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1、备考2025湖南省永州市蓝山县中学教师公开招聘模考模拟试题(全优)一单选题(共60题)1、 小明将班级毕业升学体育测试成绩(满分30分)进行统计整理后,得到下表,则下列说法错误的是( )。A.该组数据的众数是24B.该组数据的极差是8C.该组数据的中位数是24D.该组数据的平均数是25【答案】 D2、Parents and toddlers who read paper books together speak and interact more when compared with those who read e-books,researchers foun D.Reading with

2、a child is a hugely important developmental activity as it helps youngsters learn new words, broadens their knowledge and provides time to bond with loved ones. So scientists wanted to see if parents and children acted differently when they read books together using traditional media versus electron

3、ic devices like tablets.To investigate, the researchers found 37 pairs of parents and healthy toddlers between two and three years ol D. They asked them to read from three different types of media: enhanced electronic books with sound effects or animation, a basic electronic book, and a print books

4、Researchers found parents and toddlers spoke more when interacting with a paper book rather than a story on an electronic tablet. Whats more, parents used richer language when using print books compared with tablets, and collaborated more with their children. But parents were less responsive and chi

5、ldren were less engaged with their parents when reading e-books, said Dr. Tiffany Munzer, corresponding author of the study at the University of Michigan C.S. Mott Childrens Hospital. The findings were published in the journal Pediatrics.Munzer pointed out. however, that the study was limited in sev

6、eral ways, including that the team did not test the toddlers reading comprehension. It was also limited by the small sample size, and the fact that the team used only one commercially-available app for the e-books. That isnt to say there is no benefit to electronic book reading compared with doing n

7、othing. Just less compared with print books. Print books are just better for promoting rich language from their parents and more conversations between parents and children, said Munzer.Munzer said that parents always know their children best, so they should feel empowered to adjust the reading exper

8、ience to what they know their children areA.Using electronic booksB.Using commercial appsC.Using print booksD.Using electronic devices【答案】 C3、Mr.Wang devoted himself_teaching in the rural are A.AtoB.forC.byD.in【答案】 A4、韩信拜将 A.韩信初为布衣,家庭贫寒,生活无着,常常寄人篱下;但他却胸怀大志,忍辱负重,努力习武,积极投军献策,最后终于成了一位杰出的军事家B.本文主要描写韩信的才

9、能。不过,这里不是正面描写,而是侧面烘托,即通过其他人物的反映,表现了一个天才的军事家的形象C.文章叙述了汉高祖刘邦的雄才大略。他能够知人善任,采纳滕公的意见,拜韩信为大将,让他为自己打天下D.韩信起初在项羽军中做郎中,曾几次向项羽出谋献策,可是都没有被采纳,这就决定了项羽必然失败的悲惨命运【答案】 D5、下列曲目中,()属于钢琴曲。A.(1812序曲B.李斯特前奏曲C.德彪西大海D.贝多芬月光奏鸣曲【答案】 D6、从“元老院掌握国家实权”“布匿战争”“称霸地中海地区”“奴隶大量逃亡和起义”这些关键词中提炼出的学习主题是( )。A.希腊文明的繁荣B.罗马共和国的辛酸C.两河流域古老文明的兴起D

10、.雅典奴隶制民主政治【答案】 B7、根据以下材料,回答题A.turns out to be an obstacle to menB.is more of an obstacle than an advantageto womenC.affects men and women alikeD.has as little effect on men as on women【答案】 B8、根据班杜拉的理论,影响自我效能感的最主要因素是个体自身行为的()。A.自我预期B.成败经验C.自我归因D.自我期待【答案】 B9、( )是行为主义学派的主要特点。A.分析构成人的心理的基本要素B.从整体上研究心理现象

11、C.研究心理在适应环境中的机能D.研究刺激和反应之间的关系【答案】 D10、北方地区早春播种时,常用地膜覆盖,以促进种子萌发,主要是因为地膜覆盖能()。A.提高土壤温度B.降低光照强度C.提高土壤肥力D.防止病虫害【答案】 A11、苏轼在食荔枝里面写道:“日啖荔枝三百颗,不辞长作岭南人。”A.秦岭B.南岭C.大兴安岭D.乌鞘岭【答案】 B12、数学模型是用来描述一个系统或它的性质的数学形式。调查发现某种一年生植物(当年播种、当年开花结果)的种群中存在下列情形:因某种原因导致该植物中大约只有80的种子能够发育成成熟植株;该植物平均每株可产生400粒种子;该植物为自花传粉植物。目前种子数量为a,则

12、m年后该植物的种子数量N可以表示为( )。A.a320mB.0.8a400mC.400a0.8mD.320am【答案】 A13、 在中华文明的历史上我们永远不能忘记这些人:仓颉创造了汉字。让文明可以沉淀下来,李斯统一了汉字,让文明可以流动起来,毕舁创造了活字印涮,让文明传播到世界的每一个角落,王选让汉字告别纸与笔、铅与火,让中华汉字文化走进了一个新时代,这说明()。A.科技进步能促进文化的传播、继承与发展B.科技进步是促进经济发展的重要力量C.社会制度的更替可以促进文化的进步D.传播文化必须做到古为今用【答案】 A14、“台湾问题”的产生最主要是由于( )。A.中国内战遗留问题造成的B.外国势

13、力干涉中国内政造成的C.雅尔塔体系划定造成的D.联合国托管造成的【答案】 A15、The willful blindness in hockey toward concussions (头部撞击) has dropped. Hockey Canada has followed the lead of USA Hockey in preventing body checking (身体拦截) below age 13.A.True or not, there may be a safer way to teach hitting than to make younger players pay

14、a price for it in head injuriesB.However, its hard to change a sports culture so connected with who we are as a countryC.A bad head injury of Sidney Crosby, the hockeys greatest star, opened the eyes of hockey people everywhereD.It may also control the loss of thousands of young players who dont enjoy that environmentE.The USA is trying to show that its possible to teach hockey protective skills without putting 11 and 12-year-olds in greater danger. Its worth the try【答案】 C16、据宋史?地理志记载统计的宋代时各地贡绢州数量列表如下,这一现象说明( )。A.华北地区丝织业分布较普遍B.华北地区的丝织业最为发达C.政府征收赋税以丝织品为主



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