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1、专专 题题 复复 习习 课课The Passive Voice 被被 动动 语语 态态 复习目标:复习目标:1、掌握被动语态基本概念。、掌握被动语态基本概念。2、熟悉常见语态转换。、熟悉常见语态转换。3、在语篇中理解和运用被动语态。、在语篇中理解和运用被动语态。 复习重点复习重点:1.一般现在时一般现在时的的被动语态。被动语态。2.一般过去时的被动语态。一般过去时的被动语态。3.一般现在时带情态动词的被动语态。一般现在时带情态动词的被动语态。 复习难点复习难点1.被动语态中被动语态中be动词形式的确定。动词形式的确定。2.主动语态中省略主动语态中省略to的宾补在被动语态中须补上的宾补在被动语态

2、中须补上to。3. 动词短语在转换成被动语态时,不能丢掉介词。动词短语在转换成被动语态时,不能丢掉介词。4.双宾语结构中,直接宾语作被动句的主语时,间接宾语前要双宾语结构中,直接宾语作被动句的主语时,间接宾语前要加介词加介词to 或或for。.连系动词连系动词look,seem, sound,feel,go等等主动形式表被动主动形式表被动。Back to the textbookUnit 3 Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes.Unit 9 When was it invented?Unit 12 You re sup

3、posed to shake hands.一、被动语态的构成一、被动语态的构成助动词助动词bebedonedone( (及物动词的过去分词及物动词的过去分词) )主动句主动句The little boy broke thewindowyesterday.被动句被动句 The window主语(执行者执行者)主语(承受者承受者)状语宾语(承受者承受者)谓语(vt.)状语13步骤二步骤一步骤三原主动句中的宾语the window变为主语。谓语动词break改为被动形式:be + 过去分词。原主动句中的主语放在介词by后,其他成分不变。谓语be done介词宾语(执行者执行者)wasbroken b

4、ythelittleboyyesterday谓语动词的谓语动词的执行者执行者作主语,用作主语,用_语态。语态。谓语动词的谓语动词的承受者承受者作主语,用作主语,用_语态。语态。主动被动2happen, take place等不及物动词或不等不及物动词或不及物动词词组都没有被动语态及物动词词组都没有被动语态一般现在时的被动语态一般现在时的被动语态一般过去时的被动语态一般过去时的被动语态一般现在时带情态动词的被动语态一般现在时带情态动词的被动语态二、一般现在时和一般过去时的二、一般现在时和一般过去时的 被动语态被动语态一般现在时被动结构一般现在时被动结构: is/am/are + done一般过去

5、时被动结构一般过去时被动结构: was/were + done二、一般现在时和一般过去时的被动语态。二、一般现在时和一般过去时的被动语态。练习练习1。请将下列主动语态变成被动语态。请将下列主动语态变成被动语态1.Lucy bought some fruit. Some fruit _ _ _ Lucy.2.Did they build the bridge in 1998? _ the bridge _ in 1998?3.When did Lu Xun write these books?When _these books _ _ Lu Xun?4.The farmers dont grow

6、 apples on the farm.Apples _ _ on the farm.was bought by Wasbuiltwere written by arent grown肯 定 句主语 + be适当形式 + 过去分词 + (by )一般疑问句Be适当形式 +主语 + 过去分词 + (by )?特殊疑问句疑问词 + be适当形式 +主语 + 过去分词 + (by )?否 定 句主语 + be适当形式+ not + 过去分词 + (by )一般现在时和一般过去时的被动语态一般现在时和一般过去时的被动语态1.Lucy bought some fruit. Some fruit was

7、bought by Lucy.2.Did they build the bridge in 1998? Was the bridge built in 1998?3.When did Lu Xun write these books?When were these books written by Lu Xun?4.The farmers dont grow apples on the farm.Apples arent grown on the farm.小结:小结:1、在被动语态、在被动语态 be+过去分词中,确定过去分词中,确定_ 的正确形式是的正确形式是关键,关键,_永不变。永不变。2

8、、Be的时态由的时态由_的时态来确定;的时态来确定;be的单的单/复复数由被动句的数由被动句的_确定。确定。3、问句提前、问句提前_; 否定否定_后加后加not.be 过去分词过去分词主动语态主动语态 主语主语be动词动词be三、一般现在时带情态动词的被动语态三、一般现在时带情态动词的被动语态三、一般现在时带情态动词的被动语态。三、一般现在时带情态动词的被动语态。练习练习2。请将下列主动语态变成被动语态。请将下列主动语态变成被动语态。1.You can do the work all by yourself. The work _ _ _ all by yourself.2.We must p

9、lant more trees. More trees _ _ _.3.We should dig a large hole. A large hole _ _ _.4.Can we put our bikes here? _ our bikes _ _ here?5.You mustnt throw rubbish here. Rubbish _ _ _ here.6.We cant see many stars. Many stars _ _ _ . 小结:小结:1.含情态动词的被动结构:含情态动词的被动结构:。 2.疑问句提前疑问句提前_; 否定句:否定句:_+not.can be do

10、nemust be plantedshould be dugCanbe putmustnt be thrown cant be seen 情态动词(情态动词(can/should/must)+be+过去分词过去分词情态动词情态动词情态动词情态动词被动语态中的易错点一、动词一、动词+宾语宾语+宾补宾补 结构的转换结构的转换观察结构:观察结构:1.ask sb. to do sth. (_)2.see sb. doing sth. (_)3.see sb. do sth. (_)带带to的不定式作宾补的不定式作宾补 省略省略to的不定式作宾补的不定式作宾补V-ing作宾补作宾补 (sb.) be

11、asked to do sth. (_)变成被动,形式不变变成被动,形式不变(sb.) be seen to do sth. (_)被动补上被动补上 to(sb.) be seen doing sth. (_).变成被动,形式不变变成被动,形式不变一、动词一、动词+宾语宾语+宾补结构的转换宾补结构的转换否定否定 (sb.) be seen not to do sth主动语态中省略主动语态中省略“to”的不定式作宾补,而在的不定式作宾补,而在被动语态中要补充被动语态中要补充“to”的常用单词有:的常用单词有:see ,hear, watch,listen to ,make 等等练习练习3、请将下

12、列主动语态变成被动语态。、请将下列主动语态变成被动语态。1.The farmer made the horses work the whole day. The horses_ _ _ _ the whole day.2.Mum asks the twins not to swim in the lake. The twins _ _ _ _ _ in the lake.3.I saw a mouse run into the room. A mouse _ _ _ _ into the room.4.I often hear him sing English songs. He _ ofte

13、n _ _ _ English songs.5.I saw Lucy playing in the park just now. Lucy _ _ _ in the park just now.6.They watched the children sing that morning. The children _ _ _ _ that morning.小结小结:1.主动语态中省略主动语态中省略to的宾补在被动中应的宾补在被动中应_.如如以以上上 _ _题题.2.其它形式的宾补在被动中其它形式的宾补在被动中_.如以上如以上_题。题。 were made to workare asked not

14、 to swim was seen to runisheard to singwas seen playingwere watched to sing补上补上to1、3、4、6不变不变2、5二、动词短语的被动语态二、动词短语的被动语态练习练习4、改正下列转换中的错误:、改正下列转换中的错误:1.People often talk about the film. 误:误:The film is often talked. 正:正:2.Lily looked after the baby. 误:误:The baby was looked by Lily. 正:正:3.We shouldnt giv

15、e up the work. 误:误:The work shouldnt be given . 正:正:4.We cant work out the problem. 误:误:The problem cant be worked. 正:正: The film is often talked about.The baby was looked after by Lily. The work shouldnt be given up.The problem cant be worked out.二、动词短语的被动语态。二、动词短语的被动语态。5.We must take good care of

16、young trees. 误:误:Young trees must be taken good care. 正:正:6.We must write to him. 误:误:He must be written. 正:正: 小结:动词短语在转换成被动语态时,小结:动词短语在转换成被动语态时, 不能丢掉其中的不能丢掉其中的_。Young trees must be taken good care of.He must be written to.介词或副词介词或副词三、带双宾语结构的转换三、带双宾语结构的转换三、带双宾语结构的转换三、带双宾语结构的转换请将下列主动语态变成被动语态。请将下列主动语态

17、变成被动语态。1.Fatherboughtmeacomputer.IacomputerbyFather.AcomputermebyFather.2.Hegavemeacard.wasgivenacard.wasgivenme.小结:(1)常常把)常常把 宾语直接作为主语。宾语直接作为主语。(2)也可以把)也可以把 宾语作主语,但要加上宾语作主语,但要加上“ ”或或“ ”。 常用常用to: give show pass lend send take常用常用for: make buy getwas boughtwas boughtforIA card to间接间接直接直接tofor间接宾语间接宾语

18、直接宾语直接宾语四、连系动词四、连系动词look,seem, sound,feel,go等等主动形式表被动主动形式表被动。The song sounds soft.The clothes look beautiful. 1.主动语态中省略主动语态中省略to的宾补在被动语态中须补上的宾补在被动语态中须补上to。 2. 动词短语在转换成被动语态时,不能丢掉介词。动词短语在转换成被动语态时,不能丢掉介词。 3.双宾语结构中,直接宾语作被动句的主语时,间接宾语双宾语结构中,直接宾语作被动句的主语时,间接宾语前要加介词前要加介词to 或或for。 4.4.连系动词连系动词look,seem,sound,

19、feel,golook,seem,sound,feel,go等等主动表被动主动表被动。在语篇中理解和运用被动语态。在语篇中理解和运用被动语态。Fill in the blank. Several days ago a large tiger escaped from the zoo because it (1)_fed well. One morning the tiger was seen (2)_run into a small forest near the city (3)_Some people.The people (4)_the police about it at once.

20、They said that the tiger was very strong ,but the animals around it (5)_not hit. The police warned people not to go out during the night. Tom was made not(6)_ go to school that day. The police(7)_ asked to find out the tiger quickly and kill it. But the police said the tiger should (8)_protected and

21、well looked after if it was found out. In the evening a big net was putaround the Forest by the police. Some sheep (9)_tied to the trees behind the net.When the sheep were heard (10)_ bleat(v.牛羊叫牛羊叫) , the hungry tiger ran out to catch them. At last the tiger was caught and it was (11)_back to the z

22、oo. Now the tiger (12)_ taken good care (13)_. It must (14)_given the most food because it is the largest. wasnttobytoldweretowerebeweretotakenisofbebleat(v.牛羊叫牛羊叫)Exercises: (点击中考,明确重点点击中考,明确重点)Please do the exercises on your paper.一、单项选择。1Manytreesandflowers_inourschoollastyear,andtheymadeourschoo




26、ivenstoppedcatchingfromwasto三、短文填空。 Many people in Beijing have returned to school only because theyhave become parentsParents are searching for help to solve a problem:the education of their “only 78 ”. “One student complained his father,who liked smoking,always left the 79 of smoke in the room and

27、 he could not do his homework thereAnother wrote that his father often played majiang and the 80 kept him awake most of the nightMany parents know 81 about home education and keep making mistakesParents schools are badly 82 ,” an official(官员)said. The parents schools provide many talks on 83 to be g

28、ood parents Xu Lins son was a middle school studentHe 84 all of his first term examsXu Lin got 85 and beat himbut his study didnt improveXu Lin then went to a parents school and learned a lotThe boy did well in all his lessons in the next term and helped teach his mother English Parents need not only to give instructions, but to be 86 , even by their childrenA parent said“ 87 the class, I know more about my child and she also understands me more” (2005年重庆中考非课改区)78._ _79. _ 80. _ 81. _ 82. _ _83. _ _84. _85. _ 86. _ 87. _childsmellnoiselittle/nothingneeded/wantedhowfailedangrytaughtAfter



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