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1、备考2025辽宁省盘锦市兴隆台区中学教师公开招聘综合检测试卷B卷含答案一单选题(共60题)1、下列哪一项属于“问题解决”()A.回忆一个人的名字B.幻想自己是“灰姑娘”C.用一个词来造句D.荡秋千【答案】 C2、现有竞争对手分析包括()。A.现有竞争对手的数目B.现有竞争对手的经营战略C.竞争对手的产品差异化D.固定成本的高低E.行业成长过剩【答案】 A3、我国古代有很多德才兼备的人,通常被称为“圣人”。“书圣”“画圣”“诗圣”分别指( )。A.王羲之、吴道子、李白B.王羲之、吴道子、杜甫C.王羲之、阎立本、李白D.王羲之、阎立本、杜甫【答案】 B4、在G20杭州峰会文艺演出中,水中舞台、灯光

2、、全息影像、LED、焰火等高科技舞台技术,使众多音乐作品得到更加立体的呈现,充分体现了中国的古典美学气质。从材料中我们可以体会到( )。A.文化多样是人类文明进步的源泉B.科技是推动文化发展的重要因素C.中华文化的包容性成就其博大精深D.不同民族间的文化可以相互兼容【答案】 B5、You will see this product _wherever you go.A.advertisedB.advertisingC.advertiseD.to be advertised【答案】 A6、下列不属于巴洛克时期的作品的是()。A.马太受难曲B.英雄凯旋歌C.G大调弦乐小夜曲D.F大调大协奏曲【答案

3、】 C7、在生物分类的等级单位中,最高的和最低的分类单位分别是( )。A.门 界B.科 界C.纲 种D.界 种【答案】 D8、群体规范通过从众使学生保持认知、情感和行为上的一致,并为学生的课堂行为划定了( )。A.界限B.区域C.方向和范围D.规范【答案】 C9、“弟子规,圣人训,首孝弟(悌),次谨信,泛爱众,而亲仁,有余力,则学文。”弟子规是中国古代童蒙读物,它突出反映了古代教育( )。A.鼓励个性发展B.重视伦理道德C.主张全面发展D.重视知识文化【答案】 B10、有学者这样评论英国的一个时期:“这时候一个人的统治已经过去,多数人的统治还没有到来,多数贵族把握重权,民众还没有参政的权利,经

4、济取得了划时代的突破。”由此确定当时的英国开始( )。A.君主立宪制逐步确立B.盛行自由主义政策C.贵族掌握了一切权力D.确立了议会制度【答案】 A11、“妄想”是一种.病理性思维。其类型不包括( )。A.关系妄想、被害妄想B.内心被揭露感C.夸大妄想、自罪妄想D.病理性象征思维【答案】 D12、根据以下材料,回答A.Uninvited visitors are welcome in MiddleEastern officeB.In Britain, business visitors can stayas long as they likeC.In China, people may gre

5、et a foreigners entering a school with clappingD.In the Arab world, saying nofor 3 times until it is accepted【答案】 B13、“亲其师,信其道”,主要表明了()的作用。A.道德认识B.道德情感C.道德动机D.道德意志【答案】 B14、下列选项不属于音乐的基本要素的是()。A.速度B.和声C.舞姿D.旋律【答案】 C15、( )是学校进行全面发展教育和素质教育的基本途径。A.课外活动B.教学活动C.实践活动D.团队活动【答案】 B16、2016年12月25日,十二届全国人大常委会第二十五

6、次会议表决通过关于在北京市、山西省、浙江省开展国家监察体制改革试点工作的决定。决定指出,在试点地区设立监察委员会,行使监察职权。将试点地区人民政府的监察厅(局)、预防腐败局及人民检查院查处贪污贿赂、失职渎职以及预防职务犯罪等部门的相关职能整合至监察委员会。对此,下列说法正确的是()。A.B.C.D.【答案】 C17、下列陈述中,的心理特点是( )A.精力旺盛B.感情丰C.渴望独立D.认识能力高,全面看问题【答案】 D18、根据以下材料,回答A.operatingB.manipulatingC.conductingD.making【答案】 B19、知识获得的途径主要是通过直观和( )。A.概括B

7、.比较C.分析D.综合【答案】 A20、主张教育目的要根据社会需要来决定,认为个人只是教育加工培养的对象,教育的目标在于把受教育者培养成符合社会准则文化教育的公民观点的是()。A.个人本位论B.社会本位论C.形式教育D.实质教育【答案】 B21、It is very interesting that the children,_music lessons,have improved more on general memory skills.A.to takeB.takenC.being takenD.taking【答案】 D22、班级成员在服从班集体的正确决定和承担责任的前提下,参与班级管理

8、的一种管理 方式属于( )。A.常规管理B.平行管理C.民主管理D.目标管理【答案】 C23、In any country, the standard ofliving means the average persons share of the goods and services whichthe country produces. Therefore, a countrys standard of living depends firstand foremost on its capacity to produce wealth. Wealth in thissense is not m

9、oney, but goods such as food and clothing, andservices such as transport and entertainment.A.farm productsB.industrial goodsC.foodstuffsD.export and import【答案】 D24、Parents and toddlers who read paper books together speak and interact more when compared with those who read e-books,researchers foun D.

10、Reading with a child is a hugely important developmental activity as it helps youngsters learn new words, broadens their knowledge and provides time to bond with loved ones. So scientists wanted to see if parents and children acted differently when they read books together using traditional media ve

11、rsus electronic devices like tablets.To investigate, the researchers found 37 pairs of parents and healthy toddlers between two and three years ol D. They asked them to read from three different types of media: enhanced electronic books with sound effects or animation, a basic electronic book, and a

12、 print books Researchers found parents and toddlers spoke more when interacting with a paper book rather than a story on an electronic tablet. Whats more, parents used richer language when using print books compared with tablets, and collaborated more with their children. But parents were less respo

13、nsive and children were less engaged with their parents when reading e-books, said Dr. Tiffany Munzer, corresponding author of the study at the University of Michigan C.S. Mott Childrens Hospital. The findings were published in the journal Pediatrics.Munzer pointed out. however, that the study was limited in several ways, including that the team did not test the toddlers reading comprehension. It was also limited by the small sample size, and the fact that the team used only one commercially-available app for the e-books. That isnt to say there is no benefit to electronic book reading



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