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1、小学英语教材架构三年级重要知识点:单词的书写格式及大小写的区分词汇:身体部位,颜色词,交通工具,基数词及形状词,人物,动物名,国籍及国家,建筑物话题:打招呼,简单布局介绍语法:方位词,there be , who what and where四年级上学期重要知识点:1、词汇:服饰、描述人类品质的形容词(反义词)、职业、星期2、主要话题:买衣服、描述别人的外貌特征、谈论自己的朋友及英雄品质、职业。重要句型:1)-Can I help you?/What can I do for you? -Yes.Id like to buy、 -How much is 、 -Its、 2) - Whose T

2、-shirt is it? -It is Xiaolings. 3)The woman is 、She has、eys.Her nose is、She is wearing、 4)-What do you want to be when you grow up? -I want to be、 -What does your father do?/What is your fathers job? -He is 、 5)Teachers can help us to learn.6)-What time /When do you have breakfast/lunch/dinner? -I h

3、ave breakfast/lunch/dinner at 、 7) Its time to go to school./for school. 8)-What day is it today? -It is Monday? -What do you usually do on Monday? -I usually 、9)-Do you usually 、on Sunday? -Yes,I do.3、重要语法点重要语法点:名词所有格、疑问词“who”与“whose”的用法区别、情态动词can的用法、时刻的表示法、一般疑问句。四年级下学期重要知识点:1、 词汇:业余爱好、体育运动、蔬菜、水果。2

4、、主要话题:生日、兴趣爱好、运动会、最喜欢的电视节目、食物和饮料、购物。3、重要句型: 1、如何了解别人。Who is this/that? She is my mum. She looks so young.How old is she? She is、years old. What does she do? She is a、2描述别人1)His/Her name is 、2)He /she is a baby/a child/an old person.3)He/she looks old/young/beartiful/handsome/pretty/cute、4)He/She is

5、strong/slim/short/tall、5)He /She is about、years old.6)He /She is 、now.3、如何询问数量How many apples are there? There is one.How many cats are there? There are three.4、动词ing的使用要点:(1)进行时的使用要点,人称+am/are/is+动词ing形(doing), 如:I am watching TV. The children are playing games.(2)句子中有enjoy或like,紧跟后面的动词要用ing形式, 如:I

6、 like swimming.They enjoy playing football。(3)be good at 短语后面的动词,要用ing形式,如:I am good at singing.We are good running.The cat is good at catching mice(老鼠)5询问别人对娱乐节目的感受和回答别人的询问:What do you think of films?Its boring/interesting/fun/great.6询问别人喜欢的节目What programme do you like?I like、What s your fathers fa

7、vourate programme?His favourate programme is、1)询问别人是否喜欢吃某些食物: Do you like/have some? 2)更婉转的询问方式: Would you like/have some? 3)回答方式: 应允:Yes, please. /OK. /Yes, I do. /Thank you. /Thanks. 拒绝:No, thanks. /Sorry, I dont like/have 4)询问别人想吃/喝什么: What do you like to eat/drink? What do you want for starters?

8、 应允:I like 拒绝:No, thank you. / Thanks. Nothing for me, thanks.7、询问价钱表示方式:How much is the? ItsHow much does thecost? Its costsHow much are the? They areHow much do thecost? They cost8、售货员的销售用语和顾客的购物用语归类: 售货员: Can I help? What can I do for you? Do you want some /anything elso? Anything elso? Here is y

9、our change. Whos next,please? 顾客: I want / Id like They look / It looks How much is it / are they /is the ? No,thats it 重要语法点重要语法点:现在进行时、like/enjoy/be good at +v-ing.、副词、可数名词与不可数名词、不可数名词的量的表示法五上主要知识点:词汇:月份、季节、节日、动物、植物、场所。主要话题:日常生活习惯、一些重要节日的具体日期、能力、植物、旅行、动物园、问路。重要句型:1)日常生活习惯 I usually get up at 7:00.

10、 How ofen do you watch TV?2)旅游What are you going to do on Sunday?Where do you usually go on holidays?When are you going to start? How do you usually get there? How would you like to travel? 3)问喜欢的动物 What animal do you like? What is your favourite animal? Do you like dogs? 4)祈使句 Dont wake up a lion.5

11、)问路及回答 Excuse me .Could you tell me the way to the zoo? Excuse me. Where is the zoo? Excuse me .Could you tell me how to get to the zoo? Go straight ahead. Turn right/left. Take the second right/left.重要语法点:情态动词(can和must)、一般现在时、一般将来时(be going to)、祈使句、序数词。五下主要知识点:1、 主要话题:日常生活习惯及建议、看病、新旧学校的对比、野生动物、饮食习惯

12、(中西方饮食习惯的差异)、天气。2、 重要句型:1)描述别人的生活习惯 He usually gets up at 7:00.He goes to school at 8:00.、 2)提建议 What should he do? He should go to bed early. 3) 看病时的常用句子医生用语:Whats the matter (with you)?Whats wrong (with you)?You look pale/tired .Let me give you a check up.Take the medicine three times a day.Stay i

13、n bed for one day.Open your mouth and say Ahhh. 病人常用语:I have a headache/ have a toothache/have a cold.I feel tired/ ill/bad/weak/hot/cold.Which food would you like?Which do you prefer, Ben, hamburgers or pizza?4)询问天气1、What was the weather like yesterday?/ How was the weather?2、what is the weather li

14、ke today?/How is the weather?3、What will the weather be like tomorrow?/ How will the weather be?4、Whats the temperature now?5)询问季节What season do you like best?Why?重要语法点:重要语法点:一般现在时(第三人称单数)、情态动词should的用法、人称代词和物主代词、形容词和副词的比较级及最高级。 六年级重要知识点:六年级重要知识点:词汇:广州著名地名、国家、城市、首都、重要节日。话题:计划、邀请、打电话、节日介绍、愿望、植树、重要人物介

15、绍重要句型重要句型邀请、提建议邀请、提建议1Shall we go to see the film?2Would you like to go to the cinema with me?3Im bored.4Its raining and dad wont play football with me.5Are you sure?6. What would you like to do?7. Can we invite all my friends?8. We could have a picnic outside!9. But you have to help your mother,Jan

16、et. 问国家、国旗、首都、城市问国家、国旗、首都、城市1What national flag is it?2. Whats the capital of China?3. What about this one?4. New York is the biggest city of the USA.5. Sydney is the largest city of Australia. 6. Children, where would you like to go on holiday this summer?7. Id like to go to Japan.8. Tokyo is a goo

17、d place to visit.9. But Paris is more beautiful than Tokyo.10 Paris and Rome are so noisy and crowded. What about Wellington?11. Maybe, But I prefer to go to Tokyo.12. There are so many beautiful places in the world!13. Why dont we go back to England?14. Lets just visit Beijing.电话用语:电话用语:1Can I take a message for her?2Can I speak to Miss White?3I called you this morning,But you werent here.4I am having a big party at home.5Can I help you?= What can I do for you? 6. Did you call me at about 8:00?7. She said she had a headache last night.8. Shell be all right soon.all right =OK



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