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1、InsuranceKoreaKorea Non-lifeInsurance3Q12 Preview: Lowering expectationsabcGlobal Research Severe auto loss ratio deterioration andexpense burden from stronger-than-expected new business growth topressure insurers near-term earnings Upcoming regulatory changes to weighon investor sentiment (ie, upco

2、mingCompanynameDongbuHyundaiBbergticker005830 KS001450 KSPrice Rating New TP Old TP Chg in PotlKRW KRW KRW TP return44,500 OW(V) 62,000 67,000 -7% 39%33,150 OW(V) 44,000 44,000 0% 33%implementation of the acquisition costdeferral limit, introduction of standalonemedical treatment coverage and theLIG

3、Meritz002550 KS000060 KS24,400 N(V) 29,000 33,00013,300 N(V) 14,000 15,000-12%-7%19%5%ongoing RBC model tightening)Samsung000810 KS216,000OW 290,000 300,000-3% 34%F&MSource: HSBC estimates. Note: Potential return equals the percentage difference between the currentshare price and the target price. P

4、rice at 07/01/1310 January 2013Sinyoung Park*AnalystThe Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited,Seoul Securities Branch We cut FY12-13 earnings estimates by11% and 3% on average and revisedown price targets; Samsung F&Mremains our highest conviction sectorcall as we seek for a more prudent

5、underwriter with strong capital positionWeakening earnings momentum: Non-life insurers are setto miss FY12 profit targets due to worse-than-expected autoloss ratio deterioration from unfavourable weatherconditions/discount effect (Apr 12 auto premium rate cut,mileage and black box discounts) and exp

6、ense burden fromstronger-than-expected pure protection new business growth.With severe auto loss ratio deterioration expected forDecember, Korean non-life insurers earnings momentumwill weaken further and miss consensus by 31% for 3Q12.Upcoming regulatory changes to weigh on investorsentiment: While

7、 the possibility of auto premium rate hike+822 3706 on the back of far worse-than-expected auto loss ratioJames E Garner*, CFAHead of Asian Insurance ResearchThe Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited+852 2822 4321 .hkView HSBC Global Research at: http:/*Employed by a non-US affiliate of

8、HSBC Securities (USA) Inc,and is not registered/qualified pursuant to FINRA regulationsIssuer of report: The Hongkong and Shanghai BankingCorporation Limited, Seoul Securities BranchDisclaimer & DisclosuresThis report must be read with thedisclosures and the analyst certificationsin the Disclosure a

9、ppendix, and with theDisclaimer, which forms part of itdeterioration remains low, upcoming regulatory changesshould weigh on the investor sentiment: (1) Apr13implementation of the acquisition cost deferral limit maypressure insurers near-term expense ratio, (2) ongoingtightening of the overly lenien

10、t RBC model could posedownside risk for dividend payout at insurers with below200% RBC ratio, (3) all eyes on the sale of standalonemedical coverage products launched from 2 Jan 2013.Samsung F&M (OW, target KRW290,000) remains ourhighest conviction call: For five non-life insurers under ourcoverage,

11、 we cut FY12-13 earnings estimates by 11% and3% on average and revise down price targets by 6% onaverage (see Exhibit 2 for details) to reflect weakeningearnings momentum. See page 3 for valuation and risks.InsuranceKorea10 January 2013Exhibit 1: Korean Non-life insurers 3Q12 earnings estimates vers

12、us consensusabc(KRW bn)DecQ11 MarQ12 JunQ12 SepQ12 _ Monthly _ DecQ123Q11 4Q11 1Q12 2Q12 Oct-12 Nov-12 Dec-12* 3Q12EQoQYoYConsDiff %Samsung F&MDongbuHyundai M&FLIGMeritz F&MNon-life sector861018546413592168193623248425111211875486051851309257354997832221610158463030149128272113917115182653820357-18%

13、-37%-29%-32%-43%-28%76%-19%-23%-17%-51%-1%214132874937518-29%-38%-24%-21%-46%-31%Source: HSBC estimates and Bloomberg (*December 2012 monthly net earnings figures are HSBC estimates)Exhibit 2: Change in estimatesKRW bn, %_ SFM _FY12E FY13E FY14E_ Dongbu_FY12E FY13E FY14E_ HMF _ _LIGz _ _ Merit _FY12

14、E FY13E FY14E FY12E FY13E FY14E FY12E FY13E FY14ERevised Net ProfitOld Net ProftChangeChange (%)829915(86)-9%1,0981,118(20)-2%1,2631,286(23)-2%420464(44)-9%501535(34)-6%583618(35)-6%373402(29)-7%453468(15)-3%491501(10)-2%233260(27)-10%304311(7)-2%352365(13)-4%136168(32)-19%18418400%22522421%Source:

15、HSBC estimatesEarnings changesWe make earnings changes to reflect worse-than-expected auto loss ratio deterioration (i.e., top 5insurers auto loss ratio average jumped to 102.3% for December according to Hankyung on 9 Jan 2013),higher expenses arising from stronger-than-expected pure protection new

16、business sales. Samsung F&M: A big jump in December auto loss ratio is likely to result in c8% q-o-q deteriorationfor DecQ12 and we have also reflected cKRW15bn for early retirement expenses in FY12. Dongbu Insurance: With the rising on-line portion (36%) and worse-than-expected auto loss ratiodeter

17、ioration industry-wide, we have factored in 2.6%pt higher auto loss ratio assumption for FY12. Hyundai M&F: Worse-than-expected auto loss ratio deterioration and potentially higher expenseratio in 4Q12 as the company expects to recognize excess amortization cost. LIG Insurance: We reflected higher a

18、uto loss ratio assumption and a higher expense ratio given thecontinued increase in the GA sales portion at LIG. Meritz F&M: Like peers, we will see a higher-than-expected auto loss ratio due to unfavourableweather conditions and other discount effect (mileage discount subscription is the highest at

19、 Meritz).In addition, due to the strong pure protection new business sales with year-to-November figures up29% y-o-y and lack of deferred acquisition cost buffer, the company has been recognizingaccumulative excess amortization cost of KRW55bn since May to November and we expect to seefurther expens

20、e recognition for the remaining FY122InsuranceKorea10 January 2013Valuation and risksOur price targets are based on a price-to-book value methodology following a Gordon growth model, netof company specific discounts and our multiple is predicated on a company-specific cost of equity and along-run gr

21、owth assumption of 1.0% (we assume 5% in China).For five non-life insurers under our coverage, we cut FY12-13 earnings estimates by 11% and 3% onaverage and revise down price targets by 6% on average (see Exhibit 2 and Exhibit 3 for details) to reflectweakening earnings momentum and lower book value

22、 assumptions as insurers use up the unrealized gainon the AFS securities to boost net investment yields, except for Samsung F&M.At the end of SepQ12, we saw 8.5% increase in shareholders equity due to a sharp increase in theunrealised gain of AFS (available-for-sale) securities under the accumulated

23、 other comprehensiveincome, which is a shareholders equity item with the Bank of Korea cutting the policy rate twice (asurprise rate cut on 12 July 2012 and much expected one on 11 October 2012). However, asaforementioned, second-tier non-life insurers boosted net investment yields with disposal gai

24、ns and thusreduced the balance of the unrealized gain on AFS securities, consequently lowering our FY13 BVPSestimates by 7% on average and leading to target price revisions (see Exhibit 3).ExhibitExhibit 3: Change in BVPSabcSFM _ Dongbu _ HMF _ _ LIG _ _ Meritz _KRW bn, %Revised BVPSOld BVPSChangeCh

25、ange (%)FY12E203,993195,9378,0564%FY13E227,821219,7188,1024%FY12E42,31644,237(1,921)-4%FY13E49,79852,067(2,268)-4%FY12E26,63427,928(1,294)-5%FY13E31,27732,651(1,374)-4%FY12E28,30830,971(2,663)-9%FY13E33,69436,365(2,671)-7%FY12E9,92611,880(1,955)-16%FY13E11,65313,511(1,858)-14%Source: HSBC estimatesW

26、e continue to prefer Samsung F&M (OW, TP KRW290,000) as we seek for a more prudent underwriterwith less earnings volatility and more flexibility from the upcoming regulatory changes: (1) Upcomingimplementation of the acquisition cost deferral limit: SFM has a bigger DAC (Deferred Acquisition Cost)bu

27、ffer due to portfolio mix difference and relatively less dependency on the GA (General Agency)channel which takes higher upfront commission portion, (2) Ongoing tightening of the RBC (Risk BasedCapital) model: SFM has the strongest capital position that offers an upper hand in making more lucrativei

28、nvestments and far less pressure on paying out dividends .Under our research model, for stocks with a volatility indicator, the Neutral band is 10 percentage pointsabove and below the hurdle rate for Korean stocks of 10.5%.Our target price of KRW62,000 for Dongbu implies a potential return of 39%, a

29、bove the Neutral band ofour model; therefore, we are reiterating our Overweight (V) rating on Dongbu stock.Our target price of KRW44,000 for Hyundai implies a potential return of 33%, above the Neutral band ofour model; therefore, we reiterate our Overweight (V) rating on Hyundai stock.3InsuranceKor

30、ea10 January 2013Our target price of KRW29,000 for LIG implies a potential return of 19%, within the Neutral band of ourmodel; therefore, we are reiterating our Neutral (V) rating on LIG stock.Our target price of KRW14,000 for Meritz implies a potential return of 5%, within the Neutral band ofour mo

31、del; therefore, we are reiterating our Neutral (V) rating on Meritz stock.Our target price of KRW290,000 for Samsung F&M implies a potential return of 34%, above the Neutralband of our model; therefore, we are reiterating our Overweight rating on Samsung F&M stock.Potential return equals the percent

32、age difference between the current share price and the target price,including the forecast dividend yield when indicated.Exhibit 4: Valuation and rating summaryabcCompanyBloomberg RatingMarketMarket Price atPricePotlP/EVAvgPB Avg ROEPEPEDiv yldnametickercapcap7/1/13targetreturnROEVKRWbnUSDbnKRWKRW20

33、13e 2013-15e2013e 2013-15e2012e2013e2013eDongbuHyundaiLIGMeritzSamsung005830 KS001450 KS002550 KS000060 KS000810 KSO(V)O(V)N(V)N(V)O3,1512,9641,4641,28610,2333.,50033,15024,40013,300216,00062,00044,00029,00014,000290,00039%33%19%5%34%0.5x0.5x0.3x0.4x0.6x19%17%20%21%16%0.88x1.03x0.72x1

34、.12x0.92x17%18%18%18%12%6.7x7.1x5.5x9.5x11.0x5.6x5.9x4.2x7.0x8.3x3.4%4.7%4.8%3.6%3.1%F&MSector17.932%0.5x17%0.93x15%9.2x7.1x3.6%Source: Thomson Reuters Datastream, HSBC estimates. Potential return equals the percentage difference between the current share price and the target price.Exhibit 5: Our ta

35、rget prices represent an average of five valuation methodologies with the appropriate weightingsCompany_ Valuation per share methodology _ _ Price target weight _12M Rdual 12M RdualWtd 2013eDis-PricenameCurrSOTPP/EV income P/ TNAV P/ BV SOTP P/EV income P/ TNAV P/ BV valndiv countTargetDongbuKRW 169

36、,636 162,17336,45975,25775,7870%0%0%0% 100%75,787 1,504 (20%)62,000HyundaiLIGKRW 89,863 89,030 23,279 47,067 48,152KRW 124,156 124,428 26,034 48,734 48,7000%0%0%0%0%0%0%0%100% 48,152 1,520100% 48,700 1,159(10%)(40%)44,00029,000MeritzKRW 56,357 61,402 25,110 -15,756 19,4410%0%0%0% 100% 19,441476(30%)

37、14,000Samsung F&MKRW 625,190 570,692 168,481 288,340 286,5520%0%0%0% 100% 286,552 6,4810%290,000Source: HSBC estimatesExhibit 6: We employ company-specific discount rates to strike our target pricesGroupDiscount rationaleDongbuHyundaiLIGMeritzSamsung F&MSource: HSBC estimates420%10%40%30%0%Poor disc

38、losure (10%), Group Risk (10%)Poor disclosure (10%)Poor disclosure (10%), high equity gearing (10%), Shares overhang (10%), Weak capital (10%)Poor disclosure (10%), lack of scale (10%), Capital (weak RBC ratio-below 200%) (10%)NAInsuranceKorea10 January 2013Exhibit 7: Key risksabcCompanyTickerRating

39、 Share price 7Jan 2013Target Price Key risks to ratingDongbuHyundai M&F005830 KS001450 KSOW(V)OW(V)44,50033,15062,000 Downside risks: (i) A financial company holding structure migration (ii)further government intervention with material negative impact44,000 Downside risks: (i) Further government int

40、ervention could undermineprofitability, (ii) Longer than expected low interest rate environment, (iii)Cannibalization between Hyundai M&F and Hi-Car, its own directunderwriter.LIG002550 KSN(V)24,40029,000 Upside risks: (i) Stronger than expected pure protection new businessmomentum. (ii) Slower than

41、 expected implementation of the capitaltightening measures. Downside risks: (i) Slower than expected closing ofauto loss ratio gap versus peers, (ii) Any significant one-off losses, (iii)further government intervention with material negative impactMeritz F&M000060 KSN(V)13,30014,000 Upside risks: (i

42、) Stronger-than-expected synergies from a holding companystructure. (ii) Much slower-than-expected tightening of the overly lenientRBC. Downside risks: (i) Discontinuation of syndication-based underwritingpractice for the commercial line, (ii) Faster-than-expected implementation oftightening measure

43、s for the overly lenient RBC framework.Samsung F&M000810 KSOW216,000290,000 Downside risks: (i) Weaker-than-expected capital markets, (ii) Potentialvalue-destructive M&A.Source: HSBC estimates5InsuranceKoreaabc10 January 2013Disclosure appendixAnalyst CertificationThe following analyst(s), economist

44、(s), and/or strategist(s) who is(are) primarily responsible for this report, certifies(y) that theopinion(s) on the subject security(ies) or issuer(s) and/or any other views or forecasts expressed herein accurately reflect theirpersonal view(s) and that no part of their compensation was, is or will

45、be directly or indirectly related to the specificrecommendation(s) or views contained in this research report: Sinyoung Park and James GarnerImportant disclosuresStock ratings and basis for financial analysisHSBC believes that investors utilise various disciplines and investment horizons when making

46、 investment decisions, whichdepend largely on individual circumstances such as the investors existing holdings, risk tolerance and other considerations.Given these differences, HSBC has two principal aims in its equity research: 1) to identify long-term investment opportunitiesbased on particular th

47、emes or ideas that may affect the future earnings or cash flows of companies on a 12 month time horizon;and 2) from time to time to identify short-term investment opportunities that are derived from fundamental, quantitative,technical or event-driven techniques on a 0-3 month time horizon and which

48、may differ from our long-term investment rating.HSBC has assigned ratings for its long-term investment opportunities as described below.This report addresses only the long-term investment opportunities of the companies referred to in the report. As and whenHSBC publishes a short-term trading idea th

49、e stocks to which these relate are identified on the website Details of these short-term investment opportunities can be found under the Reports section of thiswebsite.HSBC believes an investors decision to buy or sell a stock should depend on individual circumstances such as the investorsexisting

50、holdings and other considerations. Different securities firms use a variety of ratings terms as well as different ratingsystems to describe their recommendations. Investors should carefully read the definitions of the ratings used in each researchreport. In addition, because research reports contain

51、 more complete information concerning the analysts views, investorsshould carefully read the entire research report and should not infer its contents from the rating. In any case, ratings should notbe used or relied on in isolation as investment advice.Rating definitions for long-term investment opp

52、ortunitiesStock ratingsHSBC assigns ratings to its stocks in this sector on the following basis:For each stock we set a required rate of return calculated from the cost of equity for that stocks domestic or, as appropriate,regional market established by our strategy team. The price target for a stoc

53、k represents the value the analyst expects the stockto reach over our performance horizon. The performance horizon is 12 months. For a stock to be classified as Overweight, thepotential return, which equals the percentage difference between the current share price and the target price, including the

54、forecast dividend yield when indicated, must exceed the required return by at least 5 percentage points over the next 12 months(or 10 percentage points for a stock classified as Volatile*). For a stock to be classified as Underweight, the stock must beexpected to underperform its required return by

55、at least 5 percentage points over the next 12 months (or 10 percentage pointsfor a stock classified as Volatile*). Stocks between these bands are classified as Neutral.Our ratings are re-calibrated against these bands at the time of any material change (initiation of coverage, change of volatilityst

56、atus or change in price target). Notwithstanding this, and although ratings are subject to ongoing management review,expected returns will be permitted to move outside the bands as a result of normal share price fluctuations without necessarilytriggering a rating change.6Jan-08Jan-09Jan-10Jan-11Jan-

57、12Jan-13Jan-08Jan-09Jan-10Jan-11Jan-12Jan-1346%17%InsuranceKoreaabc10 January 2013*A stock will be classified as volatile if its historical volatility has exceeded 40%, if the stock has been listed for less than 12months (unless it is in an industry or sector where volatility is low) or if the analy

58、st expects significant volatility. However,stocks which we do not consider volatile may in fact also behave in such a way. Historical volatility is defined as the pastmonths average of the daily 365-day moving average volatilities. In order to avoid misleadingly frequent changes in rating,however, v

59、olatility has to move 2.5 percentage points past the 40% benchmark in either direction for a stocks status to change.Rating distribution for long-term investment opportunitiesAs of 09 January 2013, the distribution of all ratings published is as follows:Overweight (Buy)(28% of these provided with In

60、vestment Banking Services)Neutral (Hold)Underweight (Sell)37%(27% of these provided with Investment Banking Services)(20% of these provided with Investment Banking Services)Share price and rating changes for long-term investment opportunitiesSamsung F&M Insurance (000810.KS) Share Price performance

61、KRW VsRecommendation & price target historyHSBC rating history289000269000249000229000209000189000169000149000129000109000Source: HSBCFromNeutral (V)Overweight (V)Neutral (V)Overweight (V)Target PricePrice 1Price 2Price 3Price 4Price 5Price 6Price 7Price 8Price 9Price 10Price 11Price 12ToOverweight

62、(V)Neutral (V)Overweight (V)OverweightValue260000.00270000.00260000.00271000.00270000.00258000.00260000.00263000.00258000.00230000.00270000.00300000.00Date29 April 201018 March 201103 July 201224 October 2012Date27 June 201013 October 201011 May 201110 July 201101 September 201103 October 201121 Oct

63、ober 201101 November 201131 January 201222 February 201203 July 201224 October 2012Source: HSBCLig Insurance Co Ltd (002550.KS) Share Price performance KRW Vs HSBC Recommendation & price target historyrating history356503065025650206501565010650Source: HSBCFromUnderweight (V)Overweight (V)Overweight

64、Overweight (V)Target PricePrice 1Price 2Price 3Price 4Price 5Price 6Price 7Price 8Price 9Price 10Price 11Price 12ToOverweight (V)OverweightOverweight (V)Neutral (V)Value32000.0033000.0029000.0032000.0033000.0037000.0040000.0031000.0032000.0040000.0028000.0033000.00Date29 April 201020 May 201110 July

65、 201107 November 2012Date29 April 201019 May 201013 October 201009 January 201118 March 201101 April 201120 May 201128 September 201101 November 201122 February 201203 July 201207 November 2012Source: HSBC7Jan-08Jan-09Jan-10Jan-11Jan-12Jan-13Jan-08Jan-09Jan-10Jan-11Jan-12Jan-13InsuranceKorea10 Janua

66、ry 2013Meritz Fire & Marine (000060.KS) Share Price performance KRW Vs HSBC Recommendation & price target historyabcrating history1487012870108708870687048702870Source: HSBCFromN/ATarget PricePrice 1Price 2Price 3Price 4Price 5Price 6Price 7Price 8Price 9Price 10Price 11Price 12Price 13Price 14Price

67、 15Price 16Price 17Price 18ToNeutral (V)Value9300.008400.009000.008800.008300.008600.009000.0010300.0011500.0014400.0013000.0012700.0012200.0012300.0014000.0012000.0013000.0015000.00Date07 July 2009Date24 September 200929 April 201019 May 201019 July 201013 October 201015 November 201009 January 201

68、118 March 201101 April 201110 July 201101 September 201103 October 201121 October 201101 November 201122 February 201203 July 201226 September 201207 November 2012Source: HSBCDongbu Insurance Co Ltd (005830.KS) Share Price performance KRW VsRecommendation & price target historyHSBC rating history608

69、005080040800308002080010800Source: HSBCFromUnderweight (V)Neutral (V)Target PricePrice 1Price 2Price 3Price 4Price 5Price 6Price 7Price 8Price 9Price 10Price 11Price 12Price 13Price 14ToNeutral (V)Overweight (V)Value35000.0037000.0038000.0042000.0049000.0055000.0057000.0059000.0056000.0057000.007000

70、0.0053000.0064000.0067000.00Date29 April 201022 February 2012Date29 April 201002 June 201013 October 201015 November 201009 January 201101 April 201110 July 201101 September 201103 October 201131 January 201222 February 201203 July 201218 October 201231 October 2012Source: HSBC8Jan-08Jan-09Jan-10Jan

71、-11Jan-12Jan-1371234567891011InsuranceKorea10 January 2013Hyundai Marine & Fire Ins (001450.KS) Share Price performance KRW VsRecommendation & price target historyabcHSBC rating history435503855033550285502355018550135508550Source: HSBCFromUnderweight (V)Overweight (V)Neutral (V)Target PricePrice 1P

72、rice 2Price 3Price 4Price 5Price 6Price 7Price 8Price 9Price 10Price 11Price 12Price 13Price 14ToOverweight (V)Neutral (V)Overweight (V)Value27000.0030000.0029000.0033000.0038000.0036000.0040000.0035000.0036000.0037000.0038500.0037000.0033000.0044000.00Date29 April 201010 July 201107 November 2012Da

73、te29 April 201019 May 201013 October 201009 January 201101 April 201112 May 201101 September 201103 October 201121 October 201131 January 201222 February 201214 May 201203 July 201207 November 2012Source: HSBCHSBC & Analyst disclosuresDisclosure checklistCompanyDONGBU INSURANCE CO LTDHYUNDAI MARINE

74、& FIRE INSMERITZ FIRE & MARINETicker005830.KS001450.KS000060.KSRecent price43400.0031850.0013100.00Price Date09-Jan-201309-Jan-201309-Jan-2013Disclosure4, 64, 6, 7Source: HSBCHSBC* has managed or co-managed a public offering of securities for this company within the past 12 months.HSBC expects to re

75、ceive or intends to seek compensation for investment banking services from this company in the next3 months.At the time of publication of this report, HSBC Securities (USA) Inc. is a Market Maker in securities issued by thiscompany.As of 31 December 2012 HSBC beneficially owned 1% or more of a class

76、 of common equity securities of this company.As of 30 November 2012, this company was a client of HSBC or had during the preceding 12 month period been a clientof and/or paid compensation to HSBC in respect of investment banking services.As of 30 November 2012, this company was a client of HSBC or h

77、ad during the preceding 12 month period been a clientof and/or paid compensation to HSBC in respect of non-investment banking securities-related services.As of 30 November 2012, this company was a client of HSBC or had during the preceding 12 month period been a clientof and/or paid compensation to

78、HSBC in respect of non-securities services.A covering analyst/s has received compensation from this company in the past 12 months.A covering analyst/s or a member of his/her household has a financial interest in the securities of this company, asdetailed below.A covering analyst/s or a member of his

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81、nsuranceKoreaabc10 January 2013Additional disclosuresThis report is dated as at 10 January 2013.All market data included in this report are dated as at close 07 January 2013, unless otherwise indicated in the report.HSBC has procedures in place to identify and manage any potential conflicts of inter

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84、r, directly or indirectly, own or are involved in the acquisition, sale or intermediation of,1% or more of the total capital of the subject companies securities in the market for the following Company(ies):DONGBU INSURANCE CO LTD,HYUNDAI MARINE & FIRE INS10InsuranceKorea10 January 2013Disclaimer* Le

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111、es Branch MICA (P) 038/04/2012,MICA (P) 063/04/2012 and MICA (P) 206/01/201211abcGlobal Financial Institution Group Research TeamCarlo DigrandiGlobal Head of Financial Institutions Research+44 20 7991 6843BanksEuropeRobin DAsiaJames GarnerAnalyst, Head of Asian Insurance+852 2822 4321 .hkAnalyst, Gl

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