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1、Free talk1. Do you listen to much music? When? Where?2. Do you listen to loud music?3. Do you worry about your hearing? why?New words and expressionsloudturn downinterrupthearingdeafsoundlimitdecibelcontinuoussuddendamagenightclubMP3 playerexperienceifunluckyfor everListen and Answer1. Is one person

2、 in seven in the UK are deaf?No, it isnt. One person is in ten in the UK are deaf2. What are the safe limits for most people?For most people, the safe limit is 85 decibels.Listen and ReadThe textLucy: Dad, that musics loud! Turn it down!William: Sorry, Lucy! Am I interrupting your homework?Lucy: Its

3、 not that, Dad. We had a lesson today about hearing. Look at this.Unit 11 Turn it down!与turn相关的词组turn down 降低音量降低音量 turn up 开大音量开大音量turn on 打开打开 turn off 关闭关闭Notes on the Textinterrupt v. 打断打断interrupt sth. =sth is interrupted bye.g: He tried to speak, but she interrupted him.他尝试着去说出来,但是她打断了他。他尝试着去说

4、出来,但是她打断了他。不要打扰我。不要打扰我。Dont interrupt me!interrupt 是打断的意思,主要打断别人正在进行是打断的意思,主要打断别人正在进行的事情,如谈话,或者工作。的事情,如谈话,或者工作。disturb是打扰的意思,主要是打扰别人休息。是打扰的意思,主要是打扰别人休息。bother是烦扰的意思,主要是指在某一时间段里,是烦扰的意思,主要是指在某一时间段里,持续打扰别人并使别人烦恼。持续打扰别人并使别人烦恼。interrupt & interruption n. have a lesson about1. 上周四我们上了一节关于健康的课。(have a less

5、on about)2. 明年我们要上关于电影的课程。We had a lesson about health last Thursday.We are going to have a lesson about films next year.One person in seven in the UK is deaf, and many of them are deaf because of noise. Unit 11 Turn it down!Notes on the TextOne person in seven in the UK is deaf 谓语动词用单数,两个谓语动词用单数,两个

6、in分别表示时间和地点,分别表示时间和地点,不做主语。不做主语。because of,of为介词,后跟名词。为介词,后跟名词。e.g: Im here because of you.because conj. 其后接原因状语从句或回答以其后接原因状语从句或回答以why开头的问句;开头的问句;e.g: Because he is ill, he is absent today.For most people, the safe limit is 85 decibels(dB) for continuous noise, and 103 dB for sudden noise. After fif

7、teen minutes at 105 dB, most people will have somedamage to their hearing.Notes on the Textdamage n&v 损坏,伤害损坏,伤害1. v. damage sth. 损坏某物损坏某物2.n. (可数可数) have some damage to sb./sth. 对某物对某物或某人有伤害或某人有伤害 Music in nightclubs is often much louder than the safe limit.19% of young people listen to their MP3 p

8、layers at 105 to 110 dB for many hours. 75% of them will experience ringing in the ears,and they will feel a bit deaf. If they are lucky, this will last for one or two days. If they are unlucky, the damage will last for ever.Unit 11 Turn it down!Notes on the Textmuch louder, 通常用通常用much修饰形容词或副词的修饰形容词

9、或副词的比较级,表示比较级,表示.得多得多。类似的词还有类似的词还有 a bit,a little,rather,far,by far,many,a lot,lots,a great deal,any,still,evene.g: We will be a much better football team next year.experienceexperience n.经验,(不可数名词);经历(可数)经验,(不可数名词);经历(可数) vt.亲身参与,身参与,亲身身经历;感受;感受;发现e.g. We had never experienced this kind of holiday

10、before . (动词)(动词)Notes on the Text条件状语从句:由引导词if或unless引导的状语从句叫做条件状语从句。条件是指某一件事情实现之后(状语从句中的动作),其它事情(主句中的动作)才能发生,通常译作“假如”。If you arent careful, youll become deaf.if引导的条件状语从句:引导的条件状语从句:1. 表示在某种条件下某事很可能发生;表示在某种条件下某事很可能发生;2. if后面的是从句,后面的是从句,youll是主句;是主句;3. 从句可以放在前面,也可以放在后面;从句可以放在前面,也可以放在后面;4. 主句用主句用一般将来时

11、一般将来时,从句用,从句用一般现在时一般现在时。Notes on the TextIf they are lucky, this will last for one or two days. 在由在由if引导的条件状语从句中,我们遵循主将从现引导的条件状语从句中,我们遵循主将从现的原则。即:主句用一般将来时,从句用一般现的原则。即:主句用一般将来时,从句用一般现在时。在时。e.g: If it is fine tomorrow, we will go outing.在时间状语从句中,我们也遵循主将从现的原则。在时间状语从句中,我们也遵循主将从现的原则。常常见的的时间状状语从句的从句的连词有:有

12、:as soon as, when, while , as, until等等。e.g: When I grow up, Ill be a nurse and look after patientsPractice:1. 如果你请他帮忙,他会帮你的。如果你请他帮忙,他会帮你的。2. 我有时间我就来看你。我有时间我就来看你。3. 如果雨停了,我就去洗车。如果雨停了,我就去洗车。If you ask him, he will help you.I will visit you if I have time.I will wash the car if it doesnt rain.Lucy: You

13、re always listening to loud music, Dad. If you arent careful, youll become deaf.William: Sorry, Lucy! What did you say?Lucy: Oh, Dad! It isnt funny!William: Of course it isnt. And I will turn the sound down. I promise!Unit 11 Turn it down!条件状语从句条件状语从句Notes on the Textpromise (v. 允诺,许诺)允诺,许诺) (1) pro

14、mise to do sthe.g: He promised to help us. (2) promise sb. sth.=promise sth to sb. 承诺给某人某物承诺给某人某物e.g. I cant give you the book because Ive promised it to Susan. n. 许诺;希望,指望;允诺的东西许诺;希望,指望;允诺的东西make a promiseDo some exercises1. Guided Conversation Part1 b) c)2. Multiple ChoicePattern practiceNew words

15、 and Expressionsit doesnt matter 没关系没关系 hire v. 租用租用fail v. 没有通过(考试)没有通过(考试)accident n. 事故事故ambulance n. 救护车救护车robbery n. 抢劫抢劫New words and Expressionsfire n. 火灾,失火火灾,失火fire service n. 消防署,消防队消防署,消防队thief n. 贼,小偷贼,小偷prison n. 监狱监狱apologize v. 道歉道歉a day off 休息一天休息一天pop concert n. 流行音乐会流行音乐会流行音乐会ambul

16、ancefail 事故事故 prisonthief hire没关系没关系 抢劫抢劫消防队消防队apologizeKey words1. failfeil -failurefeilj n(1). 表示“失败”,通常是不及物动词。表示在某一方面失败,通常用介词 in。e.g: He failed in business. 他经商失败。(2). 表示表示“(考试考试)不及格不及格”,fail 可用作可用作及物或不及物动词及物或不及物动词(以及物动词为多见以及物动词为多见),所以在下面例句中所以在下面例句中 fail 后的介词后的介词 in 省略了:省略了: He failed (in) his dr

17、iving-test. 他驾驶考试没及格。他驾驶考试没及格。 他数学考试没及格。他数学考试没及格。He has failed his math exam.(3)其后可接不定式,意为“不能”“没有”“忘记”等。fail to do sth.e.g: He failed to pass the exam.他考试没有及格2. hire 录用录用 聘用聘用hire sb.3. apologeze vi.道歉,认错;辩解,辩护道歉,认错;辩解,辩护apologize to sb for sth.e.g: I apologize for being late. Apologize to your husband for anything you did wrong习惯用语apologize to sb.向某人道歉向某人道歉apologize to sb. for sth.向某人为某事向某人为某事(为做了某事为做了某事)道歉道歉apologize to sb. for doing sth.向某人为某事向某人为某事(为做了某事为做了某事)道歉道歉4. accident 事故car accident traffic accident



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