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1、New Concept English New Concept English Book 2Book 2 Lesson 67Lesson 67 Lesson 67 VolcanoesWords/phrases 单词与词组单词与词组Key points 学习要点学习要点Requests 学习要求学习要求Words/phrases 单词与词组单词与词组volcanon. 火山activeadj. 活动的Kivun. 基伍湖Congon. 刚果Kituron. 基图罗eruptv. (火山)喷发violentlyadv. 猛烈地,剧烈地manage v. 设法brilliant adj. 精彩的li

2、quid adj. 液态的escape v. 逃脱alive adj. 活着的Polish adj. 波兰的observe v. 观察Words/phrases 单词与词组单词与词组 n. 火山 adj. 活动的 n. 基伍湖 n. 刚果 n. 基图罗 v. (火山)喷发 adv. 猛烈地,剧烈地 v. 设法 adj. 精彩的 adj. 液态的 v. 逃脱 adj. 活着的 adj. 波兰的 v. 观察Words/phrases 单词与词组单词与词组lifetime 一生active volcanoes活火山in all parts of the world在世界各地be able to do

3、能够去做threaten 威胁surround 包围in time 及时measure temperatures量温度risk ones life冒着生命危险Words/phrases 单词与词组单词与词组 一生 活火山 在世界各地 能够去做威胁包围及时量温度冒着生命危险active adj. 活动的active adj. 积极的 passive adj. 消极的, 被动的violently adv. 猛烈地, 剧烈地violent adj. 猛烈的, 激烈的, 暴力引起的, 强暴的violence n. 猛烈, 强烈, 暴力, 暴虐, 暴行, 强暴manage v. 设法manage to

4、do sth. = try to do sth. and succeedI can manage it. = I can manage it myself. = I can do it.escape v. 逃脱 v. 逃脱escape sth. escape death 死里逃生escape doing sth. He escape punishment/being punished. n. 逃脱narrow escape 九死一生 alive adj. 活着的alive 做定语时一定要放在被修饰词后面, 属于表语形容词,后置定语 light ahead 前面的灯光Every man aliv

5、e has his/her own troubles.living sth. 活着的living elephant 活着的象live adj. 现场的,活着的(永远不和人连用)live concert 现场演唱会 【课文讲解课文讲解】1、Haroun Tazieff, the Polish scientist, has spent his lifetime studying active volcanoes and deep caves in all parts of the world.spend some time (in) doing sth. 花多少时间干lifetime n. 毕生精

6、力spend most of his lifetime 花了毕生大部分精力spend his lifetime 花了毕生精力in all parts of the world 世界各地的2、Tazieff was able to set up his camp very close to the volcano while it was erupting violently.close to 离很近,与靠近 He parked the car close to the river. Dont sit so close to the fire.for longfor a long time3、H

7、e noticed that a river of liquid rock was coming towards him.=He notice a river of liquid rock coming towards him.notice that + 宾语从句notice sth.notice sb. do/doing sth. 注意到某人做某事/正在做某事a river of 形成的河流 a river of soil and stone 泥石流Rivers of blood flowed during World war II. (rivers of blood 血流成河) When

8、she heard the news, a river of tears came down her face.4、It threatened to surround him completely, but Tazieff managed to escape just in time.threaten to 威胁着要,有迹象表明 He threatened to leave the team. 他扬言要离开这个队。in time 及时,来得及,just表示“正好,差一点” I caught the train just in time. Shall we still be in time fo

9、r/to see the performance?5、This time, he managed to climb into the mouth of Kituro so that he could take photographs and measure temperatures.manage to do sth. 设法做到某事,努力完成某事(虽然很费劲,但仍然做到/完成某事)try to do sth. 设法做某事,努力做某事(但并不一定成功)the mouth of Kituro 火山口so that 以便于(目的状语从句),一定含有情态动词6、Tazieff has often ris

10、ked his life in this way.risk ones life 冒着生命危险take a risk of =at a risk of 冒着的危险risk sth.risk losing sth. 冒着失去的危险risk doing sth. 冒着做的危险7、He has been able to tell us more about active volcanoes than any man alive.在两相比较中, 如果前者属于后者, 那一定要在比较时用other, else排除前者 than any other man alive【Key structures】Can,

11、Be able to and Manage to表示能力时用can/could,在将来时中表示“能力”时通常用will be able to,在表示成功地完成过去某个动作时用was able to而不用could。 He thought he could pass the exam easily, but he failed. I cant remember where Ive seen him. Jane cant swim yet. Shell be able to swim in a few months time.manage to在表示成功地完成过去某个动作时,经常代替be able

12、 to,它更强调“虽然困难很大,但仍然”。在否定句中,manage to与be able to经常可以互换。 He was able to finish the job yesterday. (表示可能) He managed to finish the job yesterday. (暗示他克服了不少困难才完成) What do you think of the film? Im afraid I havent managed to/been able to see it yet.John is said to be very interested in art. Do you have a

13、nything to say about the accident? 关于这次事故你有什么想说的/想法?He knelt down and said his prayers. 他跪了下来作祷告. He said goodbye and left. 他告辞后离开了. say a good word for 为说好话/辩护;推荐 Dont expect that hell say a good word for you.【Special Difficulties】 带带 say与与tell的短语的短语1、say在表示“说,讲”时,say后面不跟间接宾语(人)。如果一定要指明,则用“to +名词/代

14、词”。表示“道别,诵读(祈祷),背诵”等含义时用say而不能用tell。say有“表达(思想、意见等)”、“据说”含义,tell则没有。2、tell在表示“说,讲”时,tell后面可以跟双宾语。tell经常用于表示“讲(实话,谎话,秘密等)”。tell可以表示“辨别,分辨”,say则不可以。在英国英语中,tell the time(美语为tell time)表示根据钟表等“说出时间,识钟”Can you tell me anything about it? 你能告诉我有关的任何事情吗?He is only five, but he can already tell the time.tell

15、(sb.) a lie 说谎(谎言有很多个,为可数名词)He often tells lies. 他经常说谎. tell (sb.) the truth 讲真话(真话只有一个,故要特指, 加the)I want you to tell me the truth. 我要你讲真话. tell (sb.) the difference between 区分, 区别Cant you tell the difference between an Austin and a Morris? 你能区分奥斯丁舞和莫利斯舞吗?say和tell后面跟so时含义不一样: I told you so! 我告诉过你是这样

16、的!(用于情况被证实之后) Who says so? 谁这么说的? I say so. 我这么说的。Key points 学习要点学习要点1.Haroun Tazieff has spent his lifetime studying active volcanoes and deep caves. spend time/money (in) doing sth The Smith has spent a lot of time and money building the new house. 2. to set up his camp very close to the volcano,

17、close to为副词,表 “接近地, 紧密地” Dont sit too close to the fire. Key points 学习要点学习要点3. He managed to take a number of brilliant pictures. manage to do表明努力做到了某事 try to do表明努力做某事,但不一定达成. He managed to open the door. 他设法打开了门. He tried to open the door, but couldnt.他试图打开门,但打不开.4.to escape just in time in time.表

18、明”及时” I caught the train just in time. Key points 学习要点学习要点5. He has been able to tell us more about active volcanoes than any man alive. be able to 表示 “能够”, 将来时: will be able to 当表示成功地完成过去某个动作时,用 was able to 1) Jane cant swim, but she will be able to swim in a few months. 2) The plane was able to rise up after two heavy bags had been thrown out. Requests 学习要求学习要求 课文: 1) 摘要写作 2) 关键句型掌握及练习 3) 难点掌握及练习 4) 多项选择题



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