八年级英语下册 Unit 2 Travelling grammar 2课件 (新版)牛津版

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1、Present perfect tense现在完成时态 8BUnit 2 Grammar 2用法用法1:现在完成时态的含义是表示过去现在完成时态的含义是表示过去发生的或已完成的动作对现在造成的影发生的或已完成的动作对现在造成的影响或结果。特点是既涉及过去,又联系响或结果。特点是既涉及过去,又联系现在:动作是过去发生的,结果是现在现在:动作是过去发生的,结果是现在存在的。存在的。 Look! The blackboard is so clean now. He has cleaned the blackboard. ( (他已经擦过黑板了。他已经擦过黑板了。) )这句话所表示的结果是黑板现在是干


3、:FOR +一段时间一段时间, SINCE+过去的时间点过去的时间点, THESE YEARS, SO FAR, IN THE PAST/LAST YEARSWe _ (learn) English for three years/ since two years ago/since 2000.Mr. Green _ (be) in China these years.They _(write) 15 songs so far.The population _ (grow) more slowly in the past ten years.Havelearnedhasbeenhavewrit

4、tenhasgrown瞬间动作不能于表示一段时间的短语连用,应改用持续性动词。瞬间动作不能于表示一段时间的短语连用,应改用持续性动词。()()()()()()()()I have bought a new dictionary for a week. I have had a new dictionary for a week.我买一本新词典已有一星期了。我买一本新词典已有一星期了。They have come here for two days.They have been here for two days.他们来这儿已经两天了。他们来这儿已经两天了。He has joined the L

5、eague member for two years.He has been a League member for two years.他已入团两年了。他已入团两年了。The man has been dead for several years.The man has died for several years.这个人已经死了几年了。这个人已经死了几年了。常见的非延续性动词与延续性动词的转换。常见的非延续性动词与延续性动词的转换。buy have go out be out leave be away begin/start be oncome/go be in/at borrow ke

6、epjoin be a member die be deadcatch a cold have a cold become befall asleep be asleep open be open get to know know close-be closedarrive-be in/at get married-be marriedStopbe over 1.Ihaveborrowedthebookfor2weeks.()2.Thefilmhasbegunfor5minutes.()keptbeen on1.这辆自行车我买了两年了。这辆自行车我买了两年了。Ive_thebike_twoye

7、ars.2.HeleftNanjingtwoyearsago.He_Nanjingfortwoyears.3.Themonkeydiedlastmonth.Themonkey_foramonth.4.A:Honglong_you_()B:Twoweeks.A.did,getillB.have,fallenillC.were,illD.have,beenillhadforhasbeenawayfromhasbeendeadD1.She isnt here now because she _ the zoo. A.has been to B. have gone to C. has gone to

8、2.The Greens _ Guilin twice. D.have gone to A.have been to B. have been in C. has been in3.Lily has made lots of friends since she _ here. A. come B. has been C. came D. coming4.My parents _ in Beijing since 1995. A. are living B. have lived C. lived D. will live5.His grandma _ for 2 years.A.Was die

9、d B. has died C. was dead D. has been deadCACBDexercise1.-Have you _ the bike? -Yes ,I _ it 10 minutes ago.(mend)2.-I have _ the film “Titanic”. -When _ you _ it?(see) 3.Im sorry, I havent got any money.Ive_ (leave ) my handbag at home.4.I have _(read) the book.5.Its a long time since we _ (meet) la

10、st year.6.Look! The train _ just _. ( come)mendedmendedseendidseeleftreadmethascomeexercise现在完成时和一般过去时的区别:现在完成时和一般过去时的区别:现在完成时,强调这一动作产生的结果对现现在完成时,强调这一动作产生的结果对现在的影响,与现在有关。在的影响,与现在有关。 一般过去时,仅仅表示在过去某一时刻曾发一般过去时,仅仅表示在过去某一时刻曾发生过这一动作,与现在无关。生过这一动作,与现在无关。 他已学英语五年了。他已学英语五年了。 He has studied English for five ye

11、ars. 他曾学过五年英语。他曾学过五年英语。 He studied English for five years.(说明他还继续学下去)(说明他还继续学下去)(只说明他过去学过五年英语,但现在不学了。)(只说明他过去学过五年英语,但现在不学了。)一般过去时与现在完成时有一些明一般过去时与现在完成时有一些明显的时间状语。显的时间状语。 遇到遇到yesterday,Lastyear,inMay,in+过过去某一年,去某一年,twodaysago,theotherday,justnow等就用一般过去时等就用一般过去时当有当有sofar,inthepast/lastfewdays(在在过去过去/最近的几年里最近的几年里),since接过去时间接过去时间状语或过去时的句子状语或过去时的句子等常用现在完成时等常用现在完成时现在完成时和一般过去时现在完成时和一般过去时He _(work) in our school for one year.He _(come) to our school last year/in 2002.They _(cook) the supper already.They _ (cook) the supper half an hour ago.hasworkedcamehavecookedcookedBye-bye!



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