in a nature park.ppt课件

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1、Unit 6 In a Nature ParkA lets learn & lets find out 1Whatsinthenaturepark?Letshavealook.2sun3grass4flower5mountainmountainhill6the Yellow Mountainthe Yellow Mountainthe Hua Mountainthe Hua Mountainmountain The mountain is high(高的高的).78forest9river10There are many rivers in China.the Qiantang Riverth

2、e Yellow Riverthe Changjiang River11 lakelake12theWestLake(杭州)theDongtingLake(湖南) the Poyang Lake(江西鄱阳湖)(江西鄱阳湖)1314skycloudforestlakerivermountaingrassflowerparkCanyoureadthem?15sky path river cloud flowerforest mountain grass lake 12345678916mountainhillflowergrasslakeskyrivercloudWhats missing?Gam

3、e171、There is a forest. ( ) 2、There are grass. ( )Lets tick181、Thereisariver.()2、Therearemanyflowers.()191、There are clouds in the sky.( )2、There is a lake . ( )3 There is a forest. ( )201. There is a tall tree.( ) 2. There is a mountain.( )212223学习卡片一学习卡片一用is和are填空。Inmyroom,there_adesk;onthedesk,th

4、ere_manybooks.2.There_aforestinthenaturepark.There_apathintheforest.There_somemountainsinit.There_arivernearthemountains.There_manyflowersneartheriver.There_alakeonthemountain.24Is there a ?Yes, there is.No, there isnt.25Is there a cloud ?Yes, there is.26No, there isnt.Is there a river?27Is there a

5、lake ?Yes, there is.28Are there some ?Yes, there are.No, there arent.29Are there some grass?Yes, there are.30Are there some clouds?No, there arent.31Zhang:There is a nature park in the city. John: Is there a river in the park?Zhang: Yes, there is. John: Is there a forest?Zhang: No, there isnt.John:

6、Are there any flowers ?Zhang: No, there arent.学习卡片二学习卡片二323334353637383940Weshouldprotectourenvironment保保 护护 环环 境境从从 我我 做做 起起41pairwork1.请拿出笔和纸,自己设计一个自然公园,以小组为单位说说自己的设想,然后用英语介绍,比比谁设计的公园好。2.如:Lookatmypicture/Lookatthisnaturepark.Thereisariverinthenaturepark.Thewaterisclean.Itissobeautiful.42Homework:Write down the words 10 times.43Thank you! 44



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