慌panic sb.into doing sth.使某人仓促行动使某人仓促行动注意:注意:panic的过去式及分词形式先加的过去式及分词形式先加k,再加,再加ed或或ing。 即时即时

26、跟踪跟踪 (1)People are fleeing the area .人们正惊慌失措地逃离该地区。人们正惊慌失措地逃离该地区。(2)The fire in the theater.火灾使剧院乱作一团。火灾使剧院乱作一团。(3)When the A/H1N1 broke out in our country,many people a total panic, but before long it was brought under control.A.got into B.got out ofC.got back D.got down解析解析get into a panic表示表示“陷入恐

27、慌状态陷入恐慌状态”。句意为:甲型。句意为:甲型H1N1流感在流感在我国爆发时,许多人恐慌不安,但不久形势便得到了控制。我国爆发时,许多人恐慌不安,但不久形势便得到了控制。A解析答案in paniccaused (a) panic 语境感悟语境感悟 5(1)(教教材材P18)Dont be frightened by sharks:you are 30 times more likely to be hit by lightning than be attacked by a shark.不要被鲨鱼吓倒:你被雷击的可能性比被鲨鱼攻击的可能性大不要被鲨鱼吓倒:你被雷击的可能性比被鲨鱼攻击的可能性

28、大30倍。倍。(2)If you find something you love doing outside of the office, youll be less likely to bring your work home. (2016全国全国)如如果果你你在在办办公公室室以以外外发发现现你你喜喜欢欢做做的的事事情情,你你将将很很可可能能不不会会把把工工作作带带回家回家。likely 归纳拓展归纳拓展 likely adj.可能的可能的sb./sth.be likely to do.某人某人/某物有可能某物有可能It is likely that.有可能有可能(3)It is likel

29、y that he will succeed.他有可能成功。他有可能成功。(4)On horseback it is possible to get quite close to elephants,giraffes and many other animals.(2015重庆重庆)在马背上,非常接近大象,长颈鹿和许多其他动物是可能的。在马背上,非常接近大象,长颈鹿和许多其他动物是可能的。likely/probable/possiblelikely,probable和和possible(三三者者)均均表表示示“可可能能的的”,可可能能性性由由大大到到小小依依次为次为probablelikely

30、possible。但用法不同:。但用法不同:(1)likely的主语可以是人、物或形式主语的主语可以是人、物或形式主语it。(2)probable的主语用形式主语的主语用形式主语it,常用句型为:,常用句型为:Its probable that.(3)possible的的主主语语用用形形式式主主语语it,常常用用句句型型为为:Its possible that.和和Its possible (for sb.) to do sth. 易混辨析易混辨析 即时即时跟踪跟踪 (1)选词选词填空填空It is that he will go to Beijing for a meeting tomorr

31、ow.It is for him to go to Beijing for a meeting tomorrow.He is to go to Beijing for a meeting tomorrow.likely;possible;probable答案likely/possible/probablepossiblelikely解析答案(2)Some studies show that people are more to suffer from back problems if they always sit in front of computer screens for long h

32、ours.A.possible B.likelyC.probable D.sure解解析析句句意意为为:一一些些研研究究表表明明,如如果果人人们们总总是是长长时时间间坐坐在在电电脑脑屏屏幕幕面面前前,他他们们很很可可能能会会遭遭受受背背部部问问题题。possible和和probable只只能能用用it作作主主语语,但但likely既既可可用用在在It is likely that.,也也可可用用在在Sb. is likely to do sth.的的句句型型中中。be likely to do sth.可能会做某事,可能会做某事,be sure to do sth.一定会做某事一定会做某事。B

33、 语境感悟语境感悟 6(1)(教教材材P19)During both World War and ,pigeons were employed by armies to carry messages to and from the front lines.在在第第一一次次世世界界大大战战和和第第二二次次世世界界大大战战期期间间,鸽鸽子子被被军军方方用用来来和和前前线线往往返返传传递递消息消息(2)He employed his knife as a lever.他把刀子当杠杆用。他把刀子当杠杆用。(3)The children were employed in weeding the gard

34、en.孩子们忙着给花园除草。孩子们忙着给花园除草。(4)How long has she been in your employ?你雇佣她多长时间了?你雇佣她多长时间了?employ 归纳拓展归纳拓展 employ vt.雇用;使用;雇用;使用;n.雇用雇用employ.as.把把用作用作;雇用;雇用做做employ oneself in doing sth.忙于做某事忙于做某事be employed to do.受雇于做受雇于做out of employ 失业失业in sb.s employin the employ of sb.受某人雇用受某人雇用解析答案(1)He after work.

35、下班以后,他把时间花在看书上。下班以后,他把时间花在看书上。(2)John has for a year.约翰已失业一年了。约翰已失业一年了。(3)The book isnt intended for general readers probably because the author too many scientific terms(术语术语) in it.A.wrote B.introducedC.analyzed D.employed解解析析句句意意为为:这这本本书书可可能能不不是是写写给给普普通通读读者者的的,因因为为作作者者在在书书中中使使用用了大量的科学术语。了大量的科学术语。

36、employ使用,符合题意。使用,符合题意。 即时即时跟踪跟踪 Demploys himself in readingbeen out of employ 语境感悟语境感悟 n重点短语(1)(教教材材P18)The last two types of attack more often result in the death of humans.后两种袭击更经常致人死亡。后两种袭击更经常致人死亡。(2)Childrens fear and dislike of books may result from being made to read aloud before others.(2015浙

37、江浙江)孩孩子子对对书书的的恐恐惧惧和和厌厌烦烦也也许许是是因因为为他他们们被被要要求求在在他他人人面面前前大大声声朗朗读读导致的。导致的。1result in 归纳拓展归纳拓展 result in造成;导致造成;导致result from因因而发生而发生as a result of因为,由于因为,由于as a result结果结果(3)According to Sparrow,we are not becoming people with poor memories as a result of the Internet.(2015安徽安徽)据据Sparrow所说,我们并不是因为互联网而成为

38、记忆力差的人所说,我们并不是因为互联网而成为记忆力差的人(4)He made one big mistake,and,as a result,lost his job.他犯了个大错,结果丢了工作。他犯了个大错,结果丢了工作。(1)一句多译一句多译那个年轻人由于粗心驾驶而丧生了。那个年轻人由于粗心驾驶而丧生了。 即时即时跟踪跟踪 答案The young man was killed as a result of too careless driving.The young man drove too carelessly,and,as a result,he was killed.Too car

39、eless driving resulted in the young mans death.The young mans death resulted from too careless driving.(2)The falling of the new building its soft base, causing one death and over twenty injuries.A.resulted in B.suffered fromC.led to D.resulted from解析解析句意为:新大楼的倒塌是由于它的根基比较软,导致了一人死亡,句意为:新大楼的倒塌是由于它的根基比

40、较软,导致了一人死亡,二十多人受伤。二十多人受伤。result from由于,符合句意。由于,符合句意。result in导致;导致;suffer from遭受;遭受;lead to导致。导致。解析答案D 语境感悟语境感悟 n经典句式(1)(教教材材P18)Dont be frightened by sharks:you are 30 times more likely to be hit by lightning than be attacked by a shark.不要被鲨鱼吓倒:你被雷击的可能性比被鲨鱼攻击的可能性大不要被鲨鱼吓倒:你被雷击的可能性比被鲨鱼攻击的可能性大30倍。倍。(2

41、)His father is twice as old as he.他父亲的年纪有他两倍大。他父亲的年纪有他两倍大。(3)This table is three times as big as that one.This table is three times the size of that one.This table is twice bigger than that one.这张桌子是那张桌子的这张桌子是那张桌子的3倍大。倍大。倍数表达法倍数表达法1 归纳拓展归纳拓展 倍数表达法结构:倍数表达法结构:(1)倍数形容词或副词的比较级倍数形容词或副词的比较级than(2)倍数倍数the

42、size/length/weight.of(3)倍数倍数as形容词或副词的原级形容词或副词的原级as 即时即时跟踪跟踪 (1)This tree is that one.这棵树是那棵树的三倍高。这棵树是那棵树的三倍高。(2)The Yangtze River the Pearl River.长江差不多是珠江的三倍长。长江差不多是珠江的三倍长。答案three times as tall asis almost twice longer than(3)A new iPhone costs about of a secondhand one.A.the price of three timesB.t

43、hree times the priceC.as much as the three times priceD.three times more than the price解解析析句句意意为为:一一个个新新苹苹果果手手机机花花费费的的价价格格是是一一个个二二手手苹苹果果手手机机的的3倍倍。这这里考查倍数的表达方法:倍数里考查倍数的表达方法:倍数the size/length/width/priceof,故选,故选B。B解析答案强调句强调句 语境感悟语境感悟 (1)(教材教材P19)However,it was in war that they found their greatest use

44、.然而,是在战争中他们才发现了鸽子的最大的用途。然而,是在战争中他们才发现了鸽子的最大的用途。(2)It was Lady Gaga that won eight MTV awards.(强调主语强调主语)Lady Gaga赢得了八个赢得了八个MTV奖项。奖项。(3)It was eight MTV awards that Lady Gaga won.(强调宾语强调宾语)Lady Gaga赢得的是八个赢得的是八个MTV奖项。奖项。2(4)It is in the hall that they have had a meeting.(强调地点状语强调地点状语)他们是在礼堂举行了一次会议。他们是在

45、礼堂举行了一次会议。(5)It was yesterday that they attended a lecture about the environmental protection.(强调时间状语强调时间状语)是在昨天他们听了一个关于环保的讲座。是在昨天他们听了一个关于环保的讲座。 归纳拓展归纳拓展 “It is/was被被强强调调部部分分that/who其其他他部部分分”,即即通通常常所所称称的的“强强调调句句式式”。句句式式中中的的“被被强强调调部部分分”实实际际是是原原来来句句子子中中的的一一个个句句子子成成分分,可可以以是是主主语语、宾宾语语、状状语语,但但不不能能是是定定语语或

46、或谓谓语语。强强调调人人时时可可用用who,强强调调其其他他任任何何成成分分时时用用that。如如果果把把It is/was.that.去去掉掉,剩剩下下的的部部分分仍仍然能组成一个完整的句子。然能组成一个完整的句子。 即时即时跟踪跟踪 (1)用强调句型强调句中的划线部分用强调句型强调句中的划线部分I met him in the countryside last year. (强调主语强调主语)(强调宾语强调宾语) (强调地点状语强调地点状语) (强调时间状语强调时间状语)答案It was I that/who met him in the countryside last year.It

47、was him that/who I met in the countryside last year.It was in the countryside that I met him last year.It was last year that I met him in the countryside.(2)Was it the hard training he received as a young man made him such a good basketball player?A.which;that B.that;whatC.what;that D.that;which解解析析

48、句句意意为为:就就是是他他在在年年轻轻的的时时候候接接受受的的艰艰苦苦训训练练使使他他成成为为这这么么优优秀秀的的一一个个篮篮球球运运动动员员吗吗?第第一一空空填填which,引引导导定定语语从从句句,修修饰饰the training,在在定定语语从从句句中中which做做宾宾语语;第第二二空空填填that,使使用用了了强强调调句句,强强调调的的是是the hard training which he received as a young man,故选,故选A。答案答案A解析答案现在分词作结果状语现在分词作结果状语 语境感悟语境感悟 (1)(教教材材P19)During both World

49、 War and,pigeons were employed by armies to carry messages to and from the front lines,saving the lives of many soldiers and even helping win some important victories.在在第第一一次次世世界界大大战战和和第第二二次次世世界界大大战战期期间间,鸽鸽子子被被军军方方用用来来和和前前线线往往返返传传递消息,挽救了许多士兵的生命,甚至帮助赢得了一些重要的胜利。递消息,挽救了许多士兵的生命,甚至帮助赢得了一些重要的胜利。(2)He fire

50、d his gun,killing the wolf.他开枪把狼打死了。他开枪把狼打死了。3(3)The factory keeps releasing smoke,making the air dirty.那那家工厂一直排放烟,使得空气被污染了。家工厂一直排放烟,使得空气被污染了。(4)I tore the box,only to discover that some of the parts were missing.我撕开盒子,却发现有些零件不见了。我撕开盒子,却发现有些零件不见了。 归纳拓展归纳拓展 教材原句中教材原句中saving the lives.是现在分词作结果状语,通常放在句

51、子后面。是现在分词作结果状语,通常放在句子后面。(1)现在分词作结果状语多表示一种自然而然、顺理成章的结果。现在分词作结果状语多表示一种自然而然、顺理成章的结果。(2)不定式作结果状语多表示出乎意料的结果。不定式作结果状语多表示出乎意料的结果。解析答案(1)It rained heavily, in that country.大雨滂沱大雨滂沱,造成了那个国家洪水泛滥。,造成了那个国家洪水泛滥。(2)Anxiously,she took the dress out of the package and tried it on,only it didnt fit.(2014天津,天津,5)A.to

52、 find B.foundC.finding D.having found解解析析考考查查非非谓谓语语动动词词。句句意意为为:她她迫迫不不及及待待地地从从包包裹裹中中拿拿出出裙裙子子试试穿穿,结果发现它不合身。不定式作结果状语,表示意料之外的结果结果发现它不合身。不定式作结果状语,表示意料之外的结果。 即时即时跟踪跟踪 Acausing severe flooding解析答案(3)The house prices have risen by 12.4% over the 12 months to the end of March, completely his plan to buy a mo

53、re comfortable apartment.A.ruined B.ruiningC.to ruin D.ruins解解析析句句意意为为:到到三三月月底底,这这12个个月月房房价价已已经经上上涨涨了了百百分分之之十十二二点点四四,完完全全毁毁了了他他再再买买一一套套更更舒舒适适的的房房子子的的计计划划。根根据据句句子子结结构构可可知知这这里里是是非非谓谓语语动动词词,排排除除D,done表表被被动动,to do 表表意意外外结结果果,排排除除C和和D,doing表表必必然然结果,所以结果,所以B正确。正确。B返回答案当堂达标.单词拼写单词拼写1.The village was in a (

54、惊慌惊慌) when the flood took place.2.What (吸引吸引) me most to the job was the chance to travel.3.She held the money tightly in her (拳头拳头).4.The dog had been (滚动滚动) in mud puddles.5.When you go on a journey,youd better take a map and a (指指南针南针) with you. panicattractedfistrollingcompass.选词填空选词填空答案result i

55、n;be attracted to;be likely to;give up;roll up1.Were just going to have to our sleeves and get on with it.2.Its a pity to the job.3.Love marriage,naturally.4.The moment he met her,he her beauty.5.She win the match. roll upgive upresults inwas attracted tois likely to.完成句子完成句子1. (正是汤姆正是汤姆) put forwar

56、d the suggestion.2.I think tickets for the film (可能很贵可能很贵).3.This street (是是的三倍宽的三倍宽) as that one.4.He (被吸引被吸引) the football game.5.He turned off all the lights, (什么都看不见了什么都看不见了).答案 It was Tom that/whoare likely to be expensiveis three times as widewas attracted to/byseeing nothing.单项填空单项填空1.Now kee

57、p ,everyone.The police are on the way.A.silent B.calmC.frightening D.excited解解析析keep calm保保持持冷冷静静,符符合合句句意意。silent沉沉默默的的,指指没没有有声声音音的的或或不不讲话的;讲话的;frightening令人害怕的;令人害怕的;excited激动的,兴奋的,活跃的。激动的,兴奋的,活跃的。解析答案 B2.Who was spoke first at the meeting?A.that it B.it thatC.it what D.what it解析解析考查强调句的疑问句。句意为:是谁在

58、会议上首个发言考查强调句的疑问句。句意为:是谁在会议上首个发言?句型句型为:特殊疑问词为:特殊疑问词was/isitthat句子其他部分句子其他部分 ,故选,故选B。解析答案 B3.“Tommy,run!Be quick!The house is on fire!”the mother shouted,with clearly in her voice.A.anger B.rudeness C.regret D.panic解解析析句句意意为为:“汤汤米米,快快跑跑!房房子子着着火火了了!”妈妈妈妈喊喊道道,声声音音里里明明显显充充满满了了惊惊恐恐。anger愤愤怒怒,气气愤愤;rudeness

59、粗粗鲁鲁;regret悔悔恨恨,后后悔悔;panic惊恐,惊慌。由句意知惊恐,惊慌。由句意知D项符合语境。项符合语境。解析答案 D4.Who is to go traveling with us?A.possible B.likely C.maybe D.perhaps解析解析Sb.be likely to do sth.某人有可能做某事;主语为人时只能用某人有可能做某事;主语为人时只能用likely。解析答案 B返回 5.Hillary Clinton officially entered the 2016 presidential race with a video announcement to supporters, she wanted to be the champion of “everyday Americans”. A.saying B.to sayC.having said D.said解析解析考查非谓语动词。考查非谓语动词。say与其逻辑主语与其逻辑主语a video announcement之间为之间为主动关系,故用现在分词形式作状语。主动关系,故用现在分词形式作状语。A解析答案



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